HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-06-18, Page 9CHORE MASTER lift filitattiflot tea court bati FOR ANY SIZE FLOWER OR VEGETABLE GARDEN Available in 2 Models; nitre "Heavy Duty" (illustrated) and the "Commercial" More than hall the world's tillers hire built by Choremaster-because they're best! A single pass does the work of plow, eeke, harrow ...:prepares the ground foe planting, furrows for seedingetultivates at any stage of growth, Works ground nu, 22" and 36e wide, digs any depth down to 10", goes betwees 'narrow rows. Makes any garden Job a breeze. FULL 1 YEAR WARRANTY! ,BALL & MUTCH I.H.A. HARDWARE Phone HU 2-9505 Clinton 41ntorio WELL'S AUTO ELECTRIC Phone HIJ 2-3851 King Street Clinton, Ont. ON JUNE 21 FROM CANADIAN NATIONAL ye, : • ••••••••., fast modern travel by RAM MER between Guelph, Owen Sound, Southampton, Kincardine, Palmerston, Stratford, Goderich, with connections for Toronto and London. Enjoy the air-conditioned comfort, the picture windows and foam rubber seats in these brand-new self-propelled Diesel cars, sheathed in gleaming stainless steel. Forget about traffic straiii, parking worries-con- sult your local CNR agent for the convenient Railiner schedules. By TPA IN WAAL NATIONAL nnounci he NEW • ••••• ,••••••••• rAoroaffigitt BANK. OF MONTREAL lam • ^ Financ6 Bring ail your personal credit needs Ian under one roof with a low-cost B of M life-insured loan O All loons are °wow/litany life-insured. Should you die before your loan is repaid, your debt to the Bank will be cancelled. O Monthly repayments can be extended up to two years --or even three, if need be. This means that PRP tan be tailored to suit any salary. O You can borrow op to $3,500, depending on your Income, to buy the things you want for your home and family, or to meet °Merge/Igloo. Planned repayments help you run your income - instead of lopinI, it tun you. 0 'WY BAK 70 2 frnilION CANADIANS It's a fact! Chevrolet's built to take time as well as distance in its stride. In style-in quality and in engineering excellence, Chevrolet gives you an extra margin of value that will stay new longer, hold its worth and your pride, high over the years! • •• eeie eeseeee3.,,. ' • •-•-• .................................. ..... ......... eeeet4lieeee:: •-• , , • ite."••:••:••• 'You'll find Chevrolet brings you big-car advantages like deep-cushioned 'comfort . . all-round, airy visibility and unstinted roominess. But Chev- rolet is close to the small cars in economy. And when you remember that 'Chevy is built to out-last others in its field you'll know why Chevrolet is , ,your very best buy. Look into the details at your Chevrolet dealer's today. t• ii Unsurpassed Stability That stable Safety-Girder frame gives Chevy an unshakable grip of the road. because its built to last! 0 See Your Authorized Chevrolet Dealer ABOUT CREVY LASTS LONGER, ...including your pride ! SAFETY MASTER BRAKES ore ap 7f2 667, mote elim9h/el• Chevrolet puts you years-ahead, whir, fresh, eager Slimline style. 01. The safest in Chevy's field and they've proved it in NASCAR* competitive tests. *National Association for Stock Car L. Advancement and Research, U1 8 18, 1959 CLINTON NBWS-RBCORD P.A.QE NINA .Spring Show Results Winners 'Near and Far HEAVY HORSES Wagon or E xpress Horses, teams hitched, 3,000 lbs. and under Al. - lana Knill, RR 3, Paris; Orville Bannerznan; single bitch, over 1,500 lbs., Allan Knill, Glen John- stop, R13, 1, Gorrie, Basel Wyville, Sarnia; single hitch, under 1,500 lbs., Allan Orville Banner- man. Belgian; team in harness, E. Campbell, 0. Bannerman, special Township Class, best three heavy draught, agricultural class or general purpose, all own- ed within one township, Nile Shantz, Peter Graham, Charles Halliday, Orville Bestard, Thorn- dale; Gordon H. Mordue, RR 1, New Hamburg; A. Toll and Sons, Auburn; Allan S. Knill, RR 3, Paris; E. Campbell; 0. Banner- man, Heavy Draught: filly or gelding foaled in 1955, Nile Shantz (first and second), Charles Halliday, A. Toll; filly or gelding foaled in 1953, A. Toll; filly or gelding foal- ed in 1957, A, Toll; stallion, Nile Shantz, Peter L. Graham, Agricultural: brood mare, Char- les Halliday; filly or gelding foal- ed in 1955, Charles Halliday (first and fourth), A. Toll (second and third); filly or gelding foaled in 1957, Peter Graham, RR 2, Ilder- ton; team in harness, A. Toll (first arid fourth), Charles Halliday (second and third). Pereheren, filly or gelding foal- ed in 1955, Orville Bestard (first and second), Gordon H. Mordue, RR 1, New Hamburg (third and fourth); filly or gelding foaled in 1957, Gordon Mordue. LIGHT HORSES Hackney stallion, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Smith, RR 2, Brampton, Fred Johns, RR 1, Belton; single hackney or carriage under 15.2, Wallace Munroe, RR 1, Embro, H. J. Jamieson, Guelph (second and third), Willis Lingelboch, RR 1, Embro; single hackney or car- riage in harness, 15.2 or over, W. Munro (first and second), H. J. Jamieson; single roadster in har- ness, 15.2 and under, W. Munro, Alden Craven, Ailsa Craig, Walk- erton Dairies Ltd., William 0. Alexander, Walkerton; single hackney on line, W. Munro (first and second), H. Jamieson (third and fourth) ; two year old hack- ney or carriage on line, Lyle His- lop, RR 2, Stratford, Harvey Moore, RR 1, Ridgetown; standard colt, foaled in 1958 on line, G. R. "Punch" McEwan, Clinton; road- Ater team in harness, W. Munro, A. Craven, W, O. Alexander; hackney tan e m, N. Lambertils, Hanover, W. Munro, H, Jamieson, Allan Burke, Port Stanley; lady driver, N, Lambertus, Mr. Innes, Stratford, Harvey Moore, N. Smith; Special saddle horse, mare or gelding, ridden by lady or gentle- man, Mrs. Hazel Wallis, RR, 1, Granton, Mrs, Mary Griffenhem, RR 2, Kincardine, Felber Farms, 1313, 5, London, Darling, Exeter, Jim Currie, Atwood, Special, pal- omino mare or gelding, Western Show class, Mrs, Hazel Wallis, Feltner Farms, Mrs. Mary Griffon. ham, A. J, Darling, Jim Currie; Palomino stallion, Western Show class, O. Mathews, Carnlachie, Feltner Farms, J. Durand, Strat- ford, Dean Hewett, RR e, Holy- rood, Bill Harris, RR 1, Kings- mill. Special palomino, open par- ade class, 0. Mathews, Mrs, Hazel Wallis, Fenner Farms, J, Durand, Dean Hewett. PONIES Single harnees pony over 12: Norman Larnbertus, Hanover, Al- lan Burke, Port Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith, RR 2, Bramp- ton; Harvey Moore, RR 1, Ridge- town; single harness pony over 11, N. Smith (first and fourth), Lei- ghton Shantz, New Hamburg (second and fifth), Fred Jones, RR 1, Belton, Lawdvell Bolender, RR 2, Drayton; single harness pony, not over 11 hands, N. Smith, Wayne and Willie Milligan, RR 3, Shedden, Fred Jones, L. Shantz, L. Bolender; team harness ponies not over 11, N, Smith, Mrs. Peter Caldwell, RR 3, Shedden, L. Sh- antz, Wayne and Willie Milligan, Fred Jones; single pony, hitched driven by boy under 15 years ac- companied by a lady under 15 years, Mrs. P. Caldwell, Wevne and Willy Milligan, Fred Jonee, L. Bolender; pony race, child 13 years and under, L. Bolender, Jack In- nes, RR 4, Stratford, Mrs. P. Cald- well; Shetland stallion on line under 11. hands, Mr. and Mrs, Jack In- nes, Mr. Peter Caldwell, Wayne and Willie Milligan; Shetland brood mare and foal, L. Bolender; saddle pony ridden by boy or girl, 11 hands or over, L. Bolender, Fred Jones, Mr„ and Mrs. Jack Innes; saddle pony, ridden by boy or girl, pony under 11 hands, Mrs. Peter Caldwell, L, Bolender; child- ren's bridal couple, under 15 years of age driving. Shetland pony, Wayne and Willie Milligan, Fred Jones, Mrs. Peter Carldwell, L. Bolender; Clinton and District Special pony prize for brood mare on line, Joseph Corey, Clinton, pony stallion on line, Ross Rog,. ga.rt, RR 1, Clinton, George B. BI- liott, Clinton; 1959 foal on line, J. Corey (first and second), SHEEP Leicester; James R. E. Snell, Clinton, took 11 prizes in all classes. Shropshire: aged ram, Raymond B. Comfort, St. Ann's (first and third), George S. Brien and Son, Ridgetown; shearling ram, R. S. Comfort (first and second), G, S. Brien and Son; ram lamb, G. S. Brien (first and second), R. B, Comfort (third and fourth); aged ewe, E. B. Comfort (first and third), G. S. Erten; dwarfing ewe, R. B. Comfort (first and third), O. S. Brien; ewe lamb, G. S, Brien, R. B. Comfort (second and third); flocks, George $ Brien, Raymond B. Comfort. Southdown: aged ram, Peter Cameron and Son, RR 4, Thames- Ville (first and fourth), Emke Bros„ Elmwood (second & third); shearling