HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-07-30, Page 8News of Bayfield By MISS LUCY Re WOODS PHONE: BAYFIELD 45 r 3 Mrs, J, B, Higgins returned home on Sunday, after visiting her father in Brantford for a fort- night. Mr. and Mrs. George Bedford, Chatham, were at The Ritz Ho- tel, for a vacation in the village last week. Ray Teeple, Port Dover, has been spending this month with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Utter. Ben Rathwell received a tele- gram on Tuesday containing the sad news that his. nephew, Wil- liam McKay, had died suddenly in Geraldton, Ontario. Mrs. George E. Wright, London, came on Saturday to be the guest of her niece, Mrs. F. H. Paull, "Camborne House" for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Reid, St. Clair Beach, arrived on Sunday to spend part of their vacation with his mother, Mrs. A. W. Reid, "Enfield." • CAMPING • SITE With an Jowett Grove facilities at your con- venience, by day or week. Phone A. Garon, Clinton HU 2-7064 30-32-33-b ATTENTION — RATEPAYERS Township of Stanley and Police Village of Bayfield Persons using the dump for disposal of garbage, paper, or brush, must burn the same before leaving, and see that the fire is kept under control at all times. The council requests all persons to comply with this ruling and avoid prosecution. (Signed) JEAN ELLIOTT, Clerk, 30-1:b Township of Stanley. Warehouse Specials For This Week On BRAND NAME APPLIANCES 2 Only—DEEP FREEZERS-21 cu. ft. Only $329 3 Only—RCA WHIRLPOOL ELECTRIC RANGES, 30 inch Deluxe Models Only $199 2 Only—RCA WHIRLPOOL WASHING MACHINES Price $115 3 Only—ADMIRAL REFRIGERATORS- 8.3 cu. ft. Only $199 3 Only—RCA WHIRLPOOL VACUUM CLEANERS Only $65 BRAND NEW 21" TV at $219 T . A. DUTTON APPLIANCES Brucefield, Ontario Phone HU 2-3232 Open ,Evenings 'Till 9 30-b Mid-Summer SAL E 1955 VANGUARD SEDAN Radio, Real Sharp! Small Car ONLY $545.00 1953 CHEV. SEDAN Automatic Trans. Very Good Condition ONLY $695.00 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN New Tires ONLY $395.00 Many More To Choose From J & T MURPHY LIMITED CLINTON Phone HU 2-9475 HARRY WILLIAMS' HARRY WILLIAMS OUR FUEL OIL — PEOPLE RECOMMEND, FOR -T,HEY REGARD IT ASA FRIEND YOU BET A. McRAE, Proprietor, Dick's Hotel, Seaforth or Trailer Camp, Evenings and Weekends. 30-p' FUEL OIL al GASOLINE MOTOR OIL oLUBRICANTS 11.11.2, CLINTON•004 Phone U 2-663;1 MERNER'S DRAINAGE CO DRAINAGE -- -- EXCAVATING PIPE LINE WORK FOUNDATIONS -- LEVELLING GRAVEL — FILL and TOP SOIL JACK MERNER, Proprietor Phone KU 2-9734 Clinton, Ont;o.,, SPECIAL RETURN ENGAGEMENT at BAYFIELD PAVILION SUNDAY MIDNIGHT DANCE - August 2 RED RUHL ORCHESTRA Admission 75c Lee's All Ladies and Children's Merchandise Being Cleared From 10 to 50%. Westinghouse Retigerator 12 cu. ft. FROST FREE Refrigerator with separate Home Freezer. IMPERIAL MODEL HDL-12 Insulated, Separate 75 lb. freezer assures zero degree stor- age' . . • will sharp freeze foods at blow zero temperatures. Cold injector refrigerator section has temperature control dial— gives proper cooling degree for your foods. Chills foods faster, keeps foods better. Prices ranging from $279.00 and up Clinton Electric Shop "Your WESTINGHOUSE Dealer" ALBERT ST. D. W. Cornish, Prop. CLINTON Manufacturers Clearance -We have cleared 100 'SUMMER SKIRTS from one of Cppada's leading sportswear houses. Skirts which regularly sold from $10.95 to $14.95 YOUR CHOICE FOR USE YOUR CREDIT AT $5.88 Ti T TI T1 T1 T1. T1 T.1. T1 T1 TI TI; T1 T1 We Are Buying . • WHEAT OATS BARLEY MIXED GRAIN and FLAX AT COMPETITIVE PRICES! • Contact 'Us On Price Before You Sell OPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED PHONE 775 "The Most Value For the Farmer's Dollar" SEAFORTH 11 