HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-06-25, Page 15......,..... atiossp".*t ............................ BE REALLY REFRESHED! SEE "COKE" OK "tOCA•COLA"—ROM TRADR•AIARKS MEAN MK PROM/ OF COCA•COL LTD +7115 WORLD'S DEST.LOVED SPARKLING DRINK. BORRO CONFIN DENTLY! At HFC you always get fast, courteous service, and a wide variety of repayment plans to choose from. You may borrow for any purpose you think is worthwhile. Same-day loans—without bankable security or en- dorsers—are a specialty at HFC. Borrow with confi- dence at HFC. From HFC, of course ! Where people understand your money problems and like to help you solve them HOUSEHOLD FINANCE M. R. Jenkins, Manager 3.5A Visit Slmet Telephone 1801 GODERICH far This young lad is really going places. He knows the value of a dollar — because he worked hard over the past year to buy this pony. He saved every penny and nickel by doing farm chores for his Dad. While the Minister of Agriculture's budget at Ottawa runs into millions of dollars, he has to justify his expenditures down to the last cent. His money comes through the Minister of Finance who gets it largely in taxes from Canadians such as you. When he spends more than he takes in, he must borrow from you or else create new money. The creation of new money is one factor that leads to inflation — which means your dollar buys less and less. The government has been spending more than you have been paying in taxes. To narrow the gap between income and expenditures, new taxes have been imposed. You can encourage the government to live within its income by asking only for those services you are willing to pay for with taxes. Tell your M.P. at Ottawa that since you are trying to save, you expect government to do the same. You also help when you save more by means of life insurance, savings deposits, and the purchase of government bonds. Your savings help to create a SOUND dollar; and this, in turn, helps to create job security for you and more jobs for other Canadians, A SOUND DOLLAR MEANS A BETTER LIFE FOR YOU GIVE YOUR ACTIVE SUPPORT TO THE FIGIIT AGAINST INFLATION` A PUOLIC SERVICE MESSAGE FROM THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA L-59C VIM*Mtel 14041141(00110 1• womemo• *rim MORE WONDERFUL YEARS OF LIVINGY Look down that road next time you're driving. What's ahead—a lot of living, or the one second of carelessness it takes to die? Why not trade a little free time to live a lot longer. The difference between 60 and 70 mph. "isn't worth the risk . the few seconds you save are rarely that important. In this freedom-loving land of ours, everyone has a chance to make his dreams come true. Give them that chance; your Ontario Department of Transport urges you to observe the speed limits, Slow. down and live. 4107151)1rkiF riatfer410TikalalikAlkatkiikA r THURSDA'Y',. .JUN4 25, 1959 CLINTON NEWS-RHO-ORD 4,11 Homemaking Members Holding Conference in Guelph June 23 to 26 On June 23 to 26, some 200 4-H Homemaking Club Members from across the Province of Ontar- io, will be attending their annual conference at the Ontario Agricul- tural College In Guelph. Six girls will be representing Enron County and they are Nor- ma Harper, AR 1, Clifford; Shirley Simmons, RR 1, Wroxeter; Lor- etta Connolly, RR, 1, Dublin; Mar- ilyn Taylor, RR 1, Lorkleshoro; Donelda Lostell, RR 3, Kippen; Kathryn Hicks, RR 3, Exeter, The Conference program will get under way on Wednesday morning at 9 n'cloek. It will include tours of the campus, visits to Departments, 'disScussion groups, club presenta- tions by club members. There will be a banquet on Thursday ev- ening, with Dr, C. D, Graham, Deputy Minister of Agriculture as Guest Speaker Speakers included on the Con- ference program are Dr. J. D. Mc- Lachlan, president of the Ontario Agriculture College; Dr. Margaret S. McCready, principal, Macdon- ald Institute; Miss Helen McKer- cher, Director Home Economics Service, Extension Branch; Dr. Helen Abell, Supervisor, Rural So- ciology Unit Economics Division, Canada Department of Agricul- ture; Mr. R. A. Gould, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, and Prof. Gwynne-Tim- othy, History Department, Wes- tern