ram, Emke Bros, (first and second), Peter Cameron; ram lamb, Peter Cameron (first and second), Emke Bros.; aged ewe, Peter Cameron (first and fourth), Emke Bros. (second and third); shearling ewe, Peter Cameron (first and fourth), Emke Bros, (second & third); ewe lamb, Pet- er Cameron (first and second), Emke Bros.; flocks, Peter Camer- on, Emke Bros. Oxford: aged ram, Emke Bros. (first and second), Donald Dear- ing, RR 1, Exeter; shearling ram, Emke Bros. (first and second), Donald Dearing; ram lamb, Emke Bros. (first and second), Donald Dearing; aged ewe, Donald Dear- ing, Emke Bros. (second & third), Dearing; ewe, Emke Bros. (first and second), Donald Dearing (third and fourth); ewe lamb, Emke Bros, (first and second), Donald Dearing; flocks, Emke Bros., Donald Dearing. Dorset: Preston Dearing, RR 1, Exeter took 18 prizes in seven classes. Suffolk: Raymond B. Comfort, took 13 prizes in all seven classes; Emke Bros,, the only other entry taking first place in the shearling ram class, LANDRACE SWINE Boar, littered before December 1, 1957, Robert E. McMillan, RR 2, Seaforth, John Powell; boar litter- ed between December 1, 1957 and Sept. 1, 1958, John Powell, RR 2, Seaforth, R. E. McMillan; boar littered since Sept, 1, 1958, R. E. McMillan; sow, littered before De- cember 1, 1957, R. E. McMillan (first and second) ; sow littered between December 1, 1957 and June 1, 1958, John Powell; sow littered between Sept. 1, 1958 and December 1, 1958, R. E, Mr. Felson, McMillan; senior herd, one boar, two sows littered before Sept. 1, 1958, R. E. McMillan; junior herd, one boar, two sows littered since Sept. 1, 1958, John Powell, FL E. McMillan. Grand Champion, Robert E. McMillan; reserve sow, John Powell. Grand champion boar, R. E. McMillan; reserve, 'John .Powell. Special class for public school children,. Roy Vodden, Barbara Vodden, Janet Falconers Joyce Falconer, Jane Falconer, Jean Falconer, yoNKBI-IIRB BvVINB Boar littered before December. 1, 1957, W. Turnbull and Son, RR • 2, Brussels (first and second); boar littered between December 1, 1957 and Sept, 1, 1958, W, Turn, bull (first and third), Hugh Fel-son, Denfield, Albert G. Bacon, Belgrave; boar littered since Sept. 1, 1958, W. Turnbull (first and second), Hugh Felson (second and fifth), Albert 0. Bacon (third .and sixth); sow littered before Decem- ber 1, 1957, W. Turnbull (first and fourth), Hugh' Felson (second and third), Albert Bacon; sow littered between December 1" 1957 and June 1, 1958, John Powell .jr,, Hugh Pelson; W. Turnbull (third and fourth); sow littered between June 1, 1958 and Sept. 1, 1958; W. Turnbull (first and fourth), Hugh Pelson (second and third); sow littered between Sept, 1, 1958 and Dee, 1, 1958, W, 'Turnbull (first and fourth), Hugh Ir elson (second and third); senior herd, W. Turn- bull, Hugh Felson; junior herd, W. Turnbull, Hugh Felson. Grand champion sow and boar, W. Turn- bull; reserve sow, J. Powell; re, serve boar, Hugh Felson. sPaciAL 4-H owks$gs 4-H Beef Calf, Alvin Potter, RR 3, Clinton; Freddie Tyndall, Clin- ton; . William Blacker and Sort, RR 1, Clinton; James Collins, RR 3, Clinton; Bruce Collins, RR, 3, Clio, ton; David P. Orr, RR 2, Goderich, Here is the modern approach to finance the things you want to buy for your home and family . , . to take care of expenses for school, college, vacation and so on . . and, of course, to meet emergencies. The Bank of Montreal.Family Finance Plan enables you to plan your purchases and helps you meet unexpected expenses under one single comprehensive plan. Here are four good reasons why - whether single or married - you should use the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan , • Tent •••• 'MOW Lorne own Phone HU 24321 rs t ed CU TON. T. If you have a steady income and can make monthly Joan.' repayments without hardship, you can finance almost any useful purpose through the Bank of .Montreal Family Finance Plan. Why not talk to the people at your neighbourhood B of M branch you'll like their helpful attitude. Whether you are a B of M customer or not, you will find a warm welcome. BANK OF MONTIttAL geter4 Clinton branch: WILLIAM IvIORLOK, Manager Londeshomugh (Sub-Agency): Open lv oa. tic TIMM WOOKIN4 WITH CAtdAbtAtNS IN tVEI1Y WALk OP LIFE !Noe 18/7