HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-11-05, Page 7Money To Loan UNLIMITED MONEY LOANS TO CITY AND FARM FOLKS. 'Money for anything and anywhere. Phone or write now: OPS INVESTMENTS LTD, :390B Bloor St. West, Toronto. WA 2.2442: 44b 41.0••=i0onmaYminerr..100 TRAVEL SERVICE STAN BLOWES REISEBURO — .34 Wellington Street, Stratford, Fernruf 170. Alle Luftfahrt—undi .Schiffahrtgesellschaften, Eiae n- lbahn, Hotels, u.s.w. Fur Auskunfte 'wenden Sie rich an Ihren deutsch- spredlienden Reiseberater Heinz :Hyrnans. 44b Legal Notice LEGAL NOTICE Take notice that pursuant to section 60 of "The Ontario Munici- pal Board Act" (R.S.O. 1950, c, 262) the• Corporation of the Town of Clinton have applied to The Ontario Municipal Board for certi- fication of debentures in the am- 'ount of $328,000 authorized by By- law No. 7 for 1959 on the 28th day of October, 1959, Any person having objections to the certification of the said deben- tures must file such objection with the Secretary of The Ontario Municipal Board, 145 Queen Street West, Toronto, on or before the 11th day of November, 1959. DATED the 2nd day of November, 1959. JOHN LIVERMORE, Clerk, 'Town of Clinton. 44b Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY 1.30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold By Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUTIOUN, Clerk THE FILM "SUICIDE MOUNTAIN" This is an Outstanding Christian Film ONE NIGHT ONLY Saturday, November 7 at 8 p.m. CLINTON LEGION HALL THIS IS YOUR INVITATION TRI COUNTY YOUTH FOR CHRIST Municipality of the Township of Stanley CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting of Voters' List for 1959 I, Jean Elliott, Clerk of the Township of Stanley have posted up in my office at Varna the list of all persons entitled to vote at Municipal elections. I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro- ceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to law, the last day of appeal being the 16th day of November, 1959. JEAN ELLIOTT, Clerk, Township of Stanley. ti 0 emorooseid CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting of Voters' List for 1959 Municipality of Hullett, County of Huron Notice 'is 'hereby given that I have complied with section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that I posted up at my office at Londesboro, on the 31st day of October, 1959, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal elections, and I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 16th day of Novem- ber, 1959. (Signed) HARRY TEBBUTT, Clerk, Hullett Township. 44-5-b Anommormorno. lionoolmossomancour 44b ESTATE OF THE LATE ADELEA DOAN TENDERS will be received up to 12 o'clock noon, November 14th, 1959, for the following desirable property: Lots 14, 15 and 16, Block B of the Rattenbury Survey, Clinton, with a frontage on Joseph Street of 821/2 feet and a depth of 168 feet, On this property it situated a 9 room solid brick house with 4 bedrooms, a 3 piece bath, a full basement, and re-conversion oil furnece. The highest or any other Tender not.necessarily accepted. TENDERS to be addressed to: REV. C. S. INDER, Box, 23, Clinton, Ontario (for St, Paul's elnech). tail the Rectory, HU 2-9071 to arrange for inspection, 44-54) ORLON SWEATERS Pullovers—Cardigans as well as Fancy Styles ALL WOOL SKIRTS Plain and Pleated Styles BLOUSES Cottons and Terylenes MANY MAXIM YARNS Knit Now For Christmas Patterns—Needles—Wool in Stock Wool Coats--Dresses—,-Car Coats Borg Coats Notice to Creditors In the Estate of ELIZABETH DALRYMPLE. All persons having claims against the Estate of Elizabeth Dalrymple, late of the Village of Brucefield, in the County of Huron, Married Woman, deceased, who died' on the 15th day of June, 1959, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of No- vember, 1959, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceived. Dated at Seaforth, this 28th day of October, 1959. McCONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 44-5-6-b Notice To Creditors In the estate of AGNES WILD, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, widow, de- ceased. All persons having claims again- st the Estate of the above deceas- ed ,are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the. 9th day of November, AD 1959, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the part- ies entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 20th day of October, AD 1959. E. E. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate 42-3-4-b Auction Sale To be held at the farm, Lot 14, Con. 2, Stanley Twp., 11/4 miles west of Brucefield on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 at 1 o'clock Consisting of 50 head of regis- tered and grade Holstein cows and heifers. 12 heifers recently fresh; 10 due sale time; balance due in November and December. 1 Jersey cow, due in November. 1 Here- ford bull of serviceable age. 12 young calves. TERMS — CASH D'Arcy Rathwell and Sons, Proprietors Harold Jackson Auctioneer Popular Bride-Elect Honoured By Friends at Shower Miss Mae Coleman was guest of honour at a shower, Wednesday evening, October 28, at the home of Mrs. Lorne Lawson, with Miss Helen Wilson and Mrs. Jack Medd co-hostesses. Joyce Jewitt gave a reading 'Harvey at the Bridge." The rest of the evening was spent in con- tests and games. Winners were: Mae Coleman, Joyce Jewitt, Mrs. Ross Merrill. Mae was asked to sit in a lovely decorated chair. Mrs. Jack Medd read the address and Miss Wilson and Mrs. Lawson presented the lovely gifts. Mae thanked the ladies in a few well chosen words. A delic- ious lunch was served by Mrs. Lorne Lawson, assisted by Doreen Medd, Helen Wilson and Vietta Hoggart. ST. ANDREW'S GIRLS TO MEET NOVEMBER 10 The regular meeting of the Girls' Club of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church will be held on Tuesday evening, November 10 at 8.15 p.m. 0 WESLEY-WILLIS WMS WILL MEET FRIDAY The November Woman's Miss- ionary Society meeting of Wesley- Willis United Church will be held in the lecture room of the church on Friday, November 13, at 8 p.m. A film will be shown 'I'll sing, not Cry" on Africa, showing how one man and one village learned to sing even in the valley of the shadow. Also reports of the Centre Section meeting will be given. Program committee Mrs. F. Andrews, Mrs. R. Shipley, Miss G. Addison; hostesses, Mrs. 3. Sutter, Mrs. McCall, Mrs, Van Reisen, Mrs. Watt, Mrs. J. McLar- en. Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere FLORIST Dial NU 2-7012,—Ciintan MIDDLETON Miss Shirley Cooper who is a member of the staff of the Prin- cess Hotel, Hamilton, Bermuda, is enjoying a two weeks vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Shearer and Wendy, Bright, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art Middleton, and with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton. Their many friends will be interested to hear that Stuart Shearer has joined the RCMP and is in training pre- sently in Regina, Sask. Mrs. Fred Middleton, Mrs. B. McCullough, Mrs. 0. Cole, Mrs. A. Dutot, Mrs. Ray Wise, Mrs. Ed- ward Wise and Mrs. S. Middleton, represented the WA of St. James Middleton, aed attended the fall session of the Deanery of Huron held in Bayfield last Thursday. They assisted the members of Trinity church WA in serving lunch to the nearly 75 persons present. 0,...MmomomImmorstaxeroswarr,imeOmmisewoods edtp. Ziniteb atfrtb REV. J. A. McKTM, B.A. MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNliE. Choir Director Sunday, November 8 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 12.15 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class HOLMESVILLE 9.45 a.m.—Morning Worship 10.45 a.m.—Sunday School Lot US 114e the Lord's Day to strengthen our Christian Faith 411,4.411. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.0:C. Victoria Street. Clinton B, A. DAVIDSON, Pastor Friday, November 6-- 8.00 p.m.—Christ's Ambassadors Sunday, November 8-- 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 13.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service Tuesday, November 10- 8.00 p.m.—Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome. Awaits You Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) Meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love, Order of meetings on Lord's day as follows: SERVICE 11.00 a.m.—Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m.—Wednesday—Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. `i'HURSDAY, NOVEMBER, 5, 1959 mamoN MOVS4=011,1) PAGE =Pt Teachers Led By Mrs. A. Shaddick BIRTHS CORBETT—Xn Clinton. Public Hospital on Friday, October 30, 1959, to Mae end Mrs. Rosa Cor-bett, RR 1, Exeter, a daughter. DAUM—In Clinton Public Hoapie tal, on Wednesday, October 28, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs. Harold Daum, 30 Edmonton Road, RCAF Station Clinton, 4 son. Trousseau Tea Held For Bridefiect Miss Doris Johnston The Clinton Unit of the FWTAO held the first sneethlg of the fall tem in the Clinton Public School on Tuesday evening, October The new president, Mrs. Allen Shaeldiek, opened the meeting by. repeating the Federation Prayer, Each member present answered the roll by naming the country she would like to visit if she had !An, limited means. Tentative plans were made to secure a special speaker for the April meeting to lecture on, "The United Nations Organization," Mrs, Shaddick read a poem en- titled, "October is a School boy," Mrs, Donald Andrews, eccond • 'Panied by Miss Marilyn Taylor at the piano, sang a delightful solo, 'Weever than Springtime." The guest speaker, Miss Claire 'McGowan, assistant local director of the Children's Aid Society for Huron, was introduced by Mrs. Thorndike. Miss McGowan gave an exceedingly interesting and enlightening talk on the work done among school children in the county who become wards of the Society. Mrs. Andrews again favoured with the number, 'The Lilac Tree." A social hour in the lounge fol- lowed. Mrs, Harvey Johnston entertain- ed at a trousseau tea in honour of her daughter, Doris Pauline, at the Huron County Home on Oc- tober 30, from 2 to 5 p.m, and 7 to 9 p.m. The guests were re- ceived at the door by Mrs. Harvey Johnston, Mrs. Elgin McKinley and Miss Doris Johnston. In the afternoon, Miss Jean Smith, Brussels; displayed the china and miscellaneous articles, Miss Joan Johnston, Clinton, dis- played her sister's linens; Mrs, James Armstrong, Jr„ Brussels, displayed the wedding gifts, and Mrs. Grant MacLean, Hensall, dis- played her, sister's trousseau, Mrs. Anson McKinley and Mrs. Bob McKinley, of Zurich, Mrs, Kenneth Fanson, Fullerton and Mrs, Gertrude Bewley, Clinton, poured tea, with Mrs. Clarence Martin and Mrs, John Bryans, Walton, serving the guests, In the evening, Mrs. David Hackwell, St. Marys displayed china and miscellaneous articles, Mrs. Anson McKinley, Zurich, dis- played the linens, Mrs. Grant Mac- Lean, Hensall, displayed wedding gifts and Miss Carol Pepper, Clin- ton, displayed the trousseau. Mrs. James Armstrong, Sr., Brussels, Mrs. Pearl McFarlane, Seaforth, Mrs. Bert Johnston, Brussels and Mrs. E. Radford, Clinton, poured tea, with Miss Carol. Plumsteel and Miss Betty Ann Gibbings, Clinton, serving the guests. Ladies helping in the kitchen included, Mrs, Ed. Bryans, Wal- ton, Mrs. William Flood, Seaforth, Mrs. James McDonald, Mrs. Ken- neth McDonald and Mrs. Harold Bolger, Walton. DAVID—In Clinton Public Hospi- pital on Friday, October 30, 1959, to LAC and Mrs. Edward David, RCAF Station Clinton, a daughter. DAYIVIAN—In Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday, October 27, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. H, Dayrnan. Kippen, a son. EHRLER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Monday, November 2, 1959, to LAC and Mrs. Alfred Ehrler, RCAF Station Clinton, a daughter. HENDERSON—In Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, October 31, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs. Clif- ford Henderson, RR 3, Kippen, a son. LEE In Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, October 30, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Lee, Clinton, a son. STEEP—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal on Wednesday, October 28, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Steep, Clinton, a son. MARRIAGES TEBBUTT-DEANE — In Calvary Baptist Church, Guelph, on Sat- urday, October 10, 1959, by the Rev. J. W. Boyd, Guelph, Shirley Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Deane, Guelph, to Gerald Irvine