HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-07-30, Page 7.CLINTON. ;ICI WS-nt.CORP '11-TURSP,A,Y.). JULY 30, 1959 PAGE smrga IN MEMORIAM SWITZER—In loving memory of Vrenkie, who passed away July 27, 1950; "Looking back with memories, Along the path you trod, We bless - the hours we had with you, And leave the rest with God." —Ever remembered by Mommy, Daddy, brothers and eisters. 30b Rates No. Charge for Announcements of Births, Marriages and Deaths, Articles for Sale, Rent, ete., Cards of Thanks, In Memoriams, Engagements, 3c a word, minimum 75c, Box No. to this office 15c additional, Repeat insertions 2c a word, minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNT: IA if paid by Saturday fol- lowing last insertion, Billing Charge of 1.0c added. Latest Time for Insertions 12 noon Wednesday Dial HUnter 2-3443 NEWS-RECORD BOXY THEATRE Clinton Two Shows Nightly—First Show at 7 pm.—Wide Screen Saturday Matinee at 2.00 p.m. Now Playing—July 30-31—August 1 WANT ADS "APRIL LOVE rr FOR QUICK RESULTS Gay, tuneful tale of young love . . , an exciting horse- racing background. Pat Boone Shirley Jones -- Delores Michaels CARDS OF THANKS We sincerely thank the Sum- merhill Community for the lovely gift and enjoyable evening given us at the hail on Friday night. — Armed and Margaret Dale, 30b .11111111•1111M111. Employment Wanted WOULD LIKE HOUSEWORK one day a week, nine to five, Ph- one HU 2-9663 after 6 p.m. 30b Miscellaneous Articles For. Sale Accommodation For Rent MONDAY TUESDAY --- August 3 4 "DUNKIRK" OUTBOARD MOTOR REPAIRS, Johnson Sales and Service. Don Epps Marine, Clinton, HU 2-9622. 1959 DTJMONT TV, Three month service free guarantee. Ted Ryd- er's TV, 54 Mill Street, on the road to the drive-in theatre. Open evenings 'till 10 p.m. 25 to 38p . . 3-ROOM APARTMENT, furnish- ed and heated, available August 7. Phone HU 2-3844. 30-b I wish to say thanks to all who kindly remembered me with cards while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital. —JOE BAR- NET. 30p The family of Mrs. Catherine Taylor wish to thank the neigh- bours and friends for their many acts of kindness during their sad bereavement. Special thanks to the nursing staff of Clinton Pub- lic Hospital and Dr. Oakes. 30b WATCH REPAIR IS ,A. JOB FOR experts, Our work assures your Satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery, Huron County's Oldest _Established Jewellery Store. 30p YOUNG MAN, aged 16, would like work until school starts. Phone HU 2-9206. 30b Taut drama and thrilling action as the Germans push the English Into the sea. John Mills -- Richard Attenborough -- Bernard Lee 3-ROOM furnished apartment, available August 1. Phone HU 4-7047, 30b HAND OPERATED ADDING ma- chine, German make, Resulta. Add, subtract, multiply. With tape, Reg- ular $89.95—Only $79.00. Clinton News-Record, 63 Albert Street. Farm Equipment For Sale VVed., Thurs., Fri. and Sat.—August 5-6-74 "AL CAPONE" BLUEWATER BEAUTY SALON, west of The Old Forge. For ap- pointment call, Bayfield 71r2, pro- prietor Beverley Heard, Bayfield, 28-9-30-p 'URNISHED APARTMENT for 'ant. Apply Ceriel Van Demme, U 2-6685. 30b GRAIN THROWER, equipped with hood, pipes, and belt; two Hereford steers, 700-800 lbs. Bob Taylor, HU 2-91-44. 30p 1,000 WATT HEATER; 1,500 watt heater (both wrap arounds); insul- ated hot water tank with 1,000 watt heater. All used only one year. C. Proctor, HU 2-7065 or HU 2-9233. 29-30b URNISHED APARTMENT for nt, immediate possession, three ooms, suitable for couple. Her- an's Men's Wear, Clinton HU -9351, 30-tfb Rod Steiger -- Fay Spain -- James Gregory MOTORS AND GENERATORS rewound and repaired. Brushes, capacitors, switches, bearings; small appliances repaired. Used or reconditioned motors for sale, Art Lovett, Isaac Street at Dun- lop, phone HU 2-6640. 