HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-12-17, Page 8SERVICE IS OUR
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Notice Of
Nomination Meeting
A Meeting of the Electors of the Township of Tuckersmith
will be held in
1959, for the purpose of nominating tandidates for the offices
of Reeve and Councillors for 1960, and School Trustees
for the year 1960-61.
Nominations will be received from the hour of one o'clock
to two o'clock in the afternoon.
In the event of more being nominated than are
required to fill the positions
will be held on
Monday, January 4, 1960
Polls will be open from 9 aim to 6 pan. at the following
PSD No, 1—Frank Nigh's House DRO—Audrey Cameron
Egmondville PG—Alice Boyes
PSD No. 2—SS No. 8 DRO—Roy McGeoch
PC—Edith Russell
PSD No, 3--SS No. 4 DRO—George Turner
PC—Howard Johns
PSD No. 4—SS No, 3
ORO—Nn Broadfoot
orris Sillery
PSD No. 5—SS No. 1 Traquair
PC--Glen Bell
PSD No, G—SS No, 9 DR.0-3ohn Woods
PC—Edna Trerneer
Return ing Officer,
50-1-b 4'
Phone HU 2-9505 Clinton
Just Arrived!
A Shipment of
made by Raleigh
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s's HU 2-7034
,raTR$P43/7, PZIOgIAWAR.. 17, 1900'
News of Atiburii
Correspondent: MRS. W. BRADNOCR
Phone Auburn 53W
Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Makins
Were in London on Sunday..
James Hutchings, Strathroy,
was home for the weekend,
Miss Joyce Bell, London, was
home for the weekend.
Miss Grace Peck, London, spent
the weekend at Belle Vue Cottage.
Miss Rosemarie Telford, Lon-
don, was home for the weekend.
Miss Ethel Blair, London, was
with her parents from Friday to
Jim Higgins, Toronto, spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. B, Higgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Telford, Del-
ores and Sandra were in Detroit
for the weekend,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Squire, Mit-
chell, spent Sunday with the lat-
ter's sister, Mrs. William E. Par-
F/O David Bettye, Vancouver,
BC, arrived on Thursday and is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Miss Helen McLeod, accompan-
ied by Ronald Coleman, London,
spent the weekend with her mo-
ther, Mrs. T. Castle.
Misses Jacqueline Cluff, Lon-
don and Vicki Cluff, Londesboro,
spent the weekend with their mo-
ther, Mrs. J. Cluff.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Galbraith,
Dundas, were at their home "Syl-
van Acres", Blue Water Highway,
Goderich Township, for the week-
Mrs. Malcolm Toms returned
from Kitchener on Friday evening
with her son-in-law and daughter,
Corporal and Mrs. Lloyd Westlake,
and two children Ricky and Cath-
erine Ann, who were with her until
Mrs. Harold Penhale, Bronson
Line, Stanley TOwnsiiip, had the
misfortune to fall and fracture a
bone in her right hand about two
weeks ago. At first she thought
it only sprained but after some
days, she sought medical advice,
and is now wearing a splint.
Mrs. Lorne Sparks has received
word of the marriage in Italy on
December 13, of her brother, Da-
vid Streckfus of New Albany, In-
diana, to Miss Enedine Valsafore
of Perdenone, Italy. The bride-
mom is serving with the Ameri-
can Army based in Italy. The
ceremony was performed by a US
Army Chaplaain.
P5'7.03 for Bible Society
The officers of the Bayfield
Branch of the Upper Canada Bible
Society report that 0157,03 was
cellected in this area and remitted
to the head office in Toronto this
year. They are most grateful to
the collectors and all who suppor-
ted this worthwhile campaign.
