HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-07-02, Page 3111777,17,1 T7-1 VA= TM= .fILINTON NEWSRBCOlID THURSDAY, ,JULY 2,. 1959 .,BANK OF MONTREAL ie.i.9;711 Finance on 'I ...pg.w.wzommdzwzo...0...r.,k Brings all your personal credit needs under one roof g3=9.:W•raM:X00.402.03= with a low-cost B of M life-insured loan Now all your personal credit needs can be fitted into one single comprehensive plan the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan. Purchases for the home and family .. . expenses for school, college and vacation . . unexpected emergency bills ... all these On be taken care of on a single-monthly-payment basis. . Here are four good reasons why whether married or single — your credit-financing should be on the low- cost terms of the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan: Fami 0 All leans are automatically life- insured. Should you die before your loan is repaid, your debt to the Sank will be cancelled. 0 Monthly repayments eon be ex- tended up to two years — or even three, if need be. This means that the Plan can bo tailored to suit any salary. ‘40 You can borrow up to $3,500, de- pending on your income, to buy the things you want for your home and family, or to meet emergencies. 0 Planned repayments help you run your income instead of letting it run you. if you have a steady income and can make monthly loan-repayments with- out hardship, there's money available to you at the B of M to serve almost any useful purpose. Whether you are a B of M customer or not, talk to the people at your neighbour- hood branch , . . a warm welcome awaits you. Ask for a copy of our folder. BANK OF MONTREAL ea4teuea, 9e>at V404 Clinton BraUch: WILLIAM MOItLOK, Manager Londesborough (Sub,Ageticy): Open Mon, & Thurs. WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1 17 P e'eeeigeeeee "MY BAN rt 20 2 NIIIION 2411,1011/11 Principal Gray 'Releases Public School Promotions The following is a list of the promotions, at the Clinton Public Sehool. The names. of the pupils appear according to the grade that they will be in atthe opening of School in September. GRADE David Aiken.. Marilyn .Aiken, iTanet Allin, Yolanele Ameing, Drn Andrews, David Anstett, Janet Arnston, Ian Barr, Peggy Bertha, Jo Ann Bates, Davey Becker, Lynn Boyce,, Ricky Buck, Kathy Burgess, Andy Burton, Pete Cam- °roe, Pete - Campbell, Randall Clegg, George Collins, Lois Coop- er, Susan Cox, Bruce Craig, Paul Crittenden, Ted Cudmore, Gary Cummings, Steven Currie, Denny Deline, Sharon Dodds, Brian Ed- gar, Michael Elliott, Jeff Falcon- er, George Farley, Timmy Fletch- er, -Lynne Gibbings, Christine Hartley, Victor Hog- Barth, Debbie Hopf, Leila Horban- uik, Ronnie Irwin, Mark Jenkins, Gordie Lavis, Gary Lockwood, Ricky May, Steven IVIcKnight, Brian Merrill, Mary Ann Millar, Frank Newland, Keith O'Connell, Susie Palmer, Robbie Peters, Wayne Pickard, Patsy Priestap, Albert Ronson, Donna Reichart, Steven Rice, Bonnie Riefe, Linda. Sangster, Walter Scott, Isabel Shipp, Darlene Shorey, David Slade, Wendy Smith, Marj- orie Steep, Eleanore Stock, Joanne Sutcliffe, Steven Switzer, Barbara Symons, Alan Try, Melly Vaiken- burgh, David Watson, Gloria Wightman, Tim Wilson, Kathy Young. GRADE 2 Andre Amsing, John Anstett, Susan Bakelaar, Joanne Barr, Paul Bartliff, Susan Bellinger, Laverne Bezzo, Nancy Carl, Judy Carter, Sharon