la T1 Ti TI Ti Ti Ti T1, TI Ti Ti Ti Misses Florence Yardley, Marj- orie Hamel, Jean Emigh, Pearl Lamb, Brantford, were the guests of Miss Carrie Dixon at "Cam- borne House", on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Eric Geere and Mrs. Wardrop, Sarnia, called at the rectory on Sunday afternoon, July 19, while here to attend the christening of William Robert Carson, held in St. James' Churn ch, Middleton, that afternoon, Mrs. M. E, Brandon, Windsor, is spending several weeks with her son-in-law and daughter, F/L and Mrs. R. A. Simons, "Shangri- La". Mr. 'and Mrs. A, D. Brandon also visited with them on Sunday. Recent callers at the rectory were: Mr. and More, Arthur Gif- fin and daughter Cathy, Sarnia, on Friday; Mr, and Mrs. William Rollins and children en route to their home in Sarnia following a short visit with relatives in Eg- mondville on Monday afternoon; also on Monday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Moore, Walker- vile, en route to visit relatives at Teeswater. Charles C. Harrison came on Friday evening from Sarnia, to spend the weekend with his bro- ther, the Reverend E. J. B. Har- rison, at the rectory. His wife joined him on Saturday afternoon, en route home from Sauble Beach. She was accompanied by her mo- ther, Mrs. John Foster, Wallace- burg, and aunt, Mrs. Candace Ob- erle, Kingsville, who were unable to remain for the weekend as 'an- ticipated owing to a family em- ergency. On Sunday afternoon the Rector's twin brother, the Reverend A. H. Harrison and wife, Durham, came for a special fam- ily gathering. Field Crops The Field Crop competition sponsored by the Bayfield Agri- cultural Society was judged by HENSALL (By our Hensall Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs, Manley Jinks and Susan are vacationing for a week with their daughter and son-in- law, Mr, and Mrs. William Shupe and daughter at Selfridge, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Voth and Jimmy, Detroit, spent the weekend with the 'latter's mother, Mrs. L. Simpson. Mrs. W. B. Cross is spending several weeks holidaying with her sister at Sauble Beach, Mrs. A, R. Campbell returned to Sarnia Friday after spending several days as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. R, Y, 1VIelearen. She also cal- led on other friends. Mr. Charles Pettigrew, Biggar, Sask., accompanied by his son Lorne, Saskatoon, daughters Mrs. Robert Stead, Biggar, and Mrs. Vic Marochi, Victoria, B.C., were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Hess. Mrs. Pettigrew is a sister of Mrs. Hess. 36h Wedding Anniversary A family dinner at the Hess- haven cottage at the Pinery over the weekend, marked the 36th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Geo- rge Hess, Hensall. Their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCloy and family, Toronto, made them the presentation of a new refrigerator for their cottage. They were also the recipients of many lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Hess have been residents of Hensall for 32 years, coming from Biggar, Saskatchewan. Accountant Transferred Clay Austin, accountant at the Bank of Montreal in Hensall, left on Monday for Delhi, where he has received a promotion to as- sistant accountant. The bank made a presentation to him on Thurs- day of last week, K. K. Christian, bank manager, doing, the honours. Mrs. Austin and family will take up residence in Delhi in the near near future. Bruce Coleman and Robert Foth- eringham, RR 4, Seaforth. Ben Rathwell, director in charge of this competition 'in Gerry and Rodney oats reports the standing as follows: Alvin Betties 92%, Tom Rathwell, 92; Fred McCly- mord, 89; Grant Stirling, 88; Al- lan Betties, 87%, Robert Welsh, 