HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-06-25, Page 14morroN .114ws4mccero THURSDAY, JIMB 25, Met NAME IT... cwottleetwAot rweavt,. BUY IT... 0444 ( -no t ,i0ANIC OF MONTREAL •1 /4,,,,,,,,, I Fami Bring all your personal credit needs' under one roof,.? 'MY BM 10 ?M/11/0.4. 0110044.11 New Born Lambs at Fair ' Only three days old on Spring Show day, these two tiny• lambs took it easy while visitors to the fair peered and exclaimed, "aren't they cute". These Leicester sheep were part of the exhibit by Ephriam Snell and his son James which took all prizes in their division, (News-Record Photo) Federation Heldman Comments On Government's Concern of Agriculture (By J. Carl Hemingway) The governments of our land ap- pear to be quite concerned about the economic position of agricult- ure. In Ontario the government is presently carrying on an inten- sive study into the costs of pro- duction, processing and distribu- tion of farm products. The purpose of this is to find out whether or not the prices received by the pro- ducer bear a fair relationship to the price paid by the consumer. Let us suppose that this study re- veals that the farmer should re- ceive a definite increase in the amount he receives. What then is to be done to bring this increase into effect? Let us look at the three choic- es that seem most apparent: First, the government can fix prices. This can be done by a sup- port price which guarantees a sat- isfactory price to the producer in a profitable quantity. Any surplus that develops must be bought and paid for from general taxes and be disposed of abroad or simply destroyed. This would be a direct subsidy to the producer. Much the same thing can be accomplished by deficiency payments, which have gained in popularity, but these are a direct subsidy to the consumer since this, in theory at least, re- duces the price to the consumer. Second, the farmers could form a strong organization such as lab- our has and control hours of work and production and demand tariffs to guard against imports. The will of this organization would have to be enforced by strike action if necessary. Third, farm organization can market their own produce and make sure that supply and de- mand does set the price. The government is concerned with this investigation, but I doubt that they have any clear-cut plan of action for remedying the situ- ation that may be discovered. I also doubt that farmers have any definite instructions in mind. Fin- ally since it is expected that this enquiry may run into several years what are farmers going to do in the meantime? FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for /Tutted Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 773 Latest, loveliest colors for your home! HOUSE & GARDEN'S 1959 COLORS now available in NEW COLORANGE PAINTS Choose from 324 Shades! sold only by . J. W. COUNTER Builder? Supplies CLINTON ONTARIO Strawberries Order your berries early this year and be assured of a supply of choke fruit. Unless we get rain soon the crop will be short, otherwise prospects look good. Prices guaranteed not to be above those of last year, — Special Prices for Garden Parties — BERRY PICKERS 100 BERRY PICKERS WANTED None but those who are willing to work, need apply. F. W. ANDREWS Phone HU 2-3462 Clinton, Ont. 23-4-5-b Twenty-Five Women At Hensall WI Pioni4 Stay our Masa11 Correspondent) Twenty-five members and child- ren enjoyed the annual Hensall Women's Institute picnic, held on Wednesday June 10, at the Arena. Games were enjoyed by the child- ren, directed by Miss M. Ellis and Mrs. E. Norminton. A brief business session was held, presided over by the presi- dent, Mrs, Fred Beer, when ar- rangements were made for a bus trip to Stratford on July 27. Mem- bers are to leave the Legion .Hall at 2.30 p.m, and tickets are being obtained to attend the Shakes- perean Theatre for the Presenta- tion of "As You Like It", An invitation was accepted from Hurondale WI to be guests at their picnic on Wednesday, July 29, at Riverside Park, Exeter, Me- mbers wishing to attend are asked Henson Spring Show Produces Winners William Klien Haar, RR 4, Sea- forth, was top junior showman at the Hensel], Spring Show last Fri- day afternoon, and he also won the grand championship, Runner-up for the championship was Gary Triebner, RR 3, Kippen, who was top senior showman. John Scott showed the first, place calf, and reserve honours went to Brian and nary Triebner, A school parade headed by the Bannockburn Pipe Band added much to the program, and prizes were awarded the best school par- ades. A baby show, and horse show, were other features, Charles MacNaughton, Huron MLA, Exe- ter, and Earl Dick, president of the fair, officially opened the show. to get in touch with Mrs. R. M. Peck. $25 wa's voted to the Arena Park Board, WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED" There are certain people who because of Religious Convic- tions do not wish to become members of an Organization like the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association. We do appreciate these convictions and for this reason have especially prepared a non- member's agreement as follows. COPY OF AGREEMENT FOR NON-MEMBERS NON-MEMBER AGREEMENT made this day of 19 between the WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION, hereinafter called the "Associa- tion" of the first part, and, of , Livestock Breeder, hereinafter called the "Breeder" of the second part. WITNESSETH that in consideration of the agreements and undertakings herein contained the Parties hereto agree each with the other as follows: 1. The "Breeder" herewith makes application to the "Associa- tion" for approval of this non-member agreement and if accepted agrees to pay Five Dollars ($5.00) to the "Association" and further agrees to live up to all rules and regulations now in force or hereafter adopted by the "Association". The "Breeder" further represents that he is unable to sign the regular member agree- ment because of his religious convictions. 