Collins, David. Collins, El- eine Corriveau, David Cunning- ham, Denise Currie, John Dixon, Shirley Dupee, Donny Elliott, Judy Finley, Ray Fleming, Phyllis Frem- lin, Gail Gemus, Gary Gemus, Larry Gibbings, Glenda Gray, Christine Greens, Ronald Harris, Janice Herman, Wayne Hoy, David Jervis, Greg- ory Jervis, Marilyn Johnston, Ro- bert Kay, Linda Lavis, John Lep- pington, Ronald Loble, Laura Mac- Donald, David McCarty, Gregory McDonald, Jimmy McKenzie, Mar- tha Newland, Willie Perry, Dwayne Peters, Nancy Pickett, Clare Proc- tor, Louise Robertson, Gregory Scott, Arthur Snell, Marilyn Steep, 'Lyle Steep, Joan Marie Switzer, Ruth Ann Twyford, Grace Van Lao, Bonnie Wade, Kathleen Wild. GRADE 3 John Aiken, Lynda Allen, Val- erie Burgess, Douglas Cameron, Janet Carter, Dean Clark, Lois Clark, Gary Collins, Bobbie Coop- er, David Cooper, Ivan Critten- den, Beverly Cudmore, Helen Cud- more, Kenneth Currie, Carol Ann Edwards, Garry Elliott Crystal Farley, Josephine Farrar, Crystal Fleischauer, Lyn Garon, Thelma Gautreau, Keith Hamilton, Shirley Harris, Wayne Haughton, Rodney Jervis, Raymond Kennedy, Brenda Kingswell, Tommy Koch, Tommy Leppington, Maureen Lockwood, Donald MacDonald, Steven Mac- Donald, Ralph McAdam; Gail Mc- Carty, Clare McEwari, Bruce Mc- Kenzie, Sharon McKenzie, Mark McLeOd, John MePhersm. Ronnie Mair, Larry MaY, Douglas Palmer, Sandra Scheenhals, Sam Shipp, Leonard Steep, Patty Strong, Sus. an Try, ToMmy Wade, Mary Lynn Watkins, Allen Wells, Douglas Wightman, Ann Van Demme, Ricky Zablocke GRADE e Beth Armstrong, Twyla Arnston, Barbara Ball, Donnie Beck, Nor- man Bell, David Besso, Larry Boyce, Ruth Anne Brown, Patsy Brown, Donny ,Brubacher, Pamela Burton, Bonnie Butler, Robbie Campbell, Dale Carl, Mike Carter, Ricky Clark, Judy Collins, Teddy Collins, Roseanne Corriveau, Mar- ion Cutler, Gary Deline, Ricky Fremlin, Janis Galbraith, Johnny Gautreau, Bruce Graham, Michael Graham, Darlene Hanley, Valerie Holland, Steven Jenkins, Marie Johnston, Violet Kennedy, Barbara Knox, Paul Lavis, Jerry Lobb, Joan Lobb, Rolfe 1VicEwan, Jack McMichael, Scott Macaulay, Gordon Merrill, Robert Miller, Linda Moodie, Tom- my Morgan, Ruth Murphy, Harold Newland, Linda Nip, Bonnie Perdue, Michael Reynolds, Alice Roorda, Kenny Rozell, Norma Scanlon, Bruce Schoenhale, Marion Shipp, Mary Shipp, Ken- neth Slade, Darryl Stanley, Sand- ra. Steep, Kenny Strong, Stewart Young, GRADE 5 Elizabeth Bartliff, Karen Beck- er, Sharon Becker, Peter Black, Brian Burgess, Brian Cox, Penny Crockett, Gregory Crowe, Heather Darling, Bob Davies, Douglas De- line, Richard Dixon, Patsy Ed- wards, George Elliott, Gary Fleet, Wanda Fremlin, Bonnie Gemus, Bonnie Graham, Linda Hoy, Mary Ann Hymens, Bud Jamieson, Brian Kennedy, Elaine Kennedy, Margaret Ladd, Robert Lee, Greg- ory McCarty, Dianne McLeod, Linda Nice, Renate Perejma, Mark Schoenhals, Elaine Scruton, Denise Smith, Bobby Snell, Lynda Steep, Dianne Switzer, Linda Switzer, Heather Van 'Riesen, Donald Wat- son, Gaye Watson, Frances Zon- dervan. GRADE 6 Charles Andrews, Janis Barnes, Don Bartliff, Penny Bateman, Bobby Batkins, Connie Beck, Ed- ward Becker, Michael Bellinger, Bonnie Boyce, Janet Brandon, Marvin Brubacher, Keith Burton, Garry Butler, David Carter, Rose- mary Carter, Jimmy Clark, Ken- neth Clark, Jimmie Collins, Lynda Cooke, Rolfe Cooke, Jimmy Coop- er, Joan Cooper, Rowena