87; Grant Webster, 85; Ed. Grigg, 84; Ed. Deeves, 83%; William Brand, 83; Wilmer Reid, 80; John Semple 79%. On Friday evening, July 24, the auditorium of St. Andrew's Un- ited Church was filled with par- ents and children for the annual closing program of the Daily Vac- ation Bible School for Bayfield and community. The program was centred ar- ound the theme, "Adventuring with Christ". The children marched into the church in classes, carrying their banners and singing, "Onward Christian Soldiers." After taking their places, the entire school sang, "Adventuring with Christ" and "The Trumpet Call." Rev. J. W. Patrick, chairman of the program, gave a short address of welcome to the adults and then opened with prayer. The Scrip- ture reading from Psalm 118 was given by Frank Patrick. Each of the four classes in turn under the direction of their tea- chers gaVe a brief demonstration of the course they had covered during the ten-day school. The Beginners Class, "Children of the King," was instructed by Miss Louise Talbot and Miss San- dra Westlake. The Primary class, "Friends of the King," was taught by Miss Kathleen Talbot and Mrs. Bernice Talbot. The Junior Class, "Knights of the King," had as their . teachers, Mrs. Ethel Pat- rick and Miss Doreen McKenzie. The Young Peoples' Class, "Crus- aders of the King," was taught by Miss Clara Clark. • SUNSET • TRAILER • CAMP BAYFIELD — ONTARIO Plenty of Shade, Sun, Electricity and Drinking Water. RATES TRAILERS or TENTS Per Month $20.00 Per Week $ 6,00 Per Day $ 1,50 SELECT YOUR OWN LOCATION Also One Trailer for Rent Mr, and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook, Muriel. and Wesley Vodden, mot- ored to Paris on Sunday to spend the day with Mr, and Mrs. Leon- ard Vodden and family. Little Irene Vodden returned with them for a week's holiday. Mrs. Mary Shobbroole along with Mr. and Mrs. William Gib- binge, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Radford in Linden, Rev. Henry Funge, Mrs, Funge and daughter, arrived on Thurs- day evening from Nova Scotia to their new home at the parsonage. The indUction service will be held in the United Church this Friday evening, Rev, Funge will occupy the pulpit on Sunday, Miss Marguerite Lyon spent Sunday with friends at Lion's Head. F. J. Barnet has returned from London Hospital, and wishes to thank neighbours and friends for remembering him while there. Nelson Lear, Norman Alexan- der, John Armstrong and Edwin Woods visited William Govier in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Saturday evening. The Women's Institute will hold their August meeting on Thurs- day, August 6. Topics: Citizen- ship and Education, Question Box, and the roll call "a duty of a good citizen." About 40 guests gathered at the home of Mrs. Tom • Allen on Thursday evening in honour of Miss Barbara Pickett, 'popular bride-elect. Barbara was escor- ted to a decorated chair and Kar- en Cook ,Blyth, read the address, Gloria Allen presented Barbara with a corsage of summer flowers. The bride-elect was the recipient of many lovely gifts. Barbara thanked the hostess and everyone. Miss Muriel Shobbrook conduc- ted several contests' which every- one enjoyed. The hostess served a bounteous lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Yungblut spent Sunday in Goderich visiting GOSHEN Miss Donna Peck is spending a week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Snell, Londesboro. Miss Diane McKinley holidayed with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hendrick. Miss Doreen McKenzie was re- creation leader for the school, Two special musical numbers were a song by the five Sparks sisters, daughters of Rev, and Mrs. Lorne Sparks, Bayfield, and a duet by Miss Louise Talbot