Piano Recital
Mrs. Lorne Sparks held a reci-
tal for her piano pupils at her
home on Tuesday, December 15,
after school. They are Rosemary
Wilds, Pamela Fester, Shirley
Keyes; Linda Armstrong, Martha
Corey, Lynn Brandon; Kathy
Weston, Ellen Lindsay, Mary El-
izabeth Irvine, Barbara Turner,
Phylip and Gayle Turner, Barbara
Leitch, Ruth Patrick, and Kath-
erine, Beverley, Barbara, Patricia
and Linda Sparks. Frank Patrick
was present to give a bagpipe
selection and Jackie Weston ac-
companied her sister to play a
duet with her. Marion Francis
-New Officers Officiate,
At .Hoiniesville OFU
Meeting; Reports Given
.1-1PlineSVIlle• Local Farmer's Un-
ion met Monday evening in SS lee
Goderich ;Township, with the new
executive in, charge. Mrs, Edgar
Rathwell read the minutes,
President John Semple read the
amendments to the constitution,
which had been passed at the von,
vention in. Guelph this fell, these
amendments were voted • on and
the results will be sent to Head.
Satisfactory reports Were given
by the teams canvassing for new
memberships during "Farm Union
Week" in November, One canvas-
ser who did a commendable job
in getting new memberships found
the town business men, as well as
farmers, more eager to join Far-
mer's Union, realizing the tight
squeeze that farmers are in today
and their need for organizing,
Mrs. Edgar Rathwell gave the
financial report. It was decided
to contact .a speaker for next
month's meeting, in Holmesville
A discussion of deficiency pay-
raents on milk, hogs and eggs took
place, also a few ideas on pooling
of milk and its' benefits to farm-
ers Both topics proved lively and
interesting. The ladies served
was a guest.
The program commenced with
all singing "Joy To The World"
and ended with the chorus "We
Wish You A Merry Christmas."
The pupils played selections of
their own choice for each other,
some were duets and most of the
numbers were traditional Christ-
mas carols.
At the close the Sparks sisters
assisted their mother with re-
"Young" Party
Thursday afternoon, December
10, was a, very important date in
the lives of 28 pre-school aged
children of this community. They
arrived in their best finery with
their mothers or friends. For some
it was their very first party, but
once induced to join in the gam-
es, they forgot their shyness in
the fun of the moment.
For this occasion members of
Trinity Club had decorated the
parish hall in keeping with Christ-
mas. There were coloured bal-
loons, and on the platform an
evergreen tree gay with strings of
popcorn, blue lights, ornaments
and candy canes. Under it was a
basket of apples.
Mrs. J. B. Higgins and Mrs. G.
Bellcha,mber were conveners for
the games and some of the young
mothers joined in, too. Mrs. Rod-
dick presided at the piano, and the
children were intrigued by a st-
ring of sleigh bells which jingled
when they marched.
Conveners for the lunch were
Mrs. F. P. Arkell and Mrs. J. H.
Cobb. Chocolate milk and cookies
were served to the little ones
while their mothers enjoyed a cup
of tea.
Besides being such a joy for
the children, it was an opportuni-
ty for their mothers to meet and
enjoy a social hour together.
Each child was the recipient of
a candy cane, apple and balloon.
Trinity Guild
The monthly meeting of Trinity
Church Guild was held at the home
of Mrs. Merton Merner on Tues-
day evening, December 8, with
nine members present.
The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison open-
ed the meeting with prayer and
read a lesson from the Bible.
Mrs. Percy Weston, president,
conducted the business session.
Mrs. Merton Merner, secretary,
gave her report and Mrs. R. H. F.
Gairdner the financial statement
for the year, both of which were
It was decided to buy some sup-
plies for the parish hall kitchen
and also investigate the possibility
of obtaining' utility tables.
The rector presided for the elec-
tion of officers with Mrs. A. M.
Bassett and Mrs. Percy Weston as
scrutineers. The following were
elected for 1960: president, Mrs.
Percy Weston; first vice-president,
Mrs. R. J. Larson; second vice-
president, Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer;
secretary, Mrs. R. Roy Fitzsimons;
treasurer, Mrs. R. H. F. Gaird-
ner; card secretary, Mrs. E. A.
Featherston; flower secretary;
Mrs. A, M. Bassett; visiting com-
mittee, Mrs. Percy Weston and
Mrs. Fred Weston; press secre-
tary, Mrs. R. Roy Fitzsimons.
The Rev. E. J B. Harrison said
the closing prayers after which
Mrs. Merner served refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Craig were
Kitchener visitors last Saturday'.
Miss Lila Youngblut, RN, *Milt-
ed with her brother, Arthur
Youngblut over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs, James Hembly,
visited with friends in London last
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Taylor,
Wingham, visited last Sunday
With his aunt, Mrs, Maud Frem-
Miss Marie Andrew, London,
spent a few days with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Warner And-
rews and family,
William Walden is visiting at
the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Sydney McClinchey, Mr. McClin-
chey and family.
Miss Ella Wagner, RN, Wayne,
Michigan, spent a few days last
week at ;the Wagner home, We
are sorry that Walter Wagner is
ill, weavish him a speedy recovery.
Kenneth Staples of the Midland
Prince SS, was in Goderich port
last Thursday and visited with his
family for a few hours.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ives, Mrs.
Kenneth Staples and family, vis-
ited at Brussels with Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Ives.
Mr. and Mrs. William Reed,
Sanford Lawlor, Mrs. Nellie
Wetherell, spent last Friday in
Mrs. George Haggitt is assisting
at the Clinton Post Office with
the Christmas mail. Mrs. Russell
King and Mrs. Duncan Mackay is
helping Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Scott at the Auburn Post Office.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips,
Mrs. Ezekiel Phillips, and Miss
Laura Phillips, visited with Mrs.
Jack Medd at the MacDonald
Nursing Home at Clinton, on Sun-
day, They also visited with Mr.
and Mrs. James Roberton, Who
are convalescing there.
Recent visitors with Mrs. Edith
Cowan and Mr. and Mrs. William
Cowan, were Mr. and Mrs. George
Cowan and family, Cooksville;
Benson Cowan, Mrs. Ross Rich-
ardson and daughter,- Roberta,
A happy reunion took place last
Saturday when Mrs. Herbert Mo-
gridge was able te 'retiree to her
home after a ;three month's stay
in London 'hospital. .Mr. Mogridge
returned with his daughter, Mrs.
Bert Marsh and Mr. Marsh, from
Petersburg, last Thursday, and
Mr. and Mrs. Marsh are remaining
here for a few days. Recently
Mr. and Mrs. Mogridge celebrated
their 62nd wedding anniversary.
Mrs. Ezekiel Phillips has re-
ceived word that her cousin, Mrs.
Bert Waterer, had passed away
in Upminister, England, the Wat-
erer family spent many years in
Canada, living in Hamilton and
London. They returned to Eng-
land in 1925. While they lived in
Canada, they were frequent visit-
ors with relatives in Auburn. Dur-
ing the second world war, the
Waterer family home was visited
by many o fthe Auburn boys who
were on overseas service. Mrs.
Waterer is survived by one daugh-
ter, Helen, Mrs. Jagger, and three
grandchildren, Elizabeth, Timothy
and Peter Jagger.
A white manger and beautiful
Christmas decorations formed a
lovely setting for the White Gift
service at Knox United Church.
The children's choir under the dir-
ection of the organist, Miss Margo
Grange, sang the special music,
and led the procession of the
children presenting their gifts.
Mrs. Oliver Anderson and Mrs.
Edward East received the white
gifts. Rev. R, Sweeney choose for
his sermon, "The Second Coming
of Christ,"
Christmas Vacation in Germany
Miss Brigitte Schlichting left by
plane last Friday from Mahon
Airport for Hamburg, Germany,
where she will visit her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hermann
Hoffman, ,and Mrs. Anna Schlich-
ting for six weeks.
Carol. Service
The annual Christmas Carol ser-
vice will be held next Sunday,
December 20, in St. Mark's Angli-
can Church, at 8 p.m. Everyone
in this community is invited to
attend. Special musical numbers
will be given by all the churches
in the village. The offering will
be given to the Upper Canada
Bible Society.
Ida White COV
The Ida White COC of Knox
Presbyterian Church met with a
good attendance. Marjorie Young-
blut, the president gave 'the call
to worship. The Purpose was re-
peated with the flag-bearers ;be-
ing Wayne Scott and Cheryl Ste-
wart, followed by the Lord's
Prayer. The Scripture reading,
Luke 2: 8-20 verses was read. by
Marian Youngblut, and prayer by
Mary Sanderson. The minutes of
the previous meeting were read
by the secretary, Margaret Sand-
erson, and approved as read, The
roll call Was answered by naming
their favourite Christmas hymn.
The oefering was received by
Wayne Scott. The story was told
by Mrs. Sanderson of a little boy
from Trinidad Who played calypso
for two Canadian visitors, The
meeting was closed by singing
"Awayin a Manger," and prayer,
St. Mark's Anglican Oland
St. Mark's Anglican Guild held
the December meeting at the
home of Mrs. Sam Daer with a
good attendance, Mrs. Andrew
Kirkconnell presided and the
meting opened by singing a hymn
and prayer by Mrs. Thomas Hag-
gitt. The Scripture lesson from
I Thessalonians was read by Mrs.
Ed. Davies, A solo was sung by
Mrs, Gordon It 'Taylor, "The
Birthday of a King." A reading,
A Christmas Prayer, was given by
Mrs. Herbert Govier. Mrs. R,
Meally ;gave an account of the
Mother's Union in Ireland, which
was founded by Mrs, Simerington
and does the same worthwhile
work that the Guild does in this
The president, Mrs. Thomas
Haggitt took charge of the busi-
ness. The minutes were read by
Mrs. Ed. Davies. Mrs. Gordon
Taylor gave the financial state-
Roll call was answered by a
verse of Scripture containing
"Peace", It was decided to have
a Christmas party for the child-
ren of the church. Mrs. John Daer
and Mrs. T. Haggitt were appoint-
ed to make boxes for the Shpt-ins
and the treats for the children.
The card committee, Mrs. Sam.
Daer and Mrs, Ed. Davies, gave
their report of the year's work.
It was decided to send $10 to the
Muneey Indian Reserve to buy
treats for the children. The Guild
has sent a donation to this re-
serve for several years. Rev. R.
Meally closed the meeting with
The officers for 1960 are: lion-
orary president, Mrs. R. Meally;
past president, Mrs. John Daer;
president, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt;
first vice-president, Mrs. George
Schneider; secretary, Mrs. Ed.
Davies; treasurer, Mrs. Gordon R.
Taylor; press secretary, Mrs. John
Deer; organist, Mrs. Gordon R.
Taylor; assistant, Mrs. Andrew
Kirkconnell; program committee,
Mrs. Meally, Mrs. Stan Pollich,
Mrs. John McNichol; card and
visiting committee, Mrs. Sam Daer
and Mrs. Ed, -Davies.
Knox Sunday School Concert
Rev. R. Sweeney welcomed the
parents, children and friends to
the Knox United Church Sunday
School concert, held in the Sun-
day school auditorium of the
church, and after singing carols,
he called on the superintendent,
Charles Scott to speak.
Mrs. Leonard Archambault's
nursery class gave two numbers,
one being birthday greetings to
Jesus. The beginner's class un-
der the direction of Mrs. Charles
Milli= and ;Marie Koopmans had
a chorus, "Little Baby Jesus," and
Shelly Grange and Sherry Plaetz-
er each said a recitation. Four
of Miss Elma Mulch's primary
class sang the "Christmas Mouse."
Steven Haggitt from William L.
Craig's class of primary boys ren-
dered a piano selection and Vaug-
han Toll gave a recitation. Fif-
teen members: of Mrs. Bert Craig's
class sang a chorus, "A' Christmas
Garden", and Robert Wilkin from
Mrs. George Millian's junior boys
played a piano solo. Mrs. Fred
Toll's senior girls gave two chor-
uses and Margie and Marti Koop-
mans from Keith Arthur's class
sang two duets, "Back of the
Cloud's," and "Silent Night." The
program was concluded with a
sacred duet from Oliver Anderson
and Elliott Lapp, of the Adult
Bible class, accompanied by Miss
Margaret A. Jackson. The pro-
gram was interspersed with car-
ols. Miss-Margo Grange was the
accompanist for the carols and
choruses. Santa arrived and with
the help of Messrs 0. Anderson
and W. L. Craig, distributed gifts
and treats to the children. The
"Queen" concluded the evening's
;Young People's Union
The Young People's Union of
the Auburn. Pastoral charge was
held in the Auburn United Church
with a good attendance. Rev. R.