44-tfb S. I ALLIS-CHALMERS 60 Combine, with pick-up attachment and 30- bushel bin. Only $395 .Apply Wes- ley McBride, RR 1, Varna, phone Hensall 687r21, 30p I wish to express my sincere thanks for flowers, cards, gifts and treats sent me while I was a patient in the Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes and nursing staff.—IRENE JOHNSTON. 30p Merrill TV Service SINGER ELECTRIC PORTABLE sewing machine with zig zag em- broiders, monograms, blind hems, etc., under guarantee Balance $42 or take up payments of $7.00 monthly. Please reply to 'Box 171, Clinton News-Record. 28-9b -ROOM APARTMENT, unfurni- hed, self contained, heated with iropane gas. Phone HU 2-9090. 30b PARK THEATRE GODERICH WILL BE CLOSED FROM Aug. 4 — Aug. 17 YOUR CO-OPERATION WILL BE APORECIATED WF ALLIS-CHALMERS tractor for sale, completely overhauled and in excellent condition. Alden Crich, Telephone HU 2-3237, Clin- ton, RR 3. Seaforth. 30p LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured — don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. 30p WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Breeding• Service — All Breeds of Cattle — Member owned and controlled — Cost Low — Ef- ficiency High — Disease control- led, Safety—Use the best of Bulls. For service or more information phone Clinton HU 2-3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 between 7.30 -and 9.30 a.m. week days; 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings. Calls received on Saturday even- ing will be serviced on Sunday morning. For cows in heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Monday morning. Better Cattle For Better Living. 20-tfb URNISHED APARTMENT, sui- able for couple, self-contained, vailable now. Phone HU 2-7056. 30-b Now Playing: Henry Fonda - Dorothy Malone and Richard Widmark — in I would like to take this op- portunity to thank my wonder- ful friends and neighbours for cards, flowers, gifts, visits and treats while a patient in Clinton hospital and since coming home. Special thanks to Rev. Inder, Dr. Oakes and the nursing staff. — MRS. ROBERT CARTER. 30b OVEN READY TURKEYS, right off the farm; a few hours notice will be ready to pick up, all weights. Contact G. Vanderhaar, RR 2, Bayfield, phone Clinton HU 2-7492. Two miles from Bluewater Highway on Clinton-Bayfield Road. 28-9-30b Help Wanted Female HOUSEWIVES NEED EXTRA MONEY? Start your own profit- able business service in Avon ter- ritory. Write stating telephone number, to Miss V. M. Mosher, Box 86, Owen Sound. 27-8-9-p ROOM APARTMENT with bath • ,storage room, unfurnished. hone 9649, W. N. Counter. 30p "WARLOCK' I n Scope and Color -ROOM APARTMENT, self-con- ained, available August 1. Ph- ne HU 2-9928. 30b MONDAY — TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY AUGUST 3 - 4 - 5 James Cagney -- Shirley Jones and Care Williams The irrepressible Cagney as an opponent of the big labor bosses in a dramatic and entertaining picture. "NEVER STEAL ANYTHING SMALL" — Scope and Color — WAREHOUSE SALE every Sat- urday on refrigerators, freezers, washing machines and dryers, vac- uum cleaners, television sets, etc. Save money on brand name ap- pliances. Warehouse open 9 a.m. to, 7 p.m. each Saturday. T. A. Dutton Appliances, Brucefield. HU 2- 3232. 