HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-06-25, Page 11CITY of $TRATFORP 3Intittation The Citizens of Stratford extend a cordial invitation to all your people to celebrate with them the occasion of the visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and His Highness The Prince Philip on ,July 2nd, 1959, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and His High- ness The Prince Philip will travel over a route of 21/4 miles long, at a speed of 8 miles per hour, around Queen's Park, affording an excellent oppor- tunity for you and your children to see them. Queen's Park is beautifully situated, equip- ped with fine picnic facilities, rest rooms, refresh- ment booth, children's amusements and free park- ing. The City generally will be gaily decorated. There will be a band concert at the Band ,Shell starting at 9,00 o'clock and a spectacular display of fire works as the Royal Couple leave the Festival Theatre. There will be no parking meter charges from 12 noon on July 2nd, 1959, Yours very truly, R. E. MOUNTAIN, Mayor. 25b TM111.$Dia, JIJIVE 25, 1959 TRY THE WANT ADS, THEY BRING RESULTS § . • SERVICE 15 OUR -MIDDLE NAME JACK gamagto- S CR I/ TON FOR EVERYTHING IN • PETROLEUM Ef HU.2-9653 CLINTON * to meet insurance premiums * to pay doctor, dentist or hospital bills * for educational purposes * to meet unexpected obligations * to cover major purchases * for home improvements? Personal loans for these and other reasonable purposes are available at any branch of The Royal Bank of Canada to any credit-worthy individual. Obviously we do not encourage people to assume a debt they will be unable to repay. Such loans can be an embarrassment and a worry to the borrower as well as the bank. BUT if you have a steady job and are in a position to pay back your loan without undue hardship, by regular monthly instalments, ydur logical course is to call at your nearest Royal Bank branch. You will find the manager glad to discuss your needs with you and to explain to you the remarkably low rate of interest charged by this bank for personal loans. (CITIES SERVICE' ...I-MIL ES 04/YELears "Nola LISTEN FOLKS!" WE NAVE T1014 TO SAY: "SPEEDY SERVICE" ......viu.$AVE THE 0/415) Remember this too, you can always depend on "Top Per- formance with our gasoline, THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Over 860 branches Coast to Coast Clinton Branch 0. L. Engelstcid, Manager Goderich Branch H. G. Spring, Manager 4 cups (1% lbs.) sugar % cup water 1 box powdered fruit pectin First, prepare the fruit. Crush thoroughly about 1 quart .fully ripe strawberries. Measure 2 cups into a large pan or bowl. Then make the jam, Measure su- gar, add to fruit, stir, and let st- and. Measure water and powdered fruit pectin into a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, and boil hard 1. minute, stirring constantly. Add to fruit mixture, stirring well. Then stir -to dissolve sugar, about 3 minutes, (There will be a few re- maining crystals). Ladle quickly into glasses or freezer containers. Cover jam at once with tight lids or seals, Let stand 24 hours. Then store in freezer or, if jam is to be used within 2 or 3 weeks, it may be stored in the refrigerator. by sae flecttai).-7 of GENERAL OCIDS KITCHENS If your family -likes Strawberry Jam they'll enjoy Strawberry Jelly too. Here's the successful way to make it. STRAWBERRY JELLY 8114 cups juice (about 234 quarts ripe berries) 734 caps (334 lbs.) sugar 34 cup strained lemon juice 1 bottle Certo fruit pectin To prepare juice. Crush thorough- ly about 21/2 quarts fully ripe berries. Place in jelly cloth or bag and squeeze out juice. Measure 3% cups juice and 1/4 cup lemon juice into a very large saucepan, To make jelly. To the measured juice in saucepan, add 7% cups sugar and mix well. Place over high heat and bring to a boil, stir- ring constantly. At once stir in Certo. Then bring to a full rolling boil and boil hard 1 minute, stir- ring constantly. Remove from heat, skim off foam with metal spoon and pour quickly into glasses. Cover at once with Y8 inch hot paraffin. Makes about 11. medium glasses. Quite a few new homemakers