Sweeney gaVe the call to worship,
and Miss Margo Grange presided
at the organ. Ronald Snell led
the worship service and Miss Bet-
ty Durnin read the scripture les-
son. R. Keith Snell told the My-
thical story of the Old Shepherd,
based on Biblical facts, showing
that many trivial things interfere
with our knowing the Christ
Child, the greatest gift to man-
kind. The theme was in song and
story, and the Young People's
choir sang "Go Tell it to the Na-
tions", to depict "His Birth," an-
nounced while the congregation
and choir sang the carols that
told of the coming of the angels,
'the announcement of His. Birth.
The Trek to Bethlehem, Loneli-
ness and sorrow, Life and Death,
concluding with the hymn "I've
Found a Friend." A fireside was
held after the service, with lunch
being served to all.
Candle Light
An impressive candle-lighting
service was held arthe home of
Mrs. Ed. Davies wberis the ,Worn-
en's Missionary Society of 'Knox
Presbyterian Church;, met. The
president, Mrs. Donald Haines was
in charge with Mrs. John Hous-
ton presiding. at the .piano.
w Herbert Goer was: in charge of
the devotional service in which
she lit candies for Christ, for
Peace, for Joy, for Faith and for
Christmas Scripture verses were
read by Mrs. Maier Youngblut,
Mrs. Roy Daer, Mrs. Alvin Leath-
erland and Mrs. W, Bradnock, and
in between each passage approp-
riate Christmas carols were sung.
Mrs. Herbert Govier offered pray-
er, Mrs. John Graham told the
story of the Black Madonna. The
minutes were read by the secre-
Mary, Mrs, .Alvin Leatherinnd.
Cards of thanks were read and
plans were made for programs
for 1960, The roll call was am- wered by each naming a favourite
Christmas carol. A beautiful
piano solo "Christmas Chimes"
was 'played by Mrs, John HouSt-
The study book was taken by
Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson and Mrs.
Frank Raithby, who told in -dia-
logue form. of "The way in Afri-
ca." Reports of the WMS during
the past yaer was given by Mrs.
Alvin Leatkerland; The I d a
White ,COC by Mrs. Wilfred San-
derson, and the CGIT by Mrs. W,
Mrs, Roy Daer the convener of
the nominating committe brought
in the slate of officers for 1960:
honorary president, Mrs. Edgar
Lawson; past president, Mrs. Wes
Bradnock; president, Mrs. Donald
Haines; first vice-president, Mrs.
Wilfred Sanderson; second vice-
president, Mrs. Roy Daer; secre-
tary-treasurer, Mrs. Alvin Leath-
erlarid; assistants, Mrs.. W, Brad-
neck and Mrs. E. Lawson; Glad
Tidings secretary, Mrs. Duncan
Welcome and welfare, Mrs. Her-
bert Govier; literature and lib-
rary, Mrs. Gordon Dobie; home
helpers secretaries, Mrs. ; Roy
Daer, Miss Minnie Wagner; sup-
ply, .Mrs. Herbert Govier, Mrs.
Carl Govier; flower committee,
Mrs, Ed. Davies, Mrs. D. Mackay;
(Continued on Page Eleven)'
Mrs. Annie Brown
Funeral service of the late Mrs,
Annie Brown, was held on Mon-
day afternoon, December 14, by
the Rev. Grant Mills, Ontario
Street United! Church. Pall-bear-
ers were William lioggart, Wesley
Hoggart, Ivan Hoggart, Gordon
Curts, Ed. Youngblut, Stanley
Flower-bearers were Ross Hog-
gart, Ralph Anderson, Franklin
Campbell, Carman. McPherson,
Ray McVittie, Weldon Tyndall and
Ray Townsend.
Interment was in Clinton Cem-
Attending the funeral from a
distance were Mr, and Mrs. Gor-
don Curts, Arkona; Mr. and Mrs.
Franklin Campbell, Watford; Mr.
and Mrs, Ralph Anderson, London.
Born on November 23, 1862,
she was the daughter of the late
Joseph. Stevens and Annie Nott.
She married in 1889, and ;her hus-
band Ephriam' Brown died in 1934.
She had been in failing health
for some time, and was in bed
two days prior to her death.
Surviving besides her four
daughters, is one sister-in-law,
Mrs. Mary Stevens, James Street,
Clinton, 15 grandchildren; 30
great granclbliildren and t w o
great great grandchildren.
News of Bayrield
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