HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-12-24, Page 6:It is certainly, with regret that we come to the Closing of the •Roxy, We have enjoyed operating . the theatre in this community over the post 22 yea rs, Our endeavours have always been to bring the best ;in _entertainment to the. Roxy screen. The staff joins with me• in thanking you for your support during the operation of the theatre and in extending Seasons Qreetings to you for the last time. J. Sutherland. PARK THEATRE Accommodation For Rent ••• 1PAGV SIX CIALTroTsT NOW'S-11E00RD R:ates No Charge for Announcements of Births, Marriages and Deaths. Articles for Sale, Rent, etc., Cards of Thatilts, In IVIemoriarns, Bngagements, 3c a word, minimum 75e, Box No. to this office 1,5e additional. Repeat insertions 2c a word, mirdnitiin 50e. CASH DISCOUNT: Mi if paid by Saturday fol„. lowing last insertion. Billing charge of 10c added. Latest Time for Thaertinns 12 noon Wednesday Dial lithater 2-3444 BOXY THEATRE Clinton Two Shows Nightly—First Show at 7 pm.7--Wirle Screen. Saturday Matinee at ZOO n,rn• THUM, SAT... December 1445-26' --,-AST 'PROGRAM., "BANDIT .OFZHOIBE" "RIDE LONESOME" VIQTQR MATURE RANDOLPH SCOTT ANN AUBREY „ ANT FOR QUICK RESULTS APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications will be received to January 12, 1960 at 6' p.m. for the combined position of clerk-treasurer, tax collector and assessor for the Village of Hensall. Apply in writing only, stating q ualifi cations, experlenCe; etc, Envelopes to be clearly 'marked "application";o,nd sent to the undersigned: P. L. McNAUGHTON, Clerk-Treasurer, Hensall, Ontario. L51-52-1-b A MERRY CHRISTMAS from Clinton Community Auction Sales ,NO SALE THIS FRIDAY NEXT SALE SATURDAY; JANUARY 2 AT 1.30 P.M. • JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk awartettoaa.. matextwatgz, rya WILLARD and ARTHUR AIKEN ebieeteeeeveeleedeteueizieee. IaleeeceileVeIMMeelleatellferetelettelretie 0 Pickett 81 Campbell Limited M ENS WEAR KEN PICKETT BOB CAMPBELL otorrom HIU 2,9732 Watilli14.140424 Ilenteleri letineleve-eezemeleveleeetemte-ietztemeweimaitatieve-reeeiefecievocizoi' of tui to ait Of WOULD YOU PLEASE LET US HAVE YOUR NEW YEAR'S CORSAGE-:ORDERS EARLY K. C. COOKE Dial HU 2-7012 Clinton ebeiereateartreiMeleAtettele4- retAersaeietetei 'zeleVeteIefeleReeeleetteee-MeetetteeMeeeImItetteMeeetWileiteee t- ULE TIDE 'GREETINGS TO OUR CUSTOMERS and FRIENDS BARICIFFS BAKERY Ltd* and STAFF CLINTaN Bakery and Restaurant HU 2-9727 twllort* r*aariomaltodoomtoislow*soomobtsitrasolus)tsAi TlitYPSDAY, DVCN1V1DrIt :24, 190 1 GODERICH Now Playing: "A. Private's Affair" In doitYr with Sal Mineo, arry Coe and Gary Crosby MONDAY — TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 28.29-30 (DOUBLE BILL) Rex. Reason -- Nan. Leslie and Betty Gerson present "The MIRACLE OF • THE HILLS" And to round out the Second half of an, action-packed 'double , feature program we offer Willard Parker -- Audrey Dalton and Grant Williams in "The Lone Texan" THURSDAY -- FRIDAY and SATURDAY DEC. 31 — JAN. 1 & 2 Start YOUR New Year with a brimful bushel of merriment! JERRY LEWIS--Marie MacDonald and Sessue Hayakawa Produce a truly hilarious riot as a small-time magician joins at U.S.O. unit in Japan.' "The Geisha Boy" In Vista-Color Coming: , "Carry On Nurse" The current comedy HIT! (Adult Entertainment) SMALL APARTMENT, Furnish- ed and boated, available now. Ap- ply at 93 Huron Street. r, 50.1-p 2 APARTMENTS, self-contained, furnished, one heated with gas. Phone HU 2-9682. 50-p-tfb ROOM HOUq„ 3 piece bath, all conveniences for sale or rent. Ph- one Bayfield 53r2. 48tfb 2 BEDROOM Modern Apartment, unfurnished, available now. Phone HU 2-6677, 48tfb SIX ROOM HOUSE in Brucefield, tinfurnished, furnace and bath, av-ailable now. Phone HU 2-7572. 51b APARTMENT — Self-Contained, unfurnished. Available first of month, Phone HU 2-9928,. 47tfb 3 *ROOM FURNISHED APART- ment. Suitable for a couple. Wash- ing facilities available. Vacant No- vember 20. Phone HU 2-9504. ,45t1b FURNISHED and HEATED apart- ment, private bath, suitable for couple' with small family or for two or three girls. Phone HU 2- 3837. 51-b LOVELY HOME . with 3 bedrooms, ,`3 piece bath, hydro, telephone, water service, oil heated, furnished or unfurnished. Located on Highway 8, between Clinton and Seaforth, five minutes 'drive from RCAF Station, If in- terested see Jonathan Hugill on the property, phone Clinton. HU 2-9822 evenings after 6.30 p.m. or, before 9 a.m. or before 12.30 noon. 50-tfb Accommodation For Rent DOWNSTAIRS APARTMENT, furnished and heated, .A11 conven- iences, centrally located, Phone HU 2-9065, - 46 Princess Street, West. 51-b 4-ROOM DOWNSTAIRS APART- meat, unfurnished, available Dec- ember 1, Apply 157 Princess Street, after 5 p.m. Gatze BrOM- iner. 50-1-p BEAUTY LOUNGE, BARBER shop, double ° office, etc, vacant, January 1, place: Ted Ryder's TV Shop, Apply Earl R. Doucette, phone HU 2-9741, 50-1-b 2 BEDROOM COTTAGE, BATH, furnace, modern conveniences, Lin furnished, available January 2. For particelars phone Clinton HU 2-3221. 50teb SMALL TRAILER for young couple for rent; 9 piece diningroom suite; used frig.. for $25 small space heater. Becker Trailer Park, Clinton, 51-b ONE 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT self contained, furnished, gas heating; One 1-bedroom apart- ment, self contained, furnished, gas heating, available now. Ph- one• HU 2-9390. • - 50.1-p TIMEX WATCHES, can be ser- viced through ANSTETT Jewellers, Clinton. • 4$-tfb, SPECIAL: Sunbeam \Philishave Razors, $19.95. ANSTETT Jewel- lers, Clinton. 47-tfb WE GIFT-WRAP and package for mailing — F R E E. Anstett Jewellers, Clinton. 46-tfb LAY AWAY NOW, $1 will hold any article until Christmas, An- stett Jewellers, Clinton. 16-tfb GREATLY REDUCED for quick sale, 1 chesterfield suite in British Tan, in good condition, Phone HU 2-9959. 51-p SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with special care. Phone for an even- ing appointment. HU 2,9525 or HU 2-7054. Anstett Jewellers. 53tfb AFRICAN VIOLETS, name var- ieties, large plants in bloom. Ap- ply 140 Queen Street, Alex Ink- ley. 49-50.51-p PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW for Royal Doulton, Spode, Wedge- wood and Royal Albert dinner- ware °— for Christmas delivery. Anstett Jewellers, Clinton. 46-tfb AUTHORIZED Dumont & Zenith TV dealer, Ted Ryder TV Sales and Service, 72 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario, Phone HU 2- 9320. 42 to 1-p SEVERAL new patterns in English Bone China Dinnerware, includine lovely 'Cornflower". See it and others in our window and get our low prices for fine china. Counter's Jewellery. 51-p ATTENTION DAIRYMEN and Beef Producers. See Badger Silo Unloader and Auger Feeders in operation, Lowest prices on stable cleaners, Bill Armstrong, RR 3, Bayfield, phone 58r14. 49tfb BEST GIFT FOR. THE° STUD- ent in your family "— a Smith- Corona Super or Skywriter. A type- writer looks good under, the tree on Christmas morning—and grad- es will look better all next year, Clinton News-Record, 63 Albert Street, HU 2-3443. 42 WAREHOUSE SALE every Sat- urday on refrigerators, freezers, washing machines and dryers, vac- uum cleaners, television sets, etc. Save money on brand name ap- pliances, -Warehouse open 9 ant, to 7 p.m. each Saturday. T. A. Dutton Appliances, Brucefield. HU 2- 3232. 