HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-07-02, Page 4Miss Winnie Grey
Retiring Teacher
Honoured by Staff
Miss Winnie Gray was feted on
several occasions prior to her de-
parture from Clinton.
in her honour Miss Olive John-,
'son entertained at a cup and sau-
cer shower at her home. During
the evening games and contests
were enjoyed. The guest of ben-
our was seated in a decorated
chair under an arch of pink
streamers, roses and confetti-
filled balloons. A rhyming address
of goad wishes was read, by Miss
Olive Johnson and Mrs. Beatrice
Taylor and Mrs. Florence Chowen
brought in. a gaily decorated basket
of gifts. Mrs, Wes Holland assist-
ed in unwrapping the gifts, At the
close of the evening the hostess
and her mother served a dainty
: At the June meeting of the
Hearthside Club of Ontario Street
United Church, Miss Sybil Courtier
extended the good wishes of the
group to Winnie, and Mrs. R4Y
Wheeler made the presentation of
a gift.
Past Grand Marion Andrews pre
sented gifts from the members of
Huronic Rebekah Lodge at their
final. June meeting.
Mrs. Irene Gardiner entertained
a number of friends at a supper
party at her cottage at Hayfield.
A feature of the evening was the
presentation of an illustrated
bride's book.
The staff of the Clinton Public
School presented Miss Gray with
a chenille bedspread at a tea held
in the teachers" lounge.
On the last day of school individ-
ual gifts were presented and Bar-
bara Carter made the presentation
of a gift from the Grade 6 class
of the Clinton Public School,
Miss Winnie Gray's marriage to
Mr. Hal Millener, B.A. Sc., King-
ston, will take place this summer,
Keith Allen
Janet Batkin
Beverley Beattie
Wilma Billings
Jean Booth
Paul Brand
Christine Bridle
Karen Buck
Robert Bylsma
Nancy Lee Campbell
Harvey Carter
Alan Cochrane
Michael Collier
Mary Jean Colquhoun
John Consitt
David Corrie
Arnold Crich
Donald Cudmore
Roger Cummings
Lorraine Dale
Marion Dale
Fames Dales
Sally Deeves
Fred Dutot
Lois Dykstra
Mary Elliott
Gerald Etue
Wilfred Fremlin
Grace Flewitt
Dominic Gahwiler
Ralph Glew
Bonnie Hamilton
Barry Harper
John Harris
Barbara Henderson
Janet Henderson
Nancy Henley
Caroline Hoy
Kenneth Hunking
Marjorie Hunking
Graham Jackson
Gary Jewitt
Marie Tasting
Darline Laister
Larry Levett
Joan Livermore
Phyllis Lobb
Glen Lockhart
Wayne Love
Nancy MacDonald
Joan McCowan
John McKim
Mary Macaulay
John Masse
Sandra Merrill
Marianne Michalski
Donald Mills
Kenneth Moon
Frank Murch
Gail' Orpen
Effie Pluiristeel
Margaret Porter
Elaine Rathwell
Glen Reichert
Peter Robertson
DouglaS Roorda
Edmund Saldivar
Ruth Anne Scetehmer
Kenneth Scott
Promoted F
Murray Adams
Robert Addison
Elaine Alexander
Larry 13adley
Harry Bakker
Paul Bateman
William Blacker
Budd Bye
Kenneth Boyce
Margaret Boyle
Cornelia Brand
Edward Bridle Elaine Brown
Fred Bruinsma
Naney- Caldwell
John Carew
Patricia Carter
Donald Colcallipun
Garry Collier
Douglas Constable
Bruce Cooper
Craig Cox
Ruth Crich
Paid Cudmore
Victor Cyr
Anthony DeCoo
Lynn Demaray
Lena Dougherty
Paul Draper
Douglas Dunn
Alfred Dykstra
Barry Elliott
Donald Elliott
Gail Farquhar
Gwen Fowler
Donald Fremlin
John Galbraith
Michel Gaudet
Wayne Grigg
Richard Hall
Patricia Harland
Anita Higgins
Joyee Hood
Regalia gorbanuik
Merin Rough
Barbara Howard
Terrance Hudson
Joanne Hulls
Alex Hyde
Barbara Inder
George Jackson
Sharon Jackson
Michael Jeffrey
Joanne Johnston
Nancy Johnston
Barbara Ladd
Donald Laister
Roger Layton
Ronald Levett
Fred Livermore
Bruce Lockhart
Denis Logan
James MacDonald
Rosemarie MacDonald
Douglas 1VfcAsh
Ross McBeath
Gail McBride
David McCall
Robert McCann
Isabel McGowan
Douglas Mair
Catherine Potter
Janet Reder
Gloria Regier
Marie Riley
Sally Roorda
Caroline Ross
Anne Sawchuck
Nancy Scruton
Gerald Shaddick
Susan Shipp
Elizabeth Siertserna
Tom, Siertsema
Margaret Smith
Patricia Spencer
Charles Stephenson
Keith Stephenson
Gerald Stirling
John Stryker
Anne Taylor
Roy Telford
Kenneth Truscott
Robert Turner
Barend Van den Assem
Marie Van Baaren
Tennis Van den fool
William Vodden
Cathryn Wallis
Ronald Walsh
Raymond Wells
Henry Westerhout
Wesley Woodson
Elizabeth Youngblut
Ineke Zondag
Donald Scruton Barbara Watkins Janet Sharp Nancy Webber John Slavin Elaine Weston William Smith Susan Wightman Elaine Taylor Leonard Wilson
Linda Torrance Beverley Wright Ralph .Trewartha Barbara Yeo.
Archibald Van Dnngen Frank Yeo Margaret Wallis Helen Youngblut
rum Grade IX To Grade X
Donald Gerrits Marie Marshall
Betty Anne Gibbings Diane Murphy
Jeanne cliew Donna O'Brien
Gail Gowing Gordon Parker
Fred Gregory Carol Plumsteel
• . x
Grades 10, 11,12 Next Year
Francine Greydantis
Robert Grigg
Judith HalWard
Bruce Harris
Donna NaYtPP
Ralph Holland
Diane fulls
Linda Jervis
.Kenneth Knights
Jean McClinchey
Marlene McClinchey
Ruth McClinchey
Edward McCullough
Glenda McDougall
Margaret Merrill
Wallace Michalski
Robert Miller
Gary Mote
Carol Pepper
Diane Radford
Marilyn Rathwell
Gloria Rumbali
Paul Schoenhals
Howard. Scoterimer'
Stephen Scotchiner
Ronald Smith
Wayne Stirling
Berva Switzer
Donna Switzer
Rosemarie Talbot
Ann Trott
Grant Turner
Janet Tyndall
Jean Turner
Eva Verhoef
Kenneth VanRiesen
Rosalee Watkins
Catherine Welsh
Grade XI To Grade XII General Course
'Or Grade XII Special Commercial
James Alexander
Gloria Allen
Egbert Bakker
Charles Bartliff
Brenda Blair
John 33yonna
Diane Campbell
Susan Cane
Ross Carter
Sibyl Castle.
Patricia. Colniin
David Copper
Murray Cutler
Samuel Dougherty
Dewayne Elliott
Noreen Garrow
Faye Gaunt
Douglas Gibbings
Yvonne Gibson
Martha. Gillette
Promoted From Grade X To Grade XI
Harrison Family
Picnic at Goderich
The 24th annual Harrison re-
union was held at Harbour Park,
Goderich, on June 13 with an at-
tendance of 72. The results of
sports were as follows: races, five
years and under, Sharon Willert,
Billy Collins; eight years and un-
der, girls, Patsy Willert, Cathy
Adams; boys, Brian Hodgert, Roy
Taylor; 12 and under, girls, Bar-
,bara Willert, Viola Collins; boys,
Douglas Alton, Norman McCul-
lough; 15 and under, girls, Barbara
Willert, Viola Collins; boys, Doug-
las Alton, Kenneth Taylor; single
ladies, Barbara Willert, Viola Col-
lins; single men, Jim Harrison,
Kenneth Taylor; married ladies,
Mrs. Harold Willert, Mrs. Stewart
Broadfoot; married men, Stewart
Broadfoot, Chester Hackett; kick-
the-slipper, ladies, Mrs. Willert,
Mrs. Bud Hunt; men, S. Broad-
foot, Bud. Hunt.
The balloon relay was won by
Albert Taylor's team; gum and
oven-mitt relay, Kay Taylor's
team; number of beans in jar, Reta
Aikenhead; towel draw, Items
Harrison; youngest person, Charl-
es Broadfoot, Brucefield; oldest
person, Miss Clara Harrison, RR 1,
Goderich; longest distance, Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Harrison, Brantford.
Officers for 1960 are: president,
Bud Hunt, London; secretary-
treasurer, S. Broadfoot, Brucefield;
directors, Mr. and Mrs. William
Hodgert, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs.
Stan Collins, Clinton; sports com-
mittee, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wil-
lert, Hensall; Mrs, S. Broadfoot,
Brucefield and Mrs. Bud Hunt,
Next year being the 25th anni-
versary, directors were given the
privilege to plan anything neces-
sary to make it a banner reunion.
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Ono District Collegiate Institute
June Promotions Announced
Following are the promotion results for the school year
1958-59., A statement of marks has been forwarded to all
Grade XII pupils, In case a failure of Promotion a state..
inert Of Marks has been forwarded to the parents.
Promoted From Grade XII To Grade XIII
SANDRA ADDISON-Eng, n; gist. 70; Geom. 73; Agr. $c, 70;
Latin 60; French 71.
DAVID ALEXANDER--Eng. 68; Hist, 74; Geom. 80; ,Agr. Sc. 75;
Latin 77; French 73.
II/LARK BENDER - Eng. 83; Hist. 90; Geom, 00; Agr. Se. 90;
French 88; Ind, Arts 79,
ROBERT BILLINGS-Bookkeeping 50; Ind. Arts 73,
ma,v,A BOYCE - Eng. 72; Hist. 72; Geom. 60; Agr, Sc. 77;
Latin 57; French 68,
VALORIE CAMERON-Agr. Sc. 55; Latin 66; French 53.
JUDITH 'CLUFF - Eng. 72; Hist. 66; Gem, 62; Agr. Sc. 51;
Latin 66; French 63.
SHERRY COCHRANE-Eng. 72; Hist. 83; Geom. 87; Agr, Sc. 77;
French 75; Bookkeeping 70,
EMILY COLLINS-Geom. 69; Home Ec. 63.
DAVID CONSTAI3LE-Eng, 61; Hist. 70; Geom. 67; Agr. Sc. 61;
French 50; Ind. Arts 59.
KAREN COOKL-Georn, 51; Bookkeeping 51.
ROBERT DALE-Eng. 51; Hist. 53; Geom. 75; Agr, Sc. 74; French
59; Bookkeeping 62.
RONALD DEMARAY-Hist. 51; Geom. 58; Agr. Sc. 67; French 52;
Tad. Arts 69.
MARGARET ANN DOHERTY-Latin 56; French 67.
ROBERT EMMERSON-Eng. 54; Hist. 69; Ind, Arts 62.
JEANNE ETUE-Eng. 64; Hist. 75; Geom. 51; Agr. Sc. 57; Latin 71;
French 71.
MARY GRAINGER-Geom. 70; Bookkeeping 68.
HOODSPITH -Eng. 50; Hist. 69; Geom. 50; Agr. Sc. 51;
French 68; Bookkeeping 50.
WILLIAM HOWSON-Bookkeeping 58; Incl. Arts 60.
PATRICIA IRWIN - Eng. 73; Hist. 83; Geom. 85; Agr. Se. 71;
French 68; Bookkeeping 82; Home Ec, 75.
MARILYN JOHNSTON-Geom. 50; Bookkeeping 70; Home Ec. 68,
MARY LAVIS-Eng. 68; Hist. 72; Geom. 58; Agr. Sc. 75; Latin 85;
French 73.
THOMAS LOGAN-Eng. 79; Hist. 86; Geom. 83; Agr. Sc. 91; Latin
88; French 84.
MURRAY LOBE-Hist, 58; Agr. Sc, 59; Ind. Arts 60.
CAROL ANN LOCKHART-Eng. 50; Hist. 50; French 56;- Bookkeep-
ing 50; Home Ec. 69.
DONALD MacKENZIE - Eng. 71; Hist, 83; Geom. 75; Agr, Sc. 71;
French 60; Bookkeeping 57.
NELSON McCLINCHEY-Eng. 50; Hist. 55; Geom, 61; Agr. Sc. 57;
Latin 67; French 59.
RONALD McCLINCIMY-Eng. 50; Geom. 57; Agr. Sc, 75; Book-
keeping 52; Ind, Arts 80.
FRANK McCOWAN-Eng. 56; Hist. 56; Geom. 65; Agr. Sc. 67; Ind.
Arts 73.
MURRAY McEWAN-Geom. 66; Ind. Arts 63.
RONALD MAGEE-Eng. 52; Geom. 67; Agr. Sc. 77.
MICHAEL MICHALSKI-Eng. 64; Hist, 76; Geom. 78; Agr. Sc. 75;
French 71; Ind. Arts 71.
DONNA MURCH-Eng. 74; Hist. 79; Geom. 73; Agr. Sc. 73; French
69; Bookkeeping 74.
DOUGLAS NORMAN-Eng. 51; Hist. 53; Agr, Sc, 73; Latin 52;
French 60.
ELFIN PARKER-Eng. 63; Hist. 79; Geom. 75; Agr. Sc. 71; Latin
80; French 69.
PATRICIA PEGG-Eng. 83; Hist. 79; Geom. 66; Agr. Sc. 75; Latin
86; French 84.
BARRY PIPE-Eng. 55; Hist. 53; Geom. 68; Agr. Sc. 56; French 58;
Bookkeeping 60.
ARLYNE POWELL - Eng. 77; Hist. 83; Geom, 98; Agr, Sc. 91;
Latin 95; French 86.
LAWRENCE POWELL---Eng. 52; Hist. 50; Geom. 67; Chern. 50;
French 50; Ind, Arts 62.
MICHAEL REGIER-Bookkeeping 52; Ind. Arts 64,
JOHN SHARP-Eng. 50; Hist. 53; Geom. 56; Bkkp. 75; Ind. Arts 69,
WILLIAM TRICK - Eng. 72; Hist. 75; Geom. 73; Agr, Sc. 85;
Latin 83; French 67.
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