and Miss' Anne Westlake. Miss Kathleen Talbot presided at the organ throughout the pro- gram. e John Martin, ,Hawkesville, who first organized he Vacation Bib- le School in Bayfield some 12 years ago, brought a brief mes- sage at the close of the program from Deuteronomy, chapter 6, em- phasizing that it is .the Lord's command that His Word be ,taught to children, After the closing- song, "We'll be Loyal to our King, and the benediction, the parents were in- vited to view the display of craft work in the basement. The school reached a record en- rolment this year of 119, with the highest daily attendance of 104, and an average attendance of 85. There were six denominations represented and visitors enrolled from such points as Montreal, Ot- tawa, London, Kitchener, Toron- to, Saginaw, Exeter, Clinton, Sea- forth, Egmondville and Varna. with their son Stanley and fam- ily, Mrs. Arthur Clark, Mrs. Harry Durnin, Mrs. Earl Gaunt, Mrs. William Hunking. Mrs, Laura Ly- on, Mrs. Joe Shaddick, attended the funeral of William Gillies, Fort Erie. His mother was the former Edith Samson, Londes- boro. An operation for a stom- ach ulcer resulted in a blood clot striking the heart causing his sudden passing, He was only 29 years of age and leaves a bride of six weeks. The sympathy of the community is extended to the family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pipe and Miss Edith Beacom, motored to Detroit on Sunday. Mrs. Les Biddie, Martha and Tom, Montreal, and' Mrs. Gordon McPhee, Auburn, visited with Mrs. Walter McGill, on Saturday. Mrs. Lily Webster 'visited with her brother William Govier in St. Joseph's Hospital, •on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Arm- strong, Stratford, spent Sunday with his parents, Mrs. Stan Crawford and baby son, Toronto, spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear. Mrs. Jack leforaepo and Jackie, Hamilton, spent a fe‘',V:• days last week with Mrs. Jennie 'Lyon. Mission Circle The July meeting of the Aim- well Mission Circle was held at the home of Mrs. George Wright. The vice-president, Mrs. Donald McNeil opened the meeting. The minutes were read by Mrs. Char- les Merrill. Fifteen answered roll call. Offering and birthday pen- nies were received. Mrs. George Wright gave a stewardship reading. A letter from the Rev. George Lyttle was received acknowledging a bale sent to him at North Bay. SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE 1 1/4 Miles East of Goderich .,,On No. 8 Highway Thursday and Friday JULY 30 and 31 "Son of Robin Hoed" • David Farrar PLUS A F,EATURETTE "Living .Swamp" Saturday and' Monday AUGUST 1 and 3 WALT DISNEY'S FAMOUS "BAMBI PLUS ADDED SHORTS SUNDAY MIDNITE AUGUST 2 Box Office, Onens 12.01 "Giant From The Unknown" Peter Graves -- Beverly Garland • PLUS "Terror Froth The Year 5000" John Agar -- June Kennedy (Adult Entertainment) Tuesday & Wednesday AUGUST 4 and 5 , "PARTY. Gar Robert Taylor - Cyd Charisse (Adult Entertainment) Color and Cineimascope PLUS ADDED SHORTS Box Office Opens 8 p.m. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Children under 12 in cars Free Playground — Refreshment Booth x. PAGE. .EIGHT (7.4IMONMWS,RECORD News of Londesboro Correspondent — MRS. BURT ALLAN Phone Blyth 37 r 5 TI1T-TR$PAY,. JULY 30, 19 a.. hymn, and: the benediction, Mee.. George' Wright and M Neville Forbes served lone There is no meeting in Au The September meeting will be the home of Mrs, Charles Merr' Bible School Begun Twelve Years Ago Ends Summer Session at Bayfield (By our Bayfield correspondent) Mrs. Donald MaLaan gave a OmPerance reading. The chapter of the study book was on HaM7a,ii.. Devotional period was taken by Mrs. Olen Carter and Mrs, Hugh Miller, The meeting closed with