HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-06-11, Page 13ENJOY FINE RECEPTION - DAY OR MOOT - WITH OUR FINE SERVICE. .YOU'LL DELIENTI Merrill TV & Radio Clinton - HU 2-7021 NOW - NOW - NOW! For The First Time We Have a Complete LINE and DISPLAY of REVLON The Finest Cosmetics Ever Used DROP IN AND LOOK OVER OUR DISPLAY CHARLES House of Beauty C. D. Proctor KING, STREET Phone HU 2-7065 vogoo.:, S owl 111- s segli Fathers .Day FATHER'S DAY CARDS - for Father, Dad, Husband, grandpa, etc. Come in and choose one while our stock is complete, Father's . Day Suggestions: RONSON ELECTRIC SHAVER Special $19.95 CHESS SETS in Wood or Plastic ,, $1.75 to $10,95 POKER CHIPS in Boxes or Racks $1.00 to $3,25 WALLETS and KEY CASES in real! leather-assort- ed colors $1,00 to $15.00 BARBECUE APRONS in assorted designs. BARBECUE SALT and PEPPERS with long handles pr. $1.00 SHOE SHINE KITS ,,,,,, ..... $2.25 to $3.15 RECORDS for his Hi-Fi Set ....... .„., $1,98 to $5.98 DESK SETS - with ball or Fountain Pen $1.95 to $19.95 MolE wares GIFTS and STATIONERY Clinton Dial I1U 2.9166 Nis Sept. 1, 1957 and April 30, 1958, I. Schenk, Richard Doan; bull born after May 1, 1958, I. Schenk, Richard Doan, John T. Rinn, RR, 4, Brussels; champion bull, I. Schenk; female, born before May 1, 1956, I. Schenk (first and sec- ond); female, born between May 1, 1956 and April 30, 1957, I. Schenk (first and second), R. Doan, J, T. Rinn; female, born between May 1, 1957 and April 30, 1958, 1, Schenk, J. Rinn, R. Doan, J. Rhin; female born after May 1, 1958, I. Schenk, J. Rinn (second and fourth), R. Doan, E. Howatt, Terry Porter, RR 2, Gode- rich; get of sire, three animals, bull any age, two heifers, I, Schenk, R. Doan. Prize champion herd, I. Schenk, R. Doan. SHORTHORNS: bull born be- fore Sept. 1, 1957, W. E. Parker and Sons, Watford, Roy Pepper, RR 3, Seaforth; bull born between Sept. 1, 1957 and August 31, 1958, W. E. Parker (first and second), Roy Pepper; bull born after May 1, 1958, W. E. Parker, W. Pepper; champion bull, W. E. Parker; fe- male born before May 1, 1956, W. E. Parker (first and second); fe- male born between May 1, 1956 and April 30, 1957, W. E. Parker and Son, Roy Pepper (second and third); female born between May 1, 1957 and April 30, 1958; Roy Pepper, W. E. Parker (second and third), William Pepper; female born after May 1, 1958, W, E. Parker, R. Pepper; get of sire, three animals, bull any age, two heifers, W. E. Parker, R. Pepper; champion herd, W. E. Parker and Sons. HEREFORDS: bull born before Sept. 1, 1957, Whitney Coates and Son, Centralia, W. S. O'Neil and Son, Denfield, Barabra Watkins, RR 1, Londesboro; bull born be- tween Sept. 1, 1957 and April 30, 1958, W. S. O'Neil and Son, Whit- ney Coates; bull born after May 1, 1958, W. S. O'Neil (first and second), 3. L. Eedy, Dungannon (third and fourth), W. Coates (fifth and sixth). Champion bull, W. Coates. Female born before May 1, 1956, W. S. O'Neil (first and third), W. Coates (second and fourth); female born between May 1, 1956 and April 30, 1957, W. Coates (first and third), Barbara Watkins; fe- male born between May 1, 1957 and April 30, 1958, W. O'Neil (first and fifth), Everett Mcllwain, RR 2, Goderich, Barbara Watkins, W. Coates (fourth and sixth); female born after May 1, 1958, W. Coates (first and sixth), J. L. Eedy (sec- ond and third), W. O'Neil (fourth and 12th), Morris Renney, Cred- iton, Barbara Watkins (seventh and 11th), Howard McCullough and Sons, RR 1, Goderich (eighth), William Blacker and Sons, RR 1, Clinton (ninth), E. Mcllwain (ten- th); get of sire, three animals, bull any age and two heifers, W. S. O'Neil, J. Eedy, W. Coates; champ- ion herd, bull and three females, