HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-12-17, Page 4Eugene Bender, now a student At the Stratford 'Teachers College, Was valedictorian at the gradela- - 'don exercises held in, Clinton. Public School Auclitoritun last Friday night, The Collegiate has not enough room this year to hold this program in that building, Eugene, Who is the ,son of Mr. and Mrs, Elton Bender, RR 1, Varna, was called to the platform Many times. tie received the E. A. Fines Award, the Sir Ernest Cooper Scholarship; an Ontario Scholarship; a Carter Scholarship (Huron, County) and a Dominion- Provincial Bursary (Teachers' College) as well as. his honour graduation diploma. He averaged 79,7 marks in the nine tipper school papers he wrote this spring, The E A, Fines award was in- atituted by the Students Council this year as a tribute to Mr. Fin- es, principal of the school, who has been on extended sick leave. BACKACHE May be Warning Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, dis- turbed rest or that tired-out and heavy- headed feeling may soon follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 50 .„— MY SUIT IS ALL TATTERED MY MITTENS ARE FRAYED MY SLEIGH NEEDS REPAIRING MY BILLS ARE UNPAID Christmas Cakes and Cookies ALWAYS BETTER MADE WITH BUTTER COMPANY COMING... HAVE PLENTY OF COKE! TRADE-MARK kEG. SAY "COKE" OR "COCA•COLA" -ROTH TRADEMARKS MEAN THE PRODUCT OF COCA•COLALTD.,-THE 50111.01 REST•LOVED SPARKLING DRUM BE REALLY REFRESHED! The old gentleman's had a long trip, and from the North Pole to the South Seas, nothing is so refreshing as the cold crisp taste of Coca-Cola. It's as bright and bracing as a sleigh-ride in the stars. Keep a big supply in your refrigerator all through the holidays , . please your Santa and all his helpers who will be calling at your house. Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. Esbeco Limited, Stratford, Ont. SERVE 6eAZ The TRANS CANADA CREDIT CORPORATION LimvrEt) 148 THE SQUARE PHONE /97 GODERICH, ONT. TS8454 Need Cash for Christmas? Extra Christmas expense is just one of the many situations that seem to create a need tor ready cash. Often, a loan in thhe will actually save you money in the long run. dot the cash yOtt need--from $150. to $2,8011 on libligot plans spread over 12e 18, 24 or oven 30 roentba. OFFICES IN StLtEVatE, GUELPH-, HAMMON,LoNDOMOTTAWA, OWEN SOUND,. PORT ARTHVR, t AR NIA, SAULT STE. MARIE, TORONTO AND WINDSOR WAX INAM, .CAOITON NEVW-AKV.R.1), TfTW3,$DAY, DECEIVInft, 17, 1,85;} Eugene Gets Five Awards At 00 Graduation Exercises. EUGENE WEND ER presented, Field Day champions who re- ceived awards' were: girls, Ruth Turner, senior ; Joan Johns ton, intermediate; Elaine Brown, jun- ior; boys, Clayton Groves, sen- ior; P a u 1 Sehoenhals (a b- sent), intermediate; Budd Boyes, junior and Gary Jewitt, juvenile. F. Q. Meek, acting printipal, was chairman for the event. Guest speaker was Dr. J. Reidy, profes- sor at the University of Western Ontario. Taking part in the program, also were Garnet W. McGee, who presented the Sir Ernest Cooper Scholarship; R. D. Philp, member of the school board, who presented the intermediate certificates; Dr. J. A. Addison, Clinton, Huron County representative on the board, who presented the gradua- tion diplomas and Irvine Tebbutt, chairman of the school board, who presented honour graduation dip- lomas. The double quartette, and chor- us, presented several numbers and medleys, under the direction of 5, Ross Middleton, RR 2, Bayfield, teacher, and Miss Carol Pepper, RR 3, Seaforth, was pianist. Quartet members were: first tenor, Paul Neeb, John• Sharp; second tenor, David and James Alexander; baritone, Ralph Tre- wartha, Michael Peterson, Keith Allen; bass, Norman Peterson, Michael Michalski, Dewayne liott. Choir members were: bass, Keith Allen, Dewayne Elliott, Bruce Lobb, Michael Michalski, Donald Mills, Michael, Norman and Ross Peterson, Ralph Trewartha. Tenor, David and James Alex- ander, Mark Bender, Gary Jewitt, Paul Neeb, John Sharp and John Slavin. Soprano, Mary Allen, Patricia Cobain, Sally Metres, Judith Hal- ward, Martha Gillette, Barbara