HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-07-23, Page 10PAWN. '1141
News of Londesboro
Corresowlent — NIBS. O3.-Or .041.4.14.
Phone W14 81 r
Summerhill Club
Plan Picnic, Enjoy
Regular Meeting
THURSDA,Y, JULY,' 23, .1950.-
dynamic, cost-cutting
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Every Chevrolet Truck is built with your profits
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Short-stroke, high-compression design makes every
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Visit your Chevrolet dealer's today and look over
the truck for your job. Look under it, too I Cheek
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Don-
aid Middleton was the scene of a
very happy family gathering on
Sunday, July 19. The occasion
was the celebration of the 40th
wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Middleton and all their
family, seven children and five
grandchildren were present.
Present also were Miss Kathleen
McNaughton and Wiliam Middle-
ton, their bridesmaid and best
man of 40 years ago. This mem-
orable Sunday was the first wed-
ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Grindlay (nee Barbara
It was also of the nature of a
farewell party for the Grindlays,
who are going on a two year leave
to the University of Los Angeles,
California, where Mr. Grindlay
will teach and study for his doc-
Turkey buffet dinner was ser-
ved, The spacious rooms were
beautifully decorated with season-
al flowers.
Among those present were Mrs.
Jack Leslie, Lethbridge; Mr. and
Mrs. Ritchie McNaughton, Lon-
don; J. M. Johnston and Miss Ag-
nes Middleton, Goderich; Miss
Mrs. Charles Snelling has been
laid up with a badly sprained
Miss June Regan, London, visit-
ed her aunt, Mrs. Charles Snel-
ling on Sunday.
WMS Meeting
The July meeting of the Bruce-
field Woman's Missionary Society
was held Tuesday, July 14. The
meeting opened with quiet music.
Silent prayer was observed in
memory of Mrs. Harry Dalrymple
and Mrs. J. Consitt.
Theme for the worship service
was "The Fellowship." Call to
worship and the prayer were by
Mrs. N. Walker. Mrs. E, Thomp-
son read Eph. 2: 11-22; Mrs.
Fotheringham, Acts 10: 1-20, 23,
24 and 34-44. Comment and pray-
er was by Mrs. Walker.
The business part of the meet-
ing was taken by Mrs, W. Scott.
There were 18 members and the
CGIT girls present. It was decid-
ed to omit the August meeting.
Mrs. B. McClinchey, Mrs. B.
Thompson and Mrs, George Clif-
ton (from the study book "Know
Your Neighbours"), acquainted
the group with some of the spec-
ial problems of their Japanese
and Chinese neighbours,
The CGIT girls sang two num-
bers. Mrs. McClinchey read a
poem entitled "His Offering." The
re-affiliation service with the
CGIT 'was held and two girls
were presented with insignia.
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get Chevrolet
Set a Chevrolet Truck to
work on your toughest
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is finished, Rugged,
tireless stamina ,
the extra strength of Chevrolet's all-but indestructi-
ble frames. Check the tough, flexible multi-leaf
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coast to coast depend on Chevrolet.
Yes, a few minutes with your Chevrolet dealer will
show you why your best insurcrace against costly
downtime is a Chevrolet Ti, k. And right now is
a good time to pay him a
visit. Lose no time . do it
CT 153!•C
Miss Bonnie Kennedy is holi-
daying this week with her cousin,
Carol floor at Cedar Point cot-
tage, Port Albert.
Mrs. Lily Webster visited with
her brother William on Sunday,
who is a patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London. His improve-
ment is very slow.
Mr, and Mrs. Ab Shaddick,
Gerald, Marilyn and husband, Mrs.
Thomas Fairservice and Dave
Ewan are spending a week at
Wasaga Beach.
Mrs. Mabel Scott is' spending
two weeks with her son Kenneth
and family, in Niagara.,
A very successful picnic for the
Mission Band was enjoyed by the
little folk last Thursday afternoon
on the hall grounds, under the dir-
ection of the leaders, Mrs. David
Anderson and Mrs. Ray Snell.
Miss Linda Thompson is spend-
ing a week at the lake in Goder-
ich with her girl friend from
Mrs. Robert Townsend spent
the past week with her sister in
Mrs. Samuel Morrison and Mr.
and Mrs. M. Morrison and fam-
ily, Lucknow, visited with Mrs,
Margaret Manning on Sunday,
Miss Margaret Tamblyn and girl
friend, Leamington, spent the
weekend with the former's par-
Mrs. Colonel Marks, Miss Helen
Marks, Susan Dey, Mrs. Douglas
Dunbar and Sydney, Listowel, al-
so Mrs. Earl McLean and family
St. Catherines, spent Tuesday
with Mrs, Edwin Fothergil,
Mr. and Mrs, James Bremner,
Cranbrook, spent Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. Willows Mountain.
Harry Youngblut and son John,
spent a few days last week visit-
ing his sisters and parents Mr,
and Mrs. Joe Youngblut.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Howatt
and Joan, spent Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs, Robert Gardiner, Crom-
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cooper and
son Jim, Ethel, spent Sunday with
Mrs. Laura Lyon.
The Summerhill Ladies Club
met at the home of Mrs, Chester
Farquhar, with the president in
the chair. 15 members answered
roll call. Plans were made for
the picnic in Harbour Park, God,
erich on July 13.
Thanks was received from Wil-
liam Lovett to the ladies that
served lunch to the men while
they were working at the ball.
The program consisted of a
reading by Mrs, Clark Ball, "Pre-
paring for a Holiday". Mrs. Earl
Blake gave a reading, "Yesterday
and Today." Mrs. Norman Wright
had a reading, "Farmers at Elec-
Next meeting will be on August
12 at the home of Mrs. Ezra
Ellis, Those on the lunch are Mrs.
Donald McLean, Mrs. Percy Gib-
bings, Mrs. Ivan Hoggarth, Mrs.
James Snell. Those on the pro-
gram are Mrs. George Wright,
Mrs, Jean Cummings, Mrs. Ezra
Ellis, Mrs. Chester Farquhar,
Holmesville Form Union
Discusses Resolutions
At Guelph Meeting
Holmesville local of the Ontario
Farmer's Union met in Holmes-
vine school Monday evening with
president Edgar Rathwell in char-
ge. Ray Wise read the minutes.
Resolutions that will be put to
a vote in the fall, were read and
discussed, Brought to attention
was the Interprovincial Farm Un-
ion Council joint board meeting
being held in Guelph the 14, 15,
16 of this week. On Wednesday
addresses were given by A. H.
Turner, vice-chairman of the Ag-
riculture stabilization board, spea-
king on price suport policy for
farm products,
G. F. Perkin, chairman of Ont-
ario Farm Products Marketing
board will speak. A report of ac-
tivities in Ottawa will be given
by James Patterson, I.F.U.C, Ot-
tawa Representative. These along
with many other activities should
prove educational to all attending.
It was decided to cancel the Au-
gust meeting of Holmesville local
due to the busy harvest season,
Plans were made for the Annual
Farmer's Union Picnic to be held
in Seaforth Lions Park on Mon-
day, July 20. Lunch was served.
Plans are being made for hold-
ing a Vacation Bible School in
Grace Church, Porter's Hill. The
school would run from August 3
to 14 with Miss Clara Clark,
Bayfield, as director.
The ham supper held at Grace
Church on Wednesday last was
well attended and proved very
od. Twp. South
Correspondent: James R. Stirling
Phone HU 2,9537
Mrs. John Nogalo, Ottawa, and
Mrs. David Graubert and two
children, New York, who have
been visiting their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John McGuire, visited
one day with old friends in Code-
rich Township,
Mrs, Gladys Walls, Clinton,
spent Sunday with Mrs, Eleanor
Pickett. Little Ruth Wallis spent
the weekend with her friend,
Brenda Stirling.
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh McL,aren,
and Christine, Port Elgin, and
Misses Maude and Josephine Stir-
ling, Bayfield, were visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. James Stirling on
-quick growth
Grant Stirling sowed a field of barley and cut it 83 days later,.
It is a fine crop,
- 0.
Stanley Township
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Maddock and
children, John, Mary and Hilda7
returned to their home in Oak-.
vile on Monday,
Mrs. M. Elliott who has been-
visiting rela.tives, returned to her
home in Toronto with her &ugh,-
ter, Mrs. Maddock.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Noonan, Wind-
sor, have returned to their home
in Windsor after having spent a
time with her sister,, Miss Billie
(=WON mvirs-Rta)RP
Kathleen McNaughton, London;
Mr. and Mrs, Boyd E p-
person, Galion, Ohio; M r.
and Mrs. Ken Taylor, Blyth; Mr.
and Mrs. J, W. Counter and Dav-
id, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. R, B.
Campbell, Robbie, Tommie, Dan-
le, and 12-day old Steven, (youn-
gest grandchild present); Dr. and
Mrs, Edward Mullens, Clare, Jean
and Anne, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs,
Ted Middleton, Dennis, Nancy and
William James, Stratford; Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Middleton, James,
Marnia, Ralph and Cindy; Mr. and
Mrs, Stewart Middleton, David
Middleton at home; Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Grindlay, London.
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