HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-12-24, Page 4iFAC� C'i!'i��X' ,. aWSrR�CPRD T�I�BSAAYh L7EC'BMBKR 2'f,����'..
1� �teWSIAO_,R
Busloness .
Amalgamated 1924 Early
j D*' otor
Pub llshed every' Thursday at `the 400 YEARS S AGO, 25 YEARS ,�,GPor
r0 q Heart ri° Hunan County Population
Thursday, December 25, 10x11 Thursday, Oeconabo
• � 0 t s r 27, 7.£134:
� � • • , , k Toroza� A, i 1
Clinton, Ontario ,,,.. Population :$,qoQ. ,A: aNToo d � aS-
A, M, H A R ff,rl
�, I, I A, L-. COLOUHOUN, Publisher Hattie 'Trick, a ped lead of CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT
fi at her home in Goderich Township Christmas shoppers came into 33 HAMILTON STREET GOQSRICrH"
r �O. W i L IVIA D, D I.N N i N, Editor for the holiday. town on Friday from the Londe$ -
was held cit - F `'Ti+LSP'HQNE JA 4-7562
A. surprise party baro district, A big sleigh .anxi
R T Payable i a v e- C a a .and Great Britain; $3,00 a year'
.the home of Mr, and 1 Mrs. S. span of horses .brought the party,
siXBSC .l� TaGOIY RA BS ya . e n .d anc an.. d Merrill on the Maitland Conces fifteen in all, Tepretisentetives 'of HAIR DRES5IN INSURANCE
,»+ United States and Foreign: $4,00; :Single Copies Ten Gents Sion, 'prior•'to their leaving for six 4ifferogt families. The sleigh -
Authorized as -second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa.
their new home in..Clinton. -A'bout ing was ideal and the ply ap^ CHARLES HOUSE OF SEAU'TY $25.000 .Life I11Si1i1'g11cE
eighty firends and neighbours' at- peared to thoroughly enjoy the ex- Cold, 'Waves, Cutting, and (20 year reducing convertible
tended, perience, Styling
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1959 A pretty wedding took place At The annual Christmas tree► of King St. Clinton Ph..HU .2,7055 #earl Insurance}
"'The Maples", home of - Mr, and the Clinton Wearwell Hosiery firm C. +1), Proctor, Prop. - 35 $ Z�;10
Mrs, .William H. Lobb, on the was 'held in 'the Legion Hall. Cast Age 40 ................ $111,22
Age 5 .. ,.
• r ` , a playlet, "Masquerading San -
Bayfield Road whale their daught^. of
or, Luella Frances, was Married tall included: Mrs. A Inkley, 1VXrs. W,, C, FOSTER.
to Charles Douglas Cox, .son of Insure The Co -Op Way.
ti i�.� , [� f', matthews, Mrs. Vannes Cruik- AUTO ACCIDENT FIRE Representative
�J tV 31`LJ IN*S A .JL CHRISTMAS- Aft, and Mrs. T. .C. Cox, "aISo of shanks, N,Irs, N, 1Vliilex and Mes;5rs, WIND L I AP I L I TY LIFE' PHONE 317 SOX 233
Goderich Township. Hardy, Fulford and Marshall. A o . E. Exeter, Ontario
The principal and staff of the piano and saxophone duet was .-O�f Hu RE PEACE OF MIND
R A. R 2
• HU 2-8357 Rattenbur $t. W,. MO
THtS is Christmas Eve, Christmas Bells summoned to make a trip to meet the .demands Model School gave their . - annual y PER PREMLUM DOLLAR
played by Mrs- Perdue and Jack. C0.0PERRTgRS INSU NCE
througiiout all Christendom are singing out the of their government, Whether the Baby lived treat to, the pupils, taking them Miss 'Isobel Chowen of the post ON
down•to the Princess Theatre t'e office staff slipped AssoctATl ORTOMfkliticY
111ost joyous proclamation of the gospel message:• ;died was of 'no concet'n to the society in „ piled on icy pave" ,
"Fear not for, behold, I bring you good which they existed... As fax -as their own people see Wiggs of the Cabbage mei�t and fractured a bone in her J. E. Lo1vGiSTA'
Poach." right ankle, K. W. COLQU.1;,lQUN Hours. ,
tidings of great joy, wYiaCh shall be to all people, were concerned, Mary and Joseph could make Mr, and Mrs. John \Fingland, INSURANCE and REAL' ESTATt 'Seaforth Daily except 1Vfonday &
For unto you isborn this day, in the city of out for ~themselves, A L,ondesboro, celebrated their ,gol- Representative. Wednesday -9 a,m. to 5,30 p.m,
David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. Sun Life Assurance Co.of Cariade .
