HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-10-01, Page 4IN PERSON T. TEXAS TYLER "the man with a million friends" *Qne of the Top Country and Western Artists of all time! *Featured Star on "Grand Ole Opry" and T-Y! *28 Years in Show Business, Now Serving God! *Hear His Gospel' Singing arid Thrilling Harmony! Meet T, Texas Tyler in Person at CLINTON LEGION HALL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 -8 .,m. - ADMISSION FREE-- Sponsored by TRI-COUNTY YOUTH FOR CHRIST Gordon Glen 1$ Douglas Wallis 4W5,. Table earn, Douglas Arrn,strong 4E$, LYAnda, ScotOmer 4W5, an Armstrong 4E$, Marjory Tor-ner 7$, Bonnie Pollock 55, Mary Boyce ZS, Field corn, Wayne Bauer 50, Terry Bauer 5G, Tudor Wain 4WS, Bruce McBride 5$, Bertha Zondag 4ES, Rosalie Westlake 4WS. Chocolate fudge, Peggy Ann Battles 50, Michael Greer 4WS, Marjorie Turner 'ZS, Cathy West- on BJr, Jackie Weston BSr, Jane Hamilton 5S. Maple -cream candy, Ralph Eck- ert air, Milda Pepper 7S, Peggy Ann Bottles 50, Lynnda Scotch- mer 4WS, Ellen Lindsay BSr, Car- ol Taylor 5S.. School lunch box, Jackie West- on I3Sr, Ann McGowan IS, Mich- MIDDLETON' The Women's Auxilliary of St, James' Church, Middleton, will meet Wednesday afternoon, Oct- Ober 7, at the home of Mrs. Al- fred Hudie. Roll call word is "thanks" and there will be a quilt. Correction Please The services in St James' Chur- ch during the month of October will be held at 9.30 a.m. and not during the afternoon as stated in last week's paper. rowi4 BUR Thirteen Schools Compete SS 4 West Stanley again topped the list .of 13 schools competing at the Bayfield Fall Fair, and took home the shield awarded for the rural school earning the most points, Taking part in the parade were SS 4 West Stanley, SS 1 Stanley, SS 10 Goderich, SS 5 Goderich, SS 6 Goderich, SS 5 Stanley (Go- shen); Bayfield Junior Room, Ba;yfield Senior Room, SS 3 God- erich (Hohnesville), SS 6 Stanley (Varna). SS 3 Stanley (Front Road), SS 7 Stanley, SS 14 Stan- ley and SS 10 Stanley. Two more schools taking part in exhibits were SS 11 Goderich Township and SS 4 East Stanley. Winner of first place for the school display "Industries of Hu- ron" was SS 1 Stanley, followed by 55 10 Goderich; BeYfield Sen- ior Room, SS 5 Stanley, Bayfield Junior Room. Pupils with most points in the handwork section, Peggy Aim Betties,: in miscellaneous shop- work and social studies, Carol Wallis; in printing (Gr. 2) Doug- las Vanderhaar; in Printing (Gr, 1) Wendy Greer, Peter Idsinga; horticultural, Sandra Middleton; grain and vegetables, Bruce Col- lins; baking, Jacylen Weston, Boy with most points in shield competition (Gr, 1-4) John Man- ning, Peter Idsinga, Billie Mc- Gregor; (Gr. 5-8) Bruce Collins, Robert Collins, Girl with most points in shield competition (Gr. 1-4) Hazel Col- lins, Lynn Brandon, (Gr. 5-8) Peggy Ann Betties, Ann McGow- an. In following reports S will stand for Stanley and G for Gode- rich Township; BSr. and 13Jr, for Bayfield senior and junior rooms; WS and ES for west and east Stanley. Quilt block (Gr. 2-4), Marilyn Keys 3S, Shirley Keys 3S, Nency Heard BJr, Linda Hicks 1S, Hazel Collins 110, Phyllis Grainger 4WS. Pot holder (Gr. 5-6), John Tal- bot 4WS, Lynda Scotehmer 4WS, Bonnie Layton 15, Rosalie