HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-11-19, Page 8, Our 'SHINGLE ° is out OPENING SPECIALS for $20.00 N EW. B.EGoodrich OU1P1110... 011ZSt016 OUTPERFORMS... all other winter 'tires! 6.70x15 7.50x14 NEW TRAILMAKERS (WITH CLASS A TRADE) Trailmaker Retreads as low as $12.00 (WITH CLASS A TRADE) OFFER EXPIRES SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1959 HOLLAND'S TIRE SERVICE HU 2-9559 CLINTON PRINCESS ST. FARMERS Let - your dairy herd enjoy their winter feeding on MASTER DAIRY FEEDS, While you.enjoy the .added profits. Because dairymen have been asking for it and after extensive testing on the Master Feeds Farm and other farms — Master 'Feeds is making its well proYea dairy concentrates, Master Gainmaker 24% and Meister .32% Dairy Concentrate available in Krum form. They contain molasses to ensure palatability. Your herd will prove they are good to the last lick. Try them out soon. SEE US TO-DAY IT'S RESULTS THAT COUNT! H . F.wETTLAuF . _ER MARY ST. FEED MILL CLINTON WINTERIZE NOW Have our factory trained technicians tune-up your engine with our modern, up to /1:1 a fp ,equip~ yte Our new Anal-O-Scope electrically pin- points all ignition defects, saving the custom- er many dollars in paying for guess work labour. Fill up with the famous Blue Sunoco Gas which is winter-proofed to help prevent car- buretor king, and gas line freezing, assuring smooth motor performance at all speeds. Wells Auto Electric "THE ORIGINAL TUNE-UP SHOP" PAGE EIGHT 04111TON IIEW$41ECO1113 P.MORSDAT, IIQVVIVIVE4 1.9 .1,959' The Meeting started with- a. singsong led by Patrick. Ted Dunn gave the Scripture reading .and Mr, ;Patrick led -the group in prayer. A discussion as to when and where the regular,' meeting would be held took Plaee,. On the Motion of Bruce Her-. Die, seconded by Margaret Perter,• it was arranged for- every Sunday night at 1,30 o'clock, at Grace Church, Porter's Hill, commencing Neveniber 22, A motion for ;edjournment was made by Bruee Harris, 'seconded by John Harris, Mr, Patrick closed the Meet'in'g with a word of prayer. Huron's AgricOltural. Scholarships Trousseau Tea For ReevelsDoughter Prior To Wedding ., Mrs. H. Coleman entertained at a trousseau tea in honer of her daughter Elinor Mae, last Wed-nesday evening. Mae's marriage: to Orval Schilbe, RR 1., Dash- wood, took place in Varna United Church last .Saturday Mrs. Sehabe received with Miss Coleman and her mother. 'Regis- tering guests were Miss • Ann Stephenson, Varna, and Miss Lyrincle, Scotchmer, Beyfield. The tea table was covered with a hand-erocheted cloth, 'sentry with a silver vase of pink carna- tions, Pouring tea were Mrs. Gladys Coleman, Varna; Mrs, J. B. Levis, Clinton, aunt of the bride; Mrs. Jean McKinley, RR, 1, Zurich, great-aunt of the bride; and Mrs, Ken Baker, Dashwpod, sister of the bridegreorn. Serving . in the tea room were Miss Marion Turner, Miss Doro- thy. Turner, .Miss Ruth Turner, all of Varna; Mrs. Arisen McKinley, Zurich; Mrs. Lloyd Bender, Cred- iton; 'Mrs. Jack Holmes, Clinton; Miss Sharon Reder, RR 1, Bay- field. Assisting were Mrs. Anson Colenian, Mrs. Clarence Stephen- son, Mrs. Ralph Turner, Mrs. Alice Webster, all of Varna; Mrs. Campbell McKinley, RR 1, Zur- ich; Mrs. John Scotchmer, RR 3, Bayfield, and Mrs. Eileen' Consitt, Varna. Mrs. Lorne Lawson, RR 1, Clinton; Mrs. Ray Huether, Clinton; Miss Helen Wilson, Brus- sels, arid Mrs. Gordon Coleman, RR 1, Zurich, displayed the gifts and trousseau. A committee composed of Jim Kinkead, ,Goderich„ Public School Inspector for North Huron; En- ron, County Warden William Jew. RR 1, Clinton, and Agricql- tural Representative, D. H. -lYfiles, Clinton, have announced Huron County Scholarships awarded to the following people: Degree Course, 0A0--The ner is Laurence Taylor RR 1, Londesboro, son of Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Laurence has completed ten club projects, competed in both livestock and grain County Jedging Competie Mons, represented his club in the