23tfb NE BEDROOM upper apart- lent, furnished, available Aug- st 1; two bedroom .furnished ap- tment, ground floor, private ath, available August 1. Phone U 2-9869. ,30b I wish to take this opportun ity to thank all my neighbours, friends and relatives who sent flowers, fruit, and cards and those who visited me while I spent six weeks in the hospital. Would also like to thank the Town Council, Lions Club, Town Police, and the L.O.L. for all their kindness. Sp- ecial thanks to Dr. Newland, Dr. Streets, Dr. Oakes, Miss Smith and all the hospital staff. --MEL- VIN CRICH Sr. 30p Help Wanted—rtytale MAN WANTED to lint steel roof on barn. Contact Harvey Taylor, Varna, phone HU 2-9159. 30p EXPERIENCED SAWYER to op- erate portable sawmill. Write to Box 280, Clinton News-Record. 28p-29-30b Clearing Auction Sale of Household Effects for Mrs. G. M. Kerr from her residence, High Street, Clinton on Sat., August 1, at 1.30 p.m. The following: fumed oak round table and 5 leather seated match- ing chairs; bedroom suite of bed, dresser, chair and chest of draw- ers; inner spring. mattress; con- tinental bed and inner spring mat- tress; mahogany cheffrobe and dressing table; mahogany bedroom suite of bed; dressing table, chaff- robe and bench; inner spring mat- tress; chesterfield with slip cov- er; matching chesterfield and chair; davenport; cocoa drop leaf table and 4 chairs; drop leaf table and 3 chairs; 2 wicker chairs; telephone table and chairs; 2 small cupboards; oak bookcase; electric washing machine; 2 Acme heavy duty electric ranges; Croyden heavy duty electric range; quant- ity of lumber and numerous other articles. Terms — Cash Mrs. G. M. Kerr, proprietress Edward W. Elliott, auctioneer. 29-30-b ALL APARTMENTS for rent. ound floor, furnished or ,unfurn- ed, heated and self-contained. G. Winter, real estate, 200 h Street, phone HU 2-6692. -30b WAREHOUSE SPECIAL for this week on brand name appliances. 2 only, deep freezers, 21 cu. ft., only $329; 3 only, RCA whirlpool, 30" deluxe electric ranges, only $199; 2 only, RCA Whirlpool wa- shing machine, price $115; 3 only, Admiral refrigerators, 8.3 cu. ft., only $199; 3 only, RCA Whirl- pool vacuum cleaners, only $65; brand new 21" TV at $219. Ph- one HU 2-3232. T. A. Dutton Ap- pliances, Brucefield, open even- ings till 9 p.m. 30b LARGE CANADIAN manufactur- er is interested in interviewing honest, reliable man to carry their complete line. Car essential. Write giving full particulars in first let- ter to Box 290, Clinton News-Rec- ord. 29-30-31b THURSDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY AUGUST 6 - 7 8 Jayne Mansfield -- Kenneth More and Arthur Dales A rare, rollicking and riproaring comedy about an Englishman who invades the West in true British form. "THE SHERIFF OF FRACTURED JAW" — Scope and Color — OOM FURNISHED apartment, am heated, comfortable and well ated, suitable for couple only, let couple preferred. Apartment ailable now. F. R. Cuninghame, ne HU 2-9728. , 25tfb Real Estate Real Estate REAL e7e,TATE IS OUR BUSI- NESS. Farms, residential, com- mercial, summer cottages. For de- pendable and capable service list your property with John Bosveid, WeEesley Street, Goderich. Phone 1108. Salesmen: C. Buruma, Clinton; J. McConnell, Sea- forth. 2-tfb FOR AS LITTLE AS $250 Down, you can own a home of your own on a choice lot. For further in- formation see Larry Gemus, 184 Huron Street, your Colonial Home agent. HU 2-9600. 26tfb SALES REPRESENTATIVE To enroll Motor Club memberships in this locality. Every car owner and farmer a prospect for our services. Age from 25 to 60. Ex- perience not essential as sales aids supplied. Full or part-time work. Apply in person to Mr. Snedden, Bedford Hotel, Goderich, Friday, July 31. 30-b Accommodation Wanted ANTED TO RENT: in or near inton, 5 or 6 room house or ap- tment for school teacher with ree children. Write Bob Johns- n, 267 The Donway W. Apt. 2, n n Mills, Ont. 28-tfb HOUSE TRAILER 4 BEDROOM, OIL HEATED HO- me, newly decorated, extra lot, easy terms. Located south east corner of Market and High Str- eets, Seaforth, Box 520. 