HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-06-18, Page 7RATES WANT ADS FOR QUICK RESULTS loo charge for anneldieefleents of Millie, Mareiagee anti .nth. Articles for sale, rent, etc, .faird of -Thenae,,ID" :Memoriam engagernenee,e3c a word, ulM Tho, Box No, to this Office I.5e 41(00004 Repeat ne sertione 2c a word, minimum 500, CASH DISCOUNT: % it paid by Saturday fen lowing. last insertion. Billing . charge of lale added eaoh time bill is sent, tettest Time for assertions 12 neon Wednesday DWI 1W 2-3443 Two Shows Nightly,-First Show at 7 pm.—Wide Screen Saturday Matinee 2,00 p.m, NOW PLAYING: June 18.1940 "WESTWARD HO THE WAGONS" A prairie doctor and Indian Scout lead a cavalcade of pioneers to a new home in Oregon, an Cinotnascope and Technicolor, Fess Parker Kathleen Crowley -- Oeorge Reeves MONDAY,, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY---Juno 22-2344 "TANK FORCE" Iron men in iron monsters — . a lost patrol caught in the crossfire of a battle that raged from. Benghazi to Tobruk. Victor Mature -- Leo Genn Boner Colleane COMING NEXT; "THE DAY OF THE BADMAN" Fred meemerrey Joan Weldon -- John Ericson ROXY THEATRE :Clinton 41.1111111, MALE ORDERLY Applications for the above position at the Huron County Home, Clinton will be received by the undersigned until Friday, June 26, 1959, at 5 p.m, All applications are to be forwarded in sealed eiivelopes, clearly marked as to contents, stating age, experience, end other necessary information. Salary $125 per 'tenth living in, or $155 per Month living out. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, 6oderich 24-25-b e Clinton News-Record +4-4-0-4,-4-4•444-•-•-•-•-•••••-•-•-•-•• Rubber Stamps and Marking Devices of every description Also Stamp Pads Sold by Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY 8.00 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold By Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk K. C. COOKE, FLORIST Dial HU 2-7012—Clinton of pleasing ON HIS BIG DA SUNDAY JUNE 21 GIVE POP A SHIRT See our Complete Selection Now. WHITE SHIRTS, COLOURED SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS, T-SHIRTS -- GIFT BOXED FOR FATHER WE SUGGEST SPORT COATS, SLACKS, SWEATERS, BELTS, CUFF LINKS, JACKETS, SOCKS, ETC. Pickett & Campbell Limited Arrow Shirts Stetson Hats Phone 1.11) 2.9/32 Main Corner Clinton "reellat$DAY, .JUNE IS, 195 MINTON NEWS,RECoRD PAGE SEVEN Accommodation For Rent FURNISHED apartment, suitable for couple, Phone .HU 2,-9742, 24p '22 FT. MOBILE HOME, all Con- veniences T. J. Olson, Trailer Park at RCAF Station, 24b HOUSE with modern convenienc- es, available July 1. For couple, ear with one child, Apply Lloyd Lovell, Kippen. 23-4b .3-ROOM APARTMENT, self con- tained, unfurnished, heated, av- ailable July t. Phone HU 2-7009 ',or 7476. e4-5b FRONT APARTMENT in Switzer iblock, partially furnished, gas or oil heat. Four rooms and bath, Ph- one RU 2-9682, 24-p •IVIALL FURNISHED, heated, ap- artment, pleasant surroundings, suitable for couple, available now. Call HU 2-9483. 24-tfb 2-BEDROOM HOUSE, hydro and `running water and bath, located six miles from Clinton, For part- iculars call HU 2-7525. 24b ,Z-ROOM APARTMENT, with pri- vate bath, ground floor, heated and unfurnished. L, G. Winter, Real Estate, 200 High Street, ph- one HU 2-6692. 24-b 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT, priv- ate entrance, furnished or unfurn- ished, located in town, Phone HU '2-9086. 24-b .3-ROOM FURNISHED APART- :anent, comfortable and clean, well Located, suitable for couple, quiet ,couple preferred, available now. Phone HU 2-9728. 20tfb 3-ROOM uptown apartment avail- able at once; suitable for office or living apartment, Apply C. D. Con- nell, Box 281, Clinton. HU 2-3855. 24p HEATED, UNFURNISHED apart- ment, 2 bedrooms, private bath, laundry facilities in basement, av- ailable approximately July 15, Ph- "one HU 2-9005. 24p SELF CONTAINED apartment suitable for family with one or two •small children. Heat and hydro supplied. Available approximately .July 1. HU 2-7114. 24b -3 ROOM, SELF-CONTAINED, `Casey" furnished aparttrient, :modern home. Laundry room in basement. Heated by oil furnace. Ideal for couple. Phone HU 2- .'9634-9479. 