HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-12-10, Page 9S BE READY FOR WINTER IN A ... GUARANTEED USED (AR 1958 FORD SEDAN Rgoel'::,ornatic, Only $1,795.00 1956 PLYMOUTH TWO-DOOR Special $1,195.00 1954 CHRYSLER SEDAN Automatic, Radio, Only $ 795.00 A FEW GOOD USED SNOW TIRES Left J. & T. MURPHY LTD. Phone HU 2-9475 Huron St. Real Sharp! One-Owner Car, Low Mileage gvfsovpovoovvmvvgttxtovofEtkufgtvgtvo"vpogtog A YEARS SUBSCRIPTION TO THE CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Makes An Appropriate ChristmOs kyokyotxtaooA000000t000000l-vtoowo-).;nva400000.momtwtsn-sxtvtw we THE LAST DAV TO Posr YOUR CHRISTMAS MAIL FOR LOCAL DELIVERY. TO ENSURE EARLY DELIVERY OF •CHRISTMAS MAIL. TO OUT-OF-TOWN 'POINTS CONSULT THE POST OFFICE 'LEAFLET;, WHICH HAS BEEN 'DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME. NOTHING IS SO DISAPPOINTING AS CHRISTMAS MAIL THAT ARRIVES TOO LATE. CANADA POST OFFICE P0.59-24 • • TORTURE- TESTED! • '7. 7. • 7•7: -4? -. tetSIMMICIOICIZISKVelg TO PLEASE A MAN AT TuvriArko, Mrmavri 34 :too %VMS laWEI4ISCOIRD PAGN ablewith flashlight batteries, er Middleton Church WA Annu61 Meeting Ontario Safety League an extension cord to plug into the u car, Id at Home of Mrs, Fred Middleton . To leave children in 4 Car with I automatic transmission with the engine running is dangerous; points out the Ontario -Safety League,. To leave such a car in Drive position could amount to criminal negligence.; the tonch of a child's foot, or even a fallen doll on 'the gas pedal could start the car off towards certain col- lision. James Anglican Church, Middle- ton on Wednesday afternoon, Dec- ember 2 'when 17 ladies attended. President, Mrs. Milton Steepe opened with s. poem, "I'll do what You want me to do, Dear' Lord." Mrs, Ed Wise read from Matthew 2: 1-20; Mrs. Ray Wise presented the prayer partner's prayer. Mrs. Keith Miller read the minutes, and roll call was answered with a, Christmas thought. Mrs, Ray Wise gave a splen- did account of the prayer part- ner's (Miss Frances Hawkins) talk to the WA of St. Paul's Church, Clinton. Miss Hawkins is principal of a school in Japan that trains Christian kindergarten teachers. "It is through the child- ren of Japan 'that Christianity Moves," she said, "opposite to here, where it is from parents to children. In Japan, the parents have the Buddhist or Shinto relig- ion and children are taught Chris- tianity in Missionary Schools," The motto of Miss Hawkins school 'is "By love, Serve", and she asked for continual support and prayer in this work of love. Miss Hawkins had given Mrs. Wise two beautiful Japanese pla- ques which she displayed, and also a pair of chopsticks for each WA member. Annual reports of the various officers were presented: Mrs. Keith Miller, secretary; Mrs. Al- vin Dutot, financial; Mrs. John Grigg, Dorcas committee; Mrs. 0, Cole, card convener; Mrs. A. Mil- '(Iiy ow Middleton Correspondent) Mrs. Fred Middleton was hos- ler, 'birthday. box. The rector, the tees for the annual meeting of Rev. E. J. B. Harrison congratu- the Women's AuXiliary of St, lated. the ladies on another suc- cessful and harmonious year. The WA wall gave the wardens $50 for general expenses; also a donation for 'the church exten- sion fund. $5 was voted to CARE, Ottawa. The usual honorarium was voted' to the faithful organist, Mrs. Storey and to Don Middle ton, rsf.irMeMilatonn' Steepe gave a most interesting talk on the Canadian- born religious order, the Anglican Sisters of St. John the Divine, who maintain the convent at Wil- lowdale. This Year they eelebrate, ed the 75th anniversary of the profession of their foundress, Mo- ther Hannah Grier. Last fall, Mrs. Steepe, with a friend, was privileged to see through the con- vent, and was greatly impressed by the piety and industry evident there, The chapel is the centre of convent life, a. place of quietness and beauty. The Sisters ere devot- ed to a life of worship and prayer, and noted for their nursing, tea- ching and care of the aged and poor which they have carried on since 1884. The foundress •of this order, and three of her trained nurses minis- tered to soldiers wounded in the Riel Rebellion, They were the first women on official record in Canada, to nurse the military. St,.John's cbrivaleseent hospital in Newtonbrook, has an excellent reputation in medical circles. It is also administered by the Sis- ters of St. John, as is a Home for the Aged in [downtown Toronto. .(By our Middleton Correspondent) The Christmas concert present- es as often mar children's con- 2 NON- SKID ACTION 3 SELF. CLEANING ACTION 11, PULLING ACTION AT THE firestone Town & Country WINTER TIRE Lowest Prices Ever Safety ideas From The 'the pen'ibination of glee:U[404Y and water in the bathroom can be as deadly as the uthcture Of alco- hol And gasoline on the road, warns the Ontario Safety League. Here's: a Christmas present stig- Patt9n from the .Ontario Safety League, Give your favourite .driv- er are,einergenvy light. In night breakdown it will give good out- side illumination to help repairs, while shOwing a flashing red light to the Tear, It increases both convenience and safety. Obtain carts, but even the little tots gave their all." The audience was much impres- sed by the quality of the program. The school roll was answered by each pupil giviing a verse of Scripture. The disciples names in verse, were nicely given by the primary and junior classes. "Jes- us Loves Me" sung by the nurs- ery and beginners was a delight to see and hear with the tiny tots singing lustily.- There were several recitations and an action verse on the Lord's Prayer. "The Ten Commandments in Verse", given by the older children was quite impressive. De- lightful, too, were "Be Careful Little Hands," and the choral speaking of the 23rd Psalm by the Juniors. Noteworthy was a play based on Matt. 18: 23-35, the parable of the unforgiving, Lord, especially written for this occasion by Shar- on and Sandra Middleton. This play showed fine attention to cos- tuming, as did also the nativity story, presented with great dig- nity and reverence. During intermission old familiar hymn carols were sung by the audience with Mrs'. Edward Wise at the organ. Singing of Jingle Bells herald- ed the arrival of Santa Claus. In this 'hectic age of modern sophisti- cation and nuclear missiles, it was most refreshing to see again the magic of Christmas shining in the children's eyes as they received mysterious packages from Santa Claus. There was a warmth and friendliness about the evening's fare in this little country church, a warmth never generated by any TV screen. May that time-honoured institu- tion, the Christmas concert, con- tinue to be an annual event New McCuiloch ONE/40 • •• • •• • • • • • • .00 ¤ Most Chain Saw For The Money eTortureqested for Dependability as law as $16995 Easy Toms complete with tair bar and Pintail chain With each McCullough ohs n Saw sold until Christmas we will give r BEE 'I file, fi e handle ehairt-filing fixture and wedge. WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC Phone I4U KING ST. CLINTON This order is held in the highest regard throughout the Anglican communion and their representa- tives march in procession on Im- portant church occasions. Officers for the WA for 1960 are: president, Mrs. Milton Steepe; honorary president, Mrs. Fred Middleton; vice-president, Mrs. Alfred Hudie; secretary, Mrs. Keith Miller; treasurer, Mrs. Al- vin