HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-10-22, Page 10ELEC Tacomica iid,4041z- VICE A New Rogers G.E. Sylvania or RCA Picture Tube Can Make A Big Difference In TV Reception We Do Not Sell Rebuilt Picture Tubes When your TV picture dulls, fades or blacks out, it may be a sign that your picture tube should be replaced. We carry all makes in various price ranges. Our installation work is guaranteed to please. Call us. Galbraith TV & Radio YOUR TV SERVICE DEALER Phone HU 2-3841 70 Albert Street, Clinton Daer-Hugill (By our Auburn correbpninfeut). A quiet wedding was solemnized in St. George's Anglican Church, Goderich, when Rev, Dr. K, E. Taylor united in marriage, Janet Dianne, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hugill and Alvin Daer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Deer, Auburn. The bride wore a blue and white figured nylon sheath dress, head- band of white baby 'mums, white accessories and carried her grand- mother's prayer book adorned with red roses. Miss Vivienne Hugill was her sister's bridesmaid wearing a dress of pink polished cotton with corsage of pink car- nations and white accessories. Gordon Daer was groomsman, for his brother. A reception was held at Tiger Dunlop Inn. The bride's mother was dressed in red and black fig- urea silk, black accessories and corsage of white carnations, The grooms mother wore a blue fig- ured jersey, black accessories and a corsage of white carnations, Following a honeymoon the couple will reside in, Goderich. of the bride to the immediate re- latives by Mrs. R. j, Phillips and Mrs. Ed. Davies, friends of the bride. On their return from their honeymoon they will reside on. the groom's farm in Morris township, Mr. and Mrs. James A, 1301, Exeter, were married on Satur- day, October 10, in the Ontario Street United Church by the Rev, Grant Mills. The bride is Elizabeth Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Fa. ener, Brucefield and the groom. I., the son of Mrs. Roy Bell, .ir!lerise.11 and the late Roy Beli. (Photo by Wenteerth) .0=1.1.11•41•0 gs BAZAAR and. TEA IN THE LONDESBORO COMMUNITY HALL ON Wednesday, October 28. VARIOUS, ,BOOTHS OPEN 3 P.M. Auspices of: LONDESBORO WOMEN'S INSTITUTE 42b t. r 11111=611111111.11M ;YO POINT WINTER TUNE-U P • Adjust Carburetor • Check Distril ;or) • Check Fuel Pump (• Check and refill • Clean Air Cleanert WWI • Check spark plugs') C regap or replace ifo Focus lights) needed • Check • hatteri;Taire? Check gelici ( • (heck ignition See Us for Famous SUBURBANITE WINTER MU, by GOODYEAR Wells Auto. Electric KING STREET Phone HU 2-3851 ON1GINAL sinircmAters Aill.1111:111.111 =Mg* NMVS41ECORP PAGE BIGHT 7'4 .1;:r1i$PAY;. OC`IX=B, 2Z 3.954P ews of Bayfield B' MISS LVOV It, WOODS MO N-4: BAYFIELD 4.5 r 3 Member of the Supreme Court Mr. Justice Frank Donnelly, Goderich,. received his appointment as Judge of the Supreme Court of Ontario and a member of the High Court of Justice for Ontario on Friday, October 2, He was sworn in before Chief Justice James McRuer in Toronto an Tuesday, October 13. Mr, Donnelly has practiced law in Goderich since being called to the bar in 1924. He has two lawyer sons, Richard at North Bay and James, reeve of Goderich and a partner in the Donnelly and Donnelly law firm at that town. Mr. Justice Donnelly's first action as judge was approval of a $26,000 out-of-court settlement to a Michigan family. (Photo by MacLaren's) Mr. and Mrs. John Pearson and Douglas, accompanied by her mo- ther, Mrs. Sawulla, all from Lon- don, spent Sunday with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burt, Jo Anne, Karen and Jeffrey, London, were at the family home on Sarn- ia Street, for the weekend, William L. Cameron, who was visiting in Seaforth, accompanied by Mrs. J. Reid, Seaforth, and Mr, A. Galbraith, Varna, called on relatives and friends here on Fri- day. Mr. Cameron had accomp- anied his sister, Miss Mildred Cameron who had spent a month in. Denver, Colorado, on her re- turn to Tharnesford, He is visit- ing in Detroit before returning to Denver, E. W. Oddleifson, London, is spending this week with his wife at their home on Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Phinney and two children, Priscilla and James, Huntington Woods, Mich., Visited Mr. and Mrs. J. MacKen- zie over the weekend. Last Sunday morning in the ab- sence of the Rev, John Patrick at 'anniversary services at Taylor's Corners, the service in St. And- rew's United Church, Bayfield, was taken by Miss Clara Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prim, De- troit, were at her mother's cot- tage, "Holley Lodge" from Fri- day to Sunday, closing it for the season. Mr. and. Mrs. S. H Bryant clos- ed their cottage and returned to their home near Byron on Wed- nesday. Miss Grace Peck returned to London on Monday night, after haying spent the weekend at her mother's cottage, "Belle Vue." Mrs. F. W. McEwen returned home on Wednesday of last week, after having spent a delightful Thanksgiving weekend with her daughter and son-in-law, Drs. Doris and Ralph Nicholls, Wash- ington, DC. She travelled via airplane from Melton, Ontario, Mr. and Mrs, R. W. Bergen, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Harper and son, New Dundee, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, LeRoy Poth on Sunday. Mrs. J, W. Jowett moved to her home on Main Street on Friday for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Hughes, De- troit, occupied their cottage over the weekend. James Higgins, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Higgins, Miss Anette Golding, New Zeal- and, who is studying on a scholar- ship •at Wayne University, Miss Ruth Murray of the Faculty, Mrs. J. Sanford and Patrick, Detroit, were weekend guests of Miss Jessie Metcalf. Guardsman Robert Orr - Sank From Germany (By our Bayfield correspondent) Guardsman 13,obert Orr, Who has done a two year tour .of, duty in Germany .with the Canadian Army, arrived home on Sunday about $,30 p,m. He left Germany at 10 p4n. on Saturday, The, 'plane touched down at Belfast and Goose Bay, He was in Mon- treal at It%) a.m. on Sunday; flew to 1Vlalton and from there to Lon- don, where he got a taxi to Ibring him to Bayfield. Fe has 37 days leave to spend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William On,. 0 PORTER'S HILL WA Meeting The Woman's Association •of Grace United Church, met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. D. McDougall, Victoria Street, •Clin- ton (formerly of Porter's Hill). In the absence of the president, Mrs. William Cox, vice-president, Mrs. charge of the meeting. Mrs. Pat- rick led in prayer. Scripture and 'topic were taken by Mrs. Ray Cox. Roll call was answered with a "Thanksgiving Verse". An invitation from the ladies of Union Church to attend their meeting October 14 was ac- cepted. Business items were taken care of and Mrs. Austin Harris took charge of the program. Dur- ing the afternoon a large quilt was quilted. The hostess served a lovely lunch. Sunday School The executive of Grace Church Sunday School met on Tuesday ,evening last at the home of Mrs. Donald Harris. Rev. John Patrick opened the meeting with prayer and took charge of the devotional period. Mrs. Wilmer Harrison, superin- tendent, presided over the business period when plans were made for the annual Christmas concert to be held Friday evening, December 11.. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction and pot-luck lunch was served. 0 Middlesex F. of A. Fieldman Takes New Directorship Don W. Middleton, Granton, On- tario, has been appointed Director of the new Property Department of the Ontario Federation of Agri- culture, announced H, M. Arbuck- le, secretary-manager. "The new department was established be- cause of the increased need for at- tention for farmers' land acquisi- tion problems, assessment, taxation and kindred subjects. Mr. Middle- ton is a logical choice for the posi- tion of Director because of his past experience in the field of land acquisition and farm programs." Mr. Middleton has been a field- man on part time basis with the OFA during the past year, and has been secretary-fieldman for Mid- dlesex County Federation of Agri- culture for the past four years. He was a full time member of a sp- ecial OFA committee on land ac- quisition problems and brings first hand knowledge of this work to his new post. Mr. Middleton will assume his new duties immedi- ately. Castle-Bogie (By our Bayfield correspondent) YelloW chrysanthemums and candelabra were used effectively in Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, on Friday evening, Oc- tober 9, at 7.30 o'clock, for the beautiful candle-light ceremony when the Rev. R. G. MaeMillan united in marriage Ronald' Cur- rie Castle and Miss Cora Christ- ine Bogie, The groom is the youngest son of Thomas W. Castle and the late Mrs. Castle, Bayfield. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Bogie, RR 3, Goderich. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore an original gown of chiffon taffeta having a sculp- tured bodice enhanced by chantil- ly lace, a sweetheart neckline trimmed with sequins, and long lily point sleeves. The bouffant skirt had a band of the same lace from which 'a full flounce fell to the floor. Her fingertip veil of imported illusion was held in place by a tiara of pearls and sequins, and she carried a white bible crested with pink rose buds. The bridesmaids, Mrs. William Bogie,- Goderich, and Mrs. Lloyd Winhold, London, wore nile green peau .de sole with matching vel- vet bows and picture hats. The bride's sister, Mrs. Bruce Smith, Hamilton, matron of honour, was in melon peau de soie, with mat- ching velvet bow and picture hat. Their gowns were fashioned sim- ilarly to the bride's. The bridesmaids carried yellow and bronze 'mums. The matron of honour carried yellow 'mums. Thomas Castle, Bayfield', was his brother's groomsman. Ushers were Kenneth Castle, Galt, and Cameron Bogie, Goderich. Ralph Henderson sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "The Wedding Prayer." Herman de Jong presi- ded at the organ. For the reception at The Tiger Dunlop Inn, the bride's mother wore a mocha portrait sheath dress with a flanged empire waistline with a self fabric rose hat in dusty pink velvet and mat- ching gloves. The bride's travelling costume was a sapphire blue wool sheath dress with empire lines, matching velvet picture hat and black ac- cessories. She wore a corsage of roses. After a honeymoon trip to Nor- th Bay and Algonquin Park, the young couple have taken up resi- dence on the Blue Water High- way, RR 2, Goderich. A community shower was held for the bride prior to her marriage at School Section No. 1, Goderich Township, where she is the tea- cher. Also entertaining at showers in her honour were; Mrs. William Meyer and Mrs. John MacLeod, Mrs. Maurice Wilkinson, Goderich; Mrs. Robert Paige, RR 2, Goder- ich, and Mrs. Edward Cawston, Stratford. McNichol-Nesbit (By our Auburn correspondent) A quiet wedding took place in Trinity Anglican Church, Blyth, on October 17, when Rev. Robert Meally united in marriage Mrs. Annie Nesbit and John McNichol, Blyth. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crostophine. Dinner was served at the home YOUR LIVESTOCK NEED MINERALS Phone HU 24301 Clinton, OR HU 2-3815 Orittiri0 Canada Packers Ltd. The New Miracle In MODERN LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT all-fabrics The Amazing INGLIS Combination Washer-Dryer Put your wash in dry and take them including three spray rinses. Compare the you have used only 1 2 1/2 gallons of wafer and 1/2 cup of soap for the complete wash, out ready to iron, and the amazing part is water consumption with the average auto.' matic washer which uses from 24 to 29 gal- Ions of water per 10 pounds wash, or apw proximately twice as much as the Inglis. With an Inglis you do not need an extra large water tank or heater with a corres- ponding saving in soap or detergent. Drop In And See Our Complete Line Of INGLIS LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT Sutter- erdue Ltd. QUALITY HARDWARE and HOUSEWARES Clinton HU 2-7023 The mineral requirements of your hogs and cattle must be satisfied if you are to expect fop performance and perfect health. The needs of the individual animals vary, not only from animal to 'animal but also according to the basic feed they are eating. Con- sequently, it is impossible to satisfy each individual mineral need with any one balanced supplement. SOUR-GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS FOR CATTLE OR HOGS are registered and guaranteed mineral mixtures, containing all and only those minerals presently known to be required by your livestock. You need not pay a lot of money for a good mineral mixture. SHUR- GAIN minerals are the best money can buy anywhere — and it takes a lot less money to buy SHUR-GAIN than most other minerals. So satisfy mineral needs the ECONOMICAL way with SHUR-GAIN ESSENTIAL Minerals, available at our Mill for either Hogs or Cattle. NOUS SH.ER and DRYER