HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-06-18, Page 11NOTICE SUMMER BUS SCHEDULES (EFFEQ-rivE Jurl E 25th) Obtain Your copy From Your Local Agent or Driver THE WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS LTD. KITCHENER ONTARIO 24b I want to congratulate Charlie ?MCNaughton on his Win on Thursday, fond to wish him well during his term of of- -Fite. At the same time, 1 express my apprecia- -tion and thanks to all those in the riding who by their votes and as- sistance indicated their confidence in me sand in the policies of the Liberal Party, HARRY STRANG He Who Heads The House And Foots The Bills, His Day Is Coming Give him a break and buy him the latest power mowers to make his tasks easier. Hand Propelled — Power Propelled or Riding Mowers savro4Nosavnts,novogvne.4.4•0 Give Father a gift that he can appreciate and enioy all summer long. NEW SUPER CHIEF OUTBOARD MOTOR OR THE APACHE J8 OUTElOARD full S h.p. 3 GALLON CAPACITY GAS TANK Wells Auto Electric Phone HU 851 KING STREET CLINTON Next Sunday is FATHER'S DAY Remember Him With A Gift /I II 71,71F7.7. _MINTON NEWS-RECORD JPAG ViXTRI 17-11.1nsapor,, AT= 18, 1959 NEWS of MIDDLETON Dewar Norman, gennetit Harris, Bill Nom= and Harry Williams, Mrs. Carman Tebbutt Mrs. Norman, Mrs. William Bender and Mrs. Frank McCullough form the table committee, and Mrs. S. Far- quhar, Mrs. Lloyd Bond and Mrs, Vidon, Yeo. Morgan Jones,. the kitchen mittee, to look after .final arrange- ments, The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Reg. Miller. Host- esses for the cloy were Mrs. W. Biggin, Mrs. R. Miller and Mrs, 50,000 GALLONS PAINT $2.99 per gal. This bankrupt and clearance stock of paint is suitable for outside and inside, It is fresh paint and manufactured by CIL., Sherwin- Williams, Lowe Bros., C, V., Gliddens, etc. OUR GUARANTEE—try one gallon, try a hundred, If you are not completely convinced that it is the best, then return the empty can or unused laortion for complete 100% refund. Shipped immediately anywhere in Canada, Outside Paine: Suitable for steel, cement,woodworic floors,, can be thinned down for shingles, Colours: white, primer white, black, yellow, battleship grey, pearl grey, shutter green, apple green, barn, red, chartreuse, bright red, turquoise, coral, dutch blue, brown. Inside Paint: Suitable for walls, woodwork, plaster, over wallpaper, etc, Colours; flat white, gloss white, jonquil yellow, mint green, bone ivory, sky blue, blossom pink, shadow grey, fall beige, tur-quoise, ALUMINUM PAINT $3.99 Gal. ROOF CEMENT, black liquid, contains fibrated asbestos ,. e9c Gal. Send 50% money order as deposit, Balance shipped C.O.D. — - or you may remit in full and save the charges, SHERMAN'S Dept, M3B 537 Queen St. W., Toronto, Ont. Est. 1908 AGENTS WANTED—no financial outlay, Write for colour chart, Guarantee certificate and order forms for your area. Only one agent allowed to a district so hurry. PORTER'S HILL Mrs, Fred lVfiddleton, and Miss Kathleen lVfcNaughton, London, entrained early this week for Leth- bridge, Alberta, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton and Cpl. and Mrs. Sidney Cas- well and family, Goderich and Mrs, Ruttan, Tweed, attended the Western Ontario Aberdeen-Angus Association Field Day at Sunset Bay Farms, Forest, on Saturday last. St, ./alnes WA The Women's Association of St. James Church, Middleton, met Tuesday afternoon June 9 at the home of the past-president, Mrs. Robert Rowden, Clinton, with 17 members and three visitors pres- ent. The president, Mrs. Milton Ste- epe, opened the meeting with an appropriate poem entitled "They". Mrs. Gordon Rathwell gave the Scripture reading from St. Math. 8, 1-8. Mrs. Keith Miller read the minutes and the roll call was answered by a biblical verse con- taining the word "faith". Mrs, Alvin Dutot presented the treas- urer's report. The Prayer Partners Secretary, Mrs. Ray Wise read a very inter- esting letter from Miss Francis Hawkins, Prayer Partner, now on furlough. She reported 22 grad- uates from her school who had gone out as teachers. This letter contained a request for used Christmas Cards and the members decided to respond to this request. An invitation to the annual three parish tea was received from the Trinity Church WA, Bayfield, to be held in the Parish Hall on June 18. It was decided to have as many members as possible at- tend. The report of the Diocesan Annual meeting held in London is LONDESBORO Mrs. Bert Allan—Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. T, G. Reid, Toron- to, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allan. James McCool has disposed of his store to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, Moorefield, and they will take possession about July 1, Mr, and Mrs, John Buurs re- turned last week from their wed- ding trip into Northern Ontario. William Govier underwent an operation on Monday morning at Victoria Hospital, London. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Gaunt, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell, Westfield, motored to Lions Head for the weekend. Miss Hinie Buffinga spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Faye Gaunt. Friends and acquaintances of Mrs. Harry Dalrymple, Brucefield, were saddened by the news of her passing on Monday afternoon, in,a London hospital, She was a for- mer Harlock resident and had many friends in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Youngblut and daughter, Mrs. Knox Williams, Clinton, visited with friends in Kitchener and Hespeler last week. Quite a number of the earlier residents of this community at- tended the centennial services in Burns United Church on Sunday. The cooler weather following the heat wave added to the comfort of everyone. • On June 21, the Rev. A. E. Menzies, Salford, will occupy the pulpit at the morning service and the Rev. Stanley Brenton, Wood- •stock, will speak in the evening. Miss Doris Lear, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Stan Crawford and in- fant son Mark, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. George Underwood and fam- ily, Wingham, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Lear on Sunday. KODAKS PRINTING & DEVELOPING FILMS MAGAZINES — GREETING CARDS Thurs., Fri., Sat., Mon. June 18-19-20-22 Four big days for Walt Disney's True Life Adventure For tlii FINEST' BUILDING SUPPLIES ,,at ,,a FAIR PRICE look far this .) rt sign of quality, WA Dealers in your towns J. W. COUNTER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Phone HU 2-9612 —Albert St. Clinton, Ont. (Mrs. Don Harris. Sunday School Sunday School anniversary ser- vice in Grace United Church on Sunday, June 14 was well attend- ed. The service was conducted by the Sunday School superintendent, Mrs. Wilmer Harrison, Scripture lesson was read by Patsy Cox. Peggy Ann Betties sang a solo, "I Thank You God." Mrs. Wilmer Harrison told a children's story, "The Forest Fire." The Sunday School choir sang an anthem "Brightly Gleams our Banner." Guest speaker for the service was Miss Sybil Courtice, Clinton, returned missionary from Japan. She delivered a very interesting address for both adults and child- ren and her, theme was that "God made all people alike in heart." She also told of the Japanese customs and how they were differ- ent in many ways but in heart were all alike. She displayed many articles from Japan which were of great interest to the children. to be :given at this time. 'The president reminded the members of the annual baking sale to be held in Bayfield on Saturday, August Mrs., -Keith Miller gave two in- teresting readings,, "The Closet" and "The F.aithful Few". Mrs. Stewart Middleton spOice on "The Humber Valley Project", a 0,040 acre park located immediately north of the Queensway on the west bank of the Dumber River, This project is being sponsored by the Ontario Horticultural As- sociation of Ontario, the Toronto Star and the Metropolitan Parks Commission of Toronto and will be one of the show places of Ont- ario when completed. The president welcomed to the and valued members. Mrs. Wil- liam Wise, Clinton and Mrs. John Middleton, Goderich. The rector the Rev, E. J. B. Harrison conducted the service of the Litany from the Living Mes- sage and closed the meeting with prayer, A delicious lunch was served by the hostess. LI ITE xeter Ij PEARSON MOTO Zurich JACK PEARSON, PROP. "Huron County's Largest Used Car Dealer HOLMESVILLE Mrs. McCullough WA and WMS The Women's Missionary Society of Holtnesville United Church met in the basement of the church on Tuesday, June 9. Mrs, Leslie Jer- vis' group was in charge of the program and Mrs, Stewart Far- (lunar was in the chair. Scripture lessons were read by Mrs. E. J. Trewartha and Mrs. Leslie Jervis. Mrs, Orville Blake gave the com- ments on the Scripture. With Mrs. Edward Grigg at the piano, Mrs, Jack Yeo and Mrs, Reg, Miller sang a duet, An article Prepared by Mrs. E, A. Yea, was read by Mrs. Leslie Jervis. Mrs, Farquhar read a poem. The president, Mrs. Carman Teb- butt, conducted the business. The chapter in the study book, on Mexico, was reviewed by Mrs, Ed- ward Grigg. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. S. Farquhar: The Woman's Association meet- ing followed, with the president, Mrs, Reg. Miller, in the chair. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Miller and Mrs. S. Farquhar gave the comments. The treasurer's re- port was given by Mrs. Frank Me- Cullough. Mrs. Carman Tebbutt reported for the buying committee and Mrs. Leslie Jervis for social committee. Plans went ahead for a straw- berry supper in June. The door- keepers for the supper are to be Shaving Sets $1.50 to $10.95 Razors—Electric and Blade $1.29 up Billfolds $3.95 to $10.00 Hair Brushes ..,.„ 98c to $3.00 Cameras $5.95 up Films—Black & White, Color Camera Gadget Bags .... $6.95 Chocolates $1.00 to $3.50 Photo Albums $1.50 to $3.50 Pipes—Cigars—Cigarettes Gillette Blades—Father's Day Special: 100 blades $5.00 Shaving Brushes .„. $1 to $10 Send Father A Father's Day Card 5c TO 50c Summer Specials Bufferin .,.. reg. $1.23 for 98c New Stopette Roll-On Deodorant 98c Desert Flower Deodorant Reg, $2.50 for $1.25 Helene Curtis Family Size Reg, $2.00—Rinse $1.39 Shampoo—$1.39 Woodbury Shampoo Reg. $1.25 For 79c Si ivikrin Shampoo Reg. 75c 2 For 98c White Rain Shampoo Reg. $125 For 98c "White Wilderness And As An Added Featurette "PAUL BUNYAN" Tuesday & Wednesday June 23 and 24 One of The Greatest Pictures Of All Time In Cinemascope and Color "A MAN CALLED PETER" Richard Todd -- Jean Peters Pius Cartoon Box Office Opens' 8 p.m. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Two SHOWS NIGHTLY Children under 12 in oars Free Playground — Refreshment Booth YOU'VE READ ABOUT IT! -- YOU'VE HEARD ABOUT IT! Here It Is!! (THE ONLY ONE EVER HELD IN HURON COUNTY) 103 CARS -WILL DEFINITELY GO UNDER THE HAMMER! The Place - PEARSON MOTORS LTD., ZURICH LOT The Time - SATURDAY, JUNE 27, at 12 NOON YOU DON'T THINK WE HAVE 103 AUTOS — HERE IS SOME OF THEM • .. • . . • • - Buy An Automobile At Your Own Terms - No Down Payment— Up To 36 Months To Pay General Motors Terms—Financial Representatives Will Be On The Spot DRIVE YOUR CAR AWAY — Look At This Space Next Week for A Complete List of Our Cars Auction conducted by The fabulous GEORGE KOCH, of Detroit and Toronto, who tells 300 oars every week in four hours If You Have A Trade.ln, Come Along, We'll Deal You At Auction Prices Remember the date SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 12 NOON ZURICH GIRL WINS TOP GUERNSEY CLUB AWARD Margaret Findlay, Zurich, won top place in the junior judging competition at the Western Coun- ties Guernsey Twilight meeting held at Poplar Hill last Friday. Tip Haagsma, soils supervisor for Middlesex gave an interesting re- view of world food situations and pleepable future rrequirements and trends. SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE 1 1/4 Miles East of Goderich On No. 8 Highway How PROM( CAN LAYERS BE 44t The future of your laying flocks depends on the re- placement pullets yOu may now be feeding. You have selected the breed and strain of your birds. You con- trol all management practices. You decide on the feeding program — and the feed to be fed. Your breeding and management; decisions are import- ant to success hi the Poultry business. So is your FEEDING DECISION — and it's in this field that we are well qualified to assist you in making the RIGHT decision. Your layers CAN be more profitable when fed on a SHUR-GAIN program and to grow them best, there's a particular SHUR-GAIN program for your poultry Operation. Drop into the mill to-day and let's decide on SHUR- GAI N. Canada Packers Ltd. Phone 2-930"1 or HU 2-3815 CLINTON ONTARIO