Tebbutt, son of Mr, and Mrs, I. Tebbutt, Clinton, DEATHS FISHER—In Clinton Public Kos- pital on Sunday, November 1, 1959, Everett Fisher, beloved husband of Mabel S. StrYder, in his 69th year. Funeral from the Stiles funeral home, Goderich on Wednesday afternoon, Nov- ember 4, by the Rev. S. A, Moote, to Colbourne Cemetery, KNOX—In Seaforth on Monday, November 2, 1959, Ernest M, Knox in his 55th year. Tuner- 41 from the Beattie funeral home, 55 Rattenbury Street East, Clinton, to Londesboro Cemetery, by the Rev. Henry Fuege, on Thursday afternoon, November 5, at 2 p.m. MclaRIEN — In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Saturday, October 31, 1959, Grace Manson Landeborough, beloved wife of Secord Mcl3rien, RR 2, Seaforth, in her 57th year. Funeral from the Box funeral home, Seaforth, to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, November 2, by the Rev. H. Donaldson, St. Thomas Anglican Church, Seaforth PITTS—In Fairbault, Mimi, on October 2, 1959, Beatrice Ida Stevenson, widow of the late Rev. Reginald Charles Pitts, Meaford, in her 84th year. In- terment in Bayfield Cemetery on Saturday, October 31. RILEY—At his home in Hibbert Township, on Friday, October 30, 1959, Aldabert (Bert) Riley, beloved husband of Nellie Tay- lor in his 60th year. Funeral from the Chiselhurst United Church to Staffs, Cemetery, on Monday, November 2. WATSON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, October 30, 1959, David John Watson, Hull- ett Township, beloved husband of Agnes Truan, in his 72nd year. Funeral from the Tasker funeral chapel, Blyth, to Union Cemetery, on Monday, Novem- ber 2, by the Rev. C. Thomas, Dalton. Personals Miss Anne Aldred, Glencoe, was the weekend guest of Miss Flora ence Cuningherne„ Mr, and Mrs. Torn. Lepeolrigton will celebrate their 40th anniver- sary of marriage on Saturday, No- vember 7, Mr. and Mrs, Binford Colqu- houn, Chicago, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, M. T, Corlese and other relatives in Clinton. Harry Id, Ball, P,Eng., 187 Rag- lan Street, bap severed active con- nections with Ball-Macaulay Ltd„ and is• now sales engineer with Seaforth. Sewer Tile Ltd. Mr. and Mrs, M. Wright and Mrs. Lily Ruston, all of Midland, have spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Betties and family, Goderich Township. Miss Ruth Petrie, Highland Park, Detroit, Mich., returned home after spending the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Orval Greer, Seaforth, Mrs, Rena Glonka, returned to her home in Detroit, Mich., after spending some weeks at the home of her:cousin, Orval Greer and family, Seaforth, and also visited her cousin, W, H. Johnston, Bay- field, Mrs. Helen Dalrymple celebrat- ed her 921113 birthday on Sunday, November 1, with members of her family to a turkey dinner. Mrs. Dalrymple keeps in fairly good health for her age. She and her companion, Mrs. Elizabeth Walk- er, who is in her 91st year do their own work, so far. Mrs. Dal- rymple says it is her spring tonic when she can get out in her gar- den in the spring, 0 Church Directory CLMON BAPTIST CLEITTIWIIE rwitor; „Ir.ow 4ocup4 N, B,Th. 10.00 am.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m,—"The Heelipg Power Of Love" Thursday-7,0Q p,m—Yoixth Fellowship. Cordial. Welcome to All. Anglican Church of Canada St. Paul's --- Clinton Rev, C. S. !ruler, Rector Miss Christine larldie, organist Sunday, November 8 24th Sunday After Trinity 8.30 a.m—Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer— Special Preacher: RI. Rev. A, H. O'Neill, D.D. Bishop of Fredericton Tea Hour in Parish Hall following the service to enable all friends of Bishop O'Neill to visit with him. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A.. Minister MRS. M, J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, November 8 9.45 a.m.—Church. School, for all classes 10.45 a.m.—Remembrance Day Service. Subject: "Jesus the Giver of Abundant Life" ALL WELCOME Ma* Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, November 8 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 azin.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service. Guest Speaker, both services, Mr. John M. Martin, Hawkes- vine. Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer and Bible Study, Mr. Martin. ALL WELCOME Christian Reformed Church Sunday, November 8 10,00 a.m.—Service in Dutch 2.30 p.m.—Service in English Guest Speaker vvill. be Rev. H. De Moor, Strathroy. Everyone Welcome BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM, Pastor Sunday, November 8 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship "Christ Is Coming" 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service "What Is Sin?" Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting You are cordially invited to these services. ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor—REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 730 p.m.—Evening Chapel Service Turner's Church 2.00 p.m.—Worship Service 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School Ladies' Wear and Dry Goods CLINTON --- HENSALL — EXETER Easy Payments Can Be Arranged ONTARIO STREET W.M.S. TO MEET TUESDAY Ontario Street United Church Woman's Missionary Society will meet Tuesday, November 10 at 2.30 p.m. Mee. M. Wiltse will be in charge of worship service and roll call. Business will include a report of .the recent sectional meeting, and election of officers will be held. The WMS will pack a bale on Tuesday, November 17. 0 Degree in Music Earned By Popular Clinton Girl (Continued from Page One) prizes a silver medal from the Western Conservatory of Music, presented when she was about 12 years of age, when she completed Grade 7 plane, The award was for being the "most promising pupil." She prizes a pin earned for work in the "Dip", the term used at Alma College for the "tuck shop" in which she worked. Incidentally she also received $700 for her ser- vices in this regard. She. received the Sisk Memorial Award of $25 at Alma and a gold proficiency pin for her work in music while there. This skilled musician has com- pleted three. summer courses at Toronto achieving her elementary, intermediate and supervisors cer- tificates during the past three sum- mers. She has been active in 4-H Club work, at CGIT at Walton United Church, and is a member of Ontario Street United Church. Her first music teacher was Mrs. L. D. Thompson, Brussels, when she was seven years old, Later L. Thompson became her teacher and she completed Grade 10 piano with him as well as Grades 1 and 2 Theory and Grades 3 and 4 History. Teachers at Alma College were David Brewster and Miss Reta Swain. CARDS OF - THANKS I wish to thank my neighbours and friends for flowers, cards and treats while. a patient in Clinton Hospital, Also thanks to •Drs, New- land, Addison and Oakes, and the nurses. — MRS: ALBERT COL- CLOUGH. 44p Mrs. DONNA BOOTH and Paul wish to convey their sincere ap- preciation for contributions, flow- ers, cards and all kindnesses shown during Paul's stay in Clin- ton and London hospitals. Special thanks to Doctors and nurses who attended him. • 44b We, Would like to thank our friends and neighbours for flow- ers, gifts and kindness shown to us during ourerepent sad bereave- ment. Also thanks to Rev. D. J. Lane, Dr. F. Newland, Mrs, Allan Elliott, Betty Zimmerman, Ball & Mutch funeral home — MRS. ED. FARQUHAR and FAMILY. 44b Girls Club Reports Success at-Bazaar, Pumpkins As Decor On Friday evening, October 30, the Girls' Club of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church held a very successful bazaar. Greeting guests at the- door were the president, of the club, Mrs. Gordon Sutcliffe and Mr e. D. J. Lane. The display booths fittingly decorated for Hal- lowe'en with lighted pumpkins were patronized all evening. Those in charge of the booths were: homemade baking, Mrs. Frank Mutch, Miss Beatrice Gib- son and Mrs. Dick Jacob; miscel- laneous and candy booths, Miss Mabel Harvey and Mrs. Neeb; used clothing, Mrs. Robert Mor- gan and Mrs. Allan Graham. At tables centred by lighted orange candles Mrs. Clarence Neilans, Miss Emily Scruton and Miss K. Snider served sandwiches and coffee to the guests. Kitchen helpers were Mrs. William Butch, Mrs. Howard Cowan, Mrs. Royce Macaulay, Mrs. Dorothy Hymers, Miss Helen Anderson, Mrs. Frank Cook and Miss Winnifred Bishop.