HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-12-10, Page 3SERVICE IS OUR MIDIDt.E. NAME JACK SCR/170/V FOR EVI:RYTIIING IN • PtTlabILIEUM. Fil).1-9,653 CLINTON ClarrON ligWS-AgcORD PA g `mil trampAy, LTIMTaiga 10, 3,959 St. Andrew's Girls enjoy Tempting Pot Luck Supper School Christmas concert, This Is to be brought to the church en Thursday evening, DeCeMher 3,7• Mrs. J. E. "Dick' Jacob read the new slate of -.officers .for the year 1,060, as follows; honorary president, Mrs, D, J, Lane; presi- dent, Mrs, Gordon Sutcliffe; - vice- president, Mrs. Howard Cowan; secretary, Mrs. Jacob; treasurer, Mrs. Frank Mutch; Ores$ secre- tory, Mrs. Allan Graham; social. committee, Mrs., Dorothy Hymers, Mrs. Edward Neeb, Mrs. Royce Macaulay, Mrs, .Tiowercl Cowan; flower convener, Miss Beatrice Gibson; talent money, Miss Win- nifred Bishop; special flower fund, Miss Mabel Harvey; program committee, Mrs. Lane, Mrs. K. McKenzie, Mrs. Clarence Neilans, Mrs. Donald Strong, Christmas carols and an -ex- change of gifts, closed the meet- ing. 0 HOLIDAY BLUES? . IF MOKI1 THE REASON A T.C.C. LOAN CAN BRIN6JOY TO THE SEASON! Pot luck supper in St, Andrew's Presbyterian .Church was held by the Girls' Club last W. ednesday, December 2, Sitting at a long table, centred by flickering red tapers, each lady M turn read a short blessing, which was at her place. When all the tempting dish- es were brought to the table, cal- orie-counting was soon forgotten and everyone enjoyed the supper to the utmost. A short business meeting was presided over by president Mrs. Condon Sutcliffe. All members favoured catering to a banquet in January. Used clothing left over from the bazaar will be sent to the Salm- tion Army, All members are asked to make candy for the Sunday SY DOROTHY swami The train pulled into the sta- tion at St, Catharines. I was on my way home from Niagara Falls and sitting with my feet up on the opposite seat when my eyes spied a sales bill flapping on a pole, "Auction Sale" it announc- ed in big, bold, red letter. This was like waving a red flag in front of a bull. I charged down the aisle of the train, lugging my weekend bag, and alighted on that station platform just as the conductor gave the signal for the train to proceed. CNR train crews across Cana- da are getting used to the unex- pected decisions this Vagabond makes. When the conductor saw my jump he merely shrugged his shoulders and climbed aboard the slowly moving train. Then I stood in a fall drizzle, wondering which way to turn next. St. Catharines is a pretty city, one hundred miles or less from Toronto, that mushroomed during the war years, growing a- way from the older and more set- tled streets in the central part of town, I knew nothing More about it than what I could see from a train window, but I had a tongue in my head and a, few coins Still left in my purse after my delight- ful weekend at the Falls. I realiz- ed I had time only to grab a bite to eat before the sale was slated to commence, Next to trains, taxis, hi my es-. timation, are God's gift to human- ity, When I get these sudden brain waves and maroon myself in strange places, a taxi driver can always find me accommoda- tion in attractive quarters and, in this case the whereabouts of an auction sale. We polled up in front o fa run- down, late Victorian period-type house whose gingerbread trim- ming was hanging in broken dis- array from its eaves, Paint peeled from the graying clapboard and in the overgrown garden weeds flourished. "The old gent was 97 when. he died but as independent as a pig on ice. Nobody could do nothire for him. He just liked mein' a- lone", the driver said, as I in- structed him to come back for me at 4 p.m. There, bared for a critical pub- lic to comment, were the living habits of old, shall I call him, Jeremiah Jones. The bedding was clean but had seen better days. China was broken and cracked, and pots and pans were blackened by the coal fire he struggled with in the shadow of thousands of modern appliances in the homes that surrounded him. The furni- ture to be auctioned off to the highest bidder was in deplorable state of dilapidation. I had a moment of heartache for old Jeremiah. My imagination pictured the better days he had known in the gay nineties, with his family, all deceased before him, rollicking around the then new marble-topped table and jum- ping up and down on the horse- hair upholstered sofa. It was the sofa that caught my eye. For years it had obviously been stored in the chicken coop. Its springs hung from its innards and the once expensive upholster- ing (a sign of affluence in Vic- toria's day) was a bleached tan. Feathers and filth clung to the beautiful handcarving on the back of the settee. I watched the women of the neighbourhood pawing over the quilts and tapping the saucers for cracks. I heard them bid fantas- tic prices for the dirty pots and pans, but when it came to the sofa, my weak little (and almost ashamed) bid of "25c" won the prize for me. Everyone at the sale looked at me as though I was an escapee from some asylum. "What on earth could anyone want with such a relic?" you could almost hear them silently asking themselves. The taxi driver was of the same opinion when he arrived. I was standing over a nice gentleman who had volunteered to help af- ter he saw me struggling with a borrowed sorew driver, trying to remove the back from the sofa. I had a plan for Jeremiah's old glory hut you'd never guess it from the expression on the faces of the crew in the CNR express office when the taxi driver and I lugged the old wreck into their domain. Today it is the conversation piece of my abode. Scraped, fumi- gated, cutdown, painted with white and gold and in its new dress of white upholstery SWUM it is a perfect headboard for a vagabond's bed. Bless Jeremiah for being so stubborn and insisting on living alone among his treasurers trtd. I caught up with this sale. I am sure he woudn't approve of my having painted a "real walnut carving" but I guess now, the only ones missing its old splendour are, "them chickens"? 'CHRISTMAS EXPENSES WINTER HOLIDAYS 44"'• *4: TRANS CANADA CREDIT 1201 Mrs. William Pepper To Head Executive Tuckersmith Club rMID-ficickathe! -.tired out!' • 4 -rest disturbetll ARE ALL WIVES FED UP? When they are troubled by backache, that tired out feeling or disturbed rest, many, many women turn to Dodd's Kidney Pills. These conditions can be caused by excess acids and wastes in the system and Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate the kidneys and aid their normal action of removing these excess acids and wastes. Then life seems brighter, housework lighted Why don't you, too, try Dodd's? 63 FUEL DILLS HOME REPAIRS The Tuckersmith Ladies Club met at the home of Mrs. William Rogerson on Wednesday, Decem- ber 2, with 14 members and three visitors present. Roll call was an- swered with an exchange of 75 cent gifts. Donations of $10 each were given to the TB fund and the Retarded Children's fund. Mrs. Norris Sillery conducted a contest. Lunch was served by Group 3. New officers appointed for 1960 are: president, Mrs. William Pep- per; vice-president, Mrs. Fred Pepper; secretary, Mrs. William Rogerson; treasurer, Mrs. Ernest Loans from $150. to $2,500. or Miike. Take up to 30 months to repay on a wide selection of loan plans Prompt, dignified service. 148 THE SQUARE, PHONE 797 GODERICH, ONT. Crich; sewing committee, Mrs. Al- den Crich and Mrs, F. Walters; buying committee, Mrs, Warren Whitmore, Mrs. Norris Sillery; press reporter, Mrs. Les Lawson; social committee, Mrs, Vie Syt- nick, Mrs. Stanley Johns, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Eldon O'Brien; flower committee, Mrs. H. Johns, Mrs. Ed Layton; pianist, Mrs. Ernest Crich. 1511-41. • Convenient, I ONE-STOP SHOPPING for these and tong other FINE GIFTS cit owt, • • e , D•A• DRUGSTORE- • U~' eve/Ivome ..go-wt a AD ti KODAK GIFTS SAY r •‘' 4•4•W • • . • • Leather Billfolds 230, 3.95 up 3-Piece Dresser Sets 3.98 to 11.95 Guerlain Shalimar Perfume 5.50 up Roger & Galles Soaps ..