Henderson, Diane Hulls, Marjorie Hunking, Nancy MacDonald, Pam- ela Muise, Janet Sharp, Beverley Wright, Helen Youngblut. Altos', Sandra Addison, Judi Cluff, Jeanne Etue, Janet Hender- son, Nancy Henley, Nancy John- son, Phyllis Ldbb, Gail Orpen, Diana and Judi Person, Effie Plumsteel, Arlyne Powell and Nancy Webber, Honor graduation diplomas were presented to Eugene Bender, K. E. Blacker, Kenneth Cummings, Brian Grime, F. M. McCullough, Wayne McGee, James Managhan, Olive S. Martin, Nancy C. Scotch- mer, Mary Helen Yeo, Barry Youngblut. Graduation diplomas (general Summerhill ladies Give $10 to C.A.S. Mrs. Percy Gibbings was the hostess on December 8, for the Surnmerhill Ladies Club, when members answered roll call by exchanging Christmas gifts, Mrs. Neville ,Forbes opened the meeting with a reading, "What Child is This?" and Carols were sung. A cheque for $1.0 will be sent to the Huron County Child- ren's Aid Society for Christi-nee. Thank you notes were read from Mrs. Ezra Ellis, Mrs. Dennis Pen- found, Mrs, Norman Bali, Mrs. Graydon Neal and Mrs. josling. Mrs, Ellis gave an interesting report of the Clinton Hesiptai Auxiliary meeting. Mrs. N, Forbes, and Mrs, Chester Farquhar will attend the next meeting. Plans were completed for the club's card parties to start in January, Mrs. John March conducted a contest which was' won by Mrs, Wilfred Penfound, Mrs. Alan Neal gave a reading, "The Merry Years of Christmas." Mrs. Ross Lovett played an instrumental. "Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow." Mrs. Dennis Penfouncl D, Mark Bender, Melva A. Boyce, M. Valorie Cameron, Judith 0. Cluff, Sherry V. Cochrane, David J. Constable, Robert 5. Dale, Jeanne M. Etue, Peter E. Hood's- pith, Patricia A. Irwin, Mary E. Lavie, Carel Ann Lockhart, Thom- as A. Logan, Donald R. MacKen- zie, Nelson C. McClinchey, Ronald T. McClinchey, R. Frank Mc- Cowan, Michael F. Michalski, Donna A. Murch, Douglas K. Nor- man, W. J. Elvin Parker, Patricia H. Pegg, Barry Pipe, Arlyne M. Powell, Lawrence M. Powell, John L. Sleaddick, John F. Sharp, G. William Trick, Eleanor C. Yeo. Graduation diplomas (commer- cial): Norman C. Cartwright, R. John Elliott, Barbara A, Henry, Myrtle Knox, Marie LeBeau, Mary Ann Newcombe, Diane M. O'Brien, Gloria M. O'Dell, Joanne M. Scott, Janet Sjaarda, Margaret C. Skov, M. A. Louise Talbot, Myrna M. Torrance and E. Ann Westlake. Intermediate certificates were presented to L, Keith Allen, Janet E. Batkin, Beverley J. Beattie, Wilma R. Billings, Jean L. Booth, Paul C. Brand, M. Christine Bridle, Karen 3. Buck, Robert Bylsma, Nancy Lee Campbell, Harvey A. Carter, Alan H. Cochrane, F. Michael Collier, Mary Jean Colqu- houn, John R., Consitt, Donald G. Cudmore, Roger E. Cummings, Lorraine A. Dale, Marion E. Dale, James R. Dales; Sally E. Deeves, Frederick J. Dutot, Lois Dykstra, H. Mary Elliott, Gerald T. Etue, Wilfred R. Frernlin, Grace V. Flewitt, Dominic T, Gahwiler, Ralph D. Glew, Bonnie J. Hamil- ton, Barry W. Harper, H. John Harris, Barbara J. Henderson, Janet M. Henderson, Nancy A. Henley, Carolyn A. Hoy, Kenneth A. Hunking, Marjorie P. Hunking, Graham B. Jackson, Gary P. Jew- itt, Marie Josling, Darline E. Laister, Joan E. Livermore, Phyllis C. Lobb, Glermdon C. Lockhart, H. Wayne Love, Nancy L. Mac- Donald, E. Joan McCowan, John D. McKim, K. Mary Macaulay, John M. Masse, Sandra J. Merrill, Marianne J. Michalski, Donald G. Mills, Kenneth G. Moon, Francis L. March, Gail V. Orpen, Effie P. Plumsteel, Marg R. Porter, Elaine M. Rathwell, Glen W. Reichert, Peter Robertson, Douglas Roorda, Edmund ' Saldivar, Ruth Anne Scotchmer, Kenneth D. Scott, Donald Scruton, Jannette Sharp, John Slavin, William Smith, El- aine Taylor, Linda Torrance, Ralph Trewartha, Archibald' VanDongen, Margaret Wallis, Barbara Wat- kins, Nancy Webber, Elaine Wes- ton, Susan Wightman, Leonard Wilson, Beverley Wright, Barbara Yea, Franklin Yea, Helen Young- blut, Diana Persan and Judith Persan. ORITUARY Oswald Ginn Oswald Ginn died on Tuesday, December S, in a nursing home at Delaware, in his 88th year. He was born in Goderich Township, son of the late Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Ginn,. He retired from farming several years ago and had sillce made his gave a reading, 'Our Little Busy Bee ,e The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs, Ivan Hoggarth on January 1.3. Those responsible for the program 'are Mrs, Lloyd Stew- art, Mrs, Keith Tyndall, Mrs, Fred • Vodden, Mrs. Norman Wright, The lunch committe is Mrs, Ezra Ellis, Mrs. John Mier* Mrs. Earl Blake and Mrs. Wesley Hoggarth. home in Goderich. He took a keen interest in the Goderich Trotting Association, Surviving are one son, George C, Ginn, Goderich Township; two daughters, Mrs. F. T, (Norma) Valiance and Mrs. A. S. .(Gladys) grandchildren and (). .greaterande children. Service was from the Lodge funeral home, Goderich, on Fri, day afternoon, by the Rev.. 5, W. Patrick, Taylors Corners united Church. BUrial was in Maitland. Charlie bought A Christmas free That was dry As it could be! He didn't put The trunk in water— He didn't even Know he ought 'er I He didn't check The lights before fle=strung them round The free—the door! On Christmas Eve, While smoking, he Set fire to the Christmas free! He burned it Arid his residence, And lost his chance For Christmas presents 'Cause Santa couldn't End his trip— Fire had ruined His landing strip! thristmastime brings extra fire hazards! Remember to take extra precaotiont. Best wishes for a happy accident4ree holiday! Thomas Logan, a Grade 13 stud- ent, explained the award was for Mr. Fines contribution as a teach- er in mathematics. James E. Managhan, also came in for attention on Graduation night. He received an engineer- ing alumni bursary and a domme ion-provincial bursary (univers- ity), W. Brock Olde presented these awards to Mr. Managhan, as well as a Dominion Provincial bursary (Teachers College) to Mary Helen Yeo, and Dominion-Provincial bur- saries (Grade 13) to D. Mark Bender, Sherry V Cochrane and Thomas A. Logan. Mark Bender is a brother of Eugene. Mary Helen Yeo also received a Canada Packers Scholarship, pre- sented by a representative of that firm, F. C. Johnston. Ron Livermore, captain of the junior boys basketball team, re- ceived the Sheaffer Pen trophy for his team, This was presented by K. C. Clynick, boys physical train- ing instructor. Surprise award .given for the second year only by the Girls Club Was presented to Catherine McGregor. Members of the club, are responsible for selection of the girl to get this award, and their choice is based on popular- ity as well as, upon contributions to the girls teams in athletics. Miss Margaret Merrill, a Grade 12 students and president of the club made this presentation. course) were presented to: Sandra The K. S. Wood trophy was not J. Addison, R. David Alexander, of Ontario WILL PAY YOU $1200.00 for, the use of $1,000 for 20 years When invested in U.C.O. 20 year debentures! or Will Pay You $600.00 for the use of $1,000 for 10 years When invested in U.C.O. 10 year debentures. United Co-Operatives of Ontario announces a new debenture issue paying: 5% for 5 year term 6% for 10 year term 6% for 20 year term Backed by a record of constant growth and pro- gressively larger earnings, U.C.O. debentures offer a safe investment in an important part of Ontario's co-operative program. Write to-day for information, TO: Treasurer, United Co-Operatives of Ontario, Box 527, Weston, Ontario. Please send me full information on U.C.O. debentures Name Address United Co-operatives —1 "170, /own For information and reservations contact your nearest CNR Agent. HEY, SANTA, THE ANSWER IS CLEAR AS CAN BE — LET'S HITCH UP YOUR REINDEER AND SEE T.C.C. ,e "e,.i:!eeeVeeee:eeeeeeeeee:e, --TO WESTERN CANADA. To Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Vancouver I'M HAPPY TO SAY — COME DANCER AND PRANCER LETS SHOP RIGHT AWAY! HO! THINGS LOOK BRIGHTER Henry, both of London; seven cemetery. Ask your CN ticket agent about the tremendous savings you can make under our new Group Economy Travel and "All Inclusive" Western travel plans! Also Pay Later Plat available t BE LIKE GOOD OLD SANTA WHEN YOU'RE FEELING BLUE. GET A T.C.C. LOAN IT'S THE SMART THING TO DO!