HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-07-02, Page 9111 THE WEEKEND TELY WEEKEND Magazine, with articles bi Gregory Clark, Andy O'Brien and others. TV Weekly, with Ron Poulton's Pre- views and program listings ,for week 16 Pages of Color• Comics. Mrs. Annie M. Carter Mrs. Annie Marie Carter, Strath- clair, Manitoba, wife of the late John Carter, passed away June 4 at Shoal Lake hospital, after a short illness, at the age of 92 years and two months. She was born at Clinton, in 1867, and went to Manitoba in 1883 and lived in Strathclair municipality since 1907. She was an ardent member of the United Church, Funeral services were held in the United Church with Rev. H. J. Harland officiating. Surviving are four sons: Lloyd, Minnedosa, Man.; Carl, Winnipeg; Ernest, New York and Melville, St. James, Man. Her sister, Mrs. B. Stiles predeceased her in Jan- uary, 1959. There are four grandchildren and four great grandchildren. The pallbearers were: honorary, ,H. Morcom, E. Leeson, W. Hunter, Currah, William McLean, B. Hodgins; active; G. Wilson, It. Stothart, S, McTavish, D. Morris- on, J, Robertson and J. D. Morris- on. Pepper Reunion Held At Seaforth Lions Park There were about 75 persons at the annual Pepper family reunion at Seaforth Lions Park on June 20. Results of the sports contests were as follows: races, 5-8 years, Bill McGregor, Joyce Falconer; 6-8 years, Joyce Falconer, Glenda Matheson; boys, Bill McGregor; 9-12 years, Florence Pepper, Ruth Anne Pepper; boys, Grant Pepper, Larry Barker; young ladies, Gloria Ann Pepper, Bonnie Barker; young men, Albert Walter, Roy Walter. Married ladies, Mrs. Lawrence Barker, Mrs. Glenn Pepper; mar- ried men, Roy Pepper, Wes Pep- per; grandmother's spot race, Mrs. John Pepper; grandfather's time race, Howard Crich, Roy Pepper; kicking slipper, girls, Julene El- liott; boys, Bruce Malcolm; calling men to dinner, Mrs. Frank Mc- Gregor, Mrs. Glenn Pepper; calling the cows, Clifford Pepper, Roy Pepper; bean race for couples, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pepper, Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Pepper; tennis relay race, Bonnie Barker's team; Farthest distance, Luther Pep- per, Vancouver, B.C., 84 years young; youngest person, Wendy Barker; lucky number signing the register, Fred Pepper; and a pea- nut scramble, Officers for 1960 are: president, Dalton Malcolm; secretary-treas- urer, Mrs. Lawrence Barker; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGregor; lunch commit- tee, Mr, and Mrs. Les Pepper, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pepper. The 1960 reunion will be in Sea- forth Lions Park on the third Sun- day in June. HARRY WILLIAMS FUEL OIL kat GASOLINE MOTOR OIL LUBRKANTS Phone Hlr 2-6fW CLINTON tRuott, MAIN STREET — GRAND BEND PHONE 224 24-26-28-tfb BRUCE Refrigeration COMMERCIAL ▪ SALES 0 INSTALLED ▪ SERVICED and .MAINTAI NED OIL and GAS BURNER SERVICE Deep Freezes-11 cu. ft. $265 and up I ...you're seeing them everywhere ! FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Shipper Phone '773 eeiseeeai: FROM CANADIAN NATIONAL • fast modern travel '17.1-1URSD „)", , 1950 mriN.ToN NVWS,AgGORT) :PACM Lorne own Plume HU 24321 CIE WEEKEND TELY ONLY 10c All There kat/m.4- at no eels dose .2-Speed Non-Stalling Electric Wipers Fresh Air Heater and Defroster • Laminated Glass Wraparound Windshield • Five PassengerComfort • Four Door Convenience • Extra Spacious 'Trunk • Economy Carburetor • Hydraulic Foot Brake • Steering Column Gear Shift • Level Ride Suspension, Regular Saturday Tely with extra pages on travel, hobbies, books, religion. Rev, john W, 1 Patrick Beginning Ministry at Three .Point Charge HARRY WILLIAMS c 7110 OFOUFa FUEL OIL THE RUMORS TELL US,' THE GOOD OLD GUM 16 VERY citALOUS Auburn WI Entertains Blyth; Plans "New Lamp" Project in Fail Rev, John W, J. Patrick, O. Th., has accepted the appointment to the St. Andrew's United Church, Hayfield; Grace Church, Porter's. Hill and .Zion United Cluireh, Tai- lor's Corners, as of July 1. Rev. Patrick was a former po- lice officer a n d Reformatory Guard, He was acting sergeant on the Coppereliff and Sudbury District Police Force and the Hes- peler police force, and a custodian officer at Guelph Reformatory and physical training instructor in the Boys' Training School there before he entered the ministry. He served with the Highland Light Infantry of Canada in World War II. Rev. Patrick is a graduate of the Open Door Evangelist Church and the American Bible College. VISIT THE Real Living Santa June 19 to Thanksgiving Fun For All The Family CHILDREN TO 14 YEARS FREE 9.