22-tfb' Accommodation Wanted UNFURNISHED HOUSE, furnace heated, adults; civilians. Apply Box 224, Clinton News-Record. 24p CLINTON AREA 2 bedroom un- furnished apartment or house by September 1. Reply 3. Wotta, Apt. 4, 2040 West Broadway, Montreal. 24b WANTED TO RENT OR BUY. ,Senior NCO transferred to Inst- ructing staff, RCAF Clinton re- quires 2-3 bedroom house, Box .367 RCAF Station, Trenton. 23, 4p WANTED TO RENT, teacher, wife and one child desire 2 or 3 tedroom house by August or Sept- -ember. Reply giving particulars to Box 182, Clinton News-Record. 24-tfb '2-BEDROOM ROUSE or apart- ment urgently required by young -couple with two children. Perman- ent residents, Phone Herb Saund- ers, HU 2-9565, at Canada Pack- ers Poultry Plant, 24p Articles For Sale ONE 17" TABLE model Admiral TV in good working condition. Phone HU 2-7047. 23-4-b 10x40' MOBILE HOME. Can be seen in Becker Trailer Park, pric- ed reasonable. 24-5-p SMALL KITCHEN STOVE, burns either coal or wood, practically new; hand lawn mower. Mrs. Rob- ert Webster, phone HU 2-9698. 24b COMPACT VACUUM, Phone HU. 2-3361, 24b WESTINGHOUSE FRIG, 6 cu. ft. in good working condition, Phone HU 2-9576. 24-b 6 cu. ft, REFRIGERATOR; wash- ing machine; 9'42' rug; tri-light; hand vacuum; couch and ,22 cali- bre rifle. Phone HU 2-9423. 24-b 1958 APACHE 33 Clinton outboard motor, 5 h.p. Used only a few hours, reduced price to sell, Wells Auto Electric. 23tfb ENGLISH BABY CARRIAGE far sale, like new, contact P. L. Cat- tle, 40 Rattenbury Street or phone HU 2-7222. 24-p ONE OVERHEAD DOOR, 10'x 101/x' with track and weights com- plete, Apply Douglas McDougall, 238 Victoria Street, Clinton, 24p DRAIN TILE RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD. Call 193 Lucan Elginfield, Ontario. 49 to48p 5 DININGROOM CHAIRS and table; quantity of sealers; kitchen cabinet; antique bedroom suite; child's playpen; small antique tab- le. Phone HU 2-3801. 24b YOU CAN OWN A. HOME for as little as $250.00 down and low monthly payments. Colonial Hom- es Ltd., Clinton, Ontario, HU 2- 9600. 18-tfb SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with special care. Phone for an even- ing appointment. HU 2-9525 or 110 2-7054. Anstett Jewellers. 53tfb TED RYDER'S TV, SALES and Service, Clinton HU 2-9320, Mill Street, your Dumont-Hallicrafter dealer, Hi-Fl, Stereo, Radios, TV, Antennas. 10% down payment. 18to25-p SEVERAL new patterns in English Bone China Dinnerware, including lovely "Cornflower". See it and others in our window and get cue low prices for fine china. Counter's Jewellery. 24-p AGAIN THIS YEAR OUTSIDE white paint at $2.99 per gal. Ph- one your order in T. A. Dutton Appliances, Brucefield, telephone HU 2.3232, open evenings 'till 9 p,m. 17tfb SINGER ELECTRIC portable sew- ing machine with zig zag, embr- oiders, monograms, blind hems, etc., under guarantee, full bal- ance $36, or take up payment of $6 monthly. Please reply to Box No. 171, Clinton News-Record, 23-4b WAREHOUSE SALE every Sat- urday on refrigerators, freezers, washing machines and dryers, vac- uum cleaners, television sets, etc. Save money on brand name ap- pliances. Warehouse open 9 am. to 7 p.m. each Saturday. T, A. Dutton Appliances, Brucefield. HU 2- 3232. 23tfb TV'S FOR SALE: 24" Hallicraft- er, console, one year warranty on pie, tube, 3149; 17" Westinghouse table model, $59; 14" Admiral por- table, 1958, $99. Hallicrafter ster- eo record player with automatic 4-speed changer, new, $99; used radio with SW and BC, $10; new radios for $19 and up. Ted Ryder's Sales and Service, HU 2-9320. 23-4-p Custom Work SEWAGE DISPOSAL — Septic tanks, cess-pools, etc. pumped and cleaned with modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels, phone 42r6, Brussels. 15 to 30p FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING needs, call HaT 2-9433, Hawkins Hardware. 2-tfb FOR YOUR DRAINAGE, excavat- ing and pipeline work, foundations, levelling. Contact Jack Merner, phone HU 2-9734. 20-tfb LAWN SODDING. Free estimates, Fill, gravel, top soil, manure, de- livered. Georee A. Baird, Clinton, phone HU 2-7176. 25p-26-tfb 1953 WILLY'S, good tires, 31,000 actual miles, Joe Corey 1-"W Z' 9889. 24b 1947 MEV, CAR, in good working order; rangette stove. Contact Mrs. Wes, Shobbrook, next to Joe Corey's pony farm, 24-p 1949 DODGE Sedan, clean, good motor, tires and new paint, Can be seen opposite South End Cities Service Station, or phone :HU 2- 7433. 24p 1956 PLYMOUTH station wagon, , will sacrifice for older model and difference in cash. Can be seen at Cumming Esso Station, near Pub- lic School, after 5 p.m. 24-b TWO - TONE 1956 RAMBLER Custom Six Sedan. Excellent con dition. Will sell below market price. L. Spilsbury, 1, Regina Rd., RCAF, 22-3-4-5b- 1956 PLYMOUTH HARDTOP, whitewalls, chrome discs, radio, electric wipers, fender mirrors, two tone coral and white. Best offer for quick sale. Call HU 2- 7549. 23 4p Employment Wanted 16 YEAR OLD FARM BOY would like work on farm for the sum- mer months. Phone HU 2-7434. 24-5b Farm Equipment For Sale TWO. DEERING MOWERS, 6 ft. cut, tractor hitch. Apply •Don Crichr phone HU 2-9252. 24b MASSEY-HARRIS No. 7 hay load- er, in good condition. Contact Geo- rge Wise, HU 2-7536, 24b NO. 6 POWER MOWER, new; 40 mower, fits pony tractor; full line of Massey-Ferguson parts, new and used. Sturdy Farm Equipment, one mile west of Holmeseille on Highway 8. 24b For Rent TRAVEL TRAILER, fully equipp- ed, will sleep four or five. Also 9x9' tourist tent; two sleeping cots; Coleman stove and ice-chest. Phone' RU 2-3222. 24b Hay For Sale 45 ACRES of standing hay or will sell on shares, Phone HU 2-9523. 24b 15 ACRES of standing hay, red elover and timothy. Phone HU 2- 9231. 24b 14 ACRES of standing bay. Con- tact H. McCartney, RR 2, Clinton, HU 2-9881 . 24p 40 ACRES of standing mixed hay for sale. Apply to Wilfred Pen- found, phone Iftl 2-3216, 24p 12 ACRES of mixed hay, timothy and alfalfa. Wm. J. Clark, Hensel', phone 687r12. 24b TWO AND A HALF ACRES of alfalfa and timothy hay in the field. Priced cheap, Murray Tyn- dall, Brucefield. Phone Seaforth 640W2. 23-4-p 60 ACRES of good mixed hay. Ap- ply after 5,30 p.m. to Melvin D. Steep, RR 3, Auburn or phone 11r5 Dungannon, 23., 4, 5p Livestock Wanted OLD HORSES WANTED at 31/2 c lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- lect, Goderich, 1433 3 4 or 1483 J 1. ATTENTION FARMERS! Cash paid for sick, down and disabled cows and horses. Dead stock pick- ed up free of charge; no call ac- cepted under 300 lbs. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851 r 11, Seaforth, Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd. 39p-tfb DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices paid for dead, old, sick and disabled horses and cattle, Old horses for slaught- er at 5c a pound. For prompt, sanitary disposal phone collect, Norman Knapp, Blyth 21r12; if busy phorte Leroy Acheson, At- wood 153, William Morse, Brus- sels 1536. Trucks available at all times. 11-tfb Dead Stock HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SICK, DISABLED HORSES. Also Dead Cows At Cash Om Horses — Phone 133 BRUSSELS —,-- COWS Wild 4c per Collect Services CASH DOWN Value OR and ViDests pound i BRUCE MARLATT 24 Hour ea" CLERK and T3Qowip1:1, for hardware store. Apply to Hugh Hawkins. 24b. Help Wanted Female WAITRESSES wanted at Fing- er's Restaurant. Apply in person. 23tfb WAITRESS for full time employ- ment. Apply in person to Bart- liffs Bakery, Ltd. 24-b Livestock For Sale ONE SHORTHORN BULL, 14- months old, priced right. William Pepper and Son, RR 3, Seaforth, phone Clinton HU 2-7534. 24p Lost and Found FOUND—A Hereford heifer stray- ed to the premises of Wilfred Higgins, lot 14, concession 16, God- erich Township, on May 28. Own- er may have same by proving ownership and paying expenses, Miscellaneous TRUCK OWNERS—Truck letter- ing and small signs, 35 years ex- perience. Bert Kirby, HU 2-9520. 23, 4, 5p OUTBOARD MOTOR REPAIRS, Johnson Sales and Service. Don Epps Marine, Clinton, HU 2-9622. 19-tfb WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery, Huron County's Oldest Established Jewellery Store. 24p MOTORS AND GENERATORS rewound and repaired. Brushes, capacitors, switches, bearings; small appliances repaired. Used or reconditioned motors for sale, Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dun- lop, phone HU 2-6640, 44-tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured — don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. 24p NIAGARA CYCLO MASSAGE For full information or free home trial, call 163-3, or write to 113 Nile Street, Stratford, Ont. 22-6p Shetland Pony Stallion "PATTON SPECIAL MAJOR" Double Registered, Dappled Chestnut, White Mane and Tail Will Stand in His Own Stable at Winohelsea for Season's Service. HAROLD CLARKE Phone Kirkton 92r21 22-3-4-b WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Breeding Service — All Breeds of Cattle — Member owned and controlled — Cost Low — Ef- ficiency High — Disease control- led, Safety—Use the best of Bulls. For service or more information phone Clinton HU 2.3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. week days; 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings. Calls received on Saturday even- ing will be serviced on Sunday morning. For cows in heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Monday morning. Better Cattle For Better Living. 20-tfb Notices Notice To Creditors In the Estate of JOHN HENRY QUIGLEY, late of the Township of Hullett, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased , All persons claiming against the above estate are required to for- ward full particulars to the under- signed by the 10th day of July, 1959, after which date the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY A, DONNELLY, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ont., Solicitors for the Estate. 22-3-4-b Notice To Creditors In The Estete of ELIZABETH BECKER, late of the Town of Clinton fn the County of Huron, Spinster, Deceased. All persons having claims ag- ainst the Estate of the said Eliza- beth locker, who died on the 19th day of April, A.D. 1959, are re- quh*ed to file proof of the same wi•h he undersigned on or before the 30th day of June, A.D. 1959, after which date the assets will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice hen have been given. Dated at Clinton, this 8th day of June, A.D. 1950. al. Ie. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate, 23-4-5-b Real Estate BUSINESS PROPERTY in, main business district of Clinton, Write to box 236 Clinton News-Record. Replies strictly confidential, 23, 4b SUMMER COTTAGE for sale, 10 cated four miles north of Bayfield at Elliott's Grove. Phone HU 2- $087. 17-p-tfla HOUSE FOR SALE in Village of Brucefield.. Five rooms, -furnace and 2-piece bath. Immediate posse eSSion. Apply Gordon geys, Cam- lachie, Oat 24-5p 9 ROOM FRAME HOUSE with 2 extra lots, % acres of land-, south west part of town; $3,800 cash fell price; L, Q. Winter, Real Es- tate, 200 High Street, phone HU 2,6692. 24b 4 BEDROOM, OIL HEATED HO- me, newly decorated, extra lot, easy terms, Located south east corner of Market and High Str- eets, Seaforth, Box 520, 22tfb BUSINESS PROPERTIES, farms and homes, Build a home to suit your pocketbook on the Nu-Way house plan. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, Agent for Kernohan. Phone HU 2-6692 for appointment, IRO Street, Clinton, 49tfb REAL LaSTA,TE IS OUR BUSI- NESS. Farms, residential, com- mercial, summer cottages. For de- pendable and capable service list your property evith John Basveld, Wellesley Street, Goderich. Phone 1108. Salesmen: C. Buruma, Clint a J, McConnell, Sea- forth. 2-tfb 50 ACRE FARM, house and barn, located 4 miles from Clinton, only $4,000, down payment $1,000 100 ACRE clay loam farm, locat- ed on Highway 8, located close to Clinton, very good house and barn, immediate possession, low down payment. FULLY EQUIPPED service sta- tion, a money maker, with mod- ern home, willing to take house, farm or what have you for part payment. Many Summer Cottages for sale along Lake Huron. JOHN BOSVELD REALTOR 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich PHONE 1108 Salesmen: Joe McConnell, Seaforth C. Buruma, Clinton. 