HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-06-18, Page 6CL IS' NZWSsR MOMS More Furnishings For Residence and Hospital The beds at Clinton Public Hos- pital continue to be almost con- firma-11y occupied, There were 185 patients treated in May, and 97 out-patients, 'There were 25 births, seven deaths, 24 major operations, 13047meihneosrt operations and a total of The nurses residence has receiv- ed two- sun carts presented by the Hospital Awdliary and one by a friend. The Civil Service Ladies League has added two chairs to wita0rcif.aMiShillgs of tbe children's WM$ ENTERTAINS TWO YOUNGER GROUPS The annual party of the Baby Band, the. Mission. Band and their mothers were entertained by the Woman's Missionary Society of Ontario Street 'United Church, Mrs. R. Plumsteel and Miss E. Plumsteel gave the devotional, The watch tower was given by Mrs. R. Fear, Mrs. Harrison was soloist. Mrs. Ross Trewartba gave an interesting talk on Mission Band work and studies. The parcel of materials for bandages arid dress- ings was sent to Korea, also a bale to Toronto. It was decided to cancel the July meeting. After the meeting closed, lunch was ser- ved. OBITUARY Miss Flora Cook Ensign Flora Cook, retired Sal- vation Army officer, passed away suddenly. in Toronto on June 10. She started her Army work in Clinton in 1898 and in August 1899 she was commissioned and served in Ontario and the Western Prov- inces. She retired in 1922. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Glazier and two brothers, William and Leonard Cook, all of Clinton; one sister, Mrs. Bella Young predeceased her. Funeral was from the Jerrett funeral chapel, St. Clair Aye., To- ronto, by Colonel G. Best, and in- terment was in the Salvation Army Plot, Mount Pleasant Cem- etery, Toronto. HogArthside..014b.Has. Spdvrich Lady Spooker The Hearthside Club of Ontario Street United Church met Thurs- day night, June 12, with the pres- ident, Ruth Knox in the chair. Devotions, were taken by Mrs. Ed- na Wheeler and Mrs, Marg 17>10,0t, Quest speaker was Miss Eva Som- erville, Goderich, who told about her trip to the Holy Land and showed pictures which were much enjoyed. Mrs. Harris was guest soloist, Lunch was served by Group 3, WI WILL win= ON JUNE 25 IN CLINTON The Clinton Women's Institute will meet June 25 in the agricul- tural office board room at 2,30 pan, Roll call; "What Annoys Me Most at Public Meetings". Topic, Agriculture and Canadian Indust- ries, by Mrs. Forest and Mrs. Bella Holmes. Program, Mrs, N. Shepherd, Mrs. E. Epps. Hostesses, Mrs, E, Trick, Mrs. Blake, Mrs, E. Miller, Mrs. Sloman, Mrs. Watkins, Mrs. F. Glew, Mrs, W. Radford, Mrs. W. McClinchey. 0 God. Twp. South Correspondent: James R. Stirling Phone HU 2-9537 Miss Kate Williams, who has been in Clinton Public Hospital for the past six weeks, returned home on Sunday. Ratepayers of SS 8, Goderich Township, met at the home of Grant Stirling last Wednesday night, June 10, with Glen Gardiner, Goderich, public school inspector, present, After considerable discussion a vote on whether to continue tak- ing the pupils to SS 4 Stanley Township as at present, or to build a new school. The vote was ten to eight in favour of a new school. Investigation has been carried 'out, and purchase of a "tempor- ary" school room would amount to about $6,000, Installation of, services, washroom, furnishings, ets,, would be extra cost, Since the meeting it has been discovered that the trustees of SS 4 Stanley will be willing to accept the SS 8 pupils for another year. Church Directory CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: JOHN AGULIAN, B.Th. 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11,00 ane—"Earning A Living" Thursday-7.00 p.m.—Youth Fellowship. A Cordial Welcome to All WE HAVE THE TOOLS YESIREE .TO DC YOUR JOB AS IT SHOULD th !win "O. K. Sweigard To Leave For North Kenneth L. Sweigard, who has been pastor of the Clinton Pente- costal Church since 1950, and at Teeswater for the past 18 months, has resigned his charge here to accept a mission field pastorate in Northern Ontario near Church- hill, Man, B, A, Davidson has been voted as pastor of the Clinton Pente- costal Church and Mr. Sweigard has expressed the hope that the same cooperation and considera- tion which he has enjoyed over the past years may be accorded hint, Mr, Sweigard recently received his pilot's licence from Sky Har- bour Air Services, Goderich, This training will be useful in his nor- thern service. Mrs. Sweigard has recently completed a practical nurses aid course and St. Johns Ambulance Carps course which al- so will be useful in the northern mission. Farewell Service will be preach- ed in Teeswater en July 12, at which time an induction of the Rev, F, Lowman will take Place, Mr. and Mrs. Lowman and three children are immigrating from Bi- shop Auckland, Co., Durham, Eng- land, where they have been past- uring at Mrs. Sweigard's home ch- urch. Witnesses at Three-Day Rally in Mitchell A three day training program of Jehovah's Witnesses was held in the Mitchell Memorial Arena this past weekend. 690 assembled to hear the final discourse "A Para- dise Earth Through God's King- dom" delivered by A. W. Mac- Namara, district supervisor of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract So- ciety which was the climax of the three-day program. 0 HAPPY WORKERS CLUB HAS PLEASANT EVENING On Thursday evening, June 11, the Happy Workers' Club met at Mrs. Wilfred and Mrs. Albert Gla- zier's. The evening was spent in a friendly visit. A TV picture con- test was won by Mrs. Bill Holland. The lucky prize was won by Mrs. Warren Gibbings. Lunch was serv- ed by the hostesses, assisted by Mrs. A, Vanden Dool and Mrs. Warren Gibbings. Popular Londesboro ful June Wedding home. A beautifully decorated cake was served to the girls for lunch. Mrs. Edwin Wood, Blyth, held an afternoon party with the bride's Sunday School class of 5 year olds and their mothers attending. A large white bell and streamers hung from the light above the ta- ble. The children stood around the table in front of their stream- er and in turn each handed a gift to their teacher who was seated in a decorated chair at the head of the table. Lunch and games followed for the children on the front lawn. The members of the Londesboro United Church Choir gathered at the home of Mrs. Tom Allen, Lon- desboro, for a choir social, at wh- ich time the bride was presented with an engraved Hymnary. The Huron Presbytery YPU ex- ecutive, of which both the bride and groom are officers, presented them with a table lamp. Trousseau Tea Mrs. William Manning, Londes- boro, held a trousseau tea at her home on Saturday, June 6, in hon- our of her daughter, Receiving the large number of friends and neigh- bours who attended, were the bride-elect, her mother, and Mrs. Howard John, Seaforth, mother of the groom, The rooms were dec- orated with lovely flowers, pink umbrellas, and streamers. The tea table was centered with a lovely bowl of flowers flanked by pink lighted tapers in silver nolders. In the afternoon Mrs. James Scott and Mrs, W. V, Roy poured tea, In the evening, Mrs. Margaret Manning, 92 year old grandmother of the bride and Mrs. Edwin Johns poured tea, assisted by Mrs. Bert Hunking, Displaying the trousseau and gifts were Mrs. William Andrews, Miss Mavis Steepe, Mrs. Anson McKinley, Mrs. Lorne Lawson, Mrs, Grant McLean, Mrs, Kenneth Wood, Miss Maxine Hunking, Miss Muriel Shobbrook and Miss Lois Roo, In the afternoon, those serving in the tea room were Sandra Jean Conyers- Gloria Allen and Jane 1VIcCool. In the evening, Nellie Westerhout, Marguerite Lyon, Mary Lou Roe and Beth McEwing. Others assisting during the day were Miss Karen McKinley, Mrs. Harry Lear, Mrs. Clare Ball, Mrs. Edwin Wood, Mrs, Frank Tamblyn, Mrs. Len CoIlyer, Mrs. Dave An- derson, Mrs. Lloyd Pipe, Mrs. Torn Allen, Mrs. Len McNair WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL CLINTON! PLUMBING HEATING ELECTRICAL SERVICE U: 2-706 2 Thank You, Huron ! May I express my grateful apprecia- tion to all who sup- ported me on June I 1.. I will continue to represent all of the people in Huron rid- ing to the best of my ability. C SO (CHARLIE) at AUGHTON ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor--REV„ GRANT BIILLS, 9.45 tam.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Holy Cormnunion 7,30 p.m,—Evening Chapel Service. TURNER'S CHURCH 9.45 a.m,—Holy Communion 10.45 a.m.—Sunday School Announcement I E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Will be absent from his office from July 1 to July 22, while attending a Conference of The Canadian Association of Optometrists, in Vancouver, Seaforth Office will remain open for replacements — 24-b 41.11/11.MOTOMONIMOIMAMINIIINEW elONIMIO••••...••••1111010/1•1 See Us For DREAM-CAKES COME TRUE! OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL FROM OUR STORE ONLY WHIPPED CREAM STRAWBERRY CAKE REC. 60c — FOR 53c Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. Bakery and Restaurant CLINTON HU 24727 SPECIAL ORDER DECORATED CAKES FOR ALL OCCASIONS e take great pride in creating beautiful bakery masterpieces for Birthdays, Weddings, or any other occasion, at reasonable prices. Rev, and Mrs. E. J. Roulston, twat', were guests on Sunday of Misses Walkinshaw and Mrs, T. R, Jenisine, Mrs.• W. S. Rs llolmes spent the weekend with her nephew, Dr, and. Mrs, A. and family of Peterboro. Mrs. Alan Moon and children, Laura and John Jr., are visiting the lady's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, W, E. Perdue, Mrs, J. W. Tedder, Willowdele and Miss Dorothy Morrison, Tor- onto, spent the weekend with Mr, and. Mrs, A, J. McMurray, Mrs. Elizabeth Glazier, William Caols and. Mr. and Mrs. Mae Fal- coner attended the funeral in Tor- onto on Jttne 12, of Miss Flora GIFT SUGGESTIONS for HIS DAY! • WALLETS • BILLFOLDS • BRIEFCASES • LUGGAGE • SLIPPERS • SOCKS • SUMMER SHOES • SPORT SHIRTS • UTILITY CASES • CASUAL PANTS AIKEN'S Luggage and Footwear or MEN& Y PLUMBER MAR YOU LOOK atm-stsrionwoorisr YOU'LL ALWAYS FEND . 0_1111SERVICEri, -me aEST-7, US! Cook, Donald Hugill who has been at- tending Goderich Business- College has secured employment in the of- flue of Scott and MeHale Shoe Manufacturers, London. Gordon Cunningham° returned recently from Liverpool, N,Y., af- ter a six weeks visit in the home of his son and daughterinslaw, Mr, and Mrs. John E, Cunnings harne of that city. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Cunninghame were Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Saunders and family, Detroit, who occupied j,K.T., Eleyfield; Mr, and Mrs, Ar- thur Saunders and family, Detroit in Cedar Nest, Hayfield and Mr. and Mrs. Carl East, Toronto at their borne in Clinton, W. and Mrs. John Richmond, Lae du Bonnet, Manitoba, celebrat- ed their 50th wedding anniversary on June 9. Mrs, Joseph Webster, Clinton, who is a sister of Mrs. Richmond, was unable to attend, Mrs, Joseph Webster, Clinton, is spending a few weeks with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Meredith Young, Auburn. 0 Mothers Group Plan Summer Outings The Mothers' Study Group of Wesley-Willis United Church will meet Tuesday evening, June 23, at the home of Mrs, William Hol- land. Cars will leave the church at 8 p.m. Mrs. Robert Wright will be in charge of the meeting, Mrs. George Cantelon and Mrs. Eugene McAdam will be hostesses. Hot dogs will be supplied. The nursery and baby band pic- nic will be held Wednesday after- noon, June 24, at, the home of Mrs. Bill Hazily. Cars to leave the church at 2.30 p.m. 0 BLUEBELL'S GARDEN PARTY TO BE HELD ON JUNE 27 The Bluebell's garden party will be held on the lawns of *Mrs. Clif- ford Epps, on Saturday, June 27 at 3 p.m. Leaders are to be in charge of games. The Beavers are cordially invited, Clintonians Plan To. Attend Picnics The Juno meeting of the Clins tonian Club was held at the home of Mrs, M, Falconer. The meeting opened with creed and prayer with the president Mrs. T. O'Connell presiding, Plans for club picnic Were made for Tuesday, June 23 to be held in Clinton Community Park and everyone is Weleome. Plans were made for bus trans- portation to the central picnic on August 15. Everyone wishing to go please contact Mrs. W. Col- dough or Mrs. I.J. IVIanagium, Mrs. W. Colclough gave a read- fee, Mrs, Ings of Varna, won the mystery prise. S eohp=teiltio Eniteb Cburcb REV. 3, A. McKIM, B.A. MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE. Choir Director Sunday, June 21 9.45 aan.