But because God reigned, they were . not 0 YEARS AGQ den wedding anniversary. Wednesday, s a.m.. to X2.30 p,xn,
(St. Luke. Z: 10.111. -horias: Thursday evening by appointment
Alone. The Wise Men brought gifts of great 'CLINTONiNNEW ERA p c /�-vv Office HU 2-8.47; Res. _HU 2-79$E
Yes 1950 years• ago, the angels sang, "Glory treasure; There was. great. rejoicing. Thursday, December 25, 1918. 10 YEARS ,AGO Salesman: Vic Kennedy PHONE 791 only.SEAF'ORTH
' Phone Blyth Til
Hard -
to God w the highest, and on earth peace, good CLINTON NEWS -RECORD ORD Clintons Above Hawkins m. to
' m n" and those that followed the A'nd so tonight there is rejoicing and there Complete. train service on the Thursday, December 29, 1849. ware—Mondays o — m to
w e—M eddy~ onl 8 a.
' toward e.' area visible tokens of Christmas, Most business Grand Trunk Railway wiIltibe re J. E. HOWARD, BayYleld 5,30 ,p.1m
star in the east found the Saviour, Christ the sumed, the company now having The efficiency of Clintons new
city of David. sections have been bright with Christmas. decor- p g firefighting equlipment was dem- Phone Bayfield 53 r 2 Phone' Hunter -7010" Cihnton
Lord, lying in a manger, in theity sufficient coal for its requirements g Ontarlo Automobile Association
ations for days past, Holly wreaths .are found under normal traffic conditions. onstrated whexi the Fire Brigade oar - Fire - Accident CI• B. l7LANf7Y .
But the first Christmas ryas a trying and. in many home windows, bells on doors .and gaily was called to a fire which broke Wind Insurance
e d , The Queens Hotel Blyth, was, t Optometrist -�- Optician
pawl 'tine , despite all the' numifestations of ht Chris�tm'as trees if not on ,the front lawn, raided by Constable Pellow; Gold,- out at the Ontario Department of If you need Insurance, I have successor to the late A.'L.
glory .Was not'�oseph summoned froni'sleep t4 visible in the living, rooms,' from the street', _ Highway's machinery shed. " on a Policy
hir elf M who ave virgin' birth Stares, in most centres will have closed fora rich,' and Contable Welsh; Clinton, James Sheet. The fire started in Cole, optometrist)
take unto its dry, g , and a small amount of liquor was one of the road patching mixers,' IiHE McRILLOP MUTXTAL or appointmentGodepchne JA 4.7257
to' Christ Jesus? And were not Mary and Joseph three-iday holiday. Everywhere about us, there taken; which the prop>*ietar claim-
s mooned by dlecree from Caesar Augustus to seems to be a new spirit, a neve life, a new hope, ed was obtained .on prescriiption, creating quite a blaze. IN'QLE INSURANCE Office:
S aoxth NY , '
? anew ,joy! Tonight children wall go to bed Robert N. Irwin, RCAF veteran H,�ad Office; Seafaxth PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT
o from Galilee to Bethlehem to be taxed. And Farmers in this section. have y g f of Wc*1d':War.II, was chosen 1950 Officers 1958: President, Rob,
were not all men of good wall. summoned by the `assured that Santa Claus is on his way. and' will shipped large quantities of turnips president . of Clinton Branch' No. ert .ArchdlbalLd, Seafoat; vice- pre ROY X. BENTLEY
"angels to go to the manger in Bethlehem to come down the chimney, in our respective homes; recently, getting' as high as 43 140; Canadian, Legion, succeeding sident, Alastair Broadfvot, Sea. Public Accountant
find their King? to deliver a portion of his heavy load. Most of cents a bushel for them. Hugh R Hawkins, . $Orth; secretary -treasurer, Norma C,ODERICH. Ontario
us will. banish all thoughts of external troubles Representations which for the The temperature dropped again Jeffery, Seafarth. ` Telephone
Mary and .Joseph lived under a dictatorship and for "the next few da s concentrate on in- past years have been made to the Tuesday evening,- just addin to DirectA,r Jahn' H. McEwins JA 4-$521 Box' 47$
