HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-06-18, Page 10SUMMER DANCING
Bayfield Pavilion - Every Friday Night
Music by
Montreal, June j5 — Develop-,
ment of a new form of consumer-
finance loans by the Bank of
Montreal, providing facilities for
Canadians to consolidate all of
their credit-buying under a single
life-insured loan, with a single
monthly payment, was announced
today by the bank's president, G.
Arnold Hart,
Mr. Hart said the system would
be known as the "Bank of Mont-
real Family Finance Plan". It
goes into operation at all of the
bank's 781 Canadian offices today.
Personal loans under the new
arrangements will be made for
practically any purpose in amounts
up to $3,500, while repayments will
be scheduled over periods up to
three years, where required, Such
loans will be automatically life-
Many of the loans will be made
on an unsecured basis, although
chattel mortgage and other types
of security may be taken where
such collateral is normal. The
main consideration in making
loans will be the customer's ability
to repay, without hardship, from
regular income.
Interest will be six percent a
year on the actual outstanding
balance, plus a charge to cover the
cost of processing and service, Mr.
Hart explained, adding, "The
overall cost to the customer of a
loan under the new plan is lower
than generally prevails for con-
sumer-financing in Canada anti is
particularly attractive for a life-
insured loan,
Special Feature.
The B of M plan includes a
special feature which Mr. Hart
referred to as "ever-ready credit".
Under this provision, the costumer
may arrange for a standby pers-
onal credit, based on his income
and commitments, and available
for his use at any time. He is
thus free to make purchases at
will and issue cheques on the spot
up to the limit of his prearranged
"The bank's new plan will by no
means be restricted to loans for
the purchase of items normally
bought on instalments, but will
also be readily available for many
other purposes such as medical and
dental bills, education expenses
and vacation costs," Mr. Hart said,
"Neither," he added, "will the plan
be confined to purely family pur-
chases, but will be equally at the
disposal of the single person."
Kippen Man Wins Draw
Fred Chapple, Kipper, held the
lucky ticket on a draw for a
bedroom suite held in Wingham.
The project was sponsored by the
7th Medium Regiment Royal Ca-
nadian Artillery.
S, Middleton Heads
Aberdeen Angus
Picnic Near Forest
The Western Ontario Aberdeen-
Angus Association annual picnic
was held. Saturday afternoon,
June 13 at the home of Mr, and
Mrs, R. B. Brown and Sons, Sun-
set Bay Farms, Forest, with over
300 persons attending, 5, Middle-
ton, RR 3, Clinton, is president of
the association.
Robert McCubbin, Strathroy, as-
sistant to James G. Gardner, form-
er Minister of Agriculture, was
the guest speaker and gave a fav-
orable picture of the beef cattle
situation in Canada and the United
Prof. Byron Good of the Dep-
artment of Animal Husbandry of
the Michigan State University
gave a beef type deraenstration
anti conducted various judging''
Robert Deans, Michigan, -a bar,
becue expert, had personally pre-
pared the pits and the 10 pound
roasts which were delectably bap,
Those attending this memorable
picnic from Huron County Inelud-
ed Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Klopp,
and family, Zurich; Mr. and Mrs,
Fergus,, Turnbull, Grand Bend; Mr,
and Mrs. Albert Livermore,
ton; Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Mid
dleton, Clinton; Cpl. and Mrs. Sidi
ney Caswell,. Goderich.
Counter Cheek
Books on Sale at
the News-Reeord
Bank of Montreal Develops New
Consumer-finance Customer Loans
Does housework come between
you and your family?
Do you often find yourself working so hard for your
family you have little time to spend with them?
Think of the most dreary household chores and
chances are all of them can be done better and more
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With the help of safe, clean, modern electric
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. . . have more time to spend with your family. And
it's always a happy economy to choose electric
appliances because electricity is so inexpensive.
You get more out of life when you get the most
out of electricity.
Use silver polish to remove
stubborn stains from iron
soleplate. Never scrape or
use harsh abrasives,
Is yours
Stratford is dusting off the
l'weicome" mat for July 2 — not
only for Queen Elizabeth and
Prince Philip, but also for rest-
dents of the nearby towns and
rural areas, Since the Queen has
expressed a wish to see as many
of her subjects as possible during
her Canadian tour, the royal visit
Committee are hoping that people
will go to Stratford, where the
royal couple will spend more time
than in any other Western Ontario
Wednesday evening, members of
the committee met with the royal
Visit co-ordinator, W. D,
to plan ways in which Stratford
can make its guests enjoy their
Visit on July 2,
With a route of over two miles
in length, over which the Queen
and the Duke of Edinburgh will
travel on their way to the Festi-
val Theatre, it was thought that
many people would perhaps enjoy
a picnic supper in queen's Park,
one of the beauty spots in this
area, before the arrival of the roy-
al party. Six men will be on duty
in the park during the afternoon
to assist people in parking cars;
and the usual refreshment booth
and washroom facilities will be op-
en in the park throughout the day,
Along the route that the Queen
and the Duke of Edinburgh will
take to the theatre, a number of
bands will be posted at intervals
to lend a touch of color and har-
mony to the occasion, In addi-
tion, local organizations, such as
Attendance At The
Huron Museum
Curator 3. Ii. Neill, of the coun-
ty museum told -County
council June 10, attendance at
the museum this year is expected
to reach a new high in attendance.
He said to date 3,031 people have
registered which is 1,000 higher
than last year at this time,
He reported that progress is
being made on the new 200-foot
addition, Extension of an extra
20 feet was necessary with the ar-
rival of the new locOmotive in the
yard at the museum,
the Perth Regirnent, Boy Scouts,
Girl Guides, Sea Cadets, Mx Cad-
ets, And veterans will be used al-
ong the route,
No special decorations are plan-
ned, as it is felt the royal visitors
would enjoy seeing the city's nat-
ural beauty and people, but it is
hoped that every flag in the city
will be flying, not only along the
route, but on all homes and places
of business as a welcome to all
guests of the city on that day, Of
course, homes and firms along the
route will have a special interest
in seeing that everything is ship-
Since many people will wish to
catch a glimpse of the Queen and
the Duke of Edinburgh on their
return trip to the royal train aft-
er the performance in the theatre,
arrangements have been made for
entertainment during the evening,
The MR Concert Band will give
a concert at the bandshell in Vic-
toria Park, from 9 to 11. p.m.; and
at about 11.30 p.m., as the Queen
and the Duke of Edinburgh leave
the theatre, there will be a fire-
works display along River Drive,
arranged .by Perth Regiment and
Avon chapters of the IODE.
People going into the city will
be free to park anywhere, except
immediately adjacent to the route
the royal couple will travel, or
where parking is not permitted at
any time. There will be no meter
charges from 12 o'clock noon.
No special sections of the route
are being reserved for school child-
ren, since schools will by that time
be dismissed for the summer, and
any school groups would be diffi-
cult for teachers or officials to or-
There will, however, be space
reserved specially for wheelchair
patients. Anyone in this class who
wishes a place in the reserved
section is asked to contact the
co-ordinator, either by mail or by
'phoning Stratford 3150,
Coal Prices are at their
lowest during June and July.
Order your winter supply
now to assure top quality
coal at rock-bottom prices,
Avoid last Minute fall slow-
up and bad weather.
on hand at all times.
Special Prices on Large Lots,
and COAL Cow
Phone HUnter 2-9922
Hensall and Seaforth Subscribers
Please Phone Collett
11111111111011111111MR!. /Will
Queen's Visit To Stratford Well
Planned; Welcome to AU Visitors
We are shipping cattle every Monday for United
Co-operative of Ontario and Solicit your patronage. We will
pick them up at your farm.
Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Saturday nights
Seaforth Farmers Co-operative
H. S. Bunt, Shipper
Phone 773
• issued in amounts from $100 upwards
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• authorized investment for all
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372 Bay Sit., 25 Dunlop 114
Toronto Baal*
IL. C. LAWSON, Representativt,
Phone HU 2-9644 Clinton, Ontario
Phone HU 2-7498 Brucefield, Ontario
cum.Q.N NVWS-1WCORP tri-waSpAY, JUN 19*
Victorio Street CLINTON Mm* HU 24088