22tfb Tenders Wanted For Sale McGuinness 'Silver Palace MOBILE HOME, 28' long by 8' wide, with dual wheels, electric brakes and fully insulated for win- ter living. Furnished with refrig- erator, electric stove, space heat- er, beds, dresser and kitchen set. Priced for quick sale. This trailer can be seen any time. Contact Pete Masse Phone 78 or 73r10 Zurich 30b Coming: "Twilight for the Gods" In Technicolor TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by Goderich Township School Area Board up to August 10, 1959, for transportation of Grades 7 and 8 pupils from No. 3 school to No. 4 school. Approximate mile- age, 8 miles. Operator to be prop- erly licensed and carry sufficient insurance. For further particulars contact Frank Yeo, secretary- :treasurer, RR 3, Clinton. 30b Articles For Sale Livestock For Sale BUSINESS PROPERTIES, farms and homes. Build a home to suit your pocketbook on the Nu-Way house plan. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, Agent for Kernohan. Phone HU 2-6692 for appointment, High Street, Clinton. 49tfb SED NATIONAL ADDING Ma- hine, electric, full keyboard, $75. -"Linton News-Record, 63 Albert street, 25tfb 14 PIGS, 8 weeks old. Apply Wes Hoggart, phone HU 2-9878. 30b IMPORTANT BANKRUPTCY AUCTION YOUNG HEREFORD BULL for sale. Apply William Harris, HU 2-9240. 30b 1958 APACHE J8 Clinton •outboard motor, 5 h.p. Used only a few hours, reduced price to sell. Wells Auto Electric. 23tfb of the complete assets of Scotsmith Furniture Limited (in bankruptcy) Cambria Street (Corner of Newgate), Goderich, Ontario FR IDAY, AUGUST 14 at 11:00 A.M.—Church furnishings, office fur- niture & equipment, fire extinguishers, hose, smallwares, lumber and dowelling, nails, screws, paint, wood clamps, chicken feeders and automatic water troughs, barrels, drums & hundreds of useful pieces. FRIDAY, AUGUST 14 at 2:00 P.M.—The spacious white brick manu- facturing plant in the heart of Goderich, subject to conditions of sale and reserve bid. SATURDAY, AUGUST 15 at 11:00 A.M.—Dozens of pieces of valuable portable and floor machinery such as sawe, shapers, drills, planers, power guns & screwdrivers, riveter, morticer, presses, motors to 10 hp., control panels, sanders, dollies and carts, radial saw, compres- sors with spray-painting equipment, router, jointers, three generators, two cyclone exhaust systems, dove-tailing machine, shafting, belting, scrap and other valuable items. On View from 10 to 12 & 1 to 6 on Thursday, Aug. 13, when Bids may be left with the Auctioneers for execution without charge. Terms: Cash or certified cheque the day of sale. Equipment may remain on the premises at the risk of the purchasers until August 25, 1959. F. 0. KIME, Esquire, GEO. R. GARDNER & SON, Trustee In Bankruptcy Auctioneers and Appraisers 30-b Livestock Wanted LOCATED ON concession 10, Go- shen Line, Stanley Township, con- sisting of 80 acres clay loam, bank barns, 10-room frame house, steel drive shed, frame garage, all build- ings wired with hydro, pressure water system, possession given in the fall. Apply to Wm. 3. Clark, Varna. 29-30p TENDERS SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived by the Architect until 5:00 p.m. August 20, 1959, for the con- struction of TWO-ROOM SCHOOL— HOLMESVILLE. Instructions to bidders, plans & specifications may be obtained by General Contractors from the Architect, David C. Stevens, 469 Waterloo Street, London, Ontario, upon receipt of $25.00. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, Goderich Township School Area, Robert H. Welsh, Chairman Frank Yeo, Secretary 30&32b OLD HORSES WANTED at 31/2 c lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- lect, Goderich, 1483 j 4 or 1483 J 1. LARGE SUPREMACY Refriger- TOR. Phone HU 2-7148. 30b Articles Wanted ISSET RANGETTE, price $15. hone HU 2-7262. 30b PORTABLE SAWMILL in first class operating condition. Write to Box 280, Clinton News-Record. 28p-29-30b ATTENTION FARMERS! Cash paid for sick, down and disabled cows and horses. Dead stock pick- ed up free of charge; no call ac- cepted under 300 lbs. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851 r n, Seaforth, Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd. 39p-tfb ESTINGHOUSE electric stove; •efrigerator; dinning room suite; ed, mattress and springs, many )they articles. Becker's Trailer amp, Clinton, 30-p DRAIN TILE RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD. Call 193 Lucan Elginfield, Ontario. 49 to48p REAL ESTATE Income Property 1 1/2 -STOREY BRICK Dwelling; 1. 4-roomed apartment down- stairs, self-contained. 2. 3-room- ed apartment up. Oil heating. Good location. Price $8,500. Down payment $2,500. Balance 'on monthly payments. 2-ST 0 R EY, TEN-ROOM BRICK dwelling with extra lot. Hot wat- er oil heating. Located 1 blbck from business section. Summer Cottage FURNISHED, 3-BEDROOMS, liv- ing, dining room, kitchen, 2-pc. bath, hydro, drilled well. Lot 50x300, located two miles south Bayfield, at Lakewood Beach. Immediate possession. WINTER-SUMMER HOME, Bay- field, Ontario, 1-storey brick, 2 bedrooms, living room with fire place; kitchen, dinette, 3-piece bath; oil furnace; full basement; garage. Lot 75'x90'. Convenient to lake and business section. STANDING TIMBER, elm, beech and inferior species to produce lumber for expendable pallets, etc. Willing to share bush with prod- ucer of better grades. Write to Box 280, Clinton News-Record. 28p-29-30b ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SER- VICE. Highest 'cash prices paid for dead, old, sick or disabled hor- ses and cattle. Old horses at 5c a pound. For the fastest and pro- per removal of all animals, day or night, use our automatic ex- change, at no cost to you. Call long distance and ask for Atwood Zenith 34900 (no toll charge), or Norman Knapp, Blyth 21r12. 28 to 40-b SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with special care. Phone for an even- ing appointment, HU 2-9525 or HU 2-7054. Anstett Jewellers. 53tfb Automobiles For Sale $150 CASH, '49 DODGE Sedan. New paint, good motor and tires. Phone HU 2-9794. 30p GENERAL ELECTRIC STOVE for sale, or will exchange for 'washing machine. If interested apply at 93 Huron Street, Clinton -after 6 p.m. evenings. 30b Final Fling Half Price 1957 PONTIAC 4-door sedan, like new, 17,000 miles. Must sell be- fore August 10. Phone HU 2-9282 30p Dead Stock Services HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR SICK, DOWN OR DISABLED COWS and HORSES. Also Dead Cows and Horses At Cash Value Old Horses — 4c per pound Phone Collect 133 — BRUSSELS BRUCE MARLATT 24 Hour Service 'CRAFTSMAN 8" BENCH SAW, with table extensions and Crafts- man Heavy Duty Sabre Saw, both nearly new. Contact, phone 37 :Blyth, weekends. 29-30-32p Board and Room ACCOMMODATION for roomers. Apply 62 Orange St., Clinton. 30b ACCOMMODATION for male roomer. Phone HU 2-3844. 30b SET N E W ENCYCLOPEDIA Americana and case; guitar; budgie and cage; VTVM, tube checker; signal generator. Build- ing E, Apt 4. Dial HU 2-7566. 30b TROPICAL WORSTED TROUSERS H. C. LAWSON Custom Work Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY 8.00 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold By Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk All Wools, Wash & Wear, Rayon. Regularly priced at $9.95 — $12.95 — $19.50 CUSTOM COMBINING — Phone Ray Cantelon, HU 2-3337. 30p INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Hotel Clinton Building Dial HU 2-9644—business HU 2-9787—residence ONE BABY BUGGY, like new, will make into car bed. Also, one doll's buggy in new condition, Phone HU 2-9215, or apply 101 Huron Street, Clinton. 30b To Clear — HALF PRICE FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING needs, call HU 2-9433. Hawkins Hardware. 2-tfb Alterations Extra Wanted QUEBEC COOK STOVE; electric rangette; dining room table and 6 chairs; beds; dressers; cabinets. Contact Mrs. J. E. Johnston, over Staniforth's Store. 30b T--SHIRTS FOR YOUR DRAINAGE, excavat- ing and pipeline work, foundations, levelling, gravel fill and top soil. Contact Jack Merrier, phone HU 2-9734. 20-tfb GOOD HOME for small quiet dog, three years old, toy terrier. Country home preferred, Phone HU 2-7573. 30b COOL COMBED COTTON Special Selection HALF PRICE SEVERAL new patterns in English Bone China Dinnerware, including lovely "Cornflower". See it and others in our window and get our low prices for fine china. Counter's JeWellery. 30p LAWN SODDING. Free estimates, Fill, gravel, top soil, manure, de- livered. Georee A. Baird, Clinton, phone HU 2-7176. 25p-26-tfb SHIRTS BLUE or KHAKI NOTICE Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere Broken Sizes — Reg. $5.95. TAKE NOTICE that a Petition, signed by the Electors of the County of Huron, being persons qualified and competent to vote at an election of a Member of the House of Commons, in the said County of Huron, addressed to the Secretary of State of Canada, to the effect that such Petitioners desire that a Vote of all Elect- ors of the said Couny of Huron be taken for and against the revocation of the Order-In-Council, which brought into force and effect Part II of The Canada Temperance Act in the said County of Huron, will be deposited with the Registrar of Deeds for the said County of Huron on the 13th day of August, 1959, and further take notice that such Petition will remain in the Registry Office for public examination few a period of ten days after the aforesaid date, before being submitted to the Secretary of State of Canada. DATED at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 23rd day of July, 1959, JOHN E. HUCKINS, Chairman, HURON CITIZENS LEGAL CONTROL COMMITTEE CUSTOM COMBINING WITH 12- ft Massey Self-Propelled No. 90. Prices, reasonable; either standing or swathed. Contact: Lyle Mont- gomery, phone 859-r-31, Seaforth. 27-28 and 30-b HALF PRICE 3 PIECE CHESTERFIELD, one green chair, other wine, price $125, practically new; quantity of cedar wood. $4.50 per cord, Contact Joe Riley, RR 1, Clinton, phone Seaforth 841r3. 30-32-p CASUAL JACKETS Special Rack — Reg. to $14,95. To Clear — HALF PRICE Pickett & Campbell Limited Arrow Shirts Stetson Hats Phone HU 2-9732—Main Corner—Clinton SEWAGE DISPOSAL — Septic tanks, use-pools, etc. pumped and cleaned with modern equipment. All work guaranteed, Write Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels, phone 42r6, Brussels, 15 to 30p AGAIN THIS YEAR OUTSIDE white paint at $2.99 per gal. Ph- one your order in T, A. Dutton Appliances, Brucefield, telephone HU 2-3232, open evenings 'till 9 p.m. 17tib K. C. COOKE, No. 1 TOP SOIL PIONEER'S FABULOUS "400" is Canada's lowest priced top quality chain saw, weighs 19 lbs., ideal for the cottage, clearing brush, prun- ing, wood cutting and only $159.50. See or call Robert Glen, Pioneer Saws, Clinton, Ontario. 29.30p GOOD BLACK LOAM GEO. A. BAIRD Clinton Phone HU 27176 80-2-3-4p FLORIST Dial HU 2-7012—Clinton 2930-b SIMMOOMINSIMIM.