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Worship Service Thurs., June 25—Wesley - Willis WA annual strawberry tea in the church parlour at 3 p.m. followed by special program, All members of WA and WMS societies are cordially invited. HOLIVIESVILLE MRS. LLOYD BOND, Organist 9.45 aan,—Worship Service 10.45 a.m.—Sunday School Let us use the Lord's Day to strengthen our Christian Faith Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, June 14- 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7,30 p.m.—Gospel Service. Guest Speaker: Mr. John Aiken, Sh- elburne. Tuesday, 8 pen.—Prayer and Bible Study ALL WELCOME ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA St. Paul's — Clinton REV. C. S. HIDER, Rector Miss Christine Bridle, Organist FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer 8,00 p.m.—A great Service of Thanksgiving on the 100th Anniversary of the founding of St. Paul's Parish. Preacher: Bishop W. A. Townshend. The St. Nicholas Singers Of Lon- don. EVERYONE WELCOME Thurs., June 25—Chancel Guild pot luck supper at the home of Mrs. T, Herman at 6.30 p.m. Christian. Reformed Church MR. J. VOS, Summer Pastor Sunday, June 21 10.00 a.m.—Service in Dutch 2.30 pan,--Service in English The Rev. Mr. A, van Eck, guest speaker. Everyone Welcome Wesley-Willis Will Attend Seaforth Thankoffering Day The Woman's Missionary Society of Wesley-Willis United Church met in the church parlour on Fri- day evening, June 12, and learned that the bale being sent overseas weighed no lbs. Plans were made to attend the thankoffering of North Side Unit- ed Church in Seaforth on June 23, and an invitation was accepted from the WA to their strawberry tea on June 25, There will be no meeting in July, In August a birthday party will be held at Mrs. G. Beattie's cottage at the lake. The Friendship secretary report- ed 22 home calls and three hospi- tal calls. Mrs, C Nelson and Mrs. F. Reid were in charge of the program. Mrs. Reid read Scripture from John 4: 19-26; 14: 13-14; Matt, 21.: 22; I John 4; 14-15. Mrs. C, Nelson gave lesson thoughts. Mrs. R. Jenkins gave a talk on community friendship stressing a friendly spirit shown to strangers and shutins, and suggested that everyone can do church visiting, Mrs. L. Jervis told of the help given by associate helpers in mis- sion work, Lunch was served by the committee. MARRIAGES TAYLOR-TAYLOR—In Varna Un- ited Church on Saturday after- noon, June 13, 1959, by the Rev. T. J. Pitt, Varna, Barbara Joan, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Louis Taylor, Varna, to Murray Ship- ley Taylor, Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Taylor, Queen Street, Clinton, CARDS OF THANKS I would like to thank all who sent cards and treats and visited me while in hospital and at home. Special thanks to the nurses, Th- anks again, —CARL MeCLINCH- EY. 24p I would like to thank my relat- ives, friends and neighbours for all the flowers, cards, treats and visits while I was a patient in Vic- toria Hospital. —DOUGLAS LAY- TON. 24p I wish to express my sincere thanks to neighbours and friends for visits, cards, flowers and tr- eats while a patient in Clinton hos- pital. Special thanks to Father L, E. Reed-Lewis, Dr. Oakes and nur- ses who were so kind to me, — MRS. J. D. WILSON. 24p I would like to thank all my friends, neighbours and relations for cards, flowers and gifts, while a patient in Clinton hospital. Sp- ecial thanks to Father Reed-Lewis, Dr. Addison, Dr. Oakes and my special nurses, — MRS. LOUIS FREEMAN, 24p We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to all who helped in any way at the house and funeral for the late Miss El- izabeth Becker. Special thanks to Rev. D. 5. Lane, the pallbearers, Beattie funeral home, the neigh- bours and those who sent flowers, —GORDON KING, Executor of the Estate. 24b o...oz six PERSONALS HAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM, Pastor FOURTH ANNIVERSARY SUnday, June 21 10.00 ea./I.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship Guest speaker for both servic- es, Dr. Percy H. Harris, B.A., D.Th., President of the London Bible Institute and Theologs ical Seminary. 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service Wed., 8 pen.--Prayer Meeting You are cordially invited to these services. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street Clinton I B. A, DAVIDSON, Pastor Friday, June 19- 8,00 p.m.