fin which life was cheap, Their income was more Y - g - Robert Ax"ch6ibalxl; Ghays: Leon
ternai jays. l�epartanent of Educatien that the the great uncertainty of the pre~- bar.,dt, Bornholm; E: J. Trewa`ntha RONALD. 0. McOANN 1
than likely in .the lower third of the nation. midsummer examinations should ent so-called winter season. Pity Wm, S. Alexander Wal
When it ,came time for the Baby,' they were It is, indeed; a "time of Merry Christmas, be held'in Jurii;' instead of July'.the Lions Club, with a rink on its ton• J. L. lViha6ne, Seafmft; Hix Public Aceountaitt
, Office and Residence
when 'the heat is more intense, hands; wages to pay, and weather very Fwller, Goderich; J. E. P, ilex
Ra enbu> tre Easteepp tt
Have at last brought results. The like it has ;been latelylBnnu%efidd; . Alistair
Eraadfoot, Phone 2-8877 w
official calendar of the Depart- The Collegiate auditorium, col- Sead d�,Hh.• .
- . "ment fixes . the date for exam orful with seasonal decorations, Agents: Wan. Leipem Jr.,
inations in, June: was, the setting for the .annual esboro; J. F. Paueter,, Brodhagen; One ofthea nicest things- abouit
SLZwyn Rakes Binnssels • Eric
MAN HAS achieved so much that he thinks
he ought to be able to explain everything, and
manipulate ai>ything, We would not, discount
the importance and value of these human
achievements, but as we sit in .our homes tonight;
and reflect on just some of the mighty things
that have recently transpired, surely then we
can understand the poet's prayer addressed. to
Marconi khen it,was, reported that the great
' inventor was contenplatbx g communicating with
;Leave. us the stars! The world hath noise .
Without the roar of Mars!
Rab not 'the holy places of , their calm;
Bring us no' idle gossip of the spheres.
Leave us the stars, O wizard
let them.,be!"
Our world leaders are engaged in a mad
race, .at this very hour, ;to be the first to, place
a man on the moan. Fantastic! But true. Al- .
ready the Russians have hat the moon. and sentt
a missle around ate moon to send back pictures. ,
All at terrible cost.
Maybe we are satisfied' that 1959 lids been
a very good year despite the mild. recession of
the early months, the continued depressed state
Of ,agriculture; the troubles of the miners. in, the
Maritimes, and the early snow that left so many
crops on the fields of the Western Prairies.
Christ came to set men and their, world
eight with God—not only their hearts and their
souls, but even their business, their secular af- .
fates, their governments, to improve home life.
As we watch the glistening eyes of the children,
sMbe we recall that He said: "Suffer the little
children to come unto me."
Then maybe a few of us will recall that"
only a few short days ago, a Canadian mother
said: " I'm glad my child died.' Gladys would
"have grown up deformed or with nd brain at all,"
A/little three -months -old daughter of thist
woman had died in hospital of rat bites as she
'slept in •her crib. The whole -side of her head
had been chewed away. , The 'shack where the
ciiild''s nioter and father and six more of thein
children lived had four rooMs. - Living with.
them were the father's -brother and six of. his
children. The husband, and. wife shared their
bed with five children. The child ;that later
died was discovered in a. pool of .blood in a crib,
one leg of which. had been .shoved into a hole"
to' keep out ,the rats.
This Canada! Christinas,1959. `.
Christ solved the Social and political and
economic problems of the world not by enun-
ciating. a new economic system; not by ipstruc�
ting man in ways of supply and demand, tariffs.
or subsidies; not by . -a great piece of research.
Ile saved it from its ills by being born as a Babe
in the signifiewit village of Bethlehem,
On this Christmas' Eve,. Christ comes again.
