HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-08-20, Page 5NEWS. RECORD WANT A FOR QUICK RESULTS Rotes No Charge for Announcements of Births, Marriages and. Deaths, Articles for Sale, Rent, etc., Cards of Thanks, In Memerianis, Engagements, Sc a word, minimum Box No. to this office 15c additional, Repeat insertions word, minimum 50c, CASH DISCOUNT: 1/4 if paid by Saturday fol- lowing last insertion. Billing charge of 1.0c added. Latest Time for Insertions 12 noo Dial HUnter 2-344$ n Wednesday ROXY THEATRE Clinton Two Shows Nightly—first Show at 7 pm,--Wide Screen Saturday Matinee at 2,00 p,m, NOW PLAYING August 2041.22 "COWBOY" AT LAST—an adult Western, presenting the life of a cowboy as it really was in the 1870s, Technicolor. Glenn Ford -- Ann Kashfi -- Jack Lernmon MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY August 24-25-26 "TORPEDO RUN" Striking, authentic picture of submarine warfare in Japanese waters. Glenn Ford -- Ernest Borgnine — Diane Brewster Coming Next: "HARRY BLACK AND THE TIGER" Stewart Granger -- Barbara Rush -- Anthony Steel AMAZING NEW RCA VICTOR FILTERAMIC RADIO SCREENS OUT MAN MADE STATIC You're never heard AM radio like it—clear, sharp and crisp even when you're using household ap- glances' The "Filteramie" antenna concealed inside is the secret — and you won't find it anywhere but in RCA. Victor Wilteramic" radios. Also, Security Sealed Circuits for slurability; illuminated dial; phonto jack; 3 finishes. (Model X-411) $39.95 CLEARING SEVERAL MODELS OF 1959 TELEVISION • RCA VICTOR O ELECTROHOME • ROGERS MAJESTIC Savings ,Up To d " " " $150.00 Galbraith Radio & TV LINTON HU 2-3841 . „ eeereeeeenene&:iiea THURSDAY, AUGUST 204 459 (=nos NgIVirangCCIRD PAGE Accommodation For Rent 2 LARGE UPSTAIRS Furnished rooms. Available August 22, Phone Minton tinter 2-9773. 33p FURNISHED apartment, suitable for -couple, self-contained. Avail- .able now. Phone HU 2-7056. 33p THREE ROOM self-contained ap- artment. available now, Phone HU 2-9928. 33-tfb :2 FURNISHED ROOMS, heated by oil furnace. Apply Mrs. Annie Blacker, Mill Street. 33p 4 ROOM APARTMENT with bath ,and storage room, unfurnished, Phone HU 2-9649, W. N. Counter, 33p 6 ROOM COTTAGE with furnace and bath located on Victoria St- reet Clinton. phone Blyth 162. 32-tfb DOWN STAIRS 'apartment to rent, three rooms, furnished, three piece bath. central location. Avail- ,able now. Phone HU 2-6665. 33-p .3-ROOM APARTMENT, furnish- ed and heated, available now. Newly decorated. Phone HU 2- 3844, 33b THREE ROOM apartment, •unfur- nished,.private bath, heated avail- able immediately. Apply Mc- Ewan's Store. 33b 'THREE ROOM apartment, furn- ished and heated, with large frig., all conveniences, Available now. :HU 2-9536. 33b .AVAILABIF NOW. Furnished heated apartment, suitable for a ',couple. Apply 93 Huron Street. 32-3ep IN BAYFIELD, main highway, ce- ment veneer house, 7-rooms, 3-bed- rooms, oil-heated, 3 piece bath. Available September 1. Apply Har- ry Baker, Bayfield 53r2. 33-4-b SMALL APARTMENTS for rent. Ground floor, furnished or unfurn- ished, heated and self-contained. L. G. Winter, real estate, 200 .High Street, phone HU 2-6692. 32tfb THREE BEDROOM apartment, unfurnished, newly decorated with built-in cupboards,- private bath, private entrance. Available Aug- ust 21. Phone HU 2-3324. Apply side entrance, 74 Victoria Street. 33-p HOUSE WANTED to rent, with two or three bedrooms. Contact manager at Stedman, 33p 3 BEDROOM HOUSE or Apart- ment in Clinton vicinity, by local .business man, Apply Box 333, 'Clinton News-Record, 33b .2 OR 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, un- furnished, in Clinton, civilian fam- Ey. Apply Box 334, Clinton News- Record. 33b RCAF FAMILY, one child, requ- ires house by first of November, •Clinton or district. Write Box 335, Clinton News-Record, 33-b Articles For Sate OVEN READY DUCKS for sale, $2,25 delivered or $2.00 picked up at farm. Contact John Peckitt, phone HU 2-7567. 33-4b CHILD'S LARGE TRICYCLE, seven year size, would sell or swap for smaller trike, for 4-year 1-111 2-3422. 33-p SMALL HEATING STOVE for coal or wood, new grates. $7.00; 2 pair of lined grey drapes, $10 per pair. Phone HU 2-7429, 33p CHILD'S' PLAY PEN; high chair; rocker; extension gate; doll pram; toys, etc., good used clothing; ap- ply Mrs. Stewart Seheerthals, 49 Huron Street. 33p USED NATIONAL ADDING Ma- chine, electric, full keyboard, $75. Clinton News-Record, 63 Albert Street, 25tfb 1958 APACHE ,T8 Clinton outboard motor, 5 hp. Used only a few hours, reduced price to sell. Welle Auto Electric. 23tfb BRAIN TUX CiVDALL MUM gt TILE LTD, Lueati. BA 7-4721 Eiginfield, Ontario. 49 ta48p L'ISLET RANGETTE, Price $10; apply Mrs. R. A, Mahar, phone 1-11.). 2-7262. 33b DOHERTY PIANO FOR SALE-- good finish, excellent mechanical shape. Phone Hensel]. 677r4. 32-3-b SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with special care. Phone for an even- ing appointment. HU 2-9525 or HU 2-7054. Anstett Jewellers. 53tfb SEVERAL new patterns in English Bone China Dinnerware, including, lovely "Cornflower". See it and others in our window and get our low prices for fine china. Counter's Jewellery. 33p 1959 DUMONT TV. Three month service free guarantee. Ted Ryd- er's TV, 54 Mill Street, on the road to the drive-in theatre. Open evenings 'till 10 p.m. 25 to 38p HAND OPERATED ADDING ma- chine, German make, Resulta. Add, subtract, multiply, With tape. Reg- ular $89.95—Only $79.00. Clinton News-Record, 63 Albert Street. WAREHOUSE SALE every Sat- urday on refrigerators, freezers, washing machines and dryers, vac- uum cleaners, television sets, etc. Save money on brand name ap- pliances. Warehouse open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. each Saturday. T. A. Dutton Appliances, Brucefield. HU 2 3232. 23tfb Articles Wanted WE BUY late model used appli- ances, refrigerators, freezers, stoves, etc. Hust be clean and in good condition. T. A. Dutton Ap- pliances, Brucefield. Phone HU 2- 3232. Open evenings till 9 p.m. 32tfb Automobiles For Sale 1953 PONTIAC sedan delivery, like new, original owner, make us an offer. Apply Box 331, Clin- ton News-Record. 33p Clothing for Sale CHAPEL 1' TINGTH WEDDING dress, size 14 to 16. Apply Box 332, Clinton News-Record. 33p SEMI-FORMAL DRESS, blue net over taffeta, waltz-length, size 12. Worn once. Half price. Phone HU 2-9649. 33-p BOY'S GREY FLANNEL SUIT, size 16, in good condition; brown suit, size 16; men's shoes, size 8. Apply Bert White, Joseph Street, HU 2-9458. 33-b FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING needs, call HU 2-9433. Hawkins Hardware. 2-tfb FOR YOUR DRAINAGE, excavat- ing and pipeline work, foundations, levelling, gravel fill and top soil. Contact Jack Merner, phone HU 2-9734, 20-tfb LAWN SODDING. Free estimates, Fill, gravel, top soil, manure, de- livered. Georee A. Baird, Clinton, phone HU 2-7176. 25p-26-tfb No. 1 TOP SOIL GOOD BLACK LOAM GEO. A. BAIRD Clinton Phone HU 2-7176 30-2-3-4p BELLEVIEW teRUIT FARMS is now open for business. Canning fruit of all kinds will be avail- able over the weekend. Peaches are ready now, get them early. Bring 11 or 6 quart baskets. Turn west at Holmesville, go four blocks, then north to farm. 33b Help Wanted Female HOUSEKEEPER for ELDERLY Couple, to live in. Apply Box 336, Clinton News-Record. 33-4-b WOMEN WANTED for Factory work. Apply Par-Knit Hosiery Ltd. Clinton. 33b WAITRESSES required day or night work. Phone HU 2-7038, mornings. 32tfb COMPANIONABLE young wo- man to drive car and help with housework; two adults, live in. Phone Goderich 561J or write Mrs. J. J. Hoggarth, PO Box 540, Goderich. 33-b RELIABLE HOUSEKEEPER for two adults, some home nursing care for arthritic, no heavy lift- ing, all conveniences. Good home for congenial person. References required. Write, stating wages, to Box 388. Bayfield', Ont. 33b APPLICATIONS will be received in writing up to August 31, for the following positions at the Clinton PUblie Hospital:, position of accountant at the hospital: position of house mother at the Nurses Residerlee, PleaSe address all applications to chairman of the board, Clinton Public Hospital, st- ating age, qualiticatiOne, exper- ience and salary expected. 33-4b WANTED IN HURON COUNTY, 50 to 100 acres of light soil suit- able for Christmas tree farming. Write P.O. Box 366 Bayfield, giv- ing details and price. 32-3p Help Wanted—Male LARGE CANADIAN manufactur- er is interested in interviewing honest, reliable man to carry their Complete line, Car essential. Write giving full particulars in first let- ter to Box 290, Clinton News-Rec- ord. 32-3p Livestock For Sale 14 PIGS, 9 weeks old. Apply Wes and Ross Hoggart, phone HU 2- 9878. 33p Livestock Wanted OLD HORSES WANTED at 3%c lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once, GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone cal- lect, Goderich, 1483 J 4 or 1483 J 1. ATTENTION FARMERS! Cash paid for sick, down and disabled cows and horses. Dead stock pick- ed up free of charge; no call ac- cepted under 300 lbs. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851 r 11, Seaforth, Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd. 39p-tfb ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SER- VICE. Highest cash prices paid for dead, old, sick or disabled hor- ses and cattle. Old horses at 5c a pound. For the fastest and pro- per ,removal of all animals, day or night, use our automatic ex- change, at no cost to you. Call long distance and ask for Atwood Zenith 34900 (no toll charge), or Norman Knapp, Blyth 21r12. 28 to 40-b Dead Stock Services HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR SICK, DOWN OR DISABLED COWS and HORSES. Also Dead Cows and Horses At Cash Value Old Horses — 4c per pound Phone Collect 133 — BRUSSELS BRUCE MARLATT 24 Hour Service LOST—Lady's wrist watch, Elco, near Royal Bank corner or Bart- liffs, August 4. Extension band. Phone HU 2-3443, or leave at News-Record office. Reward. 33p LOST—Brown billfold, valuable personal papers. Possibly near the swim pool. John Slavin, HU 2- 6630 or leave at swim pool office. Reward. 33b FOUND—A small yellow collie dog, strayed to the premises of Wes and Ross Hoggart, Base Line, owner can have same by paying for ad. 33p FOUND—Guernsey heifer strayed to the premises of Harry Oakes, RR 2, Clinton, four weeks ago. Owner may have same by proving tattoo and paying for expenses in- volved. 33b NOT in Millionaires Row, NOT in Mortgage Ackes. AU free and clear, for cash. 2 lots 66x264 ft.; one, 99x214 ft. Choice lots: resi- dential only. Apply direct to A, E. Parry and none other. 32-3-4-5-6p Miscellaneous OUTBOARD MOTOR REPAIRS, Johnson Sales and Service. Don Epps Marine, Clinton, HU 2-9622. WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's .Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Established Jewellery Store. 33p LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and Stones safely secured — don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. 33p WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used' Artificial Breeding Service — All Breeds of Cattle — Member owned and controlled — Cost Low — Ef- ficiency High — Disease control- led, Safety—Use the best of Bulls. For service or more information phone Clinton PI 11 2-3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 95650 between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. week days; 6.00 and 8,00 pan, Saturday evenings. Calls received on Saturday even- ing will be serviced on Sunday Morning. Por cows in heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Monday morning, Better tattle For Better Living. 20-tfb Poultry For Sale WHITE LE;GHORN pullets for sale, starting to lay, Contact R. J, Semple, phone HU 2-7456. 33p Real Estate 200 ACRE FARM on Highway, Completely equipped for 16,000 broilers. Hydro, hot and cold wat- er, new well and bathroom, For information phone Seaforth 852-21, 33-4-p FOR. AS LITTLE AS $250 Down, you can own a home of your own on a choice lot, For further in- formation see Larry Gemus, 184 Huron Street, your Colonial Home agent. HU 2-9600. 26tfb 4 BEDROOM, OIL HEATED HO- me, newly decorated, extra lot, easy terms. Located south east corner of Market and High Str- eets, Seaforth, Box 520. 22tfb BUSINESS 'PROPERTIES, farms and homes. Build a home to suit your pocketbook on the Nu-Way house plan. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, Agent for Kernohan. Phone HU 2-6692 for appointment, High Street, Clinton. 49tfb 80 ACRE FARM—Located 3 miles froni Clinton; six-room house, barn, garage, 20 acres of valu- able bush, lots of fruit; full price $6,000. MILK ROUTE to Carnation Co., Holmesville, 3-ton truck includ- ing milk cans, takes 5% hours dairy, income about $450 week- ly. Full price $4,000. 225 ACRES of rich productive land, large brick home, modern conveniences, good barn, hen- house, garage; price $20,000. JOHN BOSVELD REALTOR 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich PHONE 1108 Salesmen: Joe McConnell, Seaforth C. Buruma, Clinton. 33-4-b HOUSES DUPLEX — Storey and half Red Brick Duplex on Huron Street; close to uptown. This property is two separate houses and is not converted to apartments. Owner is moving from Clinton. Immediate possession and mort- gage can be arranged. $6,000.00 — 8-Roomed Solid Brick Two-Storey House, close to up- town, three bedrooms and bath, large living room and den, Oil furnace, 50x32 lot, immediate possession. STOREY AND HALF 7-Roomed House on Victoria Street. Three bedrooms up, one bedroom and modern bathroom down, Large kitchen, living room and den. This house has been completely re-decorated, immediate posses- sion. WARTIME HOUSE — Two bed- rooms on James Street. Purch- aser to take over existing mort- gage of approximately $2,300.00 plus the down payment. LOTS $2,000.00—Lake Front Lot, 112 ft. frontage and 267 ft. deep, quart- er of a mile south of Cut Line on Highway 21, 4 miles north of Bayfield. Drilled well on shares with other cottager& In addi- tion to the lot, owner will sell trailer, serviced at this location. BUSINESS PROPERTY TWO STOREY Solid Brick Build- ing in Varna, now operating as a grocery store and lunch counter, can be purchased as is, as build- ing only. Ideal opportunity for energetic couple, All enquiries treated confidentially. TWO STOREY Solid Brick Store on Main Street, with modern front, first floor well rented, 5- room apartment second floor. Owners wish to sell this prop- erty as early as possible; any reasonable offer will be consid- ered. IDEAL INCOME PROPERTY EXCELLENTLY - LOCATED Downtown business property; full basement, 2-storey solid brick construction; stoker furnace; well rented at present; early possession of first floor could be be given. Ample parking space. K. W. Colquhoun INSURANCE ,k REAL ESTATE Bus. HU 2-9'747; Res, 2.7556 VIC KENNEDY—Salesman CARDS OE THANKS Verne Bean, Carlow, wishes to thank the men who supported him in applying for his P.C,V, license on June S, which he has now ob- tained, 33p Master John Ross, 13,R 2, Clin- ton, wishes to thank those who remembered him, with cards, gifts and letters while he was a, patient in War Memorial Children's Hos- pital, London. The family of the late Selena Ball Would like to thank all our friends, neighbours and relatives for their messages of sympathy during our sec]. bereavement, Special thanks to Rev, Mills, 33-p I would like to express my thanks to all who sent me flowers and cards arid visited me while a Patient in the Chilton Public Hos- pital, Special thanks to Dr. Oakes, Dr. Munn, Rev. Mills and the nur- ses.—MRS. JOHN G. GIBBINGS. Mrs. B. J. Gibbings wishes to thank the W.A. and W.M.S. of Ontario Street United Church, al- so appreciation to Rev. Mills, re- latives, friends, neighbours and Stratford friends for their acts of kindness, sympathy cards, beauti- ful floral tributes and assistance, during my recent sad bereave- ment. 33b I would like to express my sin- cere thanks to all my friends and relatives for flowers, treats, and cards sent and those who visited me while in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes and the nurs- ing staff for their kindnes& — STUART GRIGG. • 33b Dear friends: We wish to thank all who contributed to our lovely gift from RR 1, Londesboro and also the householders who get their mail at the post office, and from our friends in Blyth. Special thanks to Mrs. C. Kennedy for her work and presentation.—Mr. and Mrs. JAMES McCOOL. 33b The Clinton Lawn Bowling Club 'wishes to thank the following merchants and manufacturers for their donations and prizes for their bowling tournament: Clinton News-Record. Boyes Transport Ltd., Canada Packers Ltd., Clin- ton Electric Shop, King's White Rose Service Station, "Hap" Mc- Alpine, Don Smith's BA Station, H. Wettlaufer, Fairhohne Dairy, Harry Williams, H and W Super- test Station, The Hearn Whole- sale Ltd., K. C. Cooke, Florist, Butler White Rose Station. D. A. Kay and Son, John Scruton Cities Service 3. and T. Murphy Ltd., Wells Sunoco Station, Harold Swan, A. M. Knight, H. C. Law- son, Charles' House of Beauty, Fine Service Station, E. B. Menz- ies, Sherlock-Manning Piano Co. Ltd., 0. Switzer, Pickett and Campbell Ltd., Par Knit Hosiery Ltd., Galbraith Radio and TV, Dr. D. B. Palmer, Anstett Jewellers, Finger's Restaurant, Hawkins Hardware, Martins Dept. Store, Neweombes Drug Store, Chas. Abel Co. Toronto, Lees Ladies Wear, Hotel Clinton, D. H. How- den and Co. Ltd. London, Prem- ier Cutlery Co. Ltd. Toronto, Al- ladin Industries Ltd. Toronto, N. C. Cameron and Sons Ltd. Toron- to, Hollinger Hardware Ltd. St. Jacobs, The Bond Hardware Co. Ltd. Guelph, C. E. Springer and Co. Ltd. Downsview, Atlas Hard- ware Co. Ltd. Toronto, Findlays Limited, Carlton Place, The Ken- neth M. Smith Co. Ltd. Toronto, Ideal Supply Co. Listowel, Sup- reme Aluminum Co. Ltd. Toron- to F. Greer Roberts Co. Ltd. To- ronto, Cochrane-Dunlop Co. Ltd. Toronto, General Steel Wares Ltd. Toronto, Clinton Bargain House, N. W. Counter, Jeweller, Ray's Shoe Repair, Superior Food Store, Arthur Groves, Orval Eng- elstad, Steadman's, Wise Plumb- ing and Heating, Clifford Lobb, Herman's Men's Wear, Clayt's Auto Supply, Howard Brunsdon, Ball and Muteh Hardware, J. Pluintree, Sangster Plumbing and Heating, Herb's Food Market, James Lockwood, Harold Emmer- son, Grant Rath, M. McAdam, Mc- Pherson Bros., Sutter-Perdue Ltd., Simpson-Sears Ltd., W. J. Miller, Morgan Agnew, Dr. Geo. Elliott, A. Garon, Russel Jervis, Dr. F. Newland, Chas. Nelson, Carl Cox, J. L. Heard, K. W. Col- 'quhoun, Geo. German, J. W. Counter, Dr, K. Wood, C. J. Liv- ermore, Harry Ball, Lovett's Specialty Shop, South End Cities Service, 0 J. Stanley, Ray's Sunoco Station, Aiken Bros., Bartliffs Bakery Ltd., Pennebak- er Drug Store, McEwans Book Store, Lorne Brown Motors Ltd. Ellwood Epps Sports Shop, Cud- more Bowling Alley, Stanley's Red and White, Beattie Furni- ture, Leslie Ball Auto Supply. 33b Tenders Wanted TENDER WANTED to install an oil furnace. Apply 3. E. Howard, 53r2. 33-4-b Clearing Auction Sale Of Household Effects from the home of Thomas Millar, Main Street, Londesboro, on Saturday, August 22 at 1.30 p.m. Dining room suite of table, chairs and sideboard; 5-piece wal- nut parlor suite (antique); love seat; New Home drop head sew- ing machine; 3-piece bedroom suite; 2-piece bedroom suite; 2 felt mattresses; 2 feather ticks; cherry school master's desk (antique); walnut wash stand; kitchen buf- fet; apartment size washing ma- chine; 2 rocking chairs; wash tub; copper boiler; complete toilet set; dishes; glassware; cooking uten-, sils; lawn mower; garden tools and numerous other articles. Terms—Cash THOMAS MILLAR, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 32-3-b Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY 8.00 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold By Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk PARK THEATRE GODERICH Now Playing: "THE ANGRY HILLS" with Robert Mitchum & Gia Scala THURSDAY -- FRIDAY and SATURDAY AUGUST 27-28-29 Lola 'Albright -- John Ericson and Judith Ames A renegade Indian chief, a jealous commanding officer, and an un- responsive Indian lass confuse a white Indian fighter. 'OREGON PASSAGE' — Scope and Technicolor — COMING: Kim Novak and Fredric March in "Middle of the Night" (Adult Entertainment) Articles For Sale Farms Wanted Fine. Home AVAILABLE FOR RENT NOW 70 SUITABLE TENANTS. Nicely located on Highway 8, between Clinton and Seaforth. Five Minutes Drive From RCAF Station C I nton. 'This home has all conveniences, and suitably furnished. If inter- .ested in a home like this, con- tact: Jonathan Hugill on the property. Phone HU 2-9822, Clinton 33b Accommodation Wanted Custom Work Lost and Found Fruit For Sale Lots For Sale APPLICATIONS Applications Wanted For Manager of the Zurich Branch of the Hensall District Co-operative Must have knowledge Of feed mixing and general feed mill operation, Duties to commence on September 14, 1959, Please apply, Stating qualifieatioris and salary expected, to: BERTRAM KLOPP, Secretary, R.R. 3, ZuriCh. by September 1, 1959 at 6 p.m. 33.4-b MONDAY -- TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY AUGUST 24-25-26 Metro-Goldwyn Mayer Presents Robert Lamoureu in a Jacques Becker Produtoion with Lisolette Pulver -- 0. E. Hasse and Sandra Milo. Telling the thrilling tale of a famous Parisian jewel thief The Adventures of "ARSENE LUPIN" Check Your Label — Have You Renewed? Everyone Reads The Classifieds