HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-12-24, Page 3aiekaaaeuntvaesetilivfoommal4
JOY to An
this Christmas
Season — cold our
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rotitula in 1877
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St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church School
Holds Annual Christmas. Entertainment
WAS Holds Annual Meeting
Elects Mrs, Frank Finland as President.
St, Andrew's Presbyterian Chur-.•
eh School. was filled at the Christ-
Inas. entertainment staged by the
pupils on Friday, Decentber
Cold alid urea with much travel-:
Santa sttrptised the Children
fPllowing a varied program "-of re-
eitatiens by the primary classes .
and -exercises by the juniors and.
Intermediates-, -- •
Taking part in the primary re-
citations. were; Joyce Neilans,
for Heggarth, Cathy, Cindy, D.eb-
bie and Denny . Colquhoun, Rob-
bie, Diek, Linda Anderson,. Faye
Farquhar,. Stevie Cook, Grace and
Geraldine Strong, Karen. and 30-
ATM Sutetiffe,
Drew and Bob An-
drews. In the .Junior and Inter-
medate classes were; Judy, Shar-
on-, • Laura and , Leila with
the exereise "Mothers always
dor: Bobby Cooper recited "The
Drin.", and Kenny Farquhar,
Jimmy Cooper and Donald "Clear-'
ed the path •.for Christmas," Six
other children performed in
"Lights along the road," viz, Nor-
ma. Scott' Macaulay, Patty Cam-
mie, Bonny Butler and and Mite's
place was taken,- through his, ill-
ness by the sixth , boy, Three
Senior girls staged as pretty .ex-
lithition of Majorette Drill.
During the program, a film
strip entitled' "The birth and
childhood of JesuS," was Shoyvn
and as arranged.. during the show-
ing of '‘.Diekert's Christmas Car-
el", by film, Santa burst in upon
the scene, and was helped by sev-
eral of the teachers in unloading
the tree, to the delight of a host
.of Children.
When Santa left for the contin-
uance of his long journey, the
gathering dispersed following the
singing "Praise God from whom
all blessings .flow," and the bone-
diction by Rev, P. J. Lane. -
During the prOgrem, K, W. Col-
quhoun and William Blacker,
took pictures of the performers
and theie be Shown to the
children at a later date.
Witnesses Attend
•!Goderich Assembly,
See New York film
Table decorations you Maim
yoursel always seem to draw more
comment and compliments than
the ones you buy. Among the
prettiest, according to the Home
Economics Service of the Ontario
Department of Agriculture, -are
Christmas trees made froin ice
cream cones. Place the cones (lbe
sharply pointed, kind, of course),
upside down on a cardboard base.
Ice them with regular cake icing
tinted pale green. Decorate by
sticking fluffy white popcorn into
the icing, spiral fashion around
the cone tree. Use one fluffy piece
popcorn for the very top. Pale
green candles to match the , ic-
ing are effective, though you can
change the color scheme to suit
yourself. Use glittering sequins or
tinsel to decorate your trees, if
you prefer.
A crusty, long loaf of French
bread frozen in the refrigerator
will provide insurance against
shortages if unexpected company
turns up during the holidays. To
prepare, cut down almost to the
bottom crust diagonally, every
two inches for the "length of the
loaf. Spread the pieces apart just
enough to butter each one or slip
in' a thin slice of cheese. You can
season the butter with garlic, one
of your favorite herbs, or poppy
seeds, if you choose., Then press
the loaf together again, wrap it in
aluminum foil and put it in the
oven, at 350°, for ten minutes
or so.
After a day or so of over-inda.
gene, a fruit flatter or tray for
dessert never looked or tasted
better, you may be sure, Drain
canned pears, veaches, pineapple
and apricots until they are quite
dry, then chill; iffa'obanames; cut
plenty of red-skinned :apples into
eights, leaving the peeling on; cut
green, purple and red grapes in
small bunches; include -dried
fruits; stuff primes with cottage
cheese and nuts.' Assemble on a
large tray or platter and garnish
with red' currant and cranberry
relish, candied ginger, figs, dates,
raisins and nuts. Place a bowl of
whipped cream dressing and an-
other ,bowl of cottage cheese
alongside the platter and arrange
a tray of assorted cheese nearby.
Miss _Stone read items on
Christian Stewardship. Mrs, B.
Hearn reported for the nominating
committee, Mrs, N. .Shepherd
presided for the election of .offic-
ers, as follows:.
President, Mrs. Frank Fingland;
honorary president, Mrs. J. A, Mc-
Kim.; vice-presidents, Mrs. George
Beattie, Mrs, N.-Shepherd, Mrs, N.
Rolland; secretary, Mrs, Charles.
Nelson; treasurer,. Mrs. B. Hearn;
corresponding secretary, Mrs, F.
Andrews; Christian stewardship
secretary, Miss M, A, Stone; press
secretary, Bertha *Diehl; supply
seeretary. Mrs, M, Adidson; liter-
ature secretary, Miss F.Jarnieson;
membership secretary, MrS. James
McGill; citizenship secretary, Mrs,
J, A. McKim;; associate helpers
secretary, Mrs. L. Jervis; ,corn-
inanity friendship secretary, Mrs,'
R. Jenkins; committee, .Mrs, Jani#
es McGill, Mrs. G; Beattie, Mrs,.
W. Nott, Mrs, Fred Reid and Mies
Bertha Diehl.
Mission Band 'secretary, MI*
Lowe.; Baby Band secretary; 'WS,.
Wilfred Jervis, Mrs, H. Currie,
Mrs. James IVIeLaren; pianist, •
Mrs. r, Livermore, assistant, Mrs.