West- lake 4WS, Sharon Middleton 4W5, Jacqueline McIntyre 4WS, Linen tea towel, with 5 differ- ent stitches (Gr. 7-8), Peggy Bet- ties 5G, Ann McGowan 15, Carol Wallis 4WS, Any article made from pipe cleaners (Gr. 2-4), Rea Sturgeon 133r, Bruce Bird BJr, John Mann- ing 50, Billie McGregor 15, Lynn I3randon BJr, Peter Filion BJr, Corsage made from foam Plas- tic (Gr, 5-6), Peggy McAsh, Var- na, Shirley Norman 3G, Harry OreYclanus 4W$, 33erthena Cruick- shank 3G, Karen Sadler 3G, Ros- alie Westlake 4WS. Pyjama bag (Gr, 7-8), Peggy Ann Battles 5G, Judy Craig 100, Margaret Semple 100, Joyce Hay- ter Varna, Shirley Mustard Varna, Lynnda Rathwall 10G, Free hand picture cutout of bird (Gr. 3-4) John Manning 50, Mary Steckle 4ES, Elizabeth Zondag 4ES, Nancy Heard BJr, Barbara Sparks BJr, Alan Armstrong 4ES. Flour and salt map, Great Bri- tain and Ireland (Gr. 7-8) Bonnie Pollock 5S, Emma Oesch 55, Ann McGowan 1S, Mike Scotchmer BSr, Michael Greer 4WS, Carol Wallis 4WS, Flour and salt map, Mexico and Central America (Gr. 5-6), Raymond Eckle 5S, Jane Hamil- ton 5S, Bonnie Layton 1S, Lynnda Scotchmer 4WS, Braume Koene 4WS, Brian Lightfoot 1S. Illustrated poem book (Gr. 5-6) Beverley Sparks BSr, Sharon Mid- dleton 4WS, Ellen Cole 100, Shar- on Lockhart 5G, Joan Mote BSr, Dennis Harris 9G. Scrap book, St. Laurence Sea- way (Gr. 7-8) Carol. Wallis 4WS, Sandra Middleton 4WS, Peggy Ann Betties 5G, Murray Blackie 3S, Cathy Stirling 4WS. Woodwork, serving tray (Gr. 7-8) Barrie Miller 9G, John Van- derhaar 10G, Mahlon Martin 4ES, Bonnie Pollock 5$, James Steckle 4E5, Michael Greer 4WS. Woodwork,, miniature trellis ,:) (Gr. -6) Donald Welsh 100, Jackie Colqnhotin IS, Peter Poe- till 100, Rosalie Westlake 4WS, Dennis. Harris 90, Bratime Koene 4WS, Crayon drawing, farm scene (0r. 3-4) Barbara Leitch BJr, El- izabeth Zondag 4ES., Allan Hart- er 4ES, John Manning 50, Bruce Bird BJr, Hank Kosicamp 100, Spatter work (Gr. 5-6), Brian Lightfoot 1S, Johnny Talbot ova. Bonnie Layton 1S, Shirley Nor- man 30, Brian Koene 4WS, Karen Sadler 30, Poster, prevention of forest fires, (Gr, 743) Michael Scotchmer BSr, George Lindsay BSr, Carol Wal- lis 4WS, Sandra Middleton 4WS, Shirley Darnborough BSr, Ann McGowan IS. Printing Gr. 3, Dennis Barnes 14S, Janice Trewartha 30, Peter Filian BJr, Joe Ann Tamse 14S, Billy Henderson 14S, Margaret McKinley 14S. Writing (Gr. 4), Hank Koskamp 100, Mary Steckle 4WS, Barbara Leitch BJr, Brian Gibbs 14S, Haz- el Collins 11G, Doris Oesch 5S. Writing (Gr. 5), Murray Koet- sier 11G, Douglas Leibold 3G, Jackie Colquhourt 1S, Jim Waine SS, Barbara Nelzkie 145, Larry Gibbs 14S, Writing (Gr. 6) Wayne Bauer 5G, Lindsay Gernainitardt 5G, Katy Hussey IS, Sharon Lock- hart 5G, Peter Gahwiler 30, Gwen Hoy 7S. Writing (Gr, 7) Marjorie Tur- ner 7S, Ericka Koetsier 11G, Shir- ley Darnborough 8S, Sandra Mid- dleton 4WS, Sharon Cleave 4ES, Bert Coleman 7S. Writing (Gr. 8) Janet Armst- rong 3S, Judy Craig 10G, Marg- aret Trewartha 11G, Sharlene Turner 11G, Susan Brown 1S, Dianne Peck 3S. Printing (Gr. 2) Betty Bottema 11G, Douglas Vanderhaar 10G, Eric Schilbe 4WS, Dorothy Col- lins 11G, Briane Miller 90, Lynda Torrance 5G. Picture cutout, bowl of fruit (Gr. 2) Murray Torrance 5G, Lynda Torrance 5G, Martha Han- ly 1S, Steve