inter-county judging competitions and was a member of the team that Was first at the Middlesex Seed Fair of 1959. Western Ontario Agricultural School, Ridgetown — This year's scholarship goes to Glen Greb, son of Mr. and. Mrs. -Oscar Grek RR 3, Zurich, Glen is one of 14 Huron County yming men atte0- tbe He has partici, gated in 441 activities la the County. Diploma Course, .0A0 — The- 1959 winner is Mc= Coultes, goo, of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Coul- tes, RR 5, Brussels, Glenn has an equivalent of Grade 12 at Weigh= District High School, has completed seven 44-1 projects, has participated in seed and live- stock judging competitions was on the inter-club beef team. MacDonald Institute Scholar- ship, goes to Dorothy Alton, RR 7, Lueknow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Alton. Dorothy has a good record in agricultural and' Homemaking Clubs, Dorothy has entered the Diploma Course at the institute. News of Bayfield Dy .MISS WO It. WOQDS PHONE: EAYRILLP 45 r3 Mr, and Mrs. Nelsen McConkey, Toronto, were at their cottage here for the weekend. Jack Tillman and son Tony, London, spent a couple of days in the village last weeic. Arnold Makins is with a party hunting deer in Northern Mani- toulin Island, this week, R. C. Moore, Detroit, spent the weekend at his cottage "Feir- lawn." Elgin Card, Toronto, was his guest, Sgt. and Mrs. J. IVIayman, and little Jeffrey, Centralia, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, R. L. IVfacMillen. Mr. and Mrs, Colin Campbell visited their son, Donald and farm. ily, Bronson Line, Stanley Town- ship, from Friday to Tuesday. Mrs. Walter Westlake returned home on Sunday after having vis- ited her son, Corporal Lloyd Westlake, OPP, and family, Kit- chener, and her sister, Mrs. Al- bert Letich, Ingersoll, last week, Walter Westlake motored to In- gersoll for its wife, Visiting Mr. and Mrs, Adam Flowers over the weekend were their sons, Dr. Ray Flowers, wife and two children, Lynn and Micky, Thamesford; Russel Flow- ers, wife and two children, Kim and Debbie, Toronto. Debbie re- mained for a longer visit with her grandparents. Walter Robinson, Toronto, and William Robinson, Sarnia, were with their 'mother, Mrs. W. H. Robinson, from Friday to Sunday, Mrs. Robinson motored to Niag. are Falls with Walter, where she will spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Schafheitlin and family before going to Flor- ida. Mrs. Arnold Makins returned home on Wednesday after having visited her sister in Columbia, Ohio, for a week. She was ac- companied there by her mother, Mrs. George Wright, London. During her absence Brian and Brenda stayed with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ma- kins. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sturgeon and small daughter Nancy Joyce, Preston, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sturgeon. Other members of the family home on Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson and two sons, Paul and Francis, Science Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Den- nis Bisback, Clinton. Members of the Chancel Guild of Trinity Church, who attended the Diocesan Chancel Guild meet- ing in St. Paul's Church, Clinton, on Thursday were, Mrs. Percy Weston, Mrs. Knuckey, Mrs. E. A. Featherston, Mrs. R. H. F. Gaird- ner, Mrs. J. M. Stewart, Mrs. J. B. Higgins, Mrs. R. J. Larson and the Rector, Rev. E. J. H. Har- rison. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scotchmer, Winnipeg, Man., were the guests of Mrs. Robert Scotchmer from Sunday to Wednesday. They went on to Toronto, to atend the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. Scotchmer who Is a supervisor of Production and Marketing Branch, of the Feder- al Department of Agriculture, will attend a staff convention in Ot- tawa for three'days. Mrs. Scotch- mer will visit at her home in Brantford during that time. Surprise Party The home of Mrs. Charles Bell was tastefully decorated with yellow, mauve and white 'mums on Friday night when about 30 relatives and friends held a sur- prise party for Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Orr. It was arranged by Mrs. Orr's sisters in honour of the couple's silver wedding anni- versary on December 18, and held in advance so that their elder son, Guardsman Robert Orr, could be present, Mrs. George Lindsay attended and all the members of the family Were present except George Lind- say, Paris. Bob Orr had told his parents that he was taking them to Ingersoll, but turned back at Varna, with the excise of fog, It Was a complete serprise to the couple, when confetti was thrown on them as they entered the door of the Bell residence. The bride was presented with a corsage of roses, There were two special chairs for them, be- low an arch, from which hung pink bells and streamers. A most enjoyable evening was spent in playing euchre. Prizes went to Robert Blair and Mrs, Merton 'Werner, high; Walter Westlake and Joyce Bell, low, Joyce and Don Bell each received toy. skunks for being "skunks" during the play. Before lunch Mrs. L . Smith read en address to Mr, and Mrs. Orr and Mrs. Jim Hutchings pre- sented them with a chest of silver flatware, in the daffodil pattern from the Lindsay family; a num- ber of silver dollars from Orr relatives and other beautiful gifts. William Orr expressed thanks and appreciation to all on behalf of himself and his wife. After lunch the bride of 25 years cut the silver anniversary cake which was sitting on a bed of gold and white 'mums. This was served to the guests. News of Londesboro Correspondent — MRS. BERT ALLAN Phone Blyth $'7 r 5 Mrs. ThomaS Fairservice, Mrs. Albert Shaddick, Mrs. Carl Ward, Stratford and Mrs. William Bag- aent, Ingersoll, spent the weekend in Port Huron. A visitation pertaining to the sector plan, which' a number of the laymen of the church partic- ipated in last Sunday met with a good reception. Many of the laymen enjoyed the experience. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Youngblut, Mr. ,and Mrs. John Pairservice, Blyth, viisted with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Youngblut, Goderich, on Sunday, also attending the baptis- mal service of their young greed- son. presented with a purse of money. Ron replied in good style on be- half of his wife and everyone join- ed in singing "For they are jolly good fellows." , Lunch was served and dancing continued to 'the "wee small hours." Eager Eight (By Bonnie Kennedy) On Thursday evening, Novem- ber 12, at the home of Mrs. Percy Carter, the 4-H Eager Eight meeting was held. Roll call was answered with plans for shelving and rods in closets. Bonnie Evans was elected vice-president. Bon- nie Kennedy was elected vice- secretary, The girls were given instruct- ions on laundry bags. They deci- ded to use coloured bristol board to match material for the book- lets Lunch was served by Ann. Knapp and Linda Welbanks. The next meeting is to be held at the home of'Mrs. Milton Little. FREE! FREE! SEND IN YOUR COUPON FOR YOUR FREE CAMERA CATALOGUE OFFICIAL OPENING Of Our NEW LOT and OFFICE Itursday, Nov. 19 :.[FREE Draw Used tars You Can Save 15% On All Purchases N —High Overhead —High Pressure Salesmen —High Rent Stores AWRY WILLIAMS 'Adze 91.4;d4-.. This Saving Goes To You! Shop By Mail For All Your Camera Supplies and Save Projectors, Screens, Etc. Complete Line of Kodaks and Supplies '57 DODGE "Regent" Sedan, two tone, wheel covers, one owner 0;695.00 PEERLESS CAMERAS OF CANADA, Box, 759, Byron, Ontario. Gentlemen: Please send me your Free Catalogue NAME MAIL ADDRESS '56 PLYMOUTH "Savoy" Sedan, one owner, low mileage $1,395.00 '56 DODGE "Regent" Sedan auto- mati ctransmission, 28,000 miles $1,475.00 '55 PLYMOUTH "Belvedere" Se- dan, power steering and brakes, radio--like new $1,295.00: '54 CHEV. "Belaire" 4-dr. Sedan, new paint, A-1 $995,00 1st PRIZE '50 gal. Sunoco "200" gasoline. 2nd PRIZE 5. Free Lubrications 5 Free Washes wa 3rd PRIZE 5 Free Lubrications or Wash Jobs, —DRAW, HELD DEC. 1— With the Purchase of a New or Used Car—The Purchaser Receives One FREE Ticket For Each $100.00 of Purchase Price HARRY WILLIAMS ,400.4NE: o*(;, Phone HU 2.6635 wiromiromml.rownwommulmemo, Opening Specia15301P(L"raOraUnTeHe "Savoy, tig-00 oming: Special Services AT '60 RAMBLER "MET" 2-dr. Hard-'53 NASH "Ambassador" 2-dr. top, radio, heater, oil filter, foam Hardtop, automatic transmission seats, Brand New A-1 $695.00 SEVERAL OTHERS and Reg. $1895.-3 DAYS $1695.00 OLDER MODELS Maple Street Gospel Hall Clinton, Ontario Sunday, Nov. 15 +0 Thursday, Nov. 26 Speaker; Mr. John M. Martin of Hawkesville, Ontario Mr* Martin will be using a large coloured chart entitled "Eternity to Eternity". Subjects will deal with God's dealings with men in the past, present-day living and future needs. BE SURE TO ATTEND THESE ENLIGHTENING LECTURES (By our Bayfield correspondent) Harold Scotchmer, when calling on this correspondent, asked this question: "Why aren't there street names in the village?" (Why, in- deed?) Mr. Scotchmer reads the Clin- ton News-Record. Some years ago he had read that names were to be erected On the streets in Bayfield, and noted comments on the subject more recently. He had this to say; "Bayfield has such interesting street names' that X think it a great pity they aren't shown." That's the opin- ion of a man returning to the old haunts in the East, after having spent ten years in the West. After the Seotclner's arrived on Sunday, he took a walk down to the lake bank in the evening. There he saw a large ship with three decks all lighted, on the horizon. She was proceeding north. Thinking that it might be an ocean ship from Europe going up to the head of the lakes he went back to his wife and Mrs Robert Scotchmer. They watch-, ed it with interest. In speaking to R. L. lVfacMillen, a retired lake sailor of the Can- ada Steamship Lines, who has his 1Viaster'S Papers, the writer learned that it was probably one of the large lake freighters mak- ing for Goderich or Georgian Bay, or else a mirage. The horizon is only five miles out and a ship go- ing to the head of the lakes Would be out eleven miles. A foreign ship would only be using head lights, he explained, Also it could have been a mirage where the reflection of one deck of lights on a frieghter might ap- pear one above the other and show three rows. OUR, FUEL OIL MAKES la HEAT WAVES SWARM, THROUGHOUT THE HOUSE It) KEEP rr WARM 4111•111% ..United Church YPU Will Meet At Porteris. Hill Church our Hayfield correspondent) The Grace-St, .Andrew's 'PI„/ met for the first time this fall at the home of the Rev. _01.01Mrs. Patrick on NoVeMber ao. Those present were: Patsy Cox, Ted Purer,Uce, jeln and Janet ris, Kathleen and Margaret Por-ter, The Orangemen's annual tur- key banquet was held last Friday evening in the community hall, with a good attendance in spite of the inclemency of the weather, A splendid supper was enjoyed and a social evening was spent playing euchre. The community was saddened by the death of Mrs. Eleanor Throop, on Sunday morning. Mrs. Throop will he sadly missed. She was a good neighbor and her gen- erosity to all charities was noted. The sympathy of the entire com- munity goes out to her immed- iate family. Honour Couple On Friday night, November 6, a reception was held in Londes- bore Community Hall, for Mr. and Mrs. Ronald!.: Smith (nee Mary Kelly) formerly bf Blyth, now of Seaforth. A very large crowd was in attendance and a wonder- ful time was enjoyed by all. Dancing was to the music of "Stew and His Collegians". At 12 midnight, Ron and Mary were read a suitable address and were No Street Names? Bayfield Worthy Of More Attention AT 1960 Priese .!59 ‘"pUSTOM ROYAL" DODGE, power-steering, radio, automatic, 11,500 miles. List ,44,600 N ,43;595.00 157,CHEY "Pelinxe Sedan; low mijeager like new •$1;695.00 "NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED" cGee Motor Sales Phone JACKSON 4-8391 — GODERICH (NEWGATE STREET JUST OPP HAMILTON)