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Sunday: 1.00 to 6.00 p.m. SANTA'S VILLAGE Bracebridge, Ont. 24to30b He served as a licensed minister from 1948 until he was ordained in 1951, He was pastor at the Fell gospel Church at Puslinch (near. Kitchener) for three yeare, after which he and his family served on the Missionary and 4vangelistie field in Southern United States. The Rev, and Mrs. Patrick trav-elled from Detrpit to Palm Beach, Florida, holding Evangeliatic ser- vices in the larger churches on the way, to raise funds so they could serve the poor people in the hills of Kentucky and the coloured people in Columbus, Georgia. On their return, the Rev. Pat- rick did supply ministering where called on, and much hospital and institutional, work in St, Ca.thare Ines and surrounding district. He is a member of Branch 24, Can- adian Legion, St. Catharines, In Goderich he did much the same type of ministry while study- ing for his Graduate of Theology degree. He supplied the pulpits of Victoria Street United Church, Goderich; 13eruniller and Union United Churches last August while the Rev. S. Moote was on vacation and is well known throughout the district as he has been called upon to speak in many local churches, The Rev. Patrick was a guest speaker at the 27th Anniversary and Missionary Conference of the Open Doer Evangelistic Churches Of Canada at Stayner on June 26 to June 30. O BAYFIELD (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. William Parker and Charlie, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Fraser. Teachers Social Members of the staff of Strat- ford Collegiate Institute brought their year's social activities to a close on Wednesday afternoon of last week, when they and their wives were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Charlton at the beauti- ful Metcalf home in Hayfield where the Marlton. family is spending the summer. Sixty-seven guests attended. Highlight of the pro- gram was the presentation of gifts to 11 teachers who are leaving the staff, The host and hostess served refreshments. A dinner followed at The Little Inn. The presentation concluded when vice-principal J. F, Adamson pre- sented D. W. Scott with an oc- casional chair. Mr. Scott is leaving the Stratford staff after ten years as principal to take up duties as a district High School inspector. 03Y our Auburn VOrreallandent The Auburn Women's Institute entertained the ladies of the Blyth Institute at their June meeting, Mrs, Thomas Iiaggitt, president, was in charge, Mrs, Robert Phillips presided at the piano, Minutes of the May meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Bert Craig and approved as read. She also gave the finaneial statement. Roll call was answered by nano, ing a flower beginning with the "first initial of your surname," Mrs, Clifford Brown reported for the card committee, project Auburn oftheis t Qd district to assist at the County Rome, was t4aiSi;e new sastedthe WI birthday party at the Home on July 1.5, The committee in charge are: Program, Mrs, Ro-bert J. Phillips and Mrs. Clifford Brown; gifts, Mrs, Ed, Davies and Mrs. Sam Deer; and lunch, Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs. Keith Mach- an, Mrs, Arnold Craig and Mrs. Wes .Bradnock. Splendid reports of the District annual that Was held recently at St. Helen's were given by Mrs, Arnold Craig and Mrs. Thomas Lawlor. The committee in charge of the selling of souvenir spoons Try this crops quiz and see how your answers compare with those of the crops experts of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Know- ing and practising the right one could make or save you that extra dollar. 1. Why is Climax Timothy better than common timothy? (a) Bigger yield; (b) Earlier; (c) More leafy; (d) Quicker aftermath, Clintonians Picnic In Community Park The Clintonian Club held their annual picnic at the Clinton Com- munity Park on Tuesday, June 23, with an attendance of 50 with visitors from Goderich and Varna attending, The afternoon was spent in games and sports. The winners are: notion tray, Mrs. Colclough; bean throw, Mrs. Mor- ley, Goderich and Mrs. Wise; word contest, Mrs. Matthews; purse quiz, Mrs. Colclough; plate throw, Mrs. Denomme; beach ball throw, Mrs. Morley; most buttons on dress, Mrs. Glew; nicest hair-do, Mrs. T. O'Connell; bean-in-bottle guess, Mrs. S, Moodie; oldest lady present, Mrs. Chuter; nearest birthday to picnic date, Mrs. Wise. In the children's races, winners were Paul Denorrune, Rodney and Gregory Jervis, Hilary Crockett, Jacqueline Crockett. In the draw, Mrs, T. Leppington won the doilie and Mrs. T. O'Con- nell the pillow cases. Picnic lunch was served. for the Royal Visit reported that over half of them had been sold, Anyone wishing one should get .41 touch was any of the committee, The county project for the fall is on "New- lamps for old", the leaders appointed were Mrs. Thom- as Lawlor assisted by Mrs. C4or,.. don Dobie, Mrs. Raggitt 'welcom, ed the guests and a reading was given by Mrs. Earl Noble. Mrs. Lorne .Scrinlgeckar spoke on the tonic "Horticulture", She spoke on the growing of house plants and their care. Tuberous begonias, she remarked, were very popular and the geraniums are a year round flower, its existence known in MO. Mrs, George Millian thanked the speaker for her in, formative address and Mrs, Ed. Davies presented her with a gift. Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt was appoint, ed a director to represent the Au- burn Women's In-tante on the Blyth Agricultural Society Fair Board. An auction was held far the home-made baking sale and a delicious lunch was served by Mrs, George Malian, Mrs, Keith Ma" ellen, Mrs, Thomas Haggitt. Mrs. Wellington Good thanked the AU, burn ladies for the lovely after, noon. 2. Your-fertilizer bag says 4-24-12. What percentage of phosphate is in it? (a) 4%; (b) 24%; (e) 12%. 3. When is the best time to top- dress winter wheat for best yields? (a) April 1; (b) May 15; (c) May 1; (d) October 15. 4. If you live in Halton County, what crop region do you live in? (a) Region A; (b) Region B; (c) Region C; (d) Region D. 5. How much nitrogen is in 120 pounds of ammonium nitrate? (a) 120 pounds; (b) 40 pounds; (c) 64 pounds; (d) 33 pounds, 6. One of these chemicals isn't seed treatment. Which one? (a) Ceresan; (b) Leytosan; (c) Simazin; (d) Puraseed. 7. One of these legumes had prac-. tically no winter-kill last wint- er. Can you name it? (a) Alfalfa; (b) Ladino; (c) Birdsfoot Trefoil. 8. Best fertilizer placement for corn? (a) 2 inches to the side, 2 inches below the seed; (b) 3 inches below, 2 inches to the side of the seed; (c) 1/2 inch below, 2 inches to the side of the seed, 9. If cows graze alfalfa during the month that the crop is produc- ing buds, it will seriously hurt next year's stand. What's the month that cows should be kept off alfalfa? (a) May; (b) July; • (c) September, Answers: 1—c; 2—b; 3—a; 4—b; 5—b; 6—c; 7—c; 8—a; 9—c, ENJOY THESE EXTRAS OBITUARIES Mrs, Rachel Bolton Service was conducted in the James Reid .funeral home, .King- ston, on Saturday, June 13, by the Rev, Mr, Rigby of the Stand- ard Church, 'for Mrs, Rachel Bol- ton. For Almost three' years. she had been a patient in the St. Mary's- of-the-bake Hospital, in Kingston. Mrs. Bolton Mr4,5 in her nth year, She was born at Gmlanoque' and moved to Clinton with her family in 1.91.1, and lived here until 1929. when she returned to Eastern On- tario and had lived in Kingston for several years prior to her death. Early in 1953 she fractured her hip; this did not heal and for some time she received nursing care with her family and in nurs- ing homes; WAS admitted to St. Mary's-of-the-Lake Hospital, King, eton; in September 1.95$. Surviving are two sons, Asa, Toronto; Burton, Brantford; and two daughters, Phoebe, stationed at the Salvation Army Magwood Home, Vancouver, B.C.; Lena (Mrs, Joseph Allaneon), worth; and five grandchildren. Her husband, George Bolton, predeceased her in 1951. Ruth Hemingway To Be Home Economist Miss Ruth Hemingway, Brus- sels, will begin service as county home economist in Wellington County on July 31. Miss Heming- way, who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hemingway, graduated from MacDonald Institute, Guelph, this year. She succeeds Miss Hilde- gard Bentler who is leaving the service to be married. ti THE BRITISH CARS BOILT AND BACKED BY GENERAL MOTORS,,, SERVICEAVAILABLE EVERYWHERE ON THE NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT! 0 r MORE VAUXHALLS THAN EVER BEFORE ARE TAKING THEIR HAPPY OWNERS AROUND IN ECONOMICAL STYLE. FIND 'OUT NOW WHY VAUXHALL, IN ITS CLASS, IS THE CAR OF THE YEAR! Chances are you have already noticed the growing number of Vauxhalls on the road. And still the demand increases! In fact, Vauxhall is having the most spectacular sales increase of any car in its class! Why? That's easy Vauxhall offers you so much more for your money (see left) — Now see your local Vauxhall dealer. ited CLINTON ONT. What's Your "Crops IQ"? Asks Department Quiz Masters by RAILINER between Guelph, Owen Sound, Southampton, Kincardine, Palmerston, Stratford, Goderich, with connections for Toronto and London. ?Enjoy the air-conditioned comfort, the picture windows and foam rubber seats in these brand-new self-propelled Diesel cars, sheathed in gikaming stainless steel. Forget about traffic strain, parking worries—con- sult your local CNR agent for the convenient Railiner schedules. TRA IN DIAN NATIONAL 14.42