HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-12-03, Page 3Since the township represent- ative to the Clinton District Col-legiate Institute, .1. W. VariEg-inerid,, AR 1, Clinton, was net present, there was no report giv- en, A report was received from Oliver Anderson, the township's representative on $eaforth Dist, riot High School Board. He. was chairman of the hoard the past two years.. To the Electors of HULLETT TOWNSHIP: Having served as councillor for eight years, I solicit your vote and influence in the elec- tion December 7. Wishing you all the compli- ments of the season, I remain Archie Young 48-p S HI P IN CLINTON e41441c 41.4iveler4406141006M4141 To The Electors Of HULLETT TOWNSHIP: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I am offering my services as councillor for 1960. If elected you are assured of my very best. Your vote on December 7 is respectfully solicited. — Clare Vincent 48-p 1 To The Ratepayers Of HULLETT TOWNSHIP: I wish to thank the ratepayers for the acclama- tion I received to be your Reeve for 1960, and will serve to the best of my ability. Wishing you one and all the Compliments of the Season. — Tom Leiper 48p to buy a one-ton truck for the maxis works, He congratulated Wail= jewat on a fine job es warden, and hoped that he -would be a,131.0 to fill, his shoes as reeve. Emerson Hesk noted that no bridges had been built in, 1059; but there would have to be some .built in the next few years, since some in the township were out- .44,tqd. To the Electors of HULLETT TOWNSHIP: Your vote and influence at the polls on Monday, Dec- ember 7, will be appreciated. If I am elected to Hullett Township Council for 1960, I shall feel honoured to servo you. —James McEwing To The Electors Of HULLETT TOWNSHIP: My .sincere thanks for your support in years pcist, if You decide to vote for me on PecerrOer 7, will serve to the best of my ability throughout 1960. Emmerson Hesk 48-p -• • To The Electors Of HULLETT TOWNSHIP: I am offering my services as councillor for 1960 and if elected will serve you to the best of my ability. Your support at the polls on Monday will be very much appreciated, 48-p — Joseph R. Flunking , ,, A DRUG STORES for Her; •• (D) JEWELITE ROLL WAVE HAIR BRUSH — A fine gift to help your favourite lady keep her hair lustrous and lovely. Nylon bristles; pink, blue or clear backs $4.00 (E) GUERLAIN SHALIMAR SET Cologne, $3.50 and Per- fume, $4.50 in a beautifully. packaged combination set of this exotic fragrance $5.00 (F) HAZEL• BISHOP LIPSTICK EVENING CASE — Modernly styled jewelled case containing famous Hazel Bishop Lip- stick — for blondes, brunettes $3.95 (A) STARFLASH CAMERA OUTFIT — Everything that is needed for day and night snapshooting A gift that will "save" happy Christmas fun $9.95 See us for other Cameras, Films, Flash Bulbs (B) RONSON SUPER WINDLITE — The leader in the low-priced windproof lighter field. Light weight yet rugged. Fullyguar- anteed for one year $3.50 (C) PAPER-MATE "CAPRI" BALL PEN — A perfect gift for anyone. A stylish, smooth-writing pen with jewelry-finish cap. Guaranteed not to skip $2.49 $1.50 $1 50 $3.00 Desert Flower Toilet Water with Atomizer $3.00 (G) "FRIENDSHIP GARDEN" and "DESERT FLOWER" — Friendship Garden Charmer Set Friendship Garden Bubbling Bath Crystals Desert Flower Spray Cologne, 41/4 ounce (H) MAX FACTOR EXQUISITE PAIR — Creme Puff in fashion accent case and High Society Lipstick — in plastic leather- ette gift box $3.95 (I) LENTHERIC "CLASSICS IN FRAGRANCE" — Classic is the word for this lovely gift of five favourite Cologne fragrances, including famous Tweed $1.95 (J) STRATTON ENGLISH COMPACTS Beautiful designs and fine craftsmanship in slim styles. Each has inner door, sifter and puff. Prices from $2.50 to $4.75 (K) CUTEX LOVELINESS FOR HER FINGERTIPS — Nail Pol- ish, Polish Remover, •Cuticle Remover and other manicure essentials in smart folding case $3.00 (L) "SHOCKING" BY SCHIAPARELLI — The inimitable per- fume fragrance from Paris. 1 dram Flaconette in handsome gift package $3.50 Renowned "Dressmaker" bottle, 3/8 oz. $12,00 • •• (M) GILLETTE BLUE BLADES IN GIFT CARTONS — The man who "has everything" still shaves every day. 50-blade carton $2.50 100-blade carton • $5.00 Adjustable Razor, Shave Cream and Blades Set $2.39 (N) PRO-PHY-LAC-TIC JEWELITE CLUB BRUSH — Any man would be happy to receive one of these light-weight, nylon bristle hair brushes (0) GENUINE LEATHER BILLFOLD — A gift any man will use every day. Came ih and choose from our wide range of styles and finishes • 44 $1.79 to $10.00 (P) OLD SPICE for MEN — Tangy, brisk, refreshing. After Shave Lotion, 43/4 oz. $1.35; 91/2 oz. $2.00 Shaving Mug 'including soap • $1.50 Old Spice Gift Sets • $1.50 to $2.85 awl for Baby • (Q) JOHNSON TOILETRY SETS — 3 different combinations of famous Johnson products for the care arid comfort of baby— handsomely packaged in gift boxes $1.50, $2.50, $3.75 for IN • `,,,,NVW COME IN AND SEE THESE AND MANY OTHER FINE GIFTS ON DISPLAY F. B. PENNEBAKER YOUR MA. DRUOGIST Unique Photo Service Phone HU 2.6626 .111110111MMOIM•1101.110•04,0•000011100,00001100,11•1161•Salsigeoldita****00,0arsotoss•••06.01•1*0•0011•••••Poiet.. WAY, PEOVA113Fat :3, 1959 NVWS-Rg...CORP 'Phonies Leiper, RR 1, Landes- re, received an acclamation in e Township eflien at last riday's noMina,tiona, and will begin to serve as reeve at Jun- Leiper has been ember of council, for more than ine years. succeeds Wilxiani R, Jewitt, 1, Clinton, this year's Warden or Huron County, who is stepping. ut of municipal work this year. For council in Hullett Township, here were nominations made for men, and seven of them quai- led.' Named, with mover and der, were: • Archie Young, Elyth, (Carl Longman Wil- iam JeWitt); Joseph R. Hunking, • 1, Auburn (Leonard Archmw atilt, Lorne Hunking); Clare intent, RR 1, Londesboro (Stan- eY' Ba 1, -Harry Webster); John Londesboro (Thomas lYfillar, ey Wells); Hugh Flynn 'RR Landesboro (Ed. Youngblut, arvey Wells); Norman Knapp 1, Auburn (Harvey Wells, ill Vote Oft Council ullett Township Acclaims Reeve Ed, Younghlut); James 1VIcEWing, RRElYth Wert Beacom, Wat- son Reid); Emerson Desk, RR 1, Londesboro (Harry Hunking, Wil- liam Robert Turner, RR 1, Aubl.irri B. Frest, Hervey I-Junking), All qualified but Mr. Lee and' Knapp. Named or reeve were Thomas Leiper (Gordon liewatt, George Cowan); William Jewitt (Tom Lei er, F. Hesk). arry Tebbutt, secretary-treas- urer for the township, acted as chairman for the meeting, and gave the treasurer's report for the year 1958, showing a balance in the surplus .aceount of $29,096. Expenses for rbhe year totalled $171,993, Reeve William R. Jewitt point- ed out that there was $52,000 taxes left unpaid from last year. He said the road from Carlow to Blyth would be finished next year, and black-topped by next fall, Mr. PROCLAMATION Municipal Election Township of Hullett Will be held on Monday, Dec. 1 1 9 5 9 For the four seats on Council. even men have qualified, H. iynn, E. Hesk, A. Young, Jim cEwing, Clare Vincent, Bob urner, Joe Hunking. From 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., at The following places: '- Poll 1—Forester's Hall, Kinburn, ecord McBrien, DRO; Ken Thom- son, poll clerk; Poll 2—School ouse, SS No. 6; Bert Beacom, RO; Leo Watt, poll clerk. Poll U. School House, USS No. 2, as. Flynn, DRO; ,Bernard Tighe, all clerk. Poll 4—Community all, Londesboro; Joseph Shad- ick, DRO; Len Shobbrook, poll erk. Poll 5—Community Hall, ummerhill; Ephriam Snell, DRO; van Hoggarth, poll clerk. Poll 6— ommunity Hall, Londesboro; Bert hobbrook, DRO; Lloyd Pipe, poll erk. Poll 7—Forester's Hall, uburn; Mrs. William Craig, DRO; ajor Yungblut, poll clerk. H. Tebbutt, Township Clerk FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE, Stores in Clinton will be open All Day Wednesdays Until Christmas FOR, EVENING SHOPPERS Clinton Stores will be open Evenings from Friday, Dec, 18 fo Thursday, Dec. 24 including Saturday evening To the Electors of HULLETT TOWNSHIP: My sincere thanks for those who nominated me for council for 1960. I solicit the vote of the rate- payers on Monday, December 7 and if elected will serve to the best of my ability. — Robert Turner 48p .JeWitt expressed the hope, that the •additiOn to the Huron County Home would be made, and ample room, made available for the care of Huron's senior citizens. He pointed out the difference in mill rate paid by ratepayers in different school sections, which varied from six mills to .27 mills. He suggested serious considera- tion of a school area, since in neighbouring school areas, the rates had averaged eight or nixie mills. Road Superintendent Leonard Caldwell repOrted on expenses in that department, totalling S2,000 for roads and bridges in the nine month period from January 1 to October 1. Included in expenses was $500 for cementing the floor of the township garage, and an- other $500 for insurance. Gravel- ling accounted for $7,950; bridge construction and maintenance, $7,568, Reeve-elect Tom Leiper report- ed that the township was planning To The Electors MULLETT TOWNSHIP: Having been a councillor in the past, your support at the polls on Monday, Decem- ber 7, would be very much ap- preciated. — Hugh Flynn 48-p SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE RETAIL MERCHANTS COMMITTEE 48-b-