University CLINTON. EXETER SEAFORTH Thomas st4op1 Clinton Representative ,-- Phones — 1344,, -HU 2-4606 - Res., HU 2-3869 See us for this TOP TIRE VALUE at LOWEST PRICE Super-Cushion , 600IEVVEAR Laurel Dale Shows Ayrshire Calf ,Second prize Ayrshire heifer at the Clinton Spring Show was Dale Vista Tomadoe Eve, shown here by Laurel Dale, Showing interest in athe results of the judging are (at left) Dan Rose, summer assistant, and Don Grieve,, assistant agricultural representative for Huron County, Mr. Grieve succeeds Arthur Bolton to this position. (News-Record Photo) 1295 6.70 x IS with trade-in. 6.00 x 16 7.10x15 $12 45 $14 95 (By J. Carl From a report of the Cream Producers I found some interest- ing figures: Butter holdings on May 1 were 15 million pounds more than the past 5-year aver- age. When we consider the in- crease in population over the past five years I think we can agree that this amount is only a raeson- able stock to carry at all times. There are 28.8 million pounds more skimmilk powder than last year. But there is 9.8 million pounds less cheese and since we Hemingway) get about the same amount of cheese as powder from 100 of milk this would reduce our powdered milk to 20 million pounds. Stocks of evaporated milk are down 6.3 million pounds and this would re- ruce our powder to 15 million pounds. This is less than one pound per person so could easily be used. In spite of the pride we take in being well fed in Canada this extra pound of skimmilk pow- der wouldn't give us the recom- mended amount of milk. June is Dairy Month and the Dairy producers are being asked to contribute to an advertising fund. With your support to this campaign a good advertising pro- gram should take care of this small extra supply of dairy pro- duct. Hearings are being held by the Agricultural Marketing Committee to determine the position of farm marketing with a view to impro- ving the whole situation. At a recent hearing of the Markets Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture one of the officials suggested that with floor prices guaranteed by the stabilization board there was little need for a provincial marketing plan. This man was implying that floor and market prices are the same thing. If past government action is any indication of policy it would seem that the floor price is set at a lev- el that the government feels is safely below any expected market price, If the market drops to the floor for any extended period the government immediately seeks ways to lower the floor, as in hogs and skimmilk. Also there is no guaranteed period for floor prices and there is seldom a guaranteed price to the producer, it is rather a guarantee to the processor and therefore a Marketing body is nec- essary to see to it that the produc- er gets a fair share. With eggs currently 30 to 32 cents to the producer and retail- ing at 63 or more in Toronto and broilers quoted at 17-18 cents Lon- don and Toronto and retiling at 41 cents in Stratford it would' appear that there is an opportunity for a marketing body for both of these products. Finally with hens selling at nine to 14 cents, why were several car loads of fowl brought in from US? and with the Government publish- ing hugs pork surpluses why did I find Danish pork products in a chain store in Stratford? HAROLD'S White Rose Goodyear Tire Dealer CLINTON PHONE HU 2-9023 Buy yourself a share of safety—invest in new Good- years. You'll reap dividends in super safe performance, long mileage economy. Ask about the Goodyear Guarantee. See us now and save! MI 9RI Surplus Farm Products Are Only Safe Supply For Our Growing Country The McGuire Sisters Pause for King Size Coca-Cola .A bracing breeze . a friendly sun . and King Size Coke! For the famous McGuire Sisters, that's a true course to king size pleasure. For only Coca-Cola ,gives you the cold crisp taste, the welcome lift that really refreshes. Remember . KING SIZE COKE HAS MORE FOR YOU! 111ADEAVIARK ReG. ,Get value ..lift tefteshrnent too! .GET CARTONS OF KING SIZE TODAY! Esbeco Limited Stratford, Ontario Authorized bottler of Coea-Cola After' you pour, under' contract with deca.daia Ltd. There's still tots mote