Clinton News-Record, 1959-07-16, Page 5from Monday, July 27 to Monday, Aug. 10 28-9-p P; )$, t•;:. REDPATH BRAND GRANULATED SUGAR - 50 lb. bag - Red Hot Special $3.89 RED and JELLY WHITE POWDERS 14 pkg. 99c NEW PACK YORK — SAVE 3c PEAS — fancy 4 1'5 oz. tins 59c SWEET PICNIC MIXED — SAVE 2c BRAND PICKLES — 16 oz. jar 23c WHITE, WHITE or COLOURED — EDDY'S SWAN TISSUE (save 19c) 8 for 89c SAVE KOTEX 13c on NAPKINS 2 FGK. OF 12 89c 30c OFF G 0 PACK — King Size ---Liquid Detergent fin 87c 35c OFF SUPER PACK — King Size MB L.-g. - S1 p,, . 09 lc SOAP PALMOLIVE SALE — Buy 3 — Get 1 for lc 4 bars 39c FEATURE PEANUT — Red & White HOMOGENIZED — Save 6c BUTTER 16 oz. jar 29c SUN SPUN SALAD DRESSING 16 oz. jar 3k KRAFT KRAFT READY DINNERS "Easy 32 oz. MIRACLE WHIP +o Prepare" 2 pkgs. 3k 71 c LIBBY'S TOMATO FANCY JUICE 48 oz. fin 31c PRODUCE: CALIFORNIA CAROLINA SUNKIST ,LEMONS size ISO per doz. 39c SUNI(IST ORANGES — 5 lb. bag 55c WATERMELONS — good size each 69c CHOICE MEATS: ROUND STEAK or BONELESS STEAK ROAST per 16. 75c K INDLESS No, 1 SWIFT'S EVERSWEET BACON per lb, 59c --- Stanley's Red and White 202 QUEEN STREET -- CLINTON ree Delivery Good Parking Friendly Service Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service 4/, 71;4 $PEC1AL VALUES AND REMINDERS THIS WEEK ,:s; .e rip r rReg. $1.25 .750.a. Stops perspiration and odour effectively and safely, without harm to your clothes. Pleas- ant to use . creamy and delicately scented, DRUGGIST I.D.A. Specials July 130 - 18th COLD CREAM SOAP 2 for 270 — 6 for 79c WASH CLOTHS Reg. 20c — 2 for 25c WAX PAPER 28c-2 for 55c TOILET TISSUE 2 for 25c MILK OF MAGNESIA 16 oz.-290 32 cm-49c STOMACH POWDER 4 oz.-79c 16 oz.—$1.89 WOODBURY SHAMPOO Reg. $1.25 — 79c SCHICK RAZOR AND 10 BLADES Reg. $1.00-790 LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE 2 x 55c tubes — 790 SILVIKRIN SHAMPOO WITH TWO 15c SACHETS 750 — TAN IN COMFORT — NOXEMA LOTION — $1.00 NOXEMA SPRAY — $1.75 SKOL 60c, $1.00 SRONZTAN — 75c, $1.50 SUN-SURF — 79c COPPERTONE $1.50—$1.75 Spray — $2,26 FIRST AID KITS 98c—$2.00—$4.25 INSECT REPELLANTS OFF-89c TANT00-69c, 89c SKEETER SKATTER-75c HUnter 2-6626 NEBAKE sOrt r. goivis guys uNlitt-T PHOTu SERVICE F. B. PE - $415 $3.59 $1.95 30c and 70c ALUMINUM ROTARY FOOD PRESSES - FOLY FOOD MILL - STEEL ROTARY RICER - IWO FRUIT JAR FUNNELS - COLLANDERS $1.95 $2.75 CANNERS $2.98 $3.75 OM 1011. OM 111111, NI ••• Household SCALES $6.60 PRESERVING KETTLES WOODEN SPOONS MEASURES -- Good Selections SUTTER PER E Li 1TE CLINTON 4••••ftialtiomiiiiiiisi••••••gamouimot " Quality Hardware and Housewares HU 2402 French FRY $2.15 PANS $3.95 ,..ravn$DAy, JULY 10, 1959 CLXIVW1NI INTAWS43,MORD PAGE ME A sUrvey of the nine Ontario and Quebec towns that have ..ae- quire(' new manufac Wring Indust- ries shows that for each 100 new jobs in factories, 117 other were created in the .towns, FOR YOUR PAINTING & DECORATING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST V. M, BRUNSDON Phone HU 2-9949 or Blyth 37r19 28-tfb OUR METHODS ALWAYS GET BEST RESULTS All members attended council meeting Monday night except Deputy Reeve Mei Crick who hes been a patient in Clinton Public Hospital since a heart attack suf- fered in his barbershop three weeks ago, Regrets were express- ed and hope for his recovery, Engineer D. M. Ross has prom- ised to visit the town this week with final estimates on proposed streets work. Advertising for ten- ders for road excavation work will be placed. Reeve W. 3, Miller reported for a favourable report on catch basin at back of N. VI, Trewartha's home on Ontario Street, We can go on with letting contract for sewage main on East Street, and be ready for time when engineer has plans laid. Frank van Altena was given permission to retail tabacco and cigarette in his barbershop, Word was received from the Public Utilities Commission that they had approved paying com- missioners $5 per month for 12 meetings per year. One third will be paid by each of waterworks, sewerage and hydro departments, A, M, Harper, Goderich, was re-appointed auditor at $900 and E. B. Menzies, Albert Street, Clin- ton, was re-appointed town solicit- or. Bell Telephone Co, of Canada was given permission to lay 200 feet of underground cable on Whitehead Street, east of Albert Street. A letter from Mrs. Duff (L. June) Thompson advised that she had injured her foot in a hole at the sidewalk in front of Clinton IGA Store on June 15. Clerk J. Livermore reported that the hole had since been repaired by the streets department, but he un- derstood the hole had been made by the waterworks department of the PUC in connection with work they had been doing. The matter has been referred to the insurance company. Donnelly and Donnelly, lawyers, Goderich, requested an audience CHAPMAN'S Barber & Beauty Shop CLOSED with the public works committee to discuss problems of Mrs. M, R, Mackinnon, who has asked for work •done to drain a field on the Hayfield Road. Reeve W. 3, Mil- ler reported that he, as head of the public works committee, May- or 13, Stanley and streets foreman Harold Qibbings as well as George Lavis had investigated the prop- erty. They are awaiting report of engineer D, M. Ross. By-law 8-1950 setting up a pen- sion plan was repealed, This plan was never actually put into effect. By-law 15-1959 was passed setting up provisions for a new plan. Coun cii has not decided yet what type of plan they will set up for em- ployees. By-law 16-1959 requested the Municipal Board for an order to annex part of the McKenzie farm in Hullett Township. 12,9 acres, plus 5,8 acres at Christian Reform- ed Church. Councillor Herb Bridle present- ed the Chief Constable's monthly report and mentioned that some investigation was going forward to find whether Clinton was getting its share of returns of fines coll- ected in Court. Councillor Bridle commented that police were able to catch speeders now with the new cruis- er. Clerk John Livermore noted that one of the speeders admitted in his office that he'd been going 83 miles per hour in town, One speeder caught by Const- able Perdue, reported Councillor Bridle was last Wednesday, the same young man who on Friday night was apprehended and charg- ed by Provincial Police with theft of a calf. Twenty-five ton of calcium has been bought this summer to apply an town streets at $10 per ton trucking cost plus $935 for the material. Repair work and gutter work is proceeding along Victoria Street. Councillor Royce Macaulay voi- ced appreciation of work done by Reeve Miller on public works com- mittee, "It's a thankless job". Building permits totalling about $50,000 were granted to L. Dutot, addition; $900; Ball and Mutch, addition to funeral home, $2,000; Diz David Varga, house, $10,000; Cities Service Oil Co., signs, $300; J. Irwin, house, $12,000; G. Rum- ball, house, $7,500; C. Nelson, sun- porch, $150; H. Murch, house, $6,- 000; E. Lawson, house, $3,000; and Miss Dorothy Marquis, house, $8,- 000. Wednesday, August 3 was made a Civic Holiday, and the mayor was authorized to issue a procla- mation as such. Council granted the Kinsmen Club $337.80 to assist in house- numbering project and a letter of appreciation for a job well done will be forwarded. Trailer Camp Reeve W. 3. Miller questioned the amount of payment per month from the trailer camp, There are at present 18 trailers there, pay- NOW THE NEW HOME FREEZER Model C.S.-1258 From $289.$0 • The Revco Farm Freezer con- struction assures you of high- est quality materials and Work- rnanship. • Revco's exclusive bonded faster freezing aluminum interior pro- vides superior freezing results. • You can judge a freezer by the speed of its freezing action. Faster freezing means the fla- vour & freshness of your foods are sealed in. The new Revco has the fastest freezing action known. We can prove it in a two-minute test you should see and feel. see why homemakers hail Revco as the best freezer buy—by fart COME IN AND TEST YOUR OWN TV AND RADIO TUBES FREE. Clinton Electric Shop Your wEsTtiv0Houst beater O. W. CORNISH, Proprietor HU 2-6646 — CLINTON Seaforth Boy To Attend Provincial AYH Club Leadership Week Charles MacGregor, 19, BR Z Seaforth, has been selected to re- present Huron County at the Pro- vincial 4-H Chub Leadership Week to be held at the Ontario Agri- cultural College, Guelph, July 27- 31, 1959, Charles has an outstand- ing record in 4-H Club work and has also taken part in many com- munity activities. The program at Guelph will include instruction on various phases of agriculture as well as recreation and fellowship. In addition to this honour, Mr, MacGregor is Huron County's nominee for selection to attend the National 4-H Club Week which will be staged this November, ing, $4 per month to the town. In addition Mr, Becker pays $25 per year licence fee, and a standard business tax. Reeve Miller suggested that since taxes are up and education costs were up, that the trailer rate should be raised. Clerk J. Livermore noted that the $4 per month rate was set by by-law, and council could amend it. Apparently in Tuckersmith Township residents of a trailer camp on the road past RCAF Station Clinton do not pay any- thing, In Goderich Township, five trailers in a Bluewater Highway camp pay ,$8 per month, Councillor H. Bridle said be would investigate rates in other centres and bring in a report at the next meeting. Street Signs Councillor Herbert Bridle noted that definite promise of street signs arrival by July 17 had been received, Council will have the signs erected as soon as possible after shipment is received, FEATURES Weiner Rolls Pkg. of 8 for 23c Orange Chiffon Cake 49c ai ton I G Nearly 9,000 Canadian women are members of the carpenter's Union; they have jobs in wood- working plants that have union shop contracts with the earpent- era. The Canso Causeway, the land bridge linking Cape 13retou TSIAnct with the mainland of Nova Scotia, is nearly a mile and a half long and carries both railway and high- way traffic. TownCouncil in Action We clean your laundry in strict accord- ance with the latest scientific methods-- thoroughly, but so gently that the life of fine garments and linens is greatly prolonged, .45irt-Al‘ THIS WEEK THE LUCKY NO. IS 1500 Check Your Calendar, If the number matches take the Calendar to our office and claim your $3.00 credit,