HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-06-18, Page 1CLINTON 1A 113 2A, 2B 3A 4A 3 413 Totals 808 452 PC 114 87 117 95 109 99 89 98 Lib, 58 61 53 68 42 69 56 45 Victory for PCs in Huron Victory on election night was celebrated in the tra- ditional manner with crowds of people, bands and tooting horns, Charles S. MacNaughton with his majority in- creased substantially over the by-election win of last year, poses here with Douglas Freeman, president of the Clinton Progressive Conservative Association (left) and his son, John MacNaughton, who was an enthusiastic member of the victory cavalcade. (News-Record Photo) linton News- ec r THE NEW ERA-93rd YEAR THE NEWS-RECORD-47th YEAR No. 24--The Horne Paper With the News CLINTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 19.89 0.80 Per Year-10 Cents Per Copy 12 ?asps reported to the police. Provincial Police from Goderich under the direction of Sergeant C. N, And- erson began their search that night. A cheek Was made at homes of relatives to which it was thought the girl might have gone. Wednesday morning a class- mate, Steven Truseott, 14-years-old, told police he had given the girl a ride on his bicycle to Highway 8 Tuesday evening, and left her there. Returning along the town- ship road to the bridge, he looked back, and saw her getting into a late model car with yellow licence plates With this their main clue, police eolith-wed their search, checking cars that fitted the description, and questioning residents of Ad. astral Park and the area, When the girl had not been found Thursday morning, the seach was organized, and began (Continuee. on Page 12) Evening Show Lists Prizes For Draw Winners of the two draws off- ered by the Huron Central Agri- cultural Society at the Clinton Sp- ring Show last Wednesday were Dick Jacob, RR 5, Clinton and Harold Pepper, RR 1, Seaforth. Best dressed team award went to Glen Johnston, RR 1, Gorrie, with runner-up E. Campbell. Best matched team in harness was sh- own by A. Toll, Auburn, and run- ner-up was O. Bestard, Thorndale, Heavy draught team, Nile Sh- ants (1' and 2), Peter Graham, A. Toll; wagon team over 3,000 lbs., Glen Johnston, A. Knill, Paris and Basil Wyville, Sarnia; team harn- ess ponies under 12 hands, Layton Shantz, New Hamburg; N. Smith, Brampton; Fred Jones, Belton; percheron teams, 0. Bestard (1 and 2); Gordon Mordue, New Hamburg; pony teams over 12 hands, Allan Burke, Port Stanley; N. Lambertus, Walkerton; H. Moore, Ridgetown; M. Innes, St- ratford; carriage team in harness, W. Munro, Embro; H. J. Jamies- on, Guelph: gentleman's turnout, Munro, Jamieson, Alexander. Four horse tandem hitch, Nile Shantz, 0, Bestard, C. A. Toll, Johnston and Wyville, A. Knill, Graham and Campbell. 0 William Cochrane Honoured After 30 Years PUC Service William Cochrane was recently honoured upon his retirement af- ter nearly 30 years service with the Public Utilities Commission. The employees of the PUC and the commissioners presented him a lovely sofa bed. Chairman William Perdue read a letter of appreciation for -the many years of faithful service to the Town of Clinton, and this was signed by the employees and com- missioners. Mayor Burton Stanley added his thanks on behalf of the town. Tiny Girls in Ballet Potty and Alexis Stamm, daughters of Mr, and Mrs, R. Stamm, Eldg, J, ' RCAF Station Clinton, ore two of the junior ballet pupils of Mrs, T. Zablocki who performed before on excellent chowd in the Legion Hall last Saturn day night, (News-Record Photo) TULRERSMITII MacNaughton Winner Earns 1,648 Vote Majority PC Lib, 67 100 88 103 46 65 79 73 40 73 45 55 60 88 41 22 466 579 $10,000 Reward Posted For Slayer, Highest Ever Offered In Ontario 2 3 4 5 6 7 109 87 1B 105 95 Totals 214 182 GODERICH TOWNSHIP 1 95 40 2 65 26 3 53 48 4 68 27 5 63 33 6 74 45 Totals HENSALL 1A About 600 of the service person- nel' from RCAF Station Clinton, have been asked to take part in the job of lining the streets at Stratford, on July 2, when Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip are in that city. Sergeant J. G. G. Pratte, 40, al- so of Station Clinton, has been selected as one of special automo- bile drivers to drive the royal party during the Queen's visit to Windsor on July 8. Sgt Pratte and his wife Giseile, and family, live at 35 Edmonton Road, RCAF Sta- At Spring Show Extremely bright sun mode perfect Spring Show weather, and meant that the Huron Central Agricultural Society is probably no further "in the red" than last year, However, figures as to the financial status of the fair are yet to be hod, 82-year'old A. J. McMurray, left, and Tory Gregg, master of ceremonies, ore looking over a track full of fine horses, Mr. McMurray, is the veteran -treasurer of the fair, (News-Record Photo) William McKim Wins Silver Dollar Essay Contest Here William McKim, son of the Rev, and Mrs, John A, Mei-Chez, Town- end Street, is this year's winner the Silver Dollar Essay Con- est, Runner-up for the award is lIzabeth Inder, daughter of the ev, and Mrs. Charles S, Inder, attenbury Street East. Other prize winners are Sharon artin, Nancy Olde and Sharon xray, These five essays were con- idered, top in the competition by he sponsor, Mrs. J. Douglas lhorndike, and were sent to the dges for placing. The Silver Dollar Essay contest held each year at Clinton Public drool, by Mrs. Thorndike, who is nglish teacher for Grade 8. She resents the opening paragraphs f the story, and it is up to the udente to complete it with their ideas. Previous winners of this contest dude; Ron Levett, 1958; Bonnie amilton, 1957; Kenneth Engel- ad, 1956; Sherry Cochrane, 1955 James Managlian, 1954, -o 011egiate Board Gets emission To Go head With Addition The board of Clinton District stitute has received approval out the Ontario Department of ucation to go ahead with hay- g plans and specifications drawn for the addition to the school. Two new teachers have been red: R. St. John, Sarnia and. R, Williams, Toronto. Present teachers on the staff ve each received salary increas- none lower than $800 per year, d in some instances the increase s been $1,300 per year, There e 20 teachers on staff. Permission was given the Town tlaan League to make use of campus for games this season. he board has purchased part a lot from Cameron Proctor, amazing 100 feet by 100 feet, order to extend the garden a. The new addition will go on present garden site. d Cross Collects rge Amount Here STANLEY 1 64 2 39 3 41 4 121 5 59 6 66 7 20 8 144 Totals 544 317 Advance Poll 37 22 Clinton 808 452 Exeter 918 439 Hensall 214 Goderich 1,723 902 182 Seaforth 470 555 Goderich Twp, 418 219 Hay 488 609 Hullett 371 380 McKillop 239 412 Stanley 544 317 Stephen ' 647 640 Tuckersmith 466 579 Usborne 372 369 Totals 7,725 6,077 tion Clinton. His home is in Mont- real, and he ''has been in the Air Force since ,February, 1949. He served overseas during the war, and again e with RCAF Fighter Wing at Baden-Soellingen, Ger- many fropi. 1953-1957, He is an ME opeelittor and maintenance supervisor at Station Clinton. Two airmen and one airwoman have been chosen to take part in a special ceremony in Green Island Park, Ottawa, on July 1, when a memorial to the Commonwealth air forces, will he unveiled. They include 23-year-old clerk- typies, LAW Helen M, Ranson, Brandon, Man.; who has been in the Air Force since November, 1956; LAC William E. Deane, 30- year-old air force policeman, from London, England, who served with the Royal Engineers from 1946 to 1952, He and his wife Patricia and family live at RR 5, Clinton); Warrant Officer Arnie Johannes- son, 41, member of the RCAF since September 1939, now in the supply section at Station Clinton. He was with the United Nations Expeditionary Force in Capodich- ino, Italy and Egypt, before win- ing to Clinton in April, 1957. He and his were Marjorie and family live at 10 Quebec Road, RCAF Station Clinton. The Station Clinton Volunteer Drum and Trumpet Band will be included among the several bands which will play on the streets of Stratford during the Royal visit there, Sergeant It, J. Parley, of the ME Section at Station. Clinton will drive one of the vehicles in the Royal party at London during the visit there on 3ttly 2, Mr. and Mrs, Farley and their two children live on Matilda Street in Clinton, He is from Niagara Fang and has served the rt,CAP for 14 steal, RCAF Scout Earns Queen Scout Award Gary Collier, First Clinton RCAF Troop, received his Queen's Scout certificates at an impressive ceremony in Harriston, on June O. There were five boys from Goder- ich and one from Bayfield also re- ceived their certificates there, 0 . Huron County Rate Up Half a Mill The Hiron County tax rate for 1959 was formally established at 13,9 mills, by by-law passed Wed- nesday, June 10, by Huron County Council, The rate is half a mill greater than in 1958. Earlier in the year, councillors had tentatively planned a tax rate of 13.4 mills, unchanged from last year.. Unusual