HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-12-10, Page 4Bride-Elect Is Feted Prior To Her November Wedding Mrs. Carlyle Ferguson, 47 Me- Farlane Ave., Peterborough, en- tertained at a trousseau tea for her . daughter Gail, who became the bride of Stuart Keyes, Rich- mond Hill, on November 28, Mrs, Wilber Keyes, Saeforth, mother of the groom,. received with Mrs. Ferguson and the bride-elect. The trousseau was shown by maid of honour, Miss Barbara Jackson; bridesmaid Miss Dawn Armstrong and Mrs, Claire Ferg- uson, aunt of the bride. Tea was poured by Mrs, Keith Armstrong, of the bride, and Mrs, I. Ferguson, her grandmother. Ser- vers were nursing school class- mates and friends. A miscellaneous shower was given 'by her aunt, Mrs. Keith Ar- mstrong, with Mrs. John Good- All Hog Marketings !n Ontario Are Directed To Yards Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON r' --EXETER SEAFORTH Thomas Steep, Clinton Representative PHONE—HU 24869 mkintem-tatg-qtVg4414VgrAWMANKIWILIM," 44W • V Toy Department and Hobby Section Now is the time to select a gift from our fine selection. A small deposit will hold any item 'till December 22. •INP4P.P.11.0•41#4.04.~.11,4•44N,414\00.114P414,401 Low Prices — Top Quality Satisfaction Guaranteed 44P4Npornomo..P.P.o.ra.#444rommo4 BALL & MUM IRA. IRA. HARDWARE Phone HU 2-9505 ViDix7427721.24,0212=121212%24.3ft. Clinton ahvimuzipthurdi ay ay N —ow — L O Lay-a-way Plan • Free Gift Wrapping * Free Delivery to Christmas Eve • Ample Parking at rear of store off Princess St., for your shopping convenience. VISIT OUR ,, HUGE CHRISTMAS SALE NOW ON S VISIT HARRY W1WAMS tAFU0ETOLROLLIL totSq0KLAINA .R.2, atliON. , kt Phone HU 2,663:', PHILIPS Takes the Time to Build the Best I 411 Stereo High Fidelity • RICH HAND RUBBED CABINET • FOUR MATCHED WIDE RANGE SPEAKERS • AUTOMATIC 4-SPEED RECORD CHANGER • WIDE BAND A.M. TUNER • TWO JEWELLED-STYLUS CARTRIDGES SEE IT HEAR IT TODAY AT MERRILL TV SERVICE CLINTON "tratV1-2iVai-X•IM-212i3MbliMANOM COMPANY COMING... HAVE PLENTY OF COKE! TRA.E.MAR. REG. • s .... . - MainginineVatiON.VOMOMSOMMOMMASSOMONageWAMOWand .' SAY "COKE" Olt "COCA-COLE" -60TH TRADE-MARKS MEAN THE PRODUCT OF COCA-COLA LTD. -THE WORLD'S BEST•LOYED SPARKLIND DRINK BE REALLY REFRESHED! There's a friendly fire and warm hospitality waiting at home . . and people waiting for Coke ! Coca-Cola . . . with that cold crisp taste that's bright and bracing as the winter air. Ride through the Holidays refreshed and relaxed . . welcome your friends with the real refreshment . . plenty of ice-cold Coca-Cola. Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. Esbeco Limited, Stratford, Ontario. DRINK PAM SOUR CLINTON N;PWSR.VCORP TgIJASDAYs Dr4CgM1ER Local Cancer Society Can Offer Help To Those Who Need It in This Area. Windsor Mon Wins• MIA Store Austin A Windsor man was the lucky of a new Austin car this' as one of the four grand priz- es' in the HIA Lucicy -draw 'con- test. The free draw, which was carried out in Clinton by Ball and Mutch AStore, was. 'won by W. J, Maish, 137 Joseph Street, Clinton, an officer in the RCAF, He was awarded a portable elec- tric saw and 011 electric floor pol- ishEev r,ery IRA. store in Ontario, had prizes similar to those won 'by Mr, Maish, to give out, and then the names of each store win- ner was entered in a large draw at Toronto. It Was the biggest sales promotion ever offered , in the retail hardware industry, ac- cording to officials. IHA. dealers used outdoor bill- boards advertising to give addi- tinal impact to the promotion, and now are using attractive Christ- mas season billboards to promote their stores, Effective December 14, all hogs in Eastern Ontario will be direc- ted to producer-controlled termin- als and sold through the Ontario Hog Producers Co-operative, The entire province will then be in- cluded in the co-operative mark- eting plan. It was two years ago that the marketing yard was set up here in Clinton. Since then an aver- age of 1,000 hogs per week have passed through this terminal, It is open Tuesday only of each Week. The Clinton Branch of the Can- adian Cancer Society has been authorized to extend the services it provides to needy patients in this district, reports' Mrs, D. J, Lane, chairman of the service 'committee. In addition to free transportation, home visits and dressings,, the branch can now supply pain-relieving drugs, house- keeping and home nursing servic- es, if the need is established, Although most of the donations to the Huron Unit of the Cancer Society are funnelled into resear- ch projects—that is ways, of act- ually combatting the disease by finding a cure—a small percen- tage is put toward local service Work, Pain-relieving drugs can be sup- plied without charge. for a period of three months, upon the re- quest of the patient's doctor, Housekeeping services may be provided for one month .an.d home nursing for two weeks, that is, if qualified persons are available in the area. Short range transportation to hospitals or cancer clinics is sup- plied, sometimes by volunteers, The branch's committee has members who are prepared to make home visits to patients who may benefit from this friendly 'service. Small gifts are often tak- en and forms of simple occupa- tional therapy provided. With the exception of dressings, all of the local branch's services are available only to needy per- sons. The society provides, free of charge, one call by a public Keyes—Ferguson Mark Street United Church, Peterborough, was the scene on November 28, for the wedding of Evelene Gail Ferguson, Peter- borough, to Stuart Wilber Keyes, Richmond Hill, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Wilber Keyes, Seaforth, The bride is a 1959 graduate of Civic Hospital School of Nursing. The Rev. Dr. N. D. Patterson performed the ceremony and the bride was given in marriage by her father She wore a floor len- gth gown of imported silk mist bouquet taffeta. The long-sleeved basque featured a notched port- rait neckline. Alencon lace ap- pliques sprinkled with iridescent sequins enhanced the bodice and matching appliques were on eith- er side of the voluminous skirt, which stemmed from a tiny waist- line. Silk illusion fingertip veiling fell from a sequin-dotted bow of silk mist taffeta, and she was carrying a cascade of white snow- drift 'mums tinted with blue and adorned with a silver horseshoe brought from Scotland by her health nurse to determine the need's the patient may have which are beyond the family's financial resources. Patients may be re- ferred to the branch for this ser- vice by the family doctor, clinic, patient or patient's family. Mrs. Lane emphasized that all applications for assistance are treated as confidential in order to avoid embarrassment. "We are pleased to provide as much as possible to patients in this dis- trict," she stated. • o St, Andrew's WA Elect 1960 Officers At a meeting of the Women's Missionary Society and. Women's Association of St, Andrew's Pres- byterian Church at the home of Mrs. Norman Ball, Mrs, R. W. Mc- Kenzie president of the WIVES led ,in the devotional with Mrs. Wil- liam Blacker following with pray- er, Mrs, Robert Scott, secretary, reported' 23 calls made during the month. Mrs. William Shaddock, a faithful member for years in both organizations was presented with a Life Membership by Mrs, Mc- Kenzie. The WA continued with Mrs. Shaddock in the chair in the ab- sence of the president. "Days to Remember" money was received. Preparations were made for rem- embrance to shut-ins and sick at 'Christmas. The WA will serve lunch to Huron Presbyterial on January 12. Carols were sung with Mrs. John Snider at the piano. • Mrs. D. J. Lane conducted the election of officers which resulted as follows: president, Mrs. Ed. Farquhar; secretary, MrS. How- ard Snell; treasurer; Mrs. William Shaddock. WS. Heard and Mrs, Howard Snell assisted Mrs. Ball in serving refreOliments. grandmother. Maid of honour was Miss Barb- ara Jackson, a nursing classmate of the bride and bridesmaids were her cousins Miss Dawn Armstrong and Miss Donna Goodson. They wore gowns of royal blue silk velvet lined with baby blue satin styled with full cocktail length skirts, torso waistlines and three- quarter sleeves, Head bows and gauntlets were of baby blue satin and their shoes were royal blue. Each carried a cascade bouquet of White snowdrift 'mums. Flowergirl Linda Carter, a niece of the groom, was in a baby blue velvet dress with Peter Pan collar and puff sleeves, and mat- ching head bow, and she carried a basket filled with the snowdrift 'mums, Ringbearer Danny Ferguson, a cousin of the bride, wore a baby blue velvet short pant suit with white shirt and blue bow tie, and he carried the ring on a heart- shaped pillow of white satin with lily-of-the-valley tied in the rib- bon streamers. Groomsman was Morris Carter, brother-in-law of the groom. Us- hers were Paul Ferguson, brother of the bride, and Martin Keyes, brother of the groom. The bride's aunt, Mrs. Jessie Spencley sang "Wedding Prayer," and "Because." The music was played by church organist Mrs. Cecil Searles. Guests attended from Seaforth, Varna, Orillia, Clinton, Windsor, Toronto, Whitby, Lindsay, Wood- stock, Exeter, Brucefield, Mill- brook, Bailieboro, London, Camp- 'beliford, Port Perry, Cloyle, Mar- inora, Detroit and Fraser, Mich., as well as Peterborough, The reception was held in the Mark Street Christian Education Centre, where Mrs. Ferguson re- ceived in a mink tone sheath with matching feather hat topped with brown and trimmed with mink- tone bow and flowers. She wore brown accessories and her corsage was of bronze 'mums. Mrs. Keyes, mother of the groom, assisted wearing royal blue with white hat and gloves, black shoes and purse, and her corsage was white Chrys- themums. When the bride and groom left on their wedding trip to the Un- ited States, the bride wore a top- az boucle fitted suit with mink ,collar, brown feather hat, brown gloves, purse •and shoes and a go- ing away corsage of bronze and yellow 'mums. Mr. and Mrs. Keyes are to live at 308 South Taylor Mills, Rich- snond Hill. son Assisting, A. kitchen and pan-try shower- was given by Mrs. Lloyd hardy. At the 'home of Mrs. Claire Ferguson, other aunts. of the bride, Mrs. G. Might, Mrs, H. Cordery, Mrs. Cecil Ferguson' Mrs. A, Stevens and Mrs. H. Del- ally, were assistant hostesses at a miscellaneous shower Classmates of the 19$9. class • Civic Hospital School of Nursing attended a shower given for the bride by maid of honour., Mr. and, Mrs. John A. 'Goodson,. entertained the bridal party after the rehearsal evening,. MARRY #1..,AM1 OUR FUEL OIL. MAKES. THE HEAT WAVE5SWARM, THROUGHOUT THE HOUSE TO kEEP rrwARm! 0 • WARM WAVES Ontario Street SS Appoints Officers Teachers and officers of Ont- ario Street United Church Sunday School held their annual turkey dinner and meeting in the ladies parlour on Thursday evening, Dec- ember 3, The slate of teachers and offic- ers for 1960 were presented with one additional teacher to be se- 'cured by the teachers committee. The new study books, "You Can Teach" were handed out by the superintendent, Robert Elliott. Final arrangements for the Christmas concert which will be held Monday evening, December 21, commencing at 7.30 p.m, were made, Beattie Funeral Home Details are so competently handled by our staff that seldom does the family re- alize there are over 40 in- dividual services or steps in- volved. The same efficiency . . Regardless of how much or how little you spend. AMBULANCE SERVICE ANYTIME 'veig..socelpoimmmios.,MswomeesPritMeg-I0 44.MIPC~ MY SUIT IS ALL TATTERED MY MITTENS ARE FRAYED MY SLEIGH NEEDS REPAIRING MY BILLS ARE UNPAID HEY, SANTA, THE ANSWER IS CLEAR AS CAN BE - LET'S HITCH UP YOUR REINDEER AND SEE T.C.C. • ,....6104. vol• stcadss ((( .-0:0s4s,siss.sks.ft.WW:Irg'0 TRANS CANADA CREDIT CORPORATION LIMITED 148 THE SQUARE, PHONE 797 GODERICH, ONT, 15844 L A N D MARTIN'S 2nd FLOOR Lay-A-Way Plan Need Cash for Christmas? Extra Christmas expense is just ono of the many situations that seem to create a need for ready cash. Often, a loan in time will actually Save you money in tho long run. Get the cash you need—from $180, to 0,600. On budget plans spread over 12, 1L 24 or even 30111611111s. HA HO! THINGS LOOK BRIGHTER I'M HAPPY TO SAY - COME DANCER AND PRANCER LET'S SHOP RIGHT AWAY! BE LIRE GOOD OLD SANTA WHEN YOU'RE FEELING BLUE' GET A T.C.C. LOAN IT'S THE SMART THING TO DO!,