Dutot; Dorcas' committee, Mrs. John Grigg, Mrs. Charles Cooper and Mrs. beeves; press secretary, Mrs. Stewart Middle- ton; prayer partner's secretary, Mrs, Ray Wise; card convener, Mrs. 0, Cole; birthday box, Mrs. A. Miller; program committee, Mrs Gordon Steepe and Mrs. Ray Wise. Mrs. Steepe thanked the ladies for their confidence in her and expressed deep thanks for their co-operation in the past year. Mr. Harrison closed the meeting with the litany and prayers from the Living Message, after which the ladies served a bounteous lunch. Mtr-fACW floppy Solutions to AN Your Present Problems Gift Suggestions FORSYTH NO IRON TERYLENE SHIRTS WHITE or STRIPED $7.95 SIZES 141/2 to 17 GIFT BOXED miELEICICL. FOR THE CURLER SWEATERS — GLOVES — SHIRTS — TAMS tetalCIMMIg-IOICMge SWEATERS BY TONY DAY SHETLAND CREW NECK PULLOVERS 6 SHADES S M L $9.95 4 FORSYTH WHITE SHIRTS GIFT BOXED — SINGLE OR DOUBLE CUFF $5.00—$5.95—$7.95 icogiatoctcitiocicictociciais GIFT BOXES — GIFT CERTIFICATES maiNomam-viNzmaitwarmommotzlowm-vomiztzmal SOCKS — JEWELLERY — BELTS PYJAMAS — SCARVES — JACKETS -romotgmtmlotoototetvolascrozzomawctcloomoctometoswie, 1 SHOPPING HOURS IN DECEMBER OPEN FRIDAY EVENING OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY FOR EVENING SHOPPERS OPEN EVENINGS S Friday, Dec. 18 'to Thursday, Dec. 24 (Including Saturday Evening) /2/t *at,VIA.V/OzIOhogaaNtaldwatOarDOAX arattaIrPrataa Herman s Mans' Wear HU 2.9351 CLINTON 44%-ltror-V-WAresergrrorA,03,01Nert4WOR ed last Friday evening in the Sun- day School of St. James Angli- can Church, Middleton, was a de- cided success, with the church basement filled to capacity. The rector, the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison was the general chair- man for the occasion, welcoming all present, and paying great tri- bute to the splendid group of Sun- day School teachers who work faithfully all year, and culminate their efforts with a splendid pro- gram. These' teachers are Mrs. Keith Miller, Mrs. Chalmers, Mrs. Ray Wise, Mrs. Donald Middleton, Mrs. Edward 'Wise, Mrs. Alvin Dutot, Mrs. Ross Middleton and Mrs. George Wise. A beautifully decorated tree and 'seasonal decorations lent real Christmas atmosphere to the oc- casion. The curtain went up to show some 32 children assembled on the platform and from the opening "Welcome to All" to the finale, the program never dragged. Con- gratulations •are due the teachers and pupils on the audibility of this entertainment. "There were no muttered, unintelligible speech- Sunday School Concert Finds Young Middleton Folk Are Good Performers mal • Ow SAVE $1750 Per Pair 7.50/14 BRAND NEW 6.10/15 TUBELESS Reg. Pric e $59.00 per pr. NO W $41.50 per pr. No frade-ins required Other Sizes at Special Prices • Gordon Radford Gary e LoNoesoorto ONT. Phone HU 2.9221 Witnesses To Meet At ,Goclerich. School The Clinton congregation of. Jehovah's Witnesses. plan to at- tend the semi-annualreonvention Goderich,in 'December U to 3.3, Harold McNally, presiding min- ister of the group, points out that the three day refresher program is: to help all to live closer to the Bible principles and, its teachings and to apply these in their every- day life. Over 475 Witnesses from 13 congregations will meet in. the Goderich District Collegiate for the three day program featuring. the Bible discourse. on Sunday af- ternoon at 3 pan, 'When Is God's Will To Be Done On Earth" by. Mr. A. W. l\facNamara, Toronto, District Supervisor of Jehovah's Witnesses. Saturday evening all will view a coloured film, showing the con- vention of Jehovah's Witnesses in Yank ee Stadium and Polo Grounds, where over 250,000 dele- gates assembled at one time from over 120 lands and over 7,130 were baptized 'by complete water immersion.