HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-12-17, Page 5MISS JEAN HYDE, Kippen, has graduated from Oshawa General Hospital school of nursing. She is now on their permanent staff. Jean is a grad- uate of Clinton District Col- legiate Institute and a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Alex Hyde, Kippen. Christmas" accompanied by Mrs. E. Radford. Mrs. Grant Mills introduced the guest speaker, Rev. J. A. 1VIcKirn, who gave an informative talk on the developing of Labrador, also the missionary work and the vast richness of the Happy Valley. Thank you notes for flowers and cards were read. The meeting closed with a Christmas story and a candlelight service, presented by Mrs. R. Trewartha, Mrs. W. Aik- en, and Mrs. E. Dale. Mrs. Fear expressed a vote of thanks to all who took part in the meeting. Mrs. Holmes than- ked the ladies of St. George's Ward for the delicious lunch ser- ved, In The Past Year We have enjoyed your patronage and thank you sincerely for the continued opportunity to serve. Season's Greetings and the best of health in the New Year —from the Staff ORVILLE STANLEY GRANT IRWIN TOM SHARP ART COLSON (former IGA butcher) Every Da y at Stanley's Meat Market 16 KING STREET — CLINTON 0. Stanley, Proprietor CANADA'S FINEST BEEF STEAKS and ROASTS 79c lb. Come In And See For Yourself AGAIN THIS YEAR. FEATURING THE BEST KNOWN BIRD IN CANADA BuTTERBALLE,N,zYpER SWIFTS PREMIUM TURKEYS Butterball Premium Turkeys are especially bred to be meatier, more flavourful and tender than ordinary birds. They come to you immaculately dressed, all ready for your savoury stuffing. Butterball Premium Turkeys are deeper in the breast so you get more succulent white meat. Most leg tendons are removed so even the juicy dark meat is easier to carve. And the legs are tucked in so no trussing or skewering IS necessary, YOUR VISIT WILL HELP YOU MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION Custom Killing at Stanley's Abbatoir On QUEEN eiltEET Will be Discontinued during Christmas Week Until January 4,0 1960 PHONE HU 2-3834 ORVILLE J. STANLEY Again FEATURING OUR OWN FULLY COOKED PINEAPPLE Full Line of Boneless Tendersweet Hams H M AS "A 'TREAT INDEED" Wide Variety Then — Let us Stuff 'em for you!! Stanley's Meat Market will STUFF and COOK Your Holiday Poultry on request Drop in and see just how they do all this and more. OUR SLICED and Tasty Only 49c lb. ALL BEEF HAMBURG 3 lbs. Only $1.00 FRESH DAILY GROUND SUET 20c lb. SPECIAL FRESH OR SWEET PICKLED BABY BEEF TONGUES—no waste 49c lb. OX-TAILS--for best soup 49c each CHOICE MILK FED VEAL on Display also FRESH CANADIAN LAMB All "Fresh. Chilled Birds Displayed in Our Self-Serve Counter This Week. Wide Selection—GEESE, DUCKS, CAPON CHICKENS —Finest Ever Shown BEFORE You Choose YOUR POULTRY COME TO STANLEY'S MEAT MARKET SAVE 4c Beautifully groomed for gay evenings. Step out in style, with clothes that sparkle clean . . . fresh as new . our superior dry clean- ing is the secret!. BE SMART LOOK SMART Have .it Dry Cleaned THIS WEEK THE LUCKY No. is 1498 Check Your Calendar. If the number matches take the cal- endar to our office and claim your $3.00 credit. TRY OUR NEW COIN WASH at 14 King Street LOTS OF PEOPLE DO! PREssto IPROBLIEMS • --soorE THEM 94 HIERIEI For MEN • BELTS • SLIPPERS • SOCKS • SWEATERS • GLOVES • LUGGAGE • SHOES, GLOVES, TAMS FOR CURLERS SWEATERS, • SPORT SHIRTS • CAPS • BILLFOLDS • KEY CASES • UTILITY CASES • SHOE KITS For LADIES Please Her with LUGGAGE STYLES and PRICES GALORE Also—LADIES BILLFOLDS WRITING CASES UTILITY CASES AIKEN NEW AND USED SKATING OUTFITS Phone HU 2-9352 Albert Street w-Wr›-Z1-2a-V-I-DaWADIValaa-M-MOIZOIAMMIAMSSIMIDOMMahp VOC-tuiMzetOM 4410Z-KAMMTMCVOKIt-Mta-4,4 1. 