Clinton News-Record, 1959-12-03, Page 4PAGE POUR CLINTON svws,agoora) TI-31-7 $DAY, DECEMBER 3, 3,95; Pet Stock NEWS-RECORD ROXY THEATRE Clinton Rates No Charge for Announcements tif Births, Marriages and Deaths, Articles for Sale, Rent, etc., Cards of Thanks, IVIernoriams, Engagements, 3c a word, minimum 75c. Box No. to this office 150 additional. Repeat insertions ,W a word, minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNT: % if paid by Saturday fol- lowing last .insertion. i3illing charge of 3.0c added. 4atest Time for Insertions 12 noon Wednesday Dial 1-11.1nter 2-3443 REGISTERED anow-White Sainey ed puppies, order now for .ChrietM4: delivery, supply limited, Contact; Viola gables, Blyth, or phone 53r13 evenings or Saturdays, Two. Shows Nightly-First Show (3t 7 pm,---Wide Screen Saturday Matinee at ZOO p.m. WANT ADS Now Playing,-December 3-4-5 "THESE THOUSAND HILLS" Poultry Wanted FOR QUICK RESULTS (Adult Entertainment) Powerful story by a Pulitzer Prize winner. Western Colorado backgrounds in De Luxe Color DON MURRAY -- LEE I3EIVIICK -- RICHARD EGAN Saturday matinee only: "POWDER RIVER" LIVE TURKEYS, ducks, geese and hens, Ton prices guaranteed In Varna and Zurich district con tact Mervyn. Hayter, East Hurta Produce, Brussels. 46-tfi Accommodation For Rent Articles For Sale Clothing for Sale Help Wanted Female GIRLS WANTED, Apply at Clin- ton Laundry and Dry Cleaners. 48-h EXTRA SPECIAL GIFTS for, ex- tra special people. Imported Scot- tish Mohair stoles, and throws; mohair bulky sweaters; Warren knit sweaters for men and boys. Bayfield Woollen Shop. 48-b Poultry For Sale 35 M.M, CAMERA, slide projec- tor for sale. Phone HU 2-3830. 48p FOR SALE AVAMORE Electric potato peeler in running condition, Anyone interested contact Sta.. tion Services Officer, RCAF HU 2- 3411, Local 294. No calls.accepted after 4 p.m. December 9, 48-b DOWNSTAIRS apartment, self- contained, furnished and heated, centrally located. Phone HU 2- 9581. 48p MON:. TUES., WED.-December 7-8-9 ROOSTERS, dressed weight, 38 lb. Live weight, 30c lb, Phon Ross Lovett, HU 2-9802, 48- DRESSED FOWL, delivered, 301 lb. Phone Harry Lear, 48r9, Blyt 48-9-50- "THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT (Adult Entertainment) Warm human story of an older man's love for a young girl, written by the Oscar-winning author of 'Marty" FREDERICK MARCH -- KIM NOVAK -- ALBERT DEKKER If LADY to care for young family in their own home during day, while mother works. Phone HU 2- 3352 after 5.30 p.m. 48-b 3 ROOM APARTMENT, down- stairs, with small kitchen, unfurn- ished, private bath, private en- trance. Phone HU 2-3459, after 5 p.m, 48-p LONG SLEEVE CARDIGANS, 100% botany wool, sizes from 8 to 20, price $2,98; polo pyjamas, 98c to $2.98. Mail orders filled, Open evenings, closed Thursdays. Bay- field Woollen Shop. Box 41, or phone Bayfield 83. 48-tfb Livestock For Sale SELLING .22 WINCHESTER Semi-Automatic, same as model 63, two boxes shells, $45.00. Also 32-20 Winchester, one box, $55.00. Both like new. Pat Rurnleskie, Barry's Bay, Ontario, 48-b ROOSTERS, dressed aPProximate ly 6% lbs. Apply to Mrs. Harve2 Hayter, phone HU 2-3226. 481 FURNISHED and HEATED apart- ment, ground floor, 3 large rooms, tile floors, cupboards and fire- place, washing facilities, available December 15. Phone HU 2-3844. 48b 3 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN heifers, due in December, Apply Harry Plumsteeli phone HU 2- 3286. 47-8-b Coming Next: "MARK OF ZORRO" All star cast AND "COURAGE OF BLACK BEAUTY" JOHN CRAWFORD -- MIMI GIBSON Miscellaneous Custom Work BEST GIFT FOR THE STUD- ent in your family - a Smith- Corona Super or Skywriter, A type- writer looks good under the tree on Christmas morning-and grad- es will look better all next year. Clinton News-Record, 63 Albert Street, HU 2-3443, 42 BOAR-Landrace purebred, serv- iceable age. Malcolm Davidson, Brucefield. Phone Hensall 686r23, 46x-7-8-b FILTER QUEEN Sales and Sery ice. Repairs to all makes of va tuum cleaners. For service ca HU 2-7146. 35t1 TRUCK LETTERING. Dial HU 2- 9520, 147 Townsend Street. 30 years experience. 48 to 52-tfb DOWNSTAIRS APARTMENT, furnished and heated. All convene: iences, centrally located. Pholie HU 2-9005, 46 Princess Street, West. 48-p FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING needs, call HU 2-9433. Hawkins Hardware. 2-tfb HOLSTEIN HEIFER, due in 3 weeks; 5 Holstein heifers, due in one month. Lloyd Holland, phone HU 2-7084. 48-b LET US REPAIR AND MAK] your rings and jewellery like nevc Diamond rings renewed and stone safely secured - don't take char ces. Expert work done reasonabl to your satisfaction. Watch re pairs and Pearl restringing. 'S( N. Counter. 48- ANNOUNCEMENT Articles For Sale WAREHOUSE SALE every Sat- urday on refrigerators, freezers, washing machines and dryers, vac- uum cleaners, television sets, etc. Save money on brand name ap- pliances. Warehouse open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m, each Saturday. T. A. Dutton Appliances, Brucefield. HU 2- 3232. 23tfb DIAMONDS CLEANED and checked free of charge. Anstett Jewellers, Clinton. 46-rtfb 20 PIGS for sale, 7 weeks old. Also hatching flock of 600 hens, starting to lay, and 60 roosters. A. van den Dool, phone HU 2- 9840. 48-p WE GIFT-WRAP and package for mailing -- F R E E. Anstett Jewellers, Clinton. 46-tfb It is with regret that we announce our decision to close the Roxy Theatre. We are particularly sorry that the children and young people of Clinton and community will no longer have the Saturday afternoon matinee, and even- ing entertainment. Throughout the years we have enjoyed the friendly relationship which has existed between the management of the theatre and the people of Clinton and district. Since 1950 changes have occurred which have made the theatre business less profitable, and during the past five years the Roxy has continued to lose money, The business operation has showed a loss of up to $800 In one month's time. FOR YOUR ELECTRICAL and oil heating repair, phone Torn Chuter, HU 2-3324. Address: 74 Victoria Street. 48-50-p SPEC IAL: Sunbeam Philishave Razors, $19.95. ANSTETT Jewel- lers, Clinton. 47-tfb ELECTRIC 6" METAL LATHE. Apply 37 East Street, or phone HU 2-9962. 47-8-b WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FO) experts. Our work assures you satisfaction. Counter's Jeweller Huron County's Oldest Establishe Jewellery Store. 48- LANDRACE PIGS from our Grand Champion sow and imp. boar. Boars of breeding age at farmer's prices. John D. Lindsay, phone HU 2-9197, RR 3, Clinton. 48-p AIR COMPRESSOR - equipped with jack hammer, mud spade and drill. Cale Doucette, builder, phone HU 2-9562. 32b FREE FUEL OF, - $100.00 prepaid with each purchase of a Massey-Ferguson No. 50 tractor. To prove to you that you have picked the most economical-to-run 3-plow tractor in its class. Mas- sey-Ferguson is going to foot the fuel bills for the first months of operation. Don't miss the Mas- sey-Ferguson Free Fuel Offer. Good for a limited time only. Come in and see us now. Your Massey-Ferguson Dealer, George Wraith, Goderich. 36-tfb MOTORS REWOUND and RI paired. Brushes, capacitors, swi ches, bearings; small appliance repaired. Used or recondition( motors for sale. Art Levett, Er Street, one •block north of Epi Pumps. Phone HU 2-6640. 40-ti 1 HEAT RECLAIMER like new, $35.00. Phone HU 2-9778 after six p.m. 48-b GUARANTEED TV SERVICING. Ted Ryder TV Sales and Service, 72 Albert or 54 Mill Street, Clin- ton, Ontario. HU 2-9320. 42 to 1p Livestock Wanted OLD HORSES WANTED at 3%c lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- lect, Goderich, 1483 J 4 or 1483 J 1. COLEMAN SPACE HEATER, large size, only used 4 months. Phone Blyth 26r10. 48p LAWN SODDING. Free estimates, Fill, gravel, top soil, manure, de- livered. George A. Baird, Clinton, phone HU 2-7176. 25p-26-tfb FOR YOUR DRAINAGE, excavat- ing and pipeline work, foundations, levelling, gravel fill and top soil. Contact Jack Merner, phone HU 2-9734. 20-tfb The Clinton theatre is the last of our former chain of six to be disposed of, except for the Goderich and St. Marys theatres, of course. An offer to purchase the property in Clinton has been accepted. Closing date has been set for December 26th. Regular showings will continue until that date. LAY AWAY NOW, $1 will hold any article until Christmas, An- stett Jewellers, Clinton. 46-tfb WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATIO SERVICE FOR ALL BREED! OF CATTLE Farmer Owned and Controlle Call us between: 7,30 and 10.00 a.m. Week Da and 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday Evenings - at Clinton HU 2-3441. 46-t ATTENTION FARMERS: $5.00 paid for sick, down and disabled cows and horses, according to size and condition. All dead stock picked up free of charge. Call col- lect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth, Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd. 39p-tfb TIMEX WATCHES, can be ser- viced through ANSTETT Jewellers, Clinton. 48-tfb SELLING OUT SALE-Rayner's Jewellers, 8 Wellington St., Strat- ford, •are quitting business. Posi- THOR Gain a Day Ironer, like tively everything must be sold new $50; 6 pairs of handmade Only a short time left. Now you rompers, $4, Phone HU 2-9216 48b can buy Canada's finest nationally _ j advertised jewellery, watches, dia- mond rings, silverware, etc,, at prices you may •tieVer see again. No matter what you buy, you just can't help saving money. Remem- ber, time is short, merchandise is moving fast, so you must hurry. Whatever you do don't miss 'this great sale. 48-b HURON THEATRES LTD., H. J. Sutherland, St. Marys, Ontario FOR YOUR RADIO and televi- sion repairs to all makes and mo- dels, contact Russell Faber, gradu- ate of Radio Electronic Television School, phone Seaforth, 665r11, 48-tfb ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK Ser- vice, Highest cash prices paid for dead, old, sick, or disabled horses and cattle. Old horses at 5c a lb. For the fastest and prop- er removal of all animals, day or night, use our automatic exchange, at no cost to you. Call long dist- ance and ask for Atwood Zenith 34900 (no toll charge), or Norman Knapp, Blyth 21r12. 44tfb ENGLISH KARRI COT (collaps- ible baby's car bed), mattress, hood and storm cover, $8. Phone HU 2-7151. 47-b . Accommodation For Rent PARK THEATRE GODERICH Employment Wanted 54" SPRING FILLED Mattress, brand new; rangette, rewired, in good condition. D. R, Gibbs, RR 3, Clinton. 47-8-p 2 APARTMENTS, SELF CON- tamed, furnished, one heated with gas. Phone HU 2-9682. 48-p Now Playing-Dec. 3-4-5 "The Legend of Tom Dooley" with Michael Landon and Jo Morrow WOULD LIKE to care for a small child in my own home, while mo- ther works. Phone HU 2-9216. 48b MOOERN USED HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS LARGE OIL SPACE HEATER with fan and thermostat control QUEBEC HEATER, medium size 4 BURNER HEAVY DUTY EL- ECTRIC STOVE REFRIGERATOR, 8% cu, ft., still under warranty. 1 SET OF CHROME TABLE AND CHAIRS 1 CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR I ONLY CONVERSION TYPE OIL BURNER with automatic controls, can be installed in a coal furnace 1 FORCED DRAFT BLOWER with motor, used for burning cheaper grade of coal. SEWING MACHINE •Console as new; heavy duty rangette; folding car crib. 208 Strang Court, Gode- rich, phone JA 4-7586. 48-p SMALL APARTMENT, Furnish- ed and heated, available now. Ap- ply at 93 Huron Street. 48-9-p Fruit For Sale Dead Stock Services HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR SICK, DOWN or DISABLED COWS and HORSES. also Dead Cows'and Horses At Cash Value Old Horses - 4c per pound Phone Collect 133 - BRUSSELS BRUCE MARLATT 24 HOUR SERVICE SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE: Spy, King, Russet, Talman Sweet, Greening, Macintosh, Snow, Bald- win, Delicious, etc. Phone HU 2-3214. •Free delivery in town or RCAF houses. Fred McClymont and Sons, 1 mile south of Varna. 40tfb TIMBER FRAME BUILDING, 22'x30', ten foot post. Apply D. Gemeinhardt, Bayfield, Box 84. 47-8-b 3 ROOM furnished apartment, hea- ted, with private bath. Available now, phone HU 2-3837. 48-b Mon., Tues. & Wed. December 7-8-9 "The Diary of Anne Frank" Money To Loan UNLIMITED MONEY LOAN TO CITY AND FARM FOLK Money for anything and anywher Phone or write now: OPS INVESTMENTS LTD., 3903 Bloor St. West, Toront WA 2-2442. 4' 7 ROOM HOUSE, 3 piece bath, all conveniences for sale or rent. Ph- one Bayfield 53r2. 48tfh DUO THERM Oil Space Heater (large) with blower. In good shape. Also two French doors. Ph- one HU 2-9339, after 6 p.m. 48p A HOUSE on Isaac St., two bed- rooms, unfurnished, for further particulars phone HU 2-9427. 48p Lost and Found FOR THE BEST BUY in a chain saw try the new McCulloch No. 1 saw, All models in stock, at Wells Auto Electric, Clinton HU 2-3851. 42-tfb Based on a Pulitzer Prize Broad- way play and winner of the sc- reen's Blue Ribbon Award, this is one of those good pictures that you should not miss!! Millie Perkins -- Shelley Winters and Joseph Schildkraut LOST-Strayed from the prem- ises of Lot 18, Stanley Township, Highway 4, three weeks ago, a Holstein steer, 500 lbs. Finder please phone HU 2-7511. 47-8-p 2 BEDROOM Modern Apartment, unfurnished, available now. Phone HU 2-6677.. 48tfb TRAVEL SERVICE STAN BLOWES REISBUREAU- 34 Wellington •Street, Stratfor, Telefoon 170-A11e luchtvaart scheepvaartmaatschappijen, spoo weg hotels, enz. Voor inlichtinge wendt U zich tot Henk Hijman Uw Nederlandse, reisbureau-agen 48, 1. ALL-BAND ANTENNA, corn- CHUTER ELECTRIC plete with Crown rotor mast and fittings. Reason for selling, leaving HU 2-3324 the district. Contact Rev. Sidney 74 Victoria Street, Clinton Davison, phone HU 2-9959. 48b 47-8-p 41 ft. TRAILER, 2 bedroom, bath- room, furnished. Apply at North End Store, phone HU 2-3323. 48b LOST-Small brown envelopes, identified by Dept. of National De- fence, RCAF G168; contains $25, lost Monday near Bank of Mont- real. Reward. Contact D. Barnett. Bank of Montreal. 48-b We54EW'Z Thur., Fri. & Sat. December 10-11-12 A Real Zany Double! Lou Costello and Dorothy Provine N "The Thirty-foot Bride of Candy Rock" and entering the field of science- fiction with their first attempt at a feature length commedy The Three Stooges with Anna Lisa IN "Have Rocket! Will Travel" 4 ROOM APARTMENT, unfur- nished, available Dec. 1. Apply 157 Princess Street, after 5 p.m. Gatze Brommer. 48-p PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW for Royal Doulton, Spode, Wedge- wood and Royal Albert dinner- ware - for Christmas delivery. Anstett Jewellers, Clinton. 46-tfb Articles Wanted APARTMENT - Self-Contained, unfurnished. Available first of month, Phone HU 2-9928. 47tfb BOOKCASE, with glass doors wanted by Miss C. Haig. Write to Box 253, Clinton. 48-p 3 STORM WINDOW 73"x42"; 1 window arid window frame and storm sash to fit a 64"x33'. Call at 100 King Street or phone HU 2- 6643. 