24-5b FOR SALE VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD, ONT. 1 STOREY brick veneer, 2 bed- room dwelling with fireplace, living room, kitchen, 3-piece bath, oil furnace, full basement, garage. Lot 75'x95`. Good con- dition. Convenient to lake. TOWN OF CLINTON 1 STOREY 3-bedroom dwelling with livingroom, diningroom and kitchen, 3-piece bath, oil furn- ace, full basement, 2 car garage, lot 82x132, early possession. H. C. LAWSON INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Hotel Clinton Building Dial HU 2-9644—business HU 2-9787—residence 23-tfb Real Estate For Sate HOUSES $6,000-5-room cottage, 7 years old, 2 bedrooms and 3-piece bath, coal furnace, full cellar, $6,000-6-room frame cottage, 2 bedrooms, 3-piece bath, new oil furnace, 2 blocks from post of- fice. $7,250-8-room 11/ storey, close to both schools, 2 bedrooms and 3- piece bath up, 1 bedroom and 2- piece bath down, large kitchen with built-in cupboards, full cel- lar, attached garage, situated in good residential district an ch- oice lot, early possession. $5,000-1% storey stucco house on Victoria Street, 2 bedrooms and 3-piece bath down, 2 bedrooms up, immediate possession. BUSINESS 2-STOREY—solid brick store on main street, modern front, rent- ed apartment on second floor with separate entrance. K. W. Coiquhoun INSURANCE 84 REAL ESTATE Bus. HU 2-9147; Res. 2-7556 WC KENNEDY—Salesman Tenders Wanted TENDER WANTED for exterior painting of SS 1, Hullett, State kind of paint and type of paint- ing. Tenders to be received by June 30, 1959. —Ross McGregor, Secretary, Rle, 2, Seaforth. 23-4p Notice To Creditors In The Estate of 'WILLIAM JOHN VOIMEN, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Gentleman, Deceased. All persons having claims ag- ainst the Estate of the said Wil- liam John Vodden, who died on the 17th day of February, 1959, are re- quired to file proof of the same with the undersigned on or before the 30th day of June, A.D. 1959, after which date the assets will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given, ' Dated at Clinton, this 8th day of June, A.D. 1959. E. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate, 23-4-5-h Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm and Farm Implements at Lot No. 31, Concession 7, Hui- lett Township, 4 miles north of Clinton on SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 2 p.m. the following; implements.: John Deere binder, 7 ft, cut; International 3-section spring tooth harrows; 4-section di- amond drag harrows; Case furrow tractor plow; International hay loader; IVI-H side delivery rake; idculemsp. rake; numerous other art- Farm: 90 acre farm on which is situated a bank barn, 30'x50' and a 5-room frame house. Hydro throughout the buildings and a never-failing water supply of a well and the river running through the farm. On this farm is approximat- ely 6 acres of second growth hard- wood bush. Terms on Implements, cash. Terms on Farm: 10% on date of sale 40% in 30 days and the bal- ance arranged on a suitable mort- gage. The farm will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. Oth- er particulars given on sale date. Donald McLean, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 24-25-b PARK THEATRE GODERICH Now Playing: June ' Ingrid Bergman in INN OF THE SIXTH HAPPINESS" — Scope and Color — One showing each night at 8 p.m, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday June 22-23-24 —Filmed in England and across the Channel — "DUNKIRK No greater chronicle of travail and heroism appears on the scrolls of history than the evacuation of our troops from the Flanders bea- ches. John Mills, Richard Attenborough Thursday, Friday, Saturday June 25-26-27 —DOUBLE FEATURE — Brian Keith -- Rita Gam and Male Powers Take us to the Mexican border for a colorful story and a romantic outdoor adventure yarn. "SIERRA BARRON" In Scope and Color And as an additional action- packed attraction. Barbara Hale and Rick Jason, in "DESERT HELL" Technicolor Coming: "RALLY 'ROUND THE FLAG BOYS" with Paul Newman—In Color —Adult Entertainment— Articles For Sale Automobiles For Sale Help Wonted ANYONE FOUND TRESPASS- BOWLING ALLEY and Billiard o roeoM ING on Lots 41 and 51 both sides R 130uxs3inocsesinecnit block build- ship udes—onest at any time hereafter will of the river, Tuckersmith Town- y 10 o m ing; 2 alleys; four pool tables; be prosecuted. By Order of the good magazine and tobacco tr- Owner A, E. Parry. 23-26-b ade; confectionary, soft drinks, and sundries. Terms can be ar- ranged, Immediate possession. If