To some He Comes when their hearts are empty,
of the world; to others He comes when their
abject poverty has forced •some, such as this
Canadian mother, to say shie is .glad her baby
had. died. He • comes when tears stream down
their cheeks, that He might wipe them away. -
But to each and everyone He comes in His own
sweet way,
RE !:SON � 14'0R: �f'HARGE
• 80M, HOW, AND quickly, we have got to
.r"edisrover the adventurous f;#th that first led
inen by a star, which,. lighting life from within,
may reach out to illuminte the world to that
song of triumph that can become a universal
reality when it is expressed in our. personal,
na;tion.al• and international life.
While we of the N.A.'T.O. nations must, in
good faith, approach the summit four months
hence in good faith, we must also realize that
the Russians have never given any evidence of
meeting us lialf way --or even part Way. There•
fore N.A.T.O, countries must be prepared.
It 19 iio longer a secret in Canada, that we
have- been:.gravely, conacerned • then past few
months, trying' to determine if, Canada can afe
ford, to build up adequate defence and insure
the Well-being of our people without jeopardize
ing our economy. Most people in. Canada are
now almost determined that today We have no
real defence, and any we will have must be
created in the future, at .great cost,
This Christmas tve, 1959, must we not
realize that the tragedy of our times is that the
aiiicrral forces are disunited; while the anti,
Christian forces are one?
19 it not out duty to umto our homes, Out
country and all those that believe in God? Is
it not the echo of 1959 years ago tonight that
%* clean Calling to u5 as veva prepare to observe
the bhrthclay aftiversary of our King? Men, of
good will; is it not the summons that we must
answer once again?' Let us try ,:sincerely to
create order out of chaos and send forth His
Spirit of justice and charity among men, that
all people, and all nations, may become united
in; good will for the purpose of securing pease
at 4Inome and abroad.
Not till we answer the summons can we
hope for peace. Look bver the history of the
past. What is it but a record of woes inflicted
by roan on man, of wrong producing wrong, and
crime fresh crirne7 It must be so 'till we and
w'er the summons, ,so justice will be aeknow-
ledged and liberty become law.
Out Lord was not born under an open sky,
under which mien might walk erect, but in . a
stable, entrance to which could be gained only
by stooping, The "stoop is the stoop of humility,
The Shepherds and 'Wase inen were htunble on,
otigh to stoop, And- when they stooped they
found :that for Which' they searched,
The summons this Christmas demands that
Christians unite, We are. actually so split up
that we have allowed the enemy to reach our,
gates. Tonight we discover' in each other true
friendship ,arid good Will, While this spark flick{
era, let us Pari it, lest it goes out! Let us try to
britig' about a flame of liberty and broth4rhoodi•
to produce the peace on earn He came to re.
li2erry Christmas
The price of newsprint in Can- Kospitdl Aldi Christmas Ball. Re- nmroe a success paxsty is to ng about
oda is to - raised , to $80• a ton ceibin " the man ° it next day, Unless you happen to
g y guests. were Mr. ^�+°. have finished up in hospital, , or
f.o.b. mill on January' 1, 1920, The and Mrs. Frank Fingland, .Rev. REAS. -ESTATE jail. Noting evaporates ,the fun
Price now ,paid by Canadian news- and' Mrs. R. M. P. Bulteel, and of a Christmas party as rapidly as
papers is $69 a ton: -Mrs. May Rance McKinnozi. LEONARD G. WINTER a car crash, paints out the On -
Real Estate and Business Broker tarts Safety League. If you enjoy
s High Street — Clinton drinking at a party, enjoy it
Phone, HU 2-6692 morelby making plans that don't
SUG,AR and. SPICE include driving a gar afteryvard,�.
t.., ,. ..
i 2o-P.Wuamrmm�iv.rr„ti.n,ryi.n..�.,e
When you ..write . a weekly 'c01-
nal;- Don McCuaig of the Renfrew
umn, and Christinas is upon you,
Advance, the biggest hunting and
and you are just getting over the
fishing liar north of the Rio
'flu, and it's too late to do any-
Grande; Rev. John McNabb and
thing setnsible except hit the
Alison of the. Alliston Herald, a
sack, Satan lurks. "Ali", he
clear case of the pulpit's gain be -
'smirks` "•why don't you reprint one
ing •the newspapers' loss. And all
from last Christmas?. They'd
you other characters.
never know the difference." .