RON4hcleifterAddison played several
selections on the saxophone, ac-
com anied by Mrs. • N. Shepherd
on the piano. Mrs. C. NelSon read
a poem.
Mrs. F. ringland took the chair,
and the program committe contin-
used the program, Mrs. M, Addis-
on lead' in prayer. Mrs. L! Jervis
read from Luke 2, Mrs. Addison
recited a ,Christmas poem. A
duet was sung by Mrs. N. Shep-
herd and Mrs, Donald Andrews,
accoumanted by Mrs. B, Hearn.
Roll call was responded to by A
ChtiStmas verse. The topic "A
Chrisfinas message" was given by
Bertha Diehl. The meeting closed
with singing . and prayer. Lunch
was served by,Mrs: James Cox and
her committee,
Hensall United Hold
Christmas Party
For Church School
(By our ileus411. 4).orresponcient)
'The schoolroom of the Henson
United Church was packed on
Wednesday evening, December 1.6,
for the presentation of the Church
School, Christmas entertainment,
Rev, Carrie Winlaw was chair-
man, and spoke briefly, Following.
la the program as presented;
Chrisinias carols led by Miss
Greta Sammie; chairman's ad-
dress; choral reading, Mrs. W. C.
Smith and Mrs, William mickle's
nursery class; chorus and recita-
tions, Mrs, James Taylor's kinder-
garten class; choruses by the Sun-
day School, led by Miss Laramie
Remembering the orphans
Christmas, Mrs. Lorne Hay and
Mrs. Clem Christie's primary- class
An, Important Announcement, a 'Christmas wreath and circling
aroUnd the world, by Miss Jean
Noakes' and Mrs. Ian McAllister's'
Songs and recitations by • Mrs.
Toronto Newspaper
PrQmoting. Radios
oks Oifts for Sh4flns
Want to help those less fOrtna,
Ate? Got an old mantel radio
you're not using, or an extra one you don't really need' 'Then give it,
The Toronto Telegram is invit.
ing you to participate in thisidea.
Just write to Radios for Shut-ins,
The Telegram, Toronto, and they
will arrange to pick up your radio
If it needs repairs it will be done
by a, firm in Toronto who has of.,
fered their services. Then it will
be delivered, again free of charge
by ra member of the AutornotiVe
Transport 4 Association, to some
shut-in person who does not have
.a radio,
Pearl Passmere and Ian IVfeAllist-
er's classes; dialogue, Mrs. George
Parker's class; Christmas- pageant,
Mrs. Donald Joynt's class; solo,
Billy Chipchase; chorus and group
Story, Mrs, Robert Cook's class;
choral number, Miss LaMmie' and
Mrs. Walter Spencer's elnkceS,
Santa distributed" candy to the'
children. 0
The first man.to sell the value of your goods is yourself. ,
George C. German and Son
PHONE HU 2-6636
ttletAlgtetatMa tatia4taP4490414404 itattaw,
It's time enough to say it, when
You know it to be true.
The circuit .assembly held last
weekend in the Goderich District
Collegiate by ,Jehovab's Witnesses
was success, as .63.3, were
present to hear the final Bible
talk "When Is God's Will To 'Be
Pone On Perth?" hy A. W. Mac-Namara, Toronto,
Saturday's ProOarn was bigb-lighted it‘y a baptism, service and
23 eandtriatesLsymbeled "their.
dedication to do God's by total immersion before many wit--;
Saturday evening the • audience.
of 740 were shown a coloured.
film, of the large international as-
sembly of Jehovah's Witnesses
held ,a year ago in New York City when '253,922: delegates were. in
attendance, Outstanding on this
film was the shOwing of the cafe
teria arrangement where over
67,000 hot •meals were served each
hour to the delegates by volunteer
327 • delegates attended the open-
ing session . of the convention on
Friday evening when the theme
,I.'13o The Divine Will" was emit-
asize.d.by Bible. talks. and 'ammo-
strotions to help all- devote more.
time to -personal, study,- efGod's
word and - to aid others-to do so
by talking and discussing ;the
Bible with them.
, Mr. Karl' McNally of Clinton
Was in charge of the-cafeteria de-
partment and related that 1,150.
hot meals were served to the dele-
gates in. Ooderieb,. during the.
three day program, Over 18 oth-
er departments were organized to
make the convention a success.
Extending to you
our wartnesfand most
sincere wishes for
Clinton Locker
Clinton — HU 2-9781
The ,ChriatinaS meeting of the,
Woman's Missionary Society of
Wesley-Willis United ,Churchl was
also 'the annual meeting. it Was.
held on Friday evening, December
ti, in .the lower Sunday School
Mrs, C. Nelson presided, A.
Christmas' poem and prayer were
given, In the absence of Mrs,
Beattie, Mrs. N. Holland ,was ap-
pointed secretary for the ,evening,
Community friendship secretary,
Mrs.'R. Jenkins reported ten bos-
Pitai and ten home calls.
Homemade Table'
Decorations Are
Becoming Popular
Albert Street, Clinton Phone HU 2-9412 sonalrosbrztammszrasassaaaszemsauttram eie+eatw
ATASDAX, Morm:344 g4, 19M
Furniture — Ambulance —; Funeial Home
Ron Steeper
George Beattie), David Beattie
4,5 'ea44oft'4 Oteetiottp
It's such pleasure to say
thank you• to, our many friends
(and customers at Christmas. May
'Allis Yule be filled with wonder
and happiness for everyone. • • •
Insurance & Real Estate
H. C. LAWSON, LOCAL REPRESE TATIVE—Phone HU '24644- Minton, Ont,
• .eskrAtm