Layton 1S, Patricia Sparks BJr, Anna Martin 4ES. Crayon coloured drawing of flower pot and flowers, Lynn Br- andon BJr, Robbie McVean BJr, Marlene Scotchmer 4ES, Lorne Merner BJr, Dquglas Vanderhaar 10G, Gary Darnborough BJr. Printing (Gr, 1), Linda Sparks BJr, Ronald Wise 11G, Wendy Greer 4WS, Mark Rathwell 10G, Roy McBride 5S, Colleen Merner 44,147`O 1 144414$,Rr-CORD Plasticine model, Randy Sim- mons BJr, Jacob Kromhart Wain Cantelon IS, Kelso Fitz-simons BJr, David Leitch 13Jr. Colleen Merrier BJr. Weaving paper mat, Peter Id- singa 50, Kevin Cox 5G, Wendy Greer 4WS, Kelso Fitzsimons 13jr, Colleen Merner BJr, Theo Boon 4WS. Trace and colour maple leaf, Wayne Cantelon 1S, Peter Idsinga 5G, Kevin Cox 5G, Wendy Greer 4WS, Evelyn Steckle 4ES, Then Boon 4WS, Collection of evergreen (Or. 2-4) Willis McGregor 15, Linda Hicks 1S, Janice Middleton 4WS, Calvin Scotchmer BJr. Collection of greSses (Or- 24) Sharon Lockhart 5G, Murray Grigg 90, Dianne Verhoef Michael Scotchmer BST, Cathe- rine Sparks B. Table bouquet (Gr. 2-4) Ka- thy Weston BJr, Lynn Brandon BJr, Hazel Collins 11G, Karen Fitzsimons BJr, Erie Schilbe 4WS, Calvin Scotchmer BJr. Coffee table .arrangement (Gr. 5-8) , Philip Turner BSr, Joan Oesch 5S, Kathryn Sparks BSr, Sandra Midleton 4WS, Michael Greer 4WS, Beverley Sparks BSr. Winter bouquet of dried flow- ers (Or, 5-8) Murray Grigg 90, Sandra Middleton 4WS. Wild flowers (Gr. 2-4) Brenda Stirling 4W, Anna Martin 4WS, Barbara Sparks B,Tr, Marlene Martin 4ES, no name, Steve Lay- ton 15, Sheaf of wheat, Ann McGowan 15, Douglas Wallis 4WS, Bruce Collins 11G, Bobby Wain 4WS, Hazel Collins 110, Viola Collins 11G. Sheaf Of oats, Bobby Collins 11G, Ann McGowan 1S, Douglas Wallis 4WS, Bruce Collins 11G, Viola Collins 110, Tudor Wain 4WS, Sheaf of barley, Carol Wallis 4WS, Bobby Collins 11G, Murray Grigg 9G, Bruce Collins 11G. Beets, Hazel Collins 110, Bruce Collins 110, Gail Mote BSr, Shir- ley Mustard 65, Bobby Collins 11G, Shirley Keys 3S. Carrots, long, Eric Schilbe 4WS, Bonnie Pollock 5S, Steven Har- ris 9G, Douglas Wallis 4WS, Ann McGowan is, John Manning 5G. Carrots, short, Harry Greydan- us 4WS, Barbara Turner BSr, Nancy Mustard 6S, Donny Lind- say 13.1r, Bill McGregor 15, Joyce Hayter 6S. Spanish onions, John Manning 5G, Bobby Collins 11G, Bruce Collins 11G, Hazel Collins 11G, R, Cornish 4WS, Viola Collins 11G. Onions AOV, Barbara Turner BSr, Peggy Coultes 6S, Sandy Mustard 6S, David Mustard 6S, Rosalie Westlake 4W, Bruce Col- lins 11G. Potatoes, white, Margery For- rest 7S, Ron Rader 4WS, Viola Collins 11G, Barbara Turner BSr, ray? oarolaER 1, 195 Y AO Greer 4W5, Barbara Leitch ie Weston BSr, LYAM Brando 133r, Peggy Ann Betties SO, Rosa- BJr, Sharon Middleton 4W5,- Sat lie Westlake 4WS, • Ora Middleton 4W5, Donnie LIM White cup cakes, not iced, jack- • say HO`r, Peggy Ann Bottles 50. SALE to brighten up 9our home Clearing Our 1959 Stock Now is your chance to decorate your walls with wallpaper-We hove papers for every room in your home. Washable, Plastic-Coated and some Prepasted, All SUNWORTHY - Imagine the Savings! Alf must go as we have to make room for our 1960 Stock now on order. Ceilings and Borders at Regular Prices. No Refunds. We Are Also Introducing Our New ROXALIN PAINTS with