costs for snowplow- ing during the first three months of the year, however, upset the road budget, and made it necessary either to increase the tax rate, or decrease the summer construction work on the county road system, The tax rate provides seven mills for county roads, and 6,9 mills for all other county purposes. Public School Board Hires New Teacher Miss Shirley McFadden, Water- loo has been hired by the Clinton Public School Hoard to fill the last vacancy on the staff there. July and August meetings have been cancelled unless an emerg- ency makes one necessary. A party for the Grade 8 graduating class has been planned for Thursday, June 25. a Second Search Now In Progress For Dungannon Woman Working on the ceeend search for missing persons within one week in Huron County, members of the Ontario Provincial Police, and volunteers from the area scoured the Maitland River Valley at Auburn all day Wednesday, for Mrs. Jennie Fitzgerald, 78, mis- sing since Tuesday evening, Mrs. Fitzgerald had been stay- ing at the home of Kenneth Camp- bell, her nephew. She had been of ill health for the past three weeks, and after a short stay in Clinton Public Hospital, had stayed with her niece, Mrs. Arthur Spiegel- berg, north of Auburn. Before her illness she lived in her own home in Dungannon. Believed to have been wearing a grey striped dress, grey sweater and brogues, Mrs. Fitzgerald did not take her purse along. Aircraft was used to scan parts of the river, and a formal search was carried out yesterday under the direction of Constable Donald Weston, Goderich, Both Mr, and Mrs. Campbell work at shift work in Goderich, 0 Bayfield Man Invited To See Prince Philip Sylvanus Cann, Bayfield, has re- ceived an invitation from the Royal Canadian Regiment Old Comrades Association, to attend the unveiling of the RCR Memor- ial to the fallen of that regiment, at Wolseley Barracks in London on July 2. His Royal Highness, Prince Phil- ip, Duke of Edinburgh, Colonel in Chief of the RCR will officiate at 1.30 pan. Mr. Cann's son was a member of the RCR killed in ac- tive service. 0 Andrew Steep's 36th Year at Hosiery Plant Andrew Steep, superintendent at the Clinton Hosiery Company on Mary Street, marked his 36th an- niversary with the firm on Mon- day, May 15. The Second annual Mother and Daughter Banquet of the Clinton Girl Guides was held last night in the Legion Memorial Hale Miss Lloy Ann Rutherford, chairman, and her Mother were at the head table along with Guide Captain Mrs, 1-1, A. "Bud" Graham, and special guests, the Rev. and Mrs, J. A. 1VIeKire, Mayor and Mrs. Burton Stanley, Mrs, F. Pingland, Mr, arid Mrs, C, H, Fpps, and Cameron Proctor, president of the Legion. Highlight of the event was pre- kinsmen Need $500 To Pay For House Numbering Response in financial support of the Kinsmen Club house-num- bering project has not been as strong as hoped for, and the club is facing a $500 deficit on the job, Total cost of installing the num- bers, paying for master plans, and lay-out work has come to $2,200. Receipts so far total $1,140.87, For prompt payment the Kin will get a discount of $110, and will also receive payment for the time club members put in on the in- stallation. The difference left to pay is estimated at about $500., Further contributions by any persons, or house-holders who have not yet shared in this cost, can be sent by mail to Percy Brown, Clinton or be delivered to the of- fice of the News-Record, the Cred- it Union, or the insurance office of K. W. Coiquhoun. A service of thanksgiving and rededication will be held in St, Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton, on Monday evening, June 22 at 8 p.m. Bishop W. A, Townshend, London, will be the special preach- er. The Rural Dean and other clergy will attend. St. Paul's Choir will be aug- mented by the St. Nicholas Sing- ers, a choir composed of organists and choristers from London chur- ches under the leadership of John Cook, organist and choirmaster of Water Safety Warnings Given by Red Cross Again this year pamphlets on water safety are being distributed to all children of grades five to eight at the Clinton Public School. Adam J. McMurray will attend to the placing of safety posters at the swimming pool. Anyone wish- ing other information on water safety may contact Mr. McMur- ray. This project is being under- taken as part of the water safety campaign carried out by the Can- adian Red Cross. Radio Man To Fly With Royal Party Flight Lieutenant