have asked me about pectin, "What is it ?" they say. Pectin is the jelling substance found in all fruits in varying amounts. Certo is pectin extracted from fruits rich in this natural substance, then refined, concentrated and performance- contr011ed. Certain- ly, nothing artificial or 'chemical' about it! When you use Certo and follow the tested Certo recipes, your jam and jelly always sets perfectly. If your church group or women's club is interested in homemade jam and jelly, I have a Certo film I'd be happy to loan you. No charge. No obligation. It's called "Jelly and Jam Session" and runs about 12 Minutes. It's 10 mm, has sound, and is in full color, If you'd like to borrow it, please write me — Frances Barton, Gen, eral Foods Xitchens, 44 Eglinton Ave. W,, Toronto, Watch for my column! I111.- be back with snore reeipes, and Meantime - if you've any jam br jetty problems, please write me, and Pll do my best to help you. Need Cash for Farm or Business Expensef If you need money for farming, fishing, or similar purposes, see Trans Canada Credit. Loans over $1,500. may be arranged for seasonal, extended or Monthly repayment, Smaller loans arranged on monthly plans oVer 20 and SO months. Call to today, BY DOROTHY DARKER =WM. .mws-Agconp Strawberry Season's Here! Let's Fill the Jam Shell rnANS CANADA Moir (01 ((( Behind me was the "rat race" while ahead of me stretched noth- ing but day after monotonous day of perfect freedom, Was I happy? Was I looking forward to reading the paper someone else had whip- ped together in the wee, sma' hours of the morning in Order to meet a deadline? Was I savouring the lucky break that had placed my feet on the desk and my type- writer-worn fingers in a twiddle? I was not, Instead, my head was in a twirl, At times like this one us- ually takes stock of one's desires and ambitions, I started asking myself questions such 'as, "What do you want to do most? What has been the greatest lack in your life ? Where do you most want to go?" What did I most want to do? That was an easy question to an- swer, Now that I am free from the routine of an exacting career as a weekly editor, I want to hop a train and call on other weekly editors across Canada, who are making an outstanding contribu- tion to the nation's progress. I want to travel to the seat of Confederation, wander in the Peace Gardens on the Canadian- US border, feast my eyes on the grandeur of the Rockies, smell the roses in the Butchart Gard- ens and watch the ships of the Canadian Navy sail into Bedford Basin for repairs, I want to tell westerners of the wonders of Niagara Falls and easterners of the breath-taking beauty of the foothills seen through a haze at dusk. The greatest lack in my life had undoubtedly been the need for more time. Time to read, to visit, to know and enjoy more friend- ships and to know my own country better from coast to coast. Because there are so many busy men, women, aye and children too, in this rapidly developing nation of ours, I am blessing this opportun- ity to keep this capsule diary for you about Canada, its people, its customs, its industries popping up all over the land in infinite variety —and above all, to write of its great natural beauty, so many of us miss in our haste-filled exist- ence. Catch me* right here next week, when I write about my first jour- ney in this great new adventure. TAKE MY TIP AND PLEASED YOU'LL BE: DRIVE TO TOWN — SEE T.C.C. TRANS CANADA CREDIT CORPORATION LIMITED 148 THE SQUARE, PHONE 791 GODIERIICH, ONT. This was the moment I had so often dreamed about. The one when I could give my typewriter an icy stare, and not turn a hair because my mind was a blank and the linotype operators were out of copy. This was the first morning of my retirement. The silence was awful, not even a mouse licked paste from discarded copy in the WPB, „mmummiummommaransammumb FEATURES STRAWBERRY Jelly Roll - 35c HAM & WEINER Rolls 8 for 23c Clinton IGA 11111.11.11111e Wonderful things come with summer — flowers, warm weather and tempting juicy strawberries. Everyone loves these delicious berries, but the season is so short that the wise homemaker