—Christ's Ambassadors: Sunday, June 21- 10.00 a.rre—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service Tuesday, June 23- 8.00 p.m.—Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service, A Special Welcome Awaits You J oseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON' Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18; 20) meeting in the above ball invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's day as follows; SERVICE 11.00 a.rn,Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m.—Wednesday— Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B,A., Minister MRS. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, June 21 9.45 a.m,—Church School meets for study. 10.45 ea-re—Divine Worship. Our subject for Meditation; "If Men Forget God." You need the Church more than the Church needs you, EVERYBODY WELCOME RSDAY, JUNE 18, 1959- BIRTHS 00K - In Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital, Kitchener Ontario, on Saturday, June 1 0959, to Mr. and Mrs, W. F, (Blondy) Cook, a son (Alan Franklin, brother for Lynda), CHOWEN—In Clinton Pubis Hos- pital, on Wednesday, June 17, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. William Chowen, Clinton, a daughter, HORBANIUK—In Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, June 11, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs, Coston Horbaniuk, RR 4, Clinton, a daughter. JACKSON — In Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, June 11, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs, Roger Jackson, Clinton, a son, JOHNSTON — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, June 11, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Johnston, Londesboro, a daught- er, LONGE,In Clinton Public Hoes pital on Thursday, June 11, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Longe, Hayfield, a daughter, PALASCHUK — In Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, June 10, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs, 0. J. Isala.schtik, Clinton, a daughter. STASILIK — In Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, Stine 12, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs. Peter Stasiuk, Clinton, a daughter, DEATHS DALRYMPLE — In London, on Monday, June 15, 1959, Eliza- beth Yuille Dalrymple, beloved wife of W. Harry Dalrymple, Brucefield, in her 75th year, Funeral from the Brucefield Un- ited Church on Thursday after- noon, June 18, to Baird's Cem- etery, Stanley Township this aft- ernoon, July 18, commencing at 2 o'clock. FAIRBAIRN—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, • June 7, 1959, Walter Patterson Fair- bairn, widower of the late Mary Ellen Robertson, in his 85th year. Funeral from the Bon- thrall funeral home, Hensall, to Union Cemetery, on Tuesday afternoon, June 9, by the Rev, D. A. MacMillan, Kippen. HARRISON — In Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, June 12, 1959, Goldie Harrison, in his 66th year, Requiem high mass at St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Goderich, to the Col- borne Catholic Cemetery on Monday morning, by the Rev. J. P. Gleason. HARPER—In Tuckersmtth Town- ship, on Tuesday, June 9, 1959, Cheryl Lynne Harper, beloved daughter of Flying Officer and Mrs. L. B. Harper, RCAF Sta- tion Clinton, in her 13th year, Funeral from the Protestant Chapel, RCAF Station Clinton, on Saturday afternoon, June 13, commencing at 1. o'clock, b Flight Lieutenant the Rev, C A. McLaren, to Unionville Cem etery. TYNDALL — In Scott Memori Hospital ,Seaforth, on Thursday evening, June 11, Agnes Eliza beth Murray, widow of the lat • Harry Tyndall, in her 88th year Funeral from the G. A.•Whitne funeral home, Seaforth, to Eg mondville Cemetery, on Sund afternoon, June 14. HAIR STYLING COLD WAVES CHARLES House of Beauty • Also REVLON COSMETICS Phone HU 2-7065 Several Events Fete Girl Prior To Beauti Miss June Manning was honored with several showers prior to her marriage on Saturday, June 13. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Clarence Ball, Clinton, with Mrs. Frank Tamb- lyn and Mrs. Edwin Wood as co- hostesses. Miss Mavis Steepe, Clinton, and Miss Iona Griffith, Stouffville, held a shower at Miss Steepe's