1 ii119104401,0% M EN Make Irwin's your Headquarters for LADIES and MISSES GIFTS Our well-trained staff will enjoy waiting on 4 you, and will gift wrap your purchases at no extra charge to you MAKE "HERS" A PERSONAL 'GIFT Ectcqewgmgvazfoamctoz-egtcwmetgtzvavewtgtf Weekend Specials . . . All Wool Coats All Car Coats All Grandmere Knitted Suits I Reduced 20 7WASPAY, 1774MIT1lrR, 17, 3.9.0 iNgNIISWAW. Huron Road Happy Workers Club elects Mrs. William Holland President for 196U betstbOrg,. spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. jattleS Stir Ting. Mrs. Reid Torrance, spent Monday with friends in this neighbourhood, Legion Auxiliary Gives Over $100 To Other Groups Members and guests of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion .enjoyed a delicious pot- luck supper on Monday everting, December 14. The president, Mrs, Cameron Proctor opened the busi- ness meeting which followed, and welcomed the irony members and. gneStS, Two auditors were appointed to audit the books at the end of the year. Donations made were: $50 to the Legion Branch towards the children's Christmas party; $25 to Beck Memorial Sanatorium, tuber- cular section; $35 to Westminster Hospital for Christmas bingo, and $10 to Retarded .Children's Assoc- iation. As Mrs. Bert Harris has moved to Goderich, arid is transferring to that auxiliary, she was present- ed with a going-away gift. A program followed, consisting of piano selections by Mrs. E. Radford; solos by Mrs. Douglas Andrews; a reading by Mrs. W. C. Bennett, and; selections by Mrs, William Holland on her accordion. During a sing-song which follow- ed, Santa Claus arrived and gave everyone a gift. • 140.TifeiftS SWUM GROTT CHRISTMAS IKEINTXN0 The IV/others .Study Group of Wesley Willis United. Church held their Christmas meeting on Tues- day evening, December 15., at the home of Mrs. Eugene McAdam. 13 ladies.. attended. Mrs. Harold Wise and Mrs, Mc- Adam, conducted the meeting. Roll call was answered by s tagt- lly Christmas traditions and mein- pries." Carols were sung and all officers were returned for the coming year. Delicious lunch was served by Mrs. IVICAdarn and Mrs. Glen Wise, o BRUCEFIELD Correspondent: Mrs, H. Berry Phones: Clinton H1.1 2-7572 Seaforth 641J12 Mrs, C. H. Haugh, Toronto, is visiting with her brother, Robert Allan, Sr„ and Mrs. Wallace Haugh and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Doan, Alvins- ton, visited with his sister, Mrs. Robert Dawson, who is a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea- forth. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Johnston, Goderich, spent Saturday evening with Mr, and Mrs. a, K. Cornish. Mrs. Bruce IVIenerey, Bayfield, visited with friends in the village for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. George Pinkney, Walkerton, spent Sunday with the lady's mother, Mrs. W. H. Pep- per, Mrs. B. Sholdice, Brinsley, is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Alex Paterson. WMS Christmas Party The Christmas meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society was held on Tuesday evening, Decem- ber 8, with Mrs. W, Scott presid- ing. The CGIT conducted a Christmas Candelight Service and the Mission Band presented a skit, "The First True Christmas," Prayer was offered for our pray- er missionary, Miss Katherine Greenbank, by Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Mac Wilson played a number of Christmas Carols on the violin, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. J. R, Murdoch. A Christmas story entitled "In as Much", was told by Mrs. S, Davison. At the close Mrs. Davison was presented with a gift. Goshen Line United Church Women Elect 1960 Officers The Women's Missionary Society of Goshen United Church met at the home of Mrs. Arnold Keys on December 10 with Mrs, Robert McKinley in charge of the pro- gram. Christmas carols were sung with Mrs. Bruce Keys at the piano. Mrs. Russell