makes sweet spreads that the family can enjoy all year round. To-day it's no problem to fill a jelly cup- board—our modern homemaker us- es added fruit pectin and follows kitchen tested recipes. Great-grandmother followed a rule of thumb method using wild berries and maple sugar pound for pound. There were no recipes, so she boiled her fruit until the fruit acid, sugar and pectin were in the proper balance to form a jell. But there were some fruits which nev- er would jell, no matter how long she boiled the mixture, and des- pite her vast experience, she often had failures even with the good jelling fruits. To-day any fruit can be jelled—even those known as non-jelling fruits—if commercial fruit pectin, in either liquid or crystal form, is added. It's so easy to make jams and jellies with ad- ded fruit pectin. All you do is prepare the fruit or juice, bring the mixture to a full rolling boil and boil hard 1 minute. The modern way is the sure way, too—it's failure-proof. There are no complicated visual tests, When you add pectin yourself you know that when your jam or jelly mix- ture has boiled hard for one min- ute it will set perfectly. Because the boil is so short, your jam or jelly locks in all the flavor and color of fully ripe fruit, and you get up to 50 percent more jam or jelly from the same amount of fruit. You can use this easy short boil method all through the summer with any fruit. There are many delicious combinations you can 'make, like strawberry and rhubarb jam, red raspberry and currant Jelly, strawberry marmalade, st- rawberry relish and coUntleSs oth- ers. So why not follow the time- honoured tradition and have a well-stocked jam cupboard like great-grandmother's? STRAWBERRY JAM 3% cups prepared fruit 1/4 cup strained lemon juice 7 cups sugar 1/2 bottle liquid fruit pectin To prepare fruit: Crush comp- letely, one layer at a time about 2 quarts fully ripe strawberries. Measure 3% cups into a very large saucepan. Add lemon juice. To make jam: Add sugar to fruit in saucepan and mix well, Place over high heat, bring to a full roll- ing boil and boil hard I minute, st- irring constantly. Remove from heat and at once stir in liquid pectin. Then stir and skim by turns for 5 minutes to cool slight- ly, to prevent floating fruit. Lad- le quickly into glasses. Paraffin at once. Makes about 10 six-ounce glasses. Variations Spiced Strawberry Jam, Use re- cipe for strawberry jam. Add 1/2 teaspoon each allspice, cinnamon, and ground cloves, or any desired combination of spices, to crushed strawberries. Lemon Strawberry Jam. First, scald glasses as usual and place Y4 teaspoon grated lemon rind in bottom of each glass (or in just one or several of the glasses, if desired). Then make Strawberry Jam as directed, ladle into the glasses, and stir quickly to blend flavors. Paraffin. Orange Strawberry Jam: First scald glasses as usual and place 1/4 teaspoon grated orange rind in bottom of each glass (or in just one or several of the glasses, if desired). Then make Strawberry Jam as directed, ladle into the glasses, and stir quickly to blend flavors, Paraffin, STRAWBERRY JAM (Uncooked fruit) (makes about 7 medium glasses, 31/2 lbs. jam) 2 cups prepared fruit (about 1 quart fully ripe strawber- ries). Good Response To Recent Red Cross Blood Clinic One of 117 volunteers to give blood at the Red Cross Clinic here on May 26 Was Councillor George Rumball. With him are, from the left, Mrs. W. L. Morlok, convener in charge of the project, which was sponsored locally by the Hospital Auxiliary; Valerie Bennett, nurses aid with the Red Cross London Depot and Mrs. A. J. McMurray, commit- tee member in charge of the project, This is the first such blood donor clinic to be held in Clinton, in recent years. Others will be planned in the future. (News-Record Photo) PERSONAL LOANS FOR ANY REASONABLE PURPOSE AVAILABLE AT ANY BRANCH OF THE ROYAL BANK DO YOU NEED MONEY * to consolidate debts MORTGAGE, TAXES, FEED BILL DUE, BUT WHERE'S THE LOAN TO SEE METHROUGH ? TRUSTY WAS RIGHT- IT SURE WAS FAST THOSE PILED-UP BILLS ARE PAID AT LAST. THE MORALS PLAIN FOR ALL TO SEE,„ 'WHEN YOU NEED CASH SEE T.C.C: