HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-06-25, Page 7Cross Atlantic and Return Non.Stop Without Refuelling This 1 5-man crew from RCAF Station Greenwood, N.S., flew the Atlantic and re- turn non-stop without refuelling in the RCAF's giant anti-submarine Argus, Tuesday, June 2, establishing a new record for RCAF trans-Atlantic flights. (Back row, left to right, F/O Bob Cown, radio officer, Moncton, N.B.; F/L Fred Schulz, pilot, Calgary, Alta.; F/L Ken Wright, navigator, Toronto F/O Len Wale, navigator, Port Alberni, B.C.; F/L Honk Buechler, radio officer, Denzil, Sask.; F/O Eric Carscadden, radio of- ficer, Russel, Ont.; Sgt. Tiny Harris, flight engineer, Bear River, ,N,S.; Sgt. Ron Herman, flight engineer, Fort William; S/L Mike Lewis, pilot, Part Hope. Front row, left to right, F/0 Ted Casselman, radio officer, Montreal;i F/L Len Farris, pilot, St. John, N.B.; F/O Mery Boyko, radio officer, Regina, Sask.; Sgt. Hank Millette, flight engineer, Montreal; F/O Adnu Gosselin, radio officer, Ste. Marie, P.Q.; F/O Dave Collingwood, navigator, Middlesex, England. (National Defence Photo) ottA A-6 -eaef ";Ati/frtozeth rdea'XItaia, eitaio/1 / o 4,04e a oda 4 oat' l'ea,,e1,u /1/44,Cle cis/ aleal a AA did veoar twel IatA e kteuraa-Yezdevosra ovei6, mow ma,ot, aele' eaffroev. -frt/e/kt ta4 .f fry .A•ge;de ilage#,= c.Matmete .aek/tee fielef efit-z4)5,046,elte,Atezei-der,t "owe stav4ad aPut edee‘t oteiaifr- katdia e/./e/wthzelatz TRY SHUR-GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS FOR CATTLE The Economical Way To dill That Mineral Need Canada Packers Limited Phone HU 2.381S CLINTON I it. BIG WALK-IN SIDE DOORS VOLKSWAGEN a . and a rear loading door too. The functionally designed Volkswagen can cut your delivery costs. It loads faster, delivers more, in less time! 170 cu. ft. of uncluttered payload space only 13 inches from ,.the curb. Ideal for heavy goods, crates, machinery, electrical appliances. Efficient service coast to coast with a central 5-million dollar Parts Depot. People who know are turning to Volkswagen. VOLKSWAGEN CANADA LTD. Golden Mile, Toronto 16, Ontario ANNOUNCING NEWCOMBE'S J cud, DRUG STORE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR HELENA RUBINSTEIN Cosmetics and Toiletries TRY '- HELENA RUBINSTEIN'S Famous Hair Shampoo Summer Special — 14 oz. Bottle—Only $2.00 Appearing in 6 Popular Shades' SILVERTONE — SILK SHEEN BLONDE-TONE — RED HEAD BRUNETTE TONE and BROWN-LOW LEAVES THE HAIR LUSTROUS,— SOFTER — EASIER TO SET SHINING AND CLEAN Not A Permanent Dye or Bleach. Provides Safe, Certified, Temporary Colouring. World's first lasting color rinse Helena tibinstein'§- new COLOR LIFT lasts through 5 shampoos ! Another 'beautiful "first" by Helena Rubinstein—unique Color Lift, the rinse that conditions as it colors and lasts through five shampoos Color Lift won't rub off on pillows, lingerie —and it won't brush out. You Call see why it is literally revolutionizing hair color rinsing! Color Lift is easy to use lathers on' right from the bottle—no fussy applicator, separate mixing. Helena Rubinstein has formulated this amazing rinse in is natural-looking colors that bring life to every shade of hair from golden blonde to very gray. Give your hair this beautiful,, color lift your next shampoo! TWO MONTHS SUPPLY—$1.7S NEWEOMO Pharmacy enNt.t.t.ide PHONE HU r 2-9511 CLINTON `THURS. Y, JUNE 25, 1959 CLINTON liBV.STS,RZCORD PAGZ SL IT NEWS OF PORTER'S HILL my Mrs. -Donald Harris, Plat 'HU g4362) (Intended for last week) Enjoys Train Aide The pupils of SS 9, Truilett, with their teacher, Wilmer Errington .and a few of their parents, went to Blyth, last Thursday and took a train ride to Goderich. After din- ner in the park they toured the ,plants of Sheaffer Pen, Sif to Salt, Bissett's Ice-cream, and then took a boat ride on Lake Huron. After a dinner in the restaurant, they went to Harbour Park for a game 'of ball, The Seniors were taken to see a show and the juniors were brought home, tired but happy, The Juniors had ,previously been taken to see The Shaggy Dog. Centennial Service The Cemetery Board and plot holders of Hope Chapel Cemetery, Bullett Township, met last week to make plans for the service to be held this summer, It is hoped to have it on August 9, at 3 p.m„ with the • guest speaker, Dr. William Fingland, Niagara Falls, and local ,clergy assisting. Further partic- ulars will follow. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Toll were: Miss Ruby `Toll, Toronto, Ira Toll, Waterloo, and Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Toll .and son Terry, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Farrow, Mit- ,chell, visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston. Mr. and Mrs, Mel Osmond, Mar- ilyn and Anne, Toronto, were Sun- -day guests with Mr, and Mrs. Wil- liam T. Robison. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fergus- on, Montreal, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson, Goderich, visited on Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Maud Fremlin. Mr. and Mrs. James Hembly and Mr .and Mrs. Thomas Johnston were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Durnin Phillips at Point Clark, Mrs. Kenneth Staples a n d daughters, are visiting with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Guy Ives, in Goderich Township, Little Sus, an Staples bad her tonsils remov- ed last week in. Seaforth hospital. No more do the subscribers 'on the Auburn Exchange Telephone have to ask if the line is lausy. Nearly every phone in the village has been made into a private or semi-private line, Very little time is wasted now when yea want to call through the central exchange. Mr, and Mrs, William Patterson spent last weekend in St, Cath- arines, visiting with her sister Mrs. William Johnston, Mr. John- ston and family, Donald Fowler is a patient in Aleloondria Marine and General Hospital, Goderich. Mrs. Kenneth Scott and son Wayne, and Mrs. Keith Gargner, Benmilled, were Detroit visitors last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ziler and John, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston, Robert J. Phillips, Mrs, Ezekiel Phillips, and Miss Laura Phillips, attended the special service on Sunday evening in the Dungannon Anglican Church, when the guest speaker was the Rev. Murray Wy- att, Niagara Falls, a former rec- tor of St. Mark's Anglican Chur- ch, Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz and Mrs. Marguerite Chopin, attended the funeral service of their sister- in-law, Mrs. Ed. Stoltz, at Preston Horses and Calves Headline Show At Hensall Village A top notch horse show, baby show and "Beef Feeder Calf Club Showing" highlighted the annual Hensall Spring Show June 12. Charles S. MacNaughton, MLA- elect for Huron, along with Presi- dent Earl Dick, officially opened the fair. Schools Parade The school parade headed by the Bannockburn Pipe Band, also add- ed to the program. Winners in the school parade were SS No. 2 Tuckersmith, SS Nos. 4 and 7 Hibbert. The baby show attracted 32 en- tries, In the six months to one year, Barbara Christine Kestle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kestle, RR 2, Crediton, placed first while hi the class under six mon- ths top honors were accorded Bradley James Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Hensall, Champion Named A Seaforth district boy won top honours at the Hensel), Feeder Calf Club Showing, William Mien Haar, RR 4, Seaforth, was declar- ed junior showman and won the grand championship as well, He received the W. G. Thompson and Sons trophy. Runner up for the grand champ- ionship was Gary Treibner, RR 3, Kippen, who also took the senior honours. Other winners for show- manship weret Junior, Jiro Pap. ple, RR 1, Seaforth; Kenneth Viv- ian, Staffa, Senior, Bruce Papple, P. 1, Seaforth; Ralph Triebner. John Scott, Cromarty, placed first for best calf. Reserve bonourS went to Brian Triebner and Garry Triebner. In the cattle classes Norman Pepper, Hensall and Russell Park- er, Watford, took most classes in the shorthorn division. In the Aber- deen Angus class, Richard Doan, Thorndalc, took all classes. Winners in the Hereford division wore W. S. O'Neill, Denfield and Whitney Coates and son, Exeter, News of Auburn Correspondent: MRS, 1f V,.013ACINQQ1c Phone Auburn 01 e 14 last Thursday. Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor, Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mrs. Sam Deer, Mrs. Al- fred Nesbitt, and Mrs. Fordyce Clark attended the special meet- ing of the Anglican Ladies Guild last week at Port Albert. The pupils of USS 5, Hullett, and their teacher, Mr. Duncan Mac- Kay, and some of the parents took a bus trip to Midland and other points of interest in the northern part of Ontario. Miss Mary I. Houston, Hamil- ton, and Miss Frances Houston, RN, London, spent last weekend with their parents, Mr. and .Mrs. John Houston. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Campbell, Ottawa, are vacationing with his brother, Albert Campbell and Mrs. Donald Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Craig and sons, moved into their new home recently, on the Auburn-Blyth road, WA Meets The 'Woman's Association of Grace 'United Church, Porter's Hill,. held their regular meeting on Thursday last at the home of Mrs, Donald Harris with 14 ladies pres- ,ent. The president, Mrs. T. Sow- erby was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. William Cox led in prayer and the Scripture lesson and topic was taken by, Mrs. A, Lockhart. Roll call was answered with a plant exchange. A humorous read- ing was given by Mrs. Alvin Bet- ties, Plans were made for a supper to be held at Grace Church on July 1,5, Talent money articles were supplied by 5)4r$, Wm. Townshend and Mrs. William Cox, Rev, C. E, Peacock closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served. by the hostess, The July meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Wilmer Harrison, Goderich, Sunday Sc1.ioAT Picnic The Sunday School of Grace United Church will hold their plc- PIC on Tuesday, July 7, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Austin Her- ris, Supper will be served on the lawn with games and ball game to follow. BRUCE Refrigeration COMMERCIAL • SALES • INSTALLED • SERVICED and MAINTAINED OIL and GAS BURNER SERVICE Deep Freezes-11 cu. ft. $265 and up MAIN STREET — GRAND BEND PHONE 224 24-26-28-#13 An RCAF Argus from the Greenwood Air Station flew the Atlantic to the coast of Ireland and returned non-stop without refuelling on Tuesday, June 2. Records at Air Force Head- quarters fail to disclose anything comparable as a distance record and is therefore felt that it is a Canadian record. The 18 hours and 48 minute trip took the 15 man crew from their home base at Greenwood to the Ireland coast and back to Gander, Nfld., where the plane landed due to weather conditions in Greenwood. The captain of the Argus, F/L Fred Schulz, of Calgary, stated he had sufficient fuel remaining to 'Continue the trip to Greenwood 'had weather conditions permitted. The aircraft took off from RCAF Station Greenwood at 12.45 A.D.T. Tuesday, landing in Gander at 7.52 A.D.T. Wednes- day morning. During the _flight the Argus covered 4,500 statue miles without refuelling. The Argus, one of Maritime Air Command's new anti-sub- marine planes, flew the route from Greenwood to Ireland at 9,000 feet returning to Gander at 4,000 feet. Average air speed for the trip was 195 M.P.H. As an anti-submarine weapon Non-Stop Flight Across the Atlantic By 15 RCAF Men Sets New Record the Argus can operate some 1,000 miles off our coasts, remain on patrol for eight to ten hours and return to base without refuel- ling. While on patrol it can cover some 50,000 square miles of the Atlantic. Tuesday's trip demonstrates the capabilities of Canada's new long range Argus in being able to cover thousands of miles of the Atlantic without refuelling, VICTORIA STREET CLINTON DON'S B.A. STATION HU 2-9088