Corey, Bill. Cox, Jimmy Cox, Marie Cox, Marie Cudmore. Jean Dale, Linda Dales, Cathie Deline, Wayne Dupee, Bonnie Ed- wards, Jimmie Edwards, Kristen Engelstad, Joan Fleming, Bobby Glatier, Rafillfe:Glew,' Mary Ann Gliddon, David Graham, Joy Gra- ham, Gary Graham, Ricky Grigg, Kenneth Hamilton, Dianne Han- ley, Ricky Holland, Larry Hugill, John Irwin, Betty Livermore, Marie Lobb, Janet Lockhart, Sally by h-ta..leAo reah7o.7 . of GENERAL FOODS KITCHENS Strawberry Preserves will taste mighty good come next winter, so I thought you'd like to try this recipe which I've found to be most successful: STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 6 cups small whole berries (about 2 quarts firm ripe small strawberries) 3 cup water 7 cups (6 lbs.) sugar M bottle Certo fruit pectin Prepare the strawberries. Hull about 2 quarts small strawberries. Measure 6 cups whole berries (firmly packed without crushing) into a very large saucepan. Add water and sugar. Now, make your preserves. Place over high heat and bring to a full rolling boil, stirring carefully to keep fruit whole. Reduce heat and boil gently 3 minutes. Remove from heat and at once stir in Certo. Skim off with metal spoon. Then let eool about 1 hour, to help prevent floating fruit. Ladle into glasses, Cover preserves at once with Vs, inch hot paraffin. Makes about 10 medium glasses. If you've ever wondered what "pectin" is, it's really easy to ex- plain. It's the jelling substance found in all fruits in varying amounts. So you see .. Certo is pectin extracted from fruits rich in this natural substance, then re- fined, concentrated and perform- ance-controlled. That's why, when you use Certo and follow the tested Certo recipes, your pre- serves, jams and jellies Set per- fectly every time. Tart jams or jellies are delicious accompaniments to meat arid poultry. Try raspberry or cherry jam with chicken or turkey; gooseberry or rhubarb jam with pork; grape or plum jelly with lamb. I get quite a few letters from women who have problems in making their jam, jelly or pre.; serves, If you'd like help, write me and be pleased to give you any information I can. And de watch for my next column! Lowe, Gary MacDonald, Grace Mc. Adam, Billy McCall, Mary McKim, Bobby McMichael, Douglas Mc- Pherson, David McRae, Roger Neil, Mary Jean Neilans, Paul Nice, David Parker, Larry Pickett, Joyce Rath, Carol Reichert, Janet Roar- da, Bernie Scott, Jimmy Stanley, Rollie Steep, Charles Switzer, Bonnie Taylor, Carol Thompson, Penny Wade, Barry Wild, Theresa Zablocki, Marilyn. Zondervan. GRADE '7 Mary Ellen Andrews, Trudy Armstrong, Billy Barnes, Gary Black, Barbara Carter, Faye Car- ter, Randy Churchill, John Cox, Hilary Crockett, Harry Cummings, Deanne Currie, Peter De Coo, John ,Dixon, George Doucette, Cathy Draper, Bradley Dutot, Nancy El- liott, Bruce Emmerton, Shirley Fleet, Marie Fleming, Barry Glaz- ier, Gloria Glazier, Judy Graham, Terry Haughton, Larry Hoy, Joan Irwin, Nancy Johnston, Elwin Kingswell, Paul Ladd, Sharon Anne Lea, Helen Livermore, Jim- my Livermore, Sheila Lockwood, Alan Lowe, Lynda MacDonald, Doug Mc- Cann, Clarence Magee, Steven 'Maguire, Glenda Mero, Linda Munch, Linda Murphy, Linda Nich- olson, Larry O'Connell, Barbara ,Pegg, Doug Proctor, Sandra Renn, Sheryl Rozell, Elaine Rumball, Terry Rutledge, David Scanlon, Barbara Sharp, Susan Smith, Pet- er Staniforth, Donald Steep, Bill Strong, Gordon Tait, Linda Temple, Judith Wells, Charley Zondervan, GRADE 8 Margaret Addison, Keith Ashton, Douglas Ball, Suzanne Bartliff, Laurie Bates, Beverly Beck, Jerry Becker, Gregory Brandon, Rose Brubacher, Ethel Collins, Gayle Collins, Laurie Colenhoun, Adrian de Coo, Steven Cooke, John Coop- er, Barbara Corey, Mike Cowan, Melvin Crich, Pat Cudmore, Doug Currie, Ruth Cutler, Betty Jo Deeves, Jeffrey Dixon, Barbara Draper, Patsy Fletcher, Doug Fremlin, Dianne Garon, Eil- een Garrett, Billy Graham, Edgar Hough, Jimmy Hoy, Lloyd Hoy, Brian Lavis, Sandra Lee, Borden McRae, Joan Mills, Gordon Mood- ie, Patricia Reynolds, Maike Roor- da, Susan Roorda, Dennis Shipp, Paul Shorey, Ken Smith, Coreen Snell, Donald Swan, Sandra Switzer, Sharon Switzer, Alice Treffers, Gordon Tyndall, Maryke Van .Altena, Judy Wat- kins, Philip White, Heather Wint- er, Elna Wonch. GRADE 11 Bayne Boyes, Ernie Brubacher, Jacqueline Crockett, Dianne Cud- more, Joane Cudmore, Sharon Dales, Morris Darling, Cameron Deline, Ernie Emmerton, Donald Freeman, Gary Freeman, Irene Garrow, Margaret Gliddon, Sharon Gray, Clarence Haasjes, Billie. Hamilton, Maureen Rayter, Patty liOrbanink, Connie Hoy, Elizabeth Inder, Faye Johnston, Katherine Kennedy. Ruth Ann Lewis, Bob Liver- more, Donald Lockwood, Ronald Lockwood, Nina MacDonald, Camp- bell McAlpine, Wendy McGee, Bill McKim, Doug Macaulay, Sharon Martin, Richard Neil, Nancy Olde, Lloy Ann Rutherford, Kharen Sehefter, Nancy Schoenhals, Lynne Shipley, Gerda Skav, Peter Thomp- son, Bill Trevena, Bob Trick Douglas Wells, Marjorie Woods. SKIED . CLEANLINESS . ; ; DEPENDABILITY . REVLON • SUN TAN LOTION • LIQUID MAKEUP • NAIL ENAMEL • MASCARA • SPRAY NET • MOON DROPS • RESDAN New Summer Frosted Shades of Lipstick and Nail Enamel To Match At CHARLES HOUSE OF BEAUTY — PHONE: HU 2-7065 — COLD WAVING HAIR STYLING Only Gas gives you all these benefits: ECONOMY ; ; ; SILENT OPERATION ; ; AUTOMATIC CONTROL FREE SERVICE: Your gas company is on call 24 hours a day . : gives your burner a free yearly cleaning and adjustment., BUDGET PLAN: Pay the modern, easy way. Your gas company offers a budget plan which spreads your yearly heating bill over a ten month period. Discover the benefits of a modern, economical Gas Heating System for your home today. OR IF YOU MISSED OUT ON COMFORT LAST WINTER CONVERT NOW TO NATURAL GAS! LNION SCOMPANY AT YOUR HEATING CONTRACTOR OF CANADA, LIMITED Huron S+ree+ CLINTON Phone HU 2-9098 NOW IS THE TIME A modern, automatic Natural Gas furnace or Conversion Burner can be installed in a few hours with absolutely no muss or fuss. Of course, you may budget the low cost over many months. Don't wait for the rush season. Learn how you can have solid comfort next winter by calling your heating contractor or Union Gas Company for a free estimate. Model 5332 Gives Moors a hand-rubbed look without the work ! 440w +0 bg otu wttki de, auk, NEW NEED exeseseeeetenliMiNnear;Mmee Sale of Electrical Appliances!! NEW HOOVER POLISHER Give your tile and hardwood floors a mirror lustre quickly and efficiently with this new powerful Hoover polisher. Scrub, wax and polish with the same set of brushes. Now it costs no more for famous Hoover quality than for ordinary polishers. t.-375 Clinton Electric Shop "Your WESTINGHOUSE Dealer" ALBERT ST. D, W, Cornish, Prop. CLINTON