48-b A SMALL OIL HEATER wanted. Phone HU 2-9911 before 10 • a.m. 48-b YOUR DOLLARS BUY 1AORV. HOUSE FOR: RENT, 3 bedrooms, recently redecorated, available now. Orville Workman, Kippen, phone Hensel 677r11. 46-7-8-b WE BUY late model used appli- ances, refrigerators, freezers, stoves, etc, 'Rust be clean and in good condition. T. A. Dutton Ap- pliances, Brinefield. Phone HU 2- 3232. Open evenings till 9 p.m. 32tfb AUTHORIZ.W Dumont & Zenith TV dealer. Ted Ryder TV Sales and Service, 72 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario. Phone HU 2- 9320. 42 to 1-p 3 ROOM FURNISHED APART- meat. Suitable for a couple. Wash- ing facilities available. Vacant No- vember 20. Phone HU 2-9504. 45t1b SAY IT WITH SHIRTS BROWNIE MOVIE CAMERA, brand new, won at Seaforth Lions Frolic. Model 2 with fine extra fast f/2.3 lens. Write to Box 428, Seaforth. 48,-p Our Shelves are bulging with the Latest Styles 'and Patterns in SPORT SHIRTS. Plaids, plains, fancies Small-Medium-Large-Extra Large Priced from $3.95 to $13,95 Coming: "The Journey" with Deborah Kerr and Yul Brynner 2 BEDROOM self-contained apart- ment, furnished, available Decem- ber 15. I bedroom self-contained apartment, available December 7. Phone HU 2-9390, 48-9-p Automobiles For Sale 1955 CHEVROLET Bel Air, V-8, automatic, radio, heater and new paint job. Phone HU 2-9516. 48-p SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with special care. Phone for an even- ing appointment. HU 2.9525 or HU 2-7054. Anstett Jewellers. 53tfb 1946 CHEVROLET 2-door, new paint job, fully winterized. Radio heater and turn signals. Immacu- late shape. $125. Phone H U2-9600. 48-p DRAM 'Tux, RYD,ALL BRICK & TILE LTD. Lucan BA 7-4721 Elginfield, Ontario. 49 to48p ARROW WHITES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT Choose from 5 Different Collar Styles Broadcloth, No-iron, Terylene $5.00 to $9.95 1949 METEOR, custom radio, fen- der skirts, excellent condition, Al- So Holstein calf suitable for veal- big. Don Campbell, Bayfield 58r41. 48-b SEVERAL new patterns in English Bone China Dinnerware, including: lovely "Cornflower". See it and others in our window and get our low prices for fine china. Counter's Jewellery, 48-p See Our CHRISTMAS PUDDING! Made the way YOUR FAMILY Likes It Board and Room ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE gentleman, HU 2-7051. 48,13 Help Wanted-Male A TEXAS OIL COMPANY WANTS MAN OVER 45 FOR CLINTON AREA WE NEED a good man at once and we are willing to pay top earn- ings. We prefer someone between 45 and 65 . Who can make auto trips for about a 'week at a time . and can call on small town industrial and rural property owners, WORTH $12,000.00 (but top men in other parts of country draw exceptional earnings up to $12,000 in a year, This Open- ing in the Clinton area is worth ;just as much to the right man, We take care of all deliveries- and col. leetions. Pay earnings itt advance. Write a confidential letter to P.O. Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas. O. E, SWALLOW, President, 484) GIFT BOXES GIFT CERTIFICATES Our Saturday Special KflO M OU R O4TIO NE ONLY CREAM PIES Only 53c Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. ebeeeeseeeeeeepeeese,1neeeee, CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS TIES-SOCKS-SWEATERS-BELTS-PYJAMAS JACKETS-JEWELLERY-SCARVES Open Friday Evening-,--Open All Day Wednesday in December FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY 1.30 pm. Government Inspected Scales 0attle Sold By Weight TERMS: CASH ,JOE COREY, Sales Manager Wit lVicNAIR, Auctioneer COLOMIOUN, Clerk MItkV-IiPrOMMWO-Vir20*V1000eirM I Pickett gc Campbell Limited Bakery and Restaurant Phone HU 2-9132 Main Corners .Clinton HU 2-9727 CLINTON