Erratt had a questionaire on Christian steward- ship with questions asked by Mrs. John Robinson. A Christmas story by Mrs. R. McKinley was read. Mrs. J. Rob- inson gave the treasurer's report and Mrs. Floyd Armstrong report- ed that an 80-pound bale was sent to Toronto and another smaller one sent to Korea. Mrs. Roy McBride read a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Norman John- son who at present are in Van- couver, Rev. T. J., Pitt had charge of election of officers. Mrs. Elmer Hayter was re-elected president, with vice-presidents, Mrs. Robert Peck, Mrs. Mel Elliott, Mrs. Allan Armstrong, Mrs. Anson McKinley and Mrs. Bob McKinley. Treasurer, Mrs. Kenneth Parke, recording secretary and press sec- retary, Mrs. Clare McBride; cor- responding secretary, Mrs. Rich- ard Robinson; literature sceretary, Mrs. Clarence Parke; supply, Mrs. Floyd Armstrong, Mrs. Jack Eckel and Mrs. Walter Eckel; Mission- ary Monthly secretary, Mrs. Bert McBride; Associate Helpers, Mrs. Bert McBride, Mrs. William Hay.. ter and Mrs. Arnold Keys. Christian Stewardship, Mrs. Russell Erratt; temperance and citizenship, Mrs. T. J. Pitt; com- munity friendship, Mrs. C. Parke, Mrs. William Clarke, Mrs R., Er- ratt, Mrs. R. Robinson and Mrs. K. Parke; Baby Band, Mrs. Floyd Armstrong; organist, Mrs. R. Er- ratt and Mrs. Bruce Keys; birth- day fund, Mrs. Elgin McKinley; card fund, Mrs. Keith McBride; tea fund; Mrs. James Keys; Mis- sion Band, Mrs. John Robinson, Mrs. J. Eckel, Mrs. Arnold Keys, Mrs. James Keys mid Mrs. C. Mc- Bride. 0 In conditions of poor visibility the driver of the car ahead can- not see you clearly if his rear window is obscured by snow, dirt or condensation. But he knows your position if you have your headlights turned oh, points out the Ontario Safety League. president, Mrs. Wilfred. .Glazier opened the meeting. The opening ode .and the TArd's 1>rayer was repeated in unison, The secretary .and treasurer's reports were read. Nine ladies answered to the roll call "What I Would Like for Christmas," A letter was read from. the TI3 fund and it was de- aided 'to donate $5 each to the TB and Retarded Children's or- ganizations, Several thank-you notes were read. A remembrance is to be sent to Mrs, McBride for Christmas, who is staying with her daughter in London, at 218 Ashland Avenue. 6od. Twp. South Correspondent; James R. Stirling Phone Ititi 2,,9537 Mr, and Mrs. Ken BaReY, Am- 0 Ontario St. WA And WMS Joint Meeting The Woman's Association and the Woman's Missionary Society of Ontario Street United Church met in the ladies parlour for their Christnias meeting. The presidents Mrs. J. B. Levis and Mrs. W. B. Olde presided. Christmas carols were followed by a duet sung by Mrs. W. VanEgmond and Mrs. Harrison, "Love Came Down For PAY ONLY 25c Clinton IGA PLEATED SKIRTS 1/3 OFF Reg. Prices 4iatateIVA44+MIC BLOUSES 1/2 PRICE The Happy 'WorkerS Chub met Mrs. William 1.1olland; Vice*Prosi- on December 10 at Mrs. Aerie dent, Mrs. .Cliff .Glazier; tWaShr- Van Den Doers -home, The vice- xrer,s. 114 rsw,valge,neri4.0.1msolbtbologn; lee rfelowterg fund, Mrs, Jack Smith; quilt com- mittee, Mrs. Elmer Dale -and Mrs. Elgin Dale, A Christmas contest was con- dimeted by Mrs. Wilfred Glazier and won by Mrs. Ken Johnston. An aceorai6elewd g by Mrs, William Holland. lunch Cliff Glazier, Mrs. Joe Gibson and Mrs. Henry Klaver, beT4he4tjalttlitlearltyornIr olfngATI4,t°Cliffbe Glazier with group 5 providing lunch:. Mrs. Elgin and Mrs. Elmer. Dale mid Mrs. Vail Leon, Roll call is to be answered by paying Officers for 1960 are; president, 1960 membership fees. V4-1C4Z0•40000044004109Z4140gtggVe-tvgWectele7g4M04-Kg100044.41410CAX There Is 0;4y A Week Left To Shop HURRYI LADIES WEAR and DRY GOODS EASY PAYMENT PLANS CAN 85 ARRANGED CLINTON HENSALL EXETER ***AtitnhiM,10tait*rzikatitiMe4g0i)agfritiliZgati s