this Sale. "Finwoolimmonmid TERMS CASH - ALL PAINTS GUARANTEED Sale Begins Friday, October 2 until Saturday, October 17 SON Store Open Friday Evenings Until 10 O'clock 33 Huron Street CLINTON Phone HU 2-9542 BIGGEST PAINT VALUE EVER! BIGGEST PAINT VALUE EVER! BIGGEST PAINT VALUE EVER! A QUART for a QUARTER A GALLON mE for a DOLLAR . with every regular ROXATONE* price purchase of Multi-color Plastic Finish Velvet PREMIUM 03 Acrylic Latex Paint 93 Tremendous is the only word for it! Now tremendous savings---a complete home RESOLAC* your Roxalin dealer offers you easy-to- use, top quality brand-name paint at Semi-Gloss Enamel decorating at an almost unbelievably low pri4el products-Premium Roxatoxte or Rokamul Velvet for bedrooms, livingrooms Nov, for a limited time only, you can or diningrooros, Resolac Semi-Gloss cash in on this special offer-buy one Enamel for matching or contrasting trim quart of Premium ROXATONE, -bring new dimensions in color to your ROX.AMOL Velvet or RESOLAC at the home. regular price, and receive another quart of any of the finishes for just a quarter When you visit your Roxalin dealer, rn -Z e. Or, if you buy by the gallon, your ask for details of how you can use the second gallon costs just one donee services of the Doris Love Color Studios in planning your home decoration. Buy these easier-to-use decorator products for the biggest paint value ever! OFFER EXPIRES 10th OCT/50 T. See how the magic combination of Rosalin Topped by SS 4 Once Again with this completely automatic GAS HEATER Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON - EXETER - SEAFORTH Thomas Steep, Clinton Representative - Phones - Bus., HU 2-6606 - - Res., HU 2-3869 AND SAVE S 0.00 NOW Special Limited-time Offer - so trade now! You can cut fuel costs every winter and get a big $40.00 trade-in allowance on your old electric, coal, wood or oil space heaters - no matter what condition they're in! Trade in Your Old Spaceheater REGULAR PRICE $169.95 ANY TRADE-IN WORTH , 40.00 YOU PAY ONLY $129.95 Pay on your gas bill if you wish Look What You Get During This Limited Time Special Offer , O Automatic Coleman Gas Heater built for cost-free carefree service -- every room - increased heat capacity that supercirculates warmth! $ Automatic "Directiondir" Blower and Control turns itself on and off it when you need it --•- Saves power and stops drifts! • Automatic "Thermostat" - set it and forget Provides constant comfort as you like it and slashes fuel costs! - gives you heat where you need new slim design to complement Auummulussis sy I Cent WALLPAPER Buy One Single Roil for Regular Price And You Get The Second Roll for 1 Cent. D. A. KAY an L(13) Mai* Cg ILM1 4:E z 4 UJ 0 go LJ LU o•J 1.1n 0 ;kw Heat the modern way with Coleman - Canada's only bonded heating line - each heater is backed by an exclusive $500 Warranty Bond! Trade-in Your Old Heater NOW . . See Your Coleman Dealer or UNION CLINTON COMPANY OF CANADA,LIMITED Call GODERICH 1364 (Collect) SEE YOUR ROXALIN DEALER NOWI aQ LSI irt MO to ate Ronimproduthi er,, ROXALIN OF CANADA LIMITED, NEW TORONTO, ONTARIO to CO PV-6924.R BIGGEST PAINT VALUE EVER! BIGGEST PAINT VALUE EVER! 'MAO MARgS R5GISTERED D. A. KAY and SON 33 Huron Street CLINTON Phone HU 2-9542