- 3 for 2.00 Tweed Cologne 1.50, 2.00 Tweed Purse Perfume 3.25 be sure . give - Cadbury's la/ 11-11--i" "Friendship Garden" & "Desert Flower" Also a delicious finishing touch to your own Yuletide enter- taining. MILK TRAY CHOCOLATES'''. 1/2 pound 1 pound, 80c 1.50 The fun end enjoyment of taking pictures can start by "shooting" the .opening of • gtfts. on Christmas morning. Visit our photo depart- ment. We have a com- plete selection of cam- era outfits for snap- shots, color slides or home movies. by Shulton C 04 Stick Cologne 1.25 Toilet Water with Atomizer 3.00 Bubbling Bath Cryifals 2.00 Purse size Perfume 2.00 Dusting Powder 2.00 Gift Sets 2.00, 3.50, 4.00' Charmer Set-miniatures of toilet water, talcum, sa- chet, & bath crystals 1.50 Bath Salts 1.75 Spray Cologne 3.00 Talcum - shaker top 1.00 Toilet Water 1.25, 2.00 art tfl5"V 11111 I)ES s•••.,t 'il.".1'' Cadbury "Roses" 65c $1.25 Gage "Stuart Hall" Gift Stationery Cufex Shocking de Schiaparelli , Perfume Dressmaker Bottles 3.50 12.00 Cologne 3.00 The perfect gift for 'flash" fans! Sylvania "Superflash" Flashbulbs A gift that will really be appreciated by flash camera enthusiasts. Pictures taken anywhere and anytime are sharp and bright when Syl- MIx'\\1\ yania flashbulbs light them. Buy the dozen packs. • • • • loveliness for her fingertips Transparent plastic box set illustrated holds polish, pol- ish and cuticle removers, nail white pencil & ji r1 it j other manicure accessories. 1.25 OTHER SETS 2.00 3.00 "DURATONE" Playing Cards 4. A very popular "extra" gift for any woman. Assortment of designs-finest quality paper in soft, pastel col- ours. 130 2.00 up • Plastic-coated A t • Washable Singles Doubles 1.59 3.10 ceesioliibes AV). SuPtanAr .4) 1.00 PENS and SETS gracefully styled Timex Watches enchant her with Max Factor • A h Perkins Deluxe Continuous Roll GIFT WRAP PAPER Assorted designs. Each roll is 20 inches by 40 feet. 79° Ball pens, fountain pens, cartridge• pens, pocket pen sets, desk sets in a wide range to suit your purse. North-Rite Continental Set A superb ball point pen with a matching lead pencil. A natural gift for almost anyone 1.98 NORTH-RITE "98" Ball Pen 98c Shock resistant. Unbreakable crystals - One year guarantee. "Sophisti-Cat" Perfume - a purr-fect and un- usual gift perfume 1.95 Cologne in Primitif or Hypnotique 2.25, 4.00 Hi-Society Lipstick in mirror case 1.95 your gift wrappings quickly . . . safely Scotch , Brand GIFT WRAP TAPE Choice of decorative Christmas designs. 15c 25c Secure 96.95 Very small size gold colour case in square, cushion or tonneau shape. Stainless steel back, Black nylon cordette. • --...4741111"..1611, • .....••••••••••• CITIES SERVICE SA1 7At'liArt for The .! HOLIDAY SEAsom men go for Williams LEATHER BILLFOLDS 1.79, 230 to 10.00 G1LLETE BLUE BLADES 230, 5.00 OLD SPICE GIFT SETS 1 35 to 9.00 PIPES assorted shapes 1.00, 1.95 up Add a touch of winter• to your decorations! Frosty Snow Spray it on your tree and de- corate windows, mirrors, eta. 6 ounce 12 ounce (with 98c 20 stencils) 1.39 SEALS, TAGS, WRAPPING PAPER 10c 15c 25c CIGARETTES in 50's 90c Export, Matinee, DoMaurier, Roth- ' man's, Players, Black Cat. PIPE TOBACCO-1/2 lbs, 1.55 up 04INIBoyo Aqua Velva - after shave lotion -- 79c, 1.25 Lectric Shave •••• 79c, .1.50 To look your loveliest for all the Yuletide season, treat yourself to a new home-styled hair-do. • Muse, TAKE IT FROM AND YOU'LL AGREE.., l.,sErreRouALITV OuR uS, OP 8 the answer to a mans shaving problem Sunbeam Mennen Gift Set containing Mentholized Lather Shave, Skin Bracer, Talcum and Spray Deocfor- 055,,w. ant 2,25 et 2-piece Set 1,25 Skin Bracer 1.00 "Afta" Shave Lotion 1.25 • sun ... ..... 00. hollow-ground BLADE-ILECTRIC SHAVEMASTER shaves as close and clean as soap and blade with the speedy comfort and convenience of electric shav- ing-. A treat to use. po 1. $2.00 •••• ER • ." • ' • •C • oatit , Alka- Seltzer- in a gay 011irioftitao LLid lit F. B. PENNEBAKER YOUR I DA. DRUGGIST Phone HU 2-6626 Unique Photo Service . 6 ..... " 444 ‘447, os5,..4.N.J.iOl408;•4=0.-..s.s.wvisw,oaliW;MMIX•X:k...•.,-......00vs.s r,•-•n4, .............. *". • - • • •