HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-09-17, Page 3•17:WRSD4Y,. SEPTIMY$43 17, 1.959 TOWN. OF CLINTON Council In Action Will Live At St. Catharines MR. AND MRS. DAVID WILLIAM SLORACH, St. Catharines, were married in Ontario St. United Church, Clinton, on Saturday, August 29, by the Rev. Grant Mills. The bride is Joyce Marguerite, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bayley, RR 4, Clinton, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Slorach, Blyth. (Photo by McDowell) Letters to the Editor LTD. tO**— Ontario Kitchener 0 2 1 TRAVEL BY BUS To The WESTERN FAIR All 'Motorways Coaches Take You Direct To The Fair Grounds—No Extra Charge. Late Returning Coaches to Goderich, Wingham, Listowel, Seaforth, Mitchell and Intermediate Points. Consult Your Local Agent For Rates and Schedules. THE WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES • issued in amounts from $100 upwards for 1-3 years. • earn 532% interest, payable half.. yearly cheque. • authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. YOUR MONEY DOUBLES ITSELF IN 13 YEARS! THE STERLING IRUSTS 372 bay St., 35 Dunlop St., Toronto BOITIO Dora IL C. LAWSON, Representative Phone HU 2-9644 Clinton, Ontario T. B. BAIRD Phone HI) 2-7498 Brucefield, Ontario ENJOY THESE EXTRAS IN THE WEEKEND TELY WEEKEND Magazine, with articles by Gregory Clark, Andy O'Brien and others. TV Weekly, with Ron Poulton's Pre- *views and program listings for a week. 16 Pages of Color Comics. Regular Saturday Tely with ektta pages ox travel, hobbies, books, religiOn, WEEKEND TM ONLY 10c 11111/01111•111111011111111111111111. By-law No. 11 for the Township of Stanley in the County of Huron A BY-LAW TO RAISE $100,000.00 TO AID IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF TILE, STONE OR TIMBER DRAINS. The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Stanley of the County of Huron, pursuant to The Tile Drainage Act, enacts as follows: 1. That the Reeve may from time to time, subject to the provisions of this by-law, borrow on the credit of the corporation of •the Municipality such sums not exceeding in the whole One Hundred. Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) as may be determined by the Council, and may in manner hereinafter provided, issue debent- ures of the corporation in such sums as the Council may deem proper for the amount so borrowed, with coupons attached .as provided in section 4 of the said Act. 2, That, subject to section 10 of The Tile Drainage Act, when the Council is of opinion that the application of any person to borrow money for the purpose of construction a tile, stone or timber drain should be granted in whole or in part, the Council may, by resolution, direct the Reeve to issue debentures as aforesaid and to borrow a sum not exceeding the amount applied for, and may lend the same to the applicant on the completion of the drainage work. 3. A special annual rate shall be imposed, levied and collected over and above all other rates upon the land in respect of which the money is borrowed, sufficient for the payment of the principal and interest as provided by the Act. Passed the first day of September 1959. HARVEY COLEMAN, Reeve JEAN ELLIOTT, Clerk Sgt. Tom fillelnyk Wins -Quebec Tiack and field Sergeant Tom Meinyk competed in the Quebec Regional _Associa- tion track and, field meet at St, Johns, Quebec, recently and ,cap ttired firsts in shotput and discus; third in hop, step And jump. Torn was RCAF Clinton Airman of the year in 1957, and Outstanding Athlete of the Year at Station. Clinton in 1958, I'll I D.A. . SEPTEMBER DRUG A A at all 16 B to STORES E 26 IC BALL POINT P E N Smooth-Writing You'll Want Recractable A Dozen I.D.A. Brand Heavy Grade I.D.A. Brand 1/4 Groin MINERAL OIL SACCHARIN Odourless, Tasteless 16-oz. 40-oz. TABLETS Reg. 55c Reg 1.10 500's 1000's Reg. 55c Reg. 790 43c 87c 39c 59c An excellent source of vitamin A & D . . . our I.D.A. Brand HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES One capsule daily supplies the normal requirements of Vitamin A & D 100's 250's 500's Reg. 1.15 Reg. 2.29 Reg. 4.95 89c 1.89 3.49 PLASTIC RAIN HAT Ties under chin. 90 Assorted colours & designs HEATING PAD "Heatmaster" Warm Reg. 3 99 rayon eiderdown cover 4.95 • HOT WATER BOTTLE 15 oz. capacity 79c BATH SALTS Jeanette Brand, 5 lb., Reg. 98c 79c UNIQITE HUnter PHOTO SERVICE F. B. PENNEBAKER 2-6626 DRUGGIST NOTICE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY • Take notice that the above Is a true copy of a Ey-Law passed by the Council of the Township of Stanley on the first day of Septem- ber 1959, and all persons are required to take notice that anyone Who desires to apply to have the by-law or any part thereof quashed must serve notice on his application upon the Reeve or Clerk of this muni- cipality within 20 days after the date of the last publication of this notice, and must make his application to the Supreme Court of On- tario within one month after the said date, This notice Was first published on the 10th day of September, 1959, and the last publication will be on the 24th day of September, 1.959, Joan Elliott, Clerk. OPITON. 111VWS,MCORI) "*• Deputy Reeve Melvin Crick was Welcomed back to council on Monday night by Mayor Burton A, Stanley, Mr. Crich had been absent for several months due to illness, B, A. Davidson spoke for the Pentecostal Church on Victoria Street, In recent rains the base- ment flooded, and piano was sp- oiled and floor ruined, Main wat- er line was bent, where it ent- ered the church. Services have be- en cancelled in the basement for some weeks. Mayor Stanley told of a phone call from Ken Sweigard, former pastor, who recalled that the tile was all right when they started to build. Town councillors check- ed it then and agreed with Mr. Sweigard that it was in good con- dition Mayor Stanley said he felt it was heavy equipment on top of the drain at time of building that broke the tile. Streets men have now repair- ed the tile and Mayor Stanley said another was planned in that area to help the situation. Another spokesman for the ch- urch felt that it was not the ch- urch's fault. He felt it was caused by plugged drains, catch basins not cleaned out properly, and go- od gutters pat along the streets funneling more water in their direction than could be handled by one drain. Reeve W, J. Miller noted that this area was a natural water course, and a drain had been there for many years before the church was built "But," said the Reeve, "I believe the town was lacking when they gave a permit for the church to be built over the chain." The delegation promised to make further investigation of the matter. Licenses Transferred Licenses to retail tobacco and cigarettes, to operate two pin- ball machines and a poolroom were authorized transferred from Reg Cudmore to James Armstr- ong. Tag Day The Canadian National Instit- ute for the Blind will bold a tag day on October 3. Band Request A recent request for a grant from George Wonch for the Clin- ton Concert Band was received. ODD FELLOWS Are INDEPENDENT Since its inception, the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows have had a reputation of look- ing after their members, their widows and families in time of sickness or want. You will .never find a mem- ber in good standing seeking charity as long as he lives up to the teachings received on being accepted as a member. They Seek to improve and elevate the character of man. TO THE "DISSATISFIED MOTHERS Clinton News-Record, Clinton, Ont. Your few criticisms in last week's issue of this paper have been carefully read and discussed, as you requested, and now are being commented upon. MODEL D 112 No more guessing or uncertainty with your Westinghouse Dry- er, you can dry ALL fabrics saf- ely. Dries clothes faster . . , uses less current with the exclusive advantages of DIRECT AIR- FLOW . . . air and heat passes directly into the clothes, not through the basket, Four Models of Westinghouse Dryers to Choose From. Priced from $199.95 Clinton Electric Shop Your WESTINGHOUSE Dealer D. W. CORNISH, Proprietor HU 2-6646 — CLINTON A.Rli••• Your criticism falls along two lines : (1) Instructors teaching the "Learn to Swim" class from the deck of the pool. The Red Cross Instructor's Manual and "common sense" tells one that this is the proper place from which to in- struct, because from this position the instructor is able to observe the action of ALL the children in his class. A "demonstrator", which we supplied in the first few clas- ses, may enter the water to de- monstrate skills to the class. (2) Concerning tests to "Learn to Swim" classes. There is no Red Cross tests for this group. Our staff decided to test them for swimming distance only in order that each child could be more ac- curately placed in a class the next season. As our staff consists of humans, and anyone should admit that a human is prone to error, we can only say that we are sorry for causing you such incon- venience as you stated. However we would like to point out that our staff of instructors consists of four; three have their "leader's" and one has her "in- structor's" qualifications, Further- more, to satisfy some rural enrol- ment during our registration day for classes we changed their nam- es on class lists no less than three times. We also feel that we have un- dergone some little inconvenience which we feel is our duty to digest and to attempt a solution. In closing, these few facts may illustrate some success which we have had this season, and with such close scrutiny no doubt next year will be even mare successful. July August Classes Classes No. registered 229 257 No. attending 194 174 No. trying Red Cross Tests 103 82 No. successful 71 61 Percentage success- ful 68.9 74.4 Thanks for hearing this out and may the future be bigger and bet- ter than ever. (Signed) SWIMMING POOL STAFF. Clinton, Ontario September 9, 1959 He will be notified that an as- sociation must be formed to ad- minister the affairs of the band before money may be granted. Approximately $1.34 from the old band account was given to the swim pool with the rider that it would be available if a band were started An association will need to be formed before this money is paid over, A grant will have to wait for next year's Council's pleasure. A by-law is on the books passed by a vote of 298-105 (some years ago) authorizing payment of a grant (no sum mentioned). PUC Building Advice was received from A. Laurie Colquhoun that the PVC building has been sold to Alan Galbraith, effective September 30 and that the new owner would require use of area now occup- ied by the ladies rest room by that time. Drain Problems Reeve Miller congratulated E. E Gibson on a well written let- ter complaining of drain prob- lems at his corner. Mr, Miller said work has already begun th- ere and he hoped it would soon be in hand. "This is another case of building a house over a drain." Lavis Construction Company Limited have a job at Station Clinton to finish before beginn- ing on streets in town. Reeve Miler foresaw a change in the system of garbage dispos- al in the not too distant future. He expected complaint by the health authorities, or the people living out there Mayor Stanley commented that there had been tons and tons of cucumbers going out to the du- mp. The company handling these were agreeable to looking after these properly, but the garbage collector was not in agreement. "I've favoured town garbage col- lection for some years," said the Mayor, "the sooner the better". Reeve Miller suggested using salt on Toads this winter instead of sand, for the sand just seemed to end up in the catch basins. Reply of council was that sand was needed to get grip on hills. Cost of nursing home care in health and welfare report totalled $459.25 80 per cent of this cost is returned from the province and 10 per cent from the county. Questions asked by Deputy Re- eve Mel Crich brought forth the information that work on the fountain problem has been left over until a later time. This year money available was to go into the ladies rest room.. Another query about the rental housing project was answered that no word had been received regard- ing award of tenders on these. Investigation is being made on rental of ‘a recorder for the police office This machine will hold up to ten messages at a time, taken on the phone, and can be played crack later. A recorder is in use at Seaforth Police Office. It is a solution to the problem of re- ceiving phone calls when police- men are out of the office. Street signs posts are to be painted yellow by councillors and volunteers next week. PUC, Un- ion Gas and Bell Telephone men will be asked to attend while holes are dug for the posts. Building permits were approv- ed as follows: J. H Ellwood, garage, $400; Mrs. Harry Bart- liff, addition, $1,800; D. Thorn- dike, sunporch, $400; P. Towne, garage, $300; R. Mitchell, house, $6,000 A quiet atmosphere in pleasant surroundings And a trained competent staff. BALL & HUTCH FUNERAL SERVICE AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone HU 2-9441