23tfb Articles For Sale MODERN .,USED. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Refrigerators, Stoves, Space Hea. ters. Electric and Oil Heating RePairS. CHUTER ELECTRIC HU 2;3324, 74 Victoria St., Clinton 50-51-52-1-p Ensign Horne Freezers Low prices on 15 cu. ft, freezer, $289; 21 cu. ft. freezer, $329. T. A. Dutton Appliances BRUCEFIgtele Dial Clinton HU 2-3232 Open every evening until 9 o'clook 51-b FREE FUEL OFFER, — 5100,00 prepaid with each Purchase of a 1VIassey-Ferguson No. 50 tractor. To prove to you that'you have picked the most economical-to-run 3-plow tractor in its class. Mas- sey-Ferguson is going to foot the fuel bills for the first months ,of operation. Don't miss the Mas- sey-Ferguson Free Fuel Offer. Good for a limited time only. Come in and see us now, Your Massey-Ferguson Dealer, George Wraith, Goderich. 36-tfb WE BUY late model used appli- ances, refrigerators, freezers, stoves, etc. Must be clean and in good Condition. T. A. Dutton Ap- pliances, Brucefield. Phone HU 2- 3232. Open evenings till 9 p.m. 3203 Automobiles For Sale 1958 CHEVROLET Delray 4-door sedan,. 9,000 miles, one owner car, Must sell, owner transferred over- seas. Phone HU 2-9902.. 51-2-1-p Clothing for Sale WE WISH ALL OUR CUSTOM- ERS and friends .a very Merry Christmas. Bayfield Woollen Shop. 51-b Custom Work DIAMONDS CLEANED and checked free of charge. Anstett Jewellers, Clinton. 464fb GUARANTEED TV. SERVICING. Ted' Ryder TV Sales and Service, 72 Albert or 54 Mill Street, Clin- ton, Ontario. HU 2-9320. 42 to 1p FOR YOUR ,DRAINAGE, exeRvat- ing arid-pipeline work, foundations, levelling, gravel fill and top soil. Contact Jack Merner, phone HU 2-9734. 20-tfb MOTORS and PORTABLE Power Tools Rewound and Repaired. Parts for all popular makes. New motors available on short, notice. Art Levett, 139 Erie Street, one block north of Epps Pumps. Phone HU 2-6640. 49tbf Employment Wanted WOULD LIKE TO CARE FOR elderly couple in my own home, Write to Mrs. Annie Colclough, RR 2, Seaforth. 50-1-p Fruit For Sale SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE: Spy, King, Russet, Talman Sweet, Greening, Macintosh, Snow, Bald- win. Delicious, etc. Phone RU 2-3214. Free delivery in town or RCAF' houses. Fred McClymont and Sons, 1 mile south...of Varna. Help Wanted , Female STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPISTS required by Department of, National Defence, CLINTON, ONTARIO Salaries for Stenographer0— OW to $2780 per annum. Typists — $1860 to $2640 per annum, (Based on education and experience), Application forms, obtainable at Post Offices and National Enfelov- Pent Offices, should be filed With; Civil Service Commission • 388 Dundas Street London, Ontario, not later than December 31, 1959, 51-b OLD HORSES WANTED at 31/4 c lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- lect, Goderich, 1483 J 4 or 1483 3 1. ATTENTION FARMERS! $5.00 paid for sick, down and disabled cows and horses, according to size and condition. All dead stock picked up free of charge, Call col- lect Ed.. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth, Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd. , 39p-tfb Dead Stock Services HIGHEST CASH PRICES \ PAID FOR SLCK,•DOWN or DISABLED COWS and HORSES. also Dead Cows and Horses At Cash Value Old Horses — 4c per pound Phone Collett 133 — BRUSSELS BRUCE MARLATT 24 HOUR SERVICE Miscellaneous RENT A MeCULLOCK CHAIN Saw by the day or week. Apply at WELLS Auto Electric, Clinton, phone HU 2-3851. 49-tfb FILTER QUEEN Sales and Serv- ice. Repairs to 'all makes of va- cuum cleaners. For service call 1T3 2-7146. 35tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured —.,don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfac,tion. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W, N. Coupler. 51.13 WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts, Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Established Jewellery More, 51p DEATHS • Clinton on Moon- day, December 21, 1959, Clar- ence Dale Connell, beloved hus- band of Estella Bell, in his 61st year, Funeral from 'the Bail and Witch funeral home, 153 High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cern-etery,on Thursday afternoon, December 24, at 2 o'clock. JOHNSTON In Clinton on 'Toes- day, December 22, 1959/ Irene Ruby , Miller, beloved wife of James E. Johnston, in her 66th year.Funeral from the Beattie funeral home, 55 Ratteribury -Streetast, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Thursday - after- noon, December 24, at 3 o'clock, BIRTHS BRANDON — In Clinton Public. Hospital on Friday, December 18, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs.. Glenn Brandon, Bayfield, daughter BRIDLE—In Clinton Public IiPS, pital on Friday, December 18, 1959, to NA'. and Mrs.. Dennis Bridle, Clinton, a son, CARTER In Clinton Public Hos-pital on Monday, December 1959, to Mr„ and Mrs, T. J, Carl. ter, Clinton, a son, OARTER--In .4Iexandra and General nospital, Goderich, on Tuesday, December 22, 1959, to Mr: and Mrs. Lloyd Carter, Mary Street, Clinton, a son, (Richard. John., brother for Barbara and Judy), HATCH—In Clinton Public Hos, Intel OnThursday, December 17, 1959, to F/S and Mrs. A. Hatch, Clinton, a daughter, Articles For Sale Articles Wanted 40tfb -e-iiieetelieelMeleet-IMMaleteiegeieteeielete-eiteeeteceMateitieeeeeteMeeetMeUre` Help Wanted BOOKKEEPER Experienced and fully quali- fied, able to handle full set of books, full time work, Per- manent position if satisfactory. Apply in writing, with refer- ences before ja)niary 1, 1960, stating salary expected to: Mr. Fordyce Clark, RR 5, Goderich, Ontario, President, Huron Co-op Medical Services. 50-51-b Livestock Wanted ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK Ser- vice. Highest cash prices paid for dead, old, sick, or disabled horses and cattle. Old horses at 5c a lb. For the fastest and prop- TRUCK LETTERING. Dial HU 2- er removal of all animals, day or 9520, 147 Townsend Street. 30 night, use our automatic exchange, years experience, 48 to52-tfb at no cost to you, Call long dist- ance and ask for Atwood Zenith FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING needs, call HU 2-9433. 34900 (no toll charge), or Norman Hawkins Hardware., 2-tfb Knapp, Y B1 th 21r12. 44tfb SCOTT—In Clinton Public Rospi- tp.). on Sunday, December 20, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Scott, RP, 2, Seaforth, a -son. YOUNG—In Clinton Public Hospi, tal on Thursday, December 17, 1959, to Sergeant and Mrs, by the Rev. Grant L, Mills. Young, Clinton, a daughter, jr1.40.~.~.~~1 0,11w.1;1111.41.0~00i$0~1.01•00$10~11•1•101~0~WIN~~,MS STAR-LIGHT, STAR-BRIGHTI, Shine down and ,Cheer each, child, Each home, This Christina Night' Lovenas SPECIALTY SHOP . S. B. 1.,OVTT, Prop. Albert St.., Clinton HU e-9614 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION SERVICE FOR ALL BREEDS OF CATTLE Farmer Owned and controlled Call Us between: 7,30 and 10.00 a.M. Week Days and 6,00 and 8.00 p.m, Saturday Evenings at Clinton HU 2-3441' 464fb Poulfry Wanted 1 u LIVE TUrt.I.CM'S, ducks, geese, and hens, Top prices guaranteed. In Varna acid 2ttrich district core° taetMerVyn 1-iayter. East Iluron Produce, Brussels 46-tfb,