HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-12-17, Page 7'�iC:T�,SDA'S�', •DEC>MI�I�R x7, x9S� ,. FI Miscellaneous RENT A McCULLOCK CHAIN -Saw by the day or week, Apply ' at WELLSAuto Electric, Clinton; ,,phone HU 2.3851, 49-tfb. FILTER QUEEN Sales and Sery .ice. Repairs to all makes of va- cuum cleaners, For service cull .HU 2-7146, 35tfb 'LET IIS REPAIR AND MAKE ..your rings and jewellery like new, Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured •'-•- don't take Chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W, 'N. Counter, 50p WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts. Our work assures your 'satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest 'Established 'Jewellery Store. 50p WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "'Where Better 'Bulls Are Used" ARTIFICIAL 'INSEMINATION -SERVICE FOR ALL BREEDS OF CATTLE 'harmer 'Owned and Controlled Call us 'between: 7.30 and 10,00 a.m. Week Days and ,6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday Evenings --- at Minton HU 2-3441 46-tfb Poultry Wanted LIVE TURKEYS, ducks, geese, and hens. Top prices guaranteed. In Varna and Zurich district con- tact Mervyn Hayter. East Huron Produce, Brussels. 46-tfb ���� l�.setxzu,♦uerenm� ��. A ',Year's Subscription To The Clinton dews -Record :Manes An Appropriate Y ` (Christmas Gift Keol 4st4te BARDS Wr THAININS the trainixrg of other youths in I wish to thank all those who FOR AS LITTLE A$ $250 Down, remembered ane while I was a you can own a home -of your own 'patient in the Children's Hospital on a choice lot. For further in- London. BRENDA TURNER. formation see Larry Genius, 1.84 50-P Huron Street, your Colonial Home Special Christmas Service agent. HU 2.9600. 26tfb. Mr..imd Mrs. S. R. Dick would BUSINESS PROPERTIES, farms like to express sincere thanks and and Domes, Build a Mame to suit appreciation to their neighbours. your pocketbook on the Xti-WO and friends for kindnesses shown house plan. Leonard G, Winter, them during their recent sad ber- Real Estate, Agent for Kernohan. eavement. 50-p Phone HU 2-6692 for appointment, He bas since resigned fro tra Tail High Street, Clinton, 490 The family of the late Mrs. Wed., Dec. 23—ChristmasPageant Annie Brown sincerely wish to 1 Storey, 5 roomed dwelling, con- thank the neighbours and friend's sisting of living room with nat- for many kindnesses during their ural fireplace, dining room, 2 recent bereavement. S p e C i a 1 bedrooms, kitchen, 3 piece bath, thanks to Rev. Grant Mills, Ont- sunporch, ail heating, lot ap- ario Street Church, 50-p prox, 84420', Located half bl- Swiday, December 20 ock from Mein street. Early I would like to thank all my possession. Income Property, consisting of 5 friends and neighbours for cards, treats and visits while I was a furnished apartments', oil heat- patient in Clinton Hospital, also Ing, We 11 located. Monthly in- special thanks to Dr. Oakes, Dr. come $265. Immediate posses, cion• Newland, Dr, Addison and the 2 -Storey duple;. One apartment nurses who looked after me. - MRS, JOHN McCOWAN. 50-p consists of livingroom, dining of the diesel blew a warning for room, kitchen dawn; 3 bedro- oms and three piece bath up. the crossing just before we drew Oak floors downstairs. Hot gue committee wish to express water oil furnace. Secondap- their appreciation and thanks to the merchants of Clinton for their', artment consists of living room, den, kitchen idbwn; 2 bedrooms generous contributions to our and three piece bath up, Oak Christmas Bowl -Off; to you and floors downstairs. Hot water yours we send our warmest wish - oil furnace. Double garage. Cor- es for a Merry Christmas and a ner lot, approximately 166'432' Nappy New Year. 50b Located near Collegiate, Down payment $5,000. Balance on I wish to express my sincere terms. thanks and appreciation to Friends 8.00 p.m.—Christ's Ambassadors: and neighbours for cards, treats, Sunday, December 20— 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School H.U AWS�� visits, alsoso baking sent to our home while I was a in 7,00 p.m—Evening Prayer 44c)j patient Clinton Public Hospital. Also INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE my sincere thanks to Dr. Addison Hotel Clinton Building and the nursing staff for their Dial HU 2 -9644 --.business special care—MRS. H. BROEZE, HU 2-9787—.residence Varna. 50-17 Notice To Creditors IN MEMORIAM In the Estate of EDGAR JO- SHOBBROOK:—In loving memory SEPH TREWARTHA, late of the of a dear husband and dad, Township of Goderich, in the Wesley Shobbroock;. who passed County of Huron, Gentleman, De- away one year ago, December ceased. 14, 1958: All persons having claims against Beside your grave we often stand the Estate of the above Deceased With heart both crushed and sore, are required to file the same with But in the gloom the sweet words the undersigned Solicitor for the come, said Estate, on or .before the 4th day of January, A.D. 1960, after Not lost but one before g which date the assets will be dist- God knows how much L miss • you, ributed amongst -the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only He counts the tears I shed, And whispers, `He only sleeps, to the claims of which notice shall Your loved one is not dead.' So I'll be (brave, dear Wes, have been given. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this And pray to. God each day, 14th day of December, A.D. 1959 And when He calls me home to E. B. MENZIES, you, Clinton, Ontario, Your smile will 'guide the way." Solicitor for the said Estate. ---Ever remembered by his wife, 50-1-2-b Annie, Ruth, and Stan. 50-p ,, _ r• � � "odd__^ f / q NOW — Stock up on Flash Bulbs and / Films NOW — We Carry a Complete Stock % for All Cameras. is BROWNIE LENTHERIC TWEED MOVIE BATH POWDER ® t CAMERA 8mm 34.50 1.65 TABU SET RUBINSTEIN l Perfume & Heaven Scent Cologne MIST 5.75 2.50 STAG GIFT SET � Pen &Pencil Set N' 2.65. $10.00 nn� i" [ag•AdvaH4en Exchange Inc. 1959 +, .. �'.• ® % % % LADIES DRESSER � / SET DUTY Is EWA PHE IN Afit. 11.95 SMAttT GO PACKAGE At Ohristmastlme as/� always --an experienced IN' KTO N .GAr F11 Str registered pharmacist Is constantly o n duty, Y,o I+' a Powder ready to fill your pre- " d0d seriptions promptly at �"�: •0lo9at* treasonable cost,. At this ttls:M pharmacy your health 1.50 comes first. a 's��+�a�������o�ts.croftdotkorcae.�.�nuter�m.��aeracQat,��ar� v GIFT OUR STORE WRAPPING X IS OPEN 06NE EVERY EVENING FREE f 6 FOR YOUR Oir CbNVEN- CHARGE " 9 Ii xt IENGE ��a71M�rt%rlbr��ri�r��r�t�t�'t��rr�i�t�t�rbr�it'�rrb ` `'bt�tr�r�+tllt�t�r�ts3r�t�r�r"at�r�r�l�r�'i�rltr�:?,��r�r�r�r�t�r�rt�r�r�'r�r�t�� 'CLIN'.['4N NEWS.+RECORD Personals Mrs. Mary Pryde, Exeter, visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Gordon Curtinghame, Mrs, Frank: McElroy, Willawr dale, spent Monday and Tuesday with her mother, Mrs, Wes. Shob, brook. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Shob- brook, Toronto, were the guests of their mother, Mrs. Wes Shob' brook over the weekend, Mrs. Norman(Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Holland, Wesley Hol- land were in Orillia, on Thursday last, attending the funeral of the late Mrs, William Nelson, Mr, and Mrs, Adrien Lamarche and Dianne visited a weep with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoy, 10 East Street, They left on Monday for Ottawa, then visited his aunt in Montreal. Leav- ing from the airport in Ottawa on December 22, where they will live in Belgium for four years, BIRTHS ANDREWS .— In Clinton Public Hospital 'on.,Sunday, December 13, 1959, to- Corporal and Mrs. ' T. Andrews, Clinton, a daugh- ter. BURNS In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Wednesday, December 16, 1959, to Corporal and Mrs, E, A, Burns, Clinton, a daugh- ter, FORBES—In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Wednesday, December 9, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Forbes, RR 21 Clinton, a Son, GIBSON--In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Saturday, December 12, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gibson, RR 2, Seaforth, a son (Paul Douglas, brother for John and Jo Ann) . MacGREGOR In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, Decem- ber 12, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs'. Ronald MacGregor, RR 3, Kip - pen, a son. MACKIE—In St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London, on Sunday, Decem- ber 13, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mackie (nee Marion Mak- ins) a son (Robert James). NETHERY--In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, December 14, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Nethery, RR 1, Auburn, a son. RILEY—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal on Monday, December 14, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Riley, RR 3, Zurich, a son. STEVENSON—in Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, December 13, 1959, to LAC and Mrs. John Stevenson, Clinton, a daughter. DEATHS BROWN ---In Clinton on Saturday, December 12, 1959, Annie Stev- ens, widow of the late Ephriam Brown, in her 98th year. Fun- eral from the Ball and Mutch funeral. home, 153 High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, December 14, by the Rev..Grant Mills. NELSON At the home of her son Frank in Orillia on Tues- day, December 8, 1959, Zella Saunders, beloved wife of the late William Nelson. Service December 11, from Doolittle funeral home. Interment in Marchmount cemetery. STONEMAN — In the Ruston Nursing Home, Mitchell, on Wednesday, December 16, 1959, Mary Hotham, formerly of Cromarty, widow of the late Harry Stoneman, (and clear mother of Mrs. William Dinnin, Brucefieid), in her 102nd year. Private service from the Bon- thron funeral home, Hensall, to Staffa Cemetery, on Friday af- ternoon, December 18. IN MSMORIAM FISHER ---In Ioving memory of a dear husband and father, Aaron C. Fisher, who passed away five years ago, December 20, 1954: "This day we do remember, A loving thought we give, To one no longer with us, But in our heart still lives." —Lovingly remembered by wife and family. 50b Christmas Gift Suggestions Slee The Complete Line Of PHILIPS TV SETS including the NEW 23"' SET pictured here ON YOUR OLD SET ALSO COMPLETE LANE OF Philips electric and transistor radios from $26.95 up Seebreeze Record Players .... $26.95 up Philips Stereo Com6ina. tion Recordio Tape Recorders $99.50 up Merrill TV Se, Mice Clinton — HU 2.7011 �r��r�n�+r�f��rrrlirr�r=�rr�r�r'r By I MY editorial ire s17,zled in my brain one day last week until I could fairly taste it. .But first I Should explain why Each year at this season it has been a custom of the Barker household to invite the children of the neighbourhood to our home an Chrkstanas da.:, Along about noon they are tired of playing with their own toys and look for, ward excitedly to a visit to our house. I have• found that they, and their parents too, welcome this annual change of scenery. I was shopping for gifts that ,are a remembrance for each small guest along with a tangerine and a candy cane,. when I saw a great- crowd reatcrowd of men and women jammed around a nearby counter. This sit- uation uSuaily denotes a sale. Sm- ce I am a pushover for .anything marked down for clearance, I made my way across the toy de- partment and wiggled through a forest of arms and hard shoulders until I reached the heart of the crowd. There were no bargains, I can i assure you, only literally hundreds of toy guns, knives, missiles and tanks of every description. They were not cheap, most of them marked anywhere from one to ten dollars. Parents with grave and worried expressions made their purchases. They looked perfectly sane too and quite intekligent.. Nearby counters where construc- tion sets, tool kits, educational games and books were displayed, were for the most part deserted. So it is 'true, I thought, that one manufacturer can boast his factory alone turned out 1,500,000 toy guns for the Christmas mar- ket. I felt certain that as long as parents of this, or -any other nation, buys imitation lethal toys for their children, Khruschev, Eis- enhower, De Gaulle, MacMillan, Gronohi and, their successors will talk in vain of disarmament and peace among nations. These were the thoughts that crowded my mind as I settled into my railroad coach seat for any homeward journey. At my feet -was .a string shopping bag packed with little innocaous- parcels. Huge soft snowflakes fell against the windowpane beside me, melted and ran in gentle rivulets to the sill. The white world of this Christmas season, 1959, looked so clean, quiet and, promising as the train sped northward across the rich Ontario fields and through the prosperous little villages with their long streets of new homes. Did we ever buy guns for our sons, one might challenge? Yes, for the youngest, and they might ,have been the early inspiration for a particular kind of torture that was visited on me for ten years. The guns came with a cowboy outfit and we innocently strapped the twin holster on our hipless wonder about five a.m. of a Christmas morning more than 25 years ago. In less than an Hour he was frustrated. "I can't make them shoot, I can't deaded any- one," he blood-thirstly vrailed. We were horrified. As parents of this little boy, what had we nurtured by our gifts? When this youngster reached his teens he begged me to sign permission for him to join the re- serve army of our town. It was a tank unit and the regular Tues- day evening machine gun drills and Sunday tank practices had him betwitched. I consistenly re- fused because I was sick to death of the sight of a uniform and had the hope of aII mothers, that we had fought our last war. The day be was sixteen years and six months old, when parental permission was no longer needed, I saw him trudging down our road Armstrong—Fisher The Rev. W. P. Fischer offici- ated at -a double ring ceremony in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, on Saturday, December 5, when Joyce Elda Fisher and Wil- liam 'Douglas Armstrong exchang- 1 ed vows. The bride is the daughter of Mr. andMrs. Ray Fisher, RR 3, Zu- rich, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Armstrong, RR 1, Varna. The bride wore a floor length wedding gown made from I do silk taffeta with a scoop scalloped neckline, lily -point sleeves, a drop waist line with a bouffant skint ending in a chapel train. Neckline {axed skirt were appliqued with chantilly lace flowers trimmed with sequins. The headdress was a pearl tiara with a pure silk illus .ion. fingertip veil and she carried a bouquet of white 'mums and red roses. Miss Donna Fisher attended her sister as matron of honour. She wore a cocktakl length dress made from cherry red cotton velvet, with a scoop neckline, shirred three-quarter sleeves, a princess line front with a drop waistline and a bouffant skirt with unpres- sedt pleats. Miss Merle Armstrong, brides- maid, and Miss Mary Armstrong, junior bridesmaid, both sisters of the groom, wore dresses identical to the matron of honour's dress. They all carried bouquets of white 'mums. Jack Armstrong, brother of the groom, was groomsman. Ushers were Robert Fisher, Gagetown, N,B,, and Howard Armstrong, AR 1, . urkOh. Fora Wedding trip the bride wore a black dress and a rete coat With black and white accessories. The couple will reside in Zurich, Church Directory McEZer-wiitio aniteb ST. ANDREW'S the trainixrg of other youths in PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. J. A. Me=, B.A. the art of handling farearircis. MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist MRS, M. J. AGNEW, Organist never hada ,peaceful .ktioinent Bur, ing those periods, Accidents did. and Choir Leader Sunday„ December 20 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship Sunday, December 2d happen for all the care and; 'dis- Special Christmas Service Bible Class 9.45 a.m.—Church School, for 2.30 p.m. --Sunday School capline that was exercised tatrar Christmas Concert 10.45 a.m.—Special Christmas 7.30 p.m.—Christmas Pageant by Service. Subject of Medita- tect the .enlisted young men, tion, "Do We Need Christ- HOLMESVI " mas`: ". A serious question. 1.30 p.m.—Worship Service He bas since resigned fro tra Tail 2,30 p,m.--Sunday School tainment with the Church. Wed., Dec. 23—ChristmasPageant School at 7.30 p.m. at 8.30) porn Let us use the Lord's Day to We Welcome AR Worshippers unit, He avoids gums' like a pla- Joseph Street BAYFIELD BAPTIST GOSPEL HAL. CHURCH CIFJNTON gue for the children on his Christ- Christians gathered in the name Swiday, December 20 of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 10.00a.m.—Sunday School 18: 20) meeting in the above hall 11.00 a.m.—Morning Warship mas list, He is one parent who "God Incarnate" Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus learned the hard way, that sug- lORC) rN'M NARKNFt gestion is a powerful thing. F'er� baps disarmament should start in, with a big bundle under his arm. the toy departments of our stores, I reasoned to myself as the born "You can't stop me now, Moan, of the diesel blew a warning for I've signed up," he said as he un- the crossing just before we drew roiled his uniform, into my station. Apparently to - He made a good soldier, I arch day's parents, even as we were, iproud to say, earned' his commis- are oblivious' of the ,part arana� sion and for the remaining sum- merit toys can play in forming the mers of his single blessedness de- thought patterns of their off,- dicatecl himself to army camp and Spring. Church Directory McEZer-wiitio aniteb ST. ANDREW'S 000 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. J. A. Me=, B.A. REV, D. J. LANE, B.A.. Minister . MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist MRS, M. J. AGNEW, Organist M. R. RENNW. Choir Director and Choir Leader Sunday„ December 20 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship Sunday, December 2d 12.15 p.m.--Sxznday School and Special Christmas Service Bible Class 9.45 a.m.—Church School, for 2.30 p.m. --Sunday School all classes Christmas Concert 10.45 a.m.—Special Christmas 7.30 p.m.—Christmas Pageant by Service. Subject of Medita- Young Peoples: tion, "Do We Need Christ- HOLMESVI " mas`: ". A serious question. 1.30 p.m.—Worship Service Friday, Dec. 18 --Christmas Enter - 2,30 p,m.--Sunday School tainment with the Church. Wed., Dec. 23—ChristmasPageant School at 7.30 p.m. at 8.30) porn Let us use the Lord's Day to We Welcome AR Worshippers strengthen our Christian Faith Joseph Street BAYFIELD BAPTIST GOSPEL HAL. CHURCH CIFJNTON REV. I, BODENHAM Christians gathered in the name Swiday, December 20 of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 10.00a.m.—Sunday School 18: 20) meeting in the above hall 11.00 a.m.—Morning Warship invite you to come and hear the "God Incarnate" Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus 7.30 p.m. Evening Service and His Love. "Why Jesus Came" Order of meetings on Lord's day Wed., 8 p.tn.—Prayer Meeting as follows: SERVICE l You are cordia You invited to these 11.00 a.m.--Breaking Bread services, 3.00 p.m. --Sunday School 7:00 p.m.—Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m: Wednesday—Prayer ANGLICAN CHURCH Meeting and Bible .Reading. OF CANADA St. Paula -- Clinton PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. REV, C, S. INDER, Rector Victoria Street. Clinton Miss Christine Bridle, Organist H. KENDRICK, Pastoz FOURTH SUNDAY IN ADVENT Friday, December 18— y Sunday, December 20 8.00 p.m.—Christ's Ambassadors: 8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion Sunday, December 20— 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11,00 a.m.—Morning Prayer. 11.00 a.m: Morning Worship 7,00 p.m—Evening Prayer 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service Wednesday, December 23--- Maple Street 5.00 pm.—Regular Prayer and GOSPEL MALL Bible Study Service. CLINTON A Special Welcome Awaits You Sunday, December 20 Christian Reformed 10.00 a.m.—Sunaayy School Church 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship 7.30 p.m. --Sunday School Christ- mas Program, film on Pales - Sunday, December 20 tine will be shown. 10.00 a.m.--Service in English Tuesday, 8 pm.—Prayer and Babble 2.30 p.m. --Service in ' Dutch Study. Everyone Welcome ALL WELCOME w 4 M^ �v�n.eeeexnlKlO---- V-------'Yv?--- /.,FpR THE HOLIDAY SEASON POINSETTIAS M AZALEAS • MUM PLANTS ROSES CARNATIONS ,MUMS 0 ---- Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere -�-- y���Q,LF.l3R.ipy�� K. (m COOKS a 41 Dial HU 2-1012 Clinton 'hr,♦.6.