HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-10-22, Page 13GOOD USED CAR VALUES 1958 Plymouth Belvedere Sedan Automatic trans., like new. Only $2195.00 1956 Chrysler Sedan. One owner car; less than 20,000; has to be seen to be appreciated Only $1595.00 1954 Ford Sedan Automatic; new tires and paint Only $945.00 1951 Dodge Sedan Real Good! Only $395.00 1954 Pontiac Sedan Delivery Only $350.00 1947 Dodge 1/2 Ton Sale Ends Saturday Night ORIGINAL ONE CENT SALE Monday thru. Saturday - Ofs pT R BUY ONE ARTICLE AND GET ANOTHER OF THE SAME FOR 1g MORE THAN 300 ITEMS ON SALE Vitamins — Candy — Toiletries — Christmas Gifts Christmas Cards — Electric Vaporizers — ChristmUs Tree Decorations — Remedies — Shaving Needs Dental Needs — First Aid Needs — Stationery Toys — Christmas Gift Wrap, Etc. Don't Miss The Biggest Sale Yet WATCH FOR OUR HANDBILL IN THE MAIL NEWEOMBE /*armory e41.1.—an PHONE HU 2.9511 CLINTON CUNION ISTZSIIIS-11=11,,D Auburn Girl Weds Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. MacLean, Amberley, were married in the Christian Reformed Church, Clinton on Saturday afternoon, October 10, by the Rev. A, Van Eek, Exeter. The bride is Evertje Maria, daughter of Mrs. Rimmer Bakker, RR 2, Auburn and her husband ,is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. MacLean, RR 3, Kincardine. (MacLaren's Studio) Clinton and District Obituaries Mrs. Fletcher Townsend Funeral service was conducted in the Ball and Mutch funeral home 153 High Street, Clinton, on Tuesday afternoon, October 20, for Hattie Elizabeth Trick, beloved wife of Fletcher Thomas Town- send, 116 Rattenbury Sereet East. The, Rev. Grant L. Mills, Ontario Sreet United Church, Clinton, officiated, assisted by Bishop W, A. ,Townsend, London. Pall=bearers were Erlin Whit- more, Frances Coleman, Warren Whitmore, George Wise, Lorne Tyndall and Robert Glen. Flow- ersbearers were Carman Whit- more, Fletcher Whitmore, Alfred Hudie and Elmer Trick. Interment was in Clinton Cemetery. Born on June 1, 1887, in Goder- ich Township to Arthur Levi Trick and Frances M. Jenkins, Mrs. Townsend was married on June 28, 1924. Prior to that she had taught school at Harrietsville, Summerhill, Ruscomb, Cedar Gro-. ve and in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Town- . shend have lived in this area for the past 34 years, moving into Clinton 15 years ago. Mrs. Townsend' was a member of Ontario Street United Church, and was active in the work of the Women's Missionary Society; was a past president of the Woman's Association and a teacher of the Bible Class in that church. Death came suddenly on Sun- day, October p, due to a heart seizure. Surviving besides her husband are two sisters, Mrs. Jennie Wise, Clinton; Mrs. F. W. (Vera) Law- rence, Hamilton; one uncle, Ed- ward J. Jenkins, RR 3, Clinton, several nieces and nephews. Attending the funeral were rela- tives and friends from London, Stratford, Kitchener, Hamilton, Forest, Ingersoll, Goderich and Lucknow, as well as locally. Good Will Club Will Hold Big Rummage Sale • Mrs. H. G. Manning presided for the October meeting of the Wesley-Willis United Church. Good Will Club on October 13. Mrs. M. Steep read the secre- tary's report and the treasurer's statement was given by Miss L. Walkinshaw. Mrs. P. Fingland is convening a committee to plan for a rum- mage sale at a later date. Mrs. L. Jervis read a card of thanks from the Unitarian Service's Committee, for clothing sent for Arab children. After the disposition of busi- ness a hymn was sung and Mrs. J. McGill led in prayer. Mary McKim favoured with two lovely solos. H. G. Manning, guest speaker, spoke on the CTA, stressing am- endment, not repeal of the Act. He was thanked by Mrs. F, Ping- land for a very interesting and informative talk, The Mizpah benediction closed the meeting after which lunch was served by Group 3, convened by Mrs. Hearn and Mrs. L. Jer- vis. rom446•44.ammos466.4•14=66=64.61406 46•0•64 • MITCHELL • CIDER and • APPLE BUTTER • MILL Will Operate Every Day except Mondays starting October 6 to Nov. 20. Terms: Strictly Cash FkEttlf HENNICK & SON Proprietors 404-2-8-b F 0 DANCING THIS FRIDAY NIGHT BLUEINATER DANCELAND JOIN THE FUN at the MONSTER HALLOWEEN MASQUERADE at Apor Bluewater Danceland FRIDAY NIGHT 1 Oct. 30 —10.2 a.m. Music by DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA ADMISSION: 75c Prizes! -- Prizes! -- Prizes! Prizes! Fancy Couple $10.00 Comic Couple $10.00 Woman's Fancy 5.00 Men's Comic 5.00 Men's Fancy . 5.00 Best Hallowe'en Costume .,.. 5.00 Woman's Comic 5.00 Best National Costume 5.00 An Extra Half Hour Dancing for This Special Night 42-3-b s. NOW'S YOUR CHANCE TO ENJOY CLEAN AUTOMATIC HEAT the way NEW CONCEAL ID • DItacti Warth aM, ellent, the hoo ray sktro tamiert, • MOAN! at bade el hooter In loint4a air snub. ▪ Now aneapped mo kt for wain* **winos, • 081.1 mato triv••• no.de 14 461 46 11441 '"1111111111rillaillimmil phone Writ° cer come in HOW Hare Your A.P. Control Valves Cleaned and Calibrated at Our Store FAST, 'EFFICIENT SERVICE Ball & Mutch IHA Hardware PHONE HU 2-9505 CLINTON, ONTARIO as Cards Perso SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION OF . AS WARM, AS SINCERE, AND AS FRIENDLY AS A HANDSHAKE CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Phone HU 2-3443 Clinton SEE THE NATIOXIL UNE PAC414.. =VW e$1.110•0111R.iwill;PLIC.,}1,-!!.101•0 OFU AISINVAl6 AT OAC MOLY NAT MTN Ontario Farmers Union .Conven- tion at OAC, Guelph on October 26, 27 and 28 is the eighth to be held.. Gordon Hill, Varna is presi- dent, nisei bazaar on Saturday, October 31 in the township hall, Jack •Coleman returned home last week after spending a couple of months in the Canadian west, The Library Board bald a meet- ing at the library last Friday even- ing, A committee was appointed to select new books. Layman's Sunday was observed October 18 in the United Church, Robert Elliott, Clinton, was the gi.test speaker. Miss 'Lola Chuter, Brantford, sp- ent the weekend at the home of her parents. The Woman's Association of the United Church is holding the an- Only $175.00 J & I MURPHY LIMITED CLINTON HU 2-9475 Clark Nivins (By our Atiburn Correspondent) Nile United Church when Rev, A. A pretty wedding tools place at E. Eustace united in marriage June Leone Nivins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Nivins, RR 3, A41=11 and John Gordon Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tait Clark, RR 5, Goderich. The church was decorated with pink gladioli, The bride wore a gown of white crystalline taffeta featuring a lace-edged portrait neckline and lily-point sleeves. On the full skirt were lace and sequin appliques and her illusion veil was held in place by a seed pearl headdress. She carried a white Bible crested with red roses and ribbon stream- ers. Her travelling costume was a royal blue wool jersey dress, light blue coat, with white and black accessories and a corsage of red roses. The bride's sister, Mrs, Leonard Jenkins was matron of honour and wore a pink nylon chiffon cock- tail-length dress with matching hat and carried a nosegay of tinted blue gladioli. Two nieces of the bride, Valerie Glutton and Kathy Dougherty were flower-girls in dresses of blue ith b d us f flowers Ian w anea o ny and carried nosegays of pink tint- ed gladioli. James Clark was his brother's groomsman and ushers were Wes- ley Nivins and John Gibson, The organist, Donald Squires, accompanied the soloist, Miss Diane Vanderburgh, Goderich, who sang "0 Perfect Love" and "Be Thou Mine Own." The reception was held in the church parlours and the bride's mother received in a black and green figured dress and a corsage of yellow carnations. She was as- sisted by the groom's mother who wore a blue 'dress with a corsage of pink carnations. Following a wedding trip to Ottawa the young couple will re- side in Colborne Township. O Canada's first novelist was Mrs. Frances Brooke, wife of the chap- lain to the Quebec garrison from 1760 to 1763. Her four-volume novel on life in Quebec was pub- lished about 30 years before the first American noel. Mrs. Carrie L. Jones (By our Auburn Correspondent) Mrs. Carrie Jones passed away last week in London. She was 86 years of age and was born in London. She lived in this Auburn village many years ago when her late husband, Rev. A. E. Jones was minister of the Methodist Church in 1906-1910, coming here from the Belgrave Church. They also lived in Chatham, Blenheim, Trenton and Lindsay. She had resided in London for the past 20 years. One daughter, Mrs. B. S. (Madeline) Chapple, survives. Burial took place in Maple Leaf Cemetery, Chatham. Mrs. M. McFadden Funeral services were conduct- ed Monday, October 12 at the Hughes 'funeral home, in Cooks- town, for Mrs. Melville McFad den, the former Ida Pearl Cornish, Clinton. She was the youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Cornish, formerly of the Base Line, Clinton. Mrs. McFadden was• a school teacher before her marriage. She has been .an active member of all organizations in the United Ch- urch, Cookstown. Surviving besides her husband are a sister-in-law, Mrs. Glen Cornish, Clinton, a nephew, Wray Cornish; two nieces, Mrs. Fred (Jean) Vodden and Mrs. Clark (Margaret) Ball, who now resides ' on the Cornish homestead. Mrs. McFadden was predeceas- ed by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Cornish, her two sisters, Edith and Zelma, and a brother, Glen. Beautiful floral tributes were received. HALLOWEEN COSTUME DANCE SPONSORED BY: Hensall and District TEEN TOWN Thursday, October 29 8.30 TO ? Hensall Memorial Centre MUSIC BY: STEW & HIS COLLEGIANS "SOFT AS THE MOON" "BRIGHT AS THE STARS" Admission: SOc per person EVERYBODY WELCOME United Church YPU Rally at Seaforth On October 13 the Young Peo- ple held their annual fall rally at 'the .Seaforth 'United Church. Quest speaker for the evening was the Rev. Dr. S. $emple, Egniondville, speaking on "Studying Larger Nfaps," About 130 attended this rally. Good condition rms comoRms NEW 0.11 NEATER coinidele owlh !,dower and 59' a/ fuel lank package only $139.90 f411•••', Comfortably heats 4 to 6 rooms HEATS 4 TO 6 ROOMS . Start enjoying the real solid comfort that a Coleman cio Heater con bring you. A Coleman makes the heat but more than that, it moves the heat—super-circulates it throughout the house• for cosy fidor-to-ceiling Warmth. With television viewing becoming 40 popular; more time is spent relaxing in the home and good healthful heating is more im- portant now than ever before. Modernize with a beautiful, new Coleman Oil Heater, Call, write. or come in but do it soon while this big Coleman Special Price Sale is on. MODEL 4111 "m "RIVIERA" si.ogo ITU HEAT OUTPUT Seaforth YPU lead in a short sing-song to start things off. rnondville YPIJ lead. in an inspir- ing worship with -Geraldine Mc- Taggart singing "Bless This House". Rev. 13riton announced the benediction. 0 Canada's production of steel ins Seta totalled 3,246,930 tons in the first seven months of 1959, corns pared to 2,686,833 tons in a like period of 1958, AV, -0014.0.11$13. V.1,950 VARNA 11111110111011111,0111111111001111illiletillialsessimismosiosi I 14 Ain