, „ 4• * '
* * *
To all the public relation boys
Shortly after Old Nick has said
who have suffered my `presence
his piece, and the sinister sweet-
with aiivabld, slightly frozen
ness of the idea is soaking in, a-
smile , on occasion. Just for ex-
nother advocate speaks up. From
aanpl�: Ron Everson, whose poetry
the.bottomfof•the stairs, the Old
is as impeccable -as his manners,
Lady .suggests: "Why don't you
as witty, as his talk, as piercing as
reprint an old i Christmas column?
his eyes; Colin Haworth, whose
Aren't you . ever coming to bed?
drawings are^ as shaggy and inter-
Nobobdy has time to read it, any,
esting as his eyebrows; Tommy
Way 'around Christmas. Besides,.
Lee, the Iast soft-spoken mayor
they'd never remember they'd
in Canada; Paul ' Gormley, the
read it before. After all, it's not
most elaborately -disguised beat -
exactly deathless prose, you
-nik north of the St. Lawrence
Seaway. And all the rest of you
k * *
I am proud to say that"I sent
thein, both on their way. Not that
To those- retired. gentlemen
it wasn't a4fine idea, if I'd had' it
whose letters are a.great pleasure
myself. But I'll. frequent the com-
to receive, whose criticisms and
pany of Old Nick when I .feel like
encouragement are salutory and
a fling, not when he does. And
warming. Just for 'example: Wil
I'm too stubborn to admit"that my
liam Graham; `retired railroader,
wife has ever had a good idea in
of Winnipeg, for his , blasts of
her entire existence..
fresh, air;. Hugh Ferguson, form-
* * "
er newspaperman, of Florida, for
It's difficult to write somgthing
his clippings and comments; An -
sincere -and original about Christ-
drew Galloway, reired banker, of
rias; because there is.. one story,
Toronto, for his lively reconstruc-
repeated every. year, that makes
tion of things past,
every titer piece of literature a-
bout Christmas look feeble:in,
* *'
To the
pVison. So this year, I'm going
all odds' and sods every-
where, with whom I've coiisistent-
to'rnake it simple, and just, say
ly refused to, exchange Christmas
"Merry Christmas" to a whole lot
cards. Like Punchy,. nice English
of people, '
lad who was cal my Squadron over-
* * �`
seas. Got a card from' Cornwall
At a rough guess, there are a-
three years ina row and never
bout 250,000 people who read this
answered: Like Tony of California,
column, At a dime each. for cards;
with whom I shared a hilarious
and tuppenco apiece for stamps, it
and hazardous journey from Pol-
would cost me $36,000• to send you
and to the lovely sight of a Cqn-
all a card. After careful study,
adiaii tank and crew, complete
I decided' not to do it. It isn't that
with Sweet Caps, in Western Ger,
I don't have the money. It's .just
many.. And all the rest of you
the thought .of licking all those
characters in Australia and Al -
berta, Belfast and Bulawayo. I
,k :a *
never was much of a card -answer -
Obviously, its pretty cheap to
drop from $30;000 to a were
"Merry Christoia5 tU one and all"
To my brother, in Paramaribo,
in my column. So ,I'll have to
'South America. "Deck the hail
single out a :tdw, with thehope
with boughs of mahogany, old
that they'll, repeat it :to all. their.
boY" Haven,t got around to ans-
friends, and all their friends will
veering your last four letters,
repeat it to all THEIR friends,
Haven't got around to getting a
the wliblo rnglish-speaking
present off for your sock, my dear
World U oixe great Booming
nephew, But we'll be thinking of
you, sweating and racked by fev-
er, as we sit down to our turkey
o It's "Merry Christmas" to all
an the middle of our crisp Decemr-
m.Y friends in the, weekly news.
ber, day,
paper business. .lust for example,-'
Voarless George Cadogan of the
l+ finally, to all of you, who read
Durham Chronicle and his wife
this column; may you khA peace
Md'a; Getro Macdonald of . the
and joy on this cliAstmas, may
Glengarry News, the last of the
ybu romembee why you are cele-
bigtYme spenders; bete and Leila
brating this day, may I wish you,
Rvidsten of Uxbridge, the night-
with all it iy heart, a merry Christ.
6W1S Who publish, the TftfW ;Tour-
may the joy of �he. Holiday Glow
$rightly fog• You and Yourataily
Managennen+ and Staff
Hu 2.9601