John Nogalo, (formerly of Sault Ste. Marie) a graduate of RCAF Station Clinton is one of the members of the C-5 transport crew which will fly Qu- een Elizabeth and Prince Philip during their tour of Canada. Fit Nogalo is a radio technician at 412 VIP Squadron,' Uplands. He and Mrs. Nogalo (the former Dor- een MeGUire) have lived in Ot- tawa for the past four years, sentation of a "thanks" badge to Mrs. Leonard G, Winter. This was a surprise to her, and was given in appreciation of the very great help she has been to the Guides throughout their growing years. Mrs, Pingiand was guest speak- er, and gave a commentary on pic- tures of gardens she bad brought back from a recent tour to Eng- land, C, H, Z.3pps was projection- ist. A toast to the mothers was proposed by Guido Karen Schefter, A full scale search in which about 250 Airmen from Station Clinton took part last Thursday morning and afternoon, resulted in the discovery of the raped, strangled and beaten body of 12- year-old Lynne Harper, missing from her home since about seven o'clock on Tuesday, June 9, When she was still missing at 11 p.m., Lynne's parents, Flying Officer and Mrs. Leslie H. Harper, Juvenile Held In Goderich Since Friday A 14-year-old juvenile boy from Adastral Park, RCAF Sta- tion Clinton has been held in Huron County Jail, Goderich, since his arrest late last Friday night. Wording of the charge is that "he did murder Lynne Harper , . being under the age of 16 years, thereby being a juvenile delinquent". The charge was read during a brief appearance before juvenile court judge Dudley E. Holmes, Goderich, on Saturday morning, The boy was remanded in cus-. tody until to-day when hearing will be held in juvenile court. Under regulations protecting juveniles the identity of the boy cannot be revealed. It is expected that crown at- torney glen Hays, Goderich, will recommend at this hearing that the case be transferred to a higher court, Mr. Hays said this was only the second. case of murder on which he had indicted in his 11 years as crown attorney in Huron. St. Paul's Cathedral. Mr. Cook is well-known both for his con- tribution to church music, and also because he is in charge of the music at Stratford's Shakespear- ean Theatre. This is a splendid opportunity to hear the traditional Anglican Evensong sung by an experienced and dedicated chair, The occasion of the thanksgiv- ing is the completion of the re- storation of St. Paul's, and this coincides with the 100th anniver- sary of the founding of the par- ish, It is anticipated that many friends of St. Paul's in Clinton and district will attend. Arrange- ments for the service were made by a committee including S/L M. N. W. Robertson, Eric Switzer, Don Ellwood, Norman Counter, Mrs. Ted Clarke, Mrs. G. Herman, Mrs. C. Van Demme, Mrs. A. Kirby, Mrs. V. Roy, Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Mrs. F. Iludie, K. Engel- stad, P. Anastasiades. An opportunity for friends and visitors to meet will be provided when St. Paul's Friendship Club serves refreshments in the Parish Hall after the service. Totals 418 219 Raped and Beaten Body of Grade 7 Girl Found Week's Weather 1959 1958 High, Low High Low une 11 88 64 72 39 12 83 62 67 55 13 63 50 61 41 14 63 40 64 44 hough total donations were about $10.71' from last year, ton area's contribution to the adian Red Cross Society was y respectable indeed. John An- son, London, the district chair- received the cheque from J. McMurray, local repres- tive on Tuesday afternoon, and two men have expressed sin- appreciation to donors and vassers for their support. very ward in Clinton gave e to this cause this year than 1958: $1,044.73 compared with 24.05, St. Andrew's, 161 don- $324.75; St. James, 136 don- , $280.25; St. Johns, 122 donors, 4.48; St. George's, 123 donors, 5.25. ural areas adjoining Clinton, donors, $298.45; Huron County e, $30.92; Londesboro, $120.- from 96 donors; Eastern Star, and RCAF Station, ,$273. 0 Congratulations! n Saturday, June 20, Mr. and e. B. J. Gibbings, 57 Gibbings will be celebrating their 64th ding anniversary. A quiet day 11 be spent with a family dinner. 15 66 39 64 42 16 63 47 68 41 17 70 44 70 38 Rain: .05 ins. Rain: .40 ins, Hl ILLETT PC 1 54 2 32 3 47 4 99 5 30 6 52 7 57 Totals 371, Lib, 71 61 47 66 17 57 61 380 44 • 63 28 ,34 28 45 28 47 Several RCAF Personnel To Help In Welcoming Queen Banquet Served Guides and Mother, "Thanks" Badge Given Mrs. L Winter Bishop Townshend Speaker At St. Paul's Thanksgiving 1