2. The payment of this Five Dollars ($5,00) does not make the "Breeder" an active voting member of the "Association" nor shall such payment make the "Breeder" responsible for any legal actions which might be taken by the "Association". 8. The "Association" will make available to the "Breeder" the services of healthy bulls of recognized merit and breeding. 4. The "Association" will make available to the "Breeder" the services of a technician or technicians who will give artificial insemination of female animals, 5. The Officers of the "AsSociation" agree to keep and make available to the "Breeder" when requested proper records of insemination, pedigrees of the sires, health records of the sires, female identification, and such other records as may from time to time be deemed necessary by the Board of Directors of the "Association". 6. It is mutually agreed and understood that the Board of Directors of the "Association" shall establish the fee to be charged by the "Association" for inseminating female animals, The "Breeder" agrees to pay the fee specified in such manner as may be determined by the Board of Directors.. 7. The "Breeder" does hereby for himself, his heirs, represent- atives and assignees release the "Association" of all liabilities of every kind and nature arising or which might arise, from any act of commission or omission on the part of any of the agents of the "Association", including the technicians. 8. The Parties agree that there are no oral or other conditions, promises, convenants, representations or inducements in addition to or at variance with any of the terms hereof and this agree- ment represents the voluntary and clear understanding of both Parties fully and completely. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereunto set their hands this day of 19 in the presence of: Witness Breeder This contract approved by the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association on 19 President Secretary For the regular member's agreement, the item No. 2 Is excluded as is the last sentence of item No, 1 and the word memb- er is used in place of non-member., Otherwise the agreement iS the same. These lifetime agreements are payable only once and not annually. Cost of service per cow for members or people with non-member agreements $5.00. All repeat services free, 'We will also inseminate cows for people without agreements at $6.00 per cow. Pot' Artificial Insemination service from all breeds of cattle or more information Cl4rfon HU 2.144! or for long distance Clirrion Zenitk 9.5660 Between. 7,30 and 10 a.m. on week days 6,00 and 8 p.m. on Saturday evenings For ows noticed in heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Monday morning. Berra CAttLE FOR BETTER LIVING ''.AGE FOURTEEN WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 11317 IMIPM111.0 t . sus . ... .. ....... ",t5MIW• ' •••• • • •• .111111 11-1 . ... ........ ....... • e•essfses..,„ •,,E,i,.?.`,",••• • •••••:',.,"••• ,••••• • .v.otie,..szoatmos'eft1WiPv‘W' • .:te.:o•xt•:•.,•$• The Glamorous Dynamic 88 Convertible, is a grand iliilf tradition! And today this traditional value is unsurpassed! From its "Linear Look" styling . its gracious, spacious interiors its pace-setting engineering Oldsmobile is beyond compare! ueet-reo. A ROCKET TODAY! 0 with a low-cost 13 of M life-insured loan There's no better, sounder, more convenient way to finance your purchases for your home and family than the new Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan. With it, you cam plan your purchases and meet unexpected opportunities, and emergencies under one single comprehensive plan. Read these four good reasons why — whether married or single — you should use the B of M's Family Finance Plan. See if they don't add up to better living for you and your family, O All loans are automatically life-insured. Should you dio before your loan is repaid, your debt te the Bank will be cancelled, O Monthly repayments can be extended up to two years—or even three, if need bo, This means, that FFP can be tailored to suit any salary. e Youc to your income, can borrow up$ t obuy the things3,0, 5y0ou depending d t for g' cy your, home and family, or to meet emergencies. 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EXTRA VALUE WHEN YOU DRIVE Here's value to delight you afresh every time you take the wheel. You'll thrill to the softspoken eagerness of the new Rocket engine to the easy way Olds makes light of the long, stammer miles .. and to the astounding gas economy. Guest-test a Rocket soon and discover all these exciting Oldsmobile qualities. EXTRA VALUE WHEN YOU TRADE Your investment holds when you go over to Olds . for the best esi eeasotisi The distinction and quality, all that the name Oldsmobile stands for have mode Olds the most wanted car hi the medium-priced field, 'This means you're assured of top trade-in Let your Oldsmobile dealer prove it to you, today. S M CJ E3 I L E .2stSe VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIIED OLOSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER Lorne Brown,Motors Limited, Ontario Street, Clinton, Phone HU 24321 ' 44.kk'