Clinton News-Record, 1959-11-12, Page 4(News Release by the Huron Citizens Legal et:111trOl Committee) In a little more than two weeks, the electors of Huron will have their first opportunity in 45 years to express their opinion at the. polls on the much debated CPA issue. Voting day is Monday, Novem- ber 30, and the polls will be open from. 8 a.m, till 6. p.m. There are 146 polling subdivisions in the county. Regulations governing the vote will be similar to those in a Federal by-election, For the convenience of travel- lers and railroaders, an advance poll will be held in Goderich on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, November 26, 27 and 28. Huron and Perth, which is also voting on the same issue Novern- ber 30, are the only two counties in Ontario which still remain un- der the CTA. Most abandoned it before the turn of the century after a brief trial. The last two counties to repeal the Act were Manitoulin in 1949, and Peel in 1.951, The Huron Citizens Legal Con- trol Committee, headed by John E. Huckins, Goderich councillor and former mayor, look upon the campaign as a crusade to estab- Usti an enforcable liquor law in Huron County. They contend that the strong provisions of the On- tario Liquor Control and Liquor Licence Acts will enable the pos lice to crack down on teen-age drinking.. The CTA provides no penalty for supplying liquor or beer to minors, whereas under Ontario law, which would apply after the repeal of the CIA, any person found guilty of this of- fense incurs a jail term of from one to three months, If Huron rejects the CTA on November 30, LCI30 stores and brewers retail 'stores could be established in an towns of Huron except Clinton. However, no hotel, tavern or public house licenses could go into operation anywhere in the county unless a further vote were taken and pas., sed by three-fifths of the electors of the individual municipality concerned. Only 18 Days Away; CTA Vote To Have Advance Poll in Goderich r T T T T A .1. .4..I. „L I .1. 11 TT 111 T 11 4 M1 4 ;7 c 7 i F q .P rP ;A ? V . 5e . ..ii GUAR.ANTE ED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES THE PREMIER TRUST COMPANY DISTRICT OFFICE 428 Richmond Street, tendon, Ontario GE, 4-2716 K. W. COLQUHOUN, Broker Clinton HU 2-9747 ROBERT W. COLE, Broker R.R. 3, Clinton I-1 I) 2-7453 11 II 11: J. .1.71. Tl "r "r.L THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR AN INTERN, IONAL DAILY NEWSPAPER Good Reading for the Whole Family • News • Facts • Family Features ii••=4 ••••• 040 The Christian Selena) Monitor One Norway St., Boston 15, Mass. Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enciosed find my check or money order. 1 year $18 0 S months $9 l 3 months $4.50 Cl Nome Address City Zone gar' Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH Thomas Steep, Clinton Representative Phones --- Bus., HU 2-6606 - - Res., HU 2-3869 Shop now, pay later—with cash from HFC. Convenience is yours—speed and courtesy, too—when you make an instalment cash loan at Household. Drop in or phone for aA ., loan up to $2,500. .7; Life Insurance available on all Loans Extra cash for sho ing! 0164 All the hot water you need when you install a modern two-element electric water heater Say goodbye to hot water problems ... once and forever! Install a modern two-element fast-recovery electric water heater in your home. Let Hydro tell you the exact size and capacity that will meet your family's hot water requirements. Enjoy the luxury of a guaranteed supply of hot water . . . plenty on tap, plenty in reserve! You'll find your electric water heater safe, clean, and compact, and you'll know in advance how little you will pay under Hydro's attractive Flat Rate method of billing, • 4 I 4.1. HYDRO is yours tv.14,44$44,0''. .41:•s•xi, S 444 The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion met in the Leg- ion Hall Monday, November 9 with 40 present. The secretary, Mrs. William Jervis, read the minutes. Three names were pro- posed for membership. Mrs. Vi Habgood read the accounts and financial statement. • After a brief recess, the meet- ing was turned over to past presi- dent Mrs. Kenneth Cooke, for the election of 1960 officers, which re- sulted as follows: President, Mrs. Fred Truell; past president, Mrs. Cameron Proctor; first vice-president, Mrs. William Chambers; second vice- president, Mrs. Robert Hicks; sec- retary, Mrs. Ronald MacDonald; treasurer, Mrs, Vi Habgood; ex- ecutive committee, Mrs. Douglas Andrews, Mrs. Harold Black, Mrs. Alex Riley, Mrs. D. M, Bisback, Mrs, A. J. Matthews; standard bearers, Mrs Donald Hanley, Mrs, G. A. Currie, Mrs, H. Tait. It was 'announced that two ban- quets and one wedding will be catered to before next meeting. The Christmas meeting will take the form of a pot-luck supper and exchange of gifts. Each member may bring a guest, The attend- ance draw was won by Mrs. Doug- las Andrews and mystery prize by Mrs. F. Truell. At the close of the meeting, a dainty lunch was served by Mrs. R. Holmes' group, with Mrs. "Bud" Schoen- hats in charge. ,CUNTON 117-$W,i=011.0 Tom. rovrt MASDAY,, NOVEMBI411, 1.2, 1959 Clinton Guides Aid TB Association Clinton Girl Guides accepted the job of folding the 50,000 Christmas Seals which will be distributed by the Huron County Tuberculosis Association some tie this month. Under the leadership of Guide Captain Mrs. "Bud" Graham, the girls completed the task in a special work party held in the Legion Memorial Hall last week. (News-Record Photo) HOUSEHOLD FINANCE M. R. Jenkins, Manager 35A West Street Telephone 1501 GODERICH STOP THIS EVIL . If is well known that teen-agers are able to get liquor easily under the Canada Temperance Act. PROTECT OUR YOUTH 0 0 • Bring in a law that now provides stiff b enalties for selling or supplying liquor or eer to minors. REPEAL THE CIA Give our police the power to arrest and our courts to convict those who for selfish gain take advantage of the weak provisions of the present law. YOUR BALLOT IS NEEDED Don't Fail To Vote On November 30 HURON CITIZENS LEGAL CONTROL COMMITTEE J. E. HUCKINS, Chairman A '*twlougulelimiximlo Ontario Street WA Regular Meeting The Woman's Association. of Ontario Street United Church met on Tuesday afternoon, November 3 in the church parlour, Mrs. A. J. MclVfurray, first vice-president, presided in the absence of the President, Mrs. J. B. Lavis, Mrs. F. Radford was' at the piano, Devotions were taken by Mrs, M. Wiltse, her theme being "Therefore Stand" and she gave her listeners many thoughts to carry home, Mrs. E. Welsh read the secre- tary's report, as well as bills and other communications. Mrs, G. Potter gave the treas- urer's report and flower report. Mrs. C. Elliott read several thank you notes, and some 35 calls were reported by the visiting commit- tee. Mrs. McMurray reported for the quilt committee, with one quilt completed, and several more to quilt in the near future. Plans for the bazaar on Novem- ber 14 were completed. The pro- gram consisted of three cornet so- los by •.Miss Doris Johnston, ac- companied at the piano by Mrs. E. Radford; also two accordion solos by Mrs. Willis Va,nEgmond. The meeting closed with a hymn, prayer and the Mizpah benedic- tion in unison. Lunch was served by the ladies of the London Road, Bayfield Road, and Huron Road East. Everyone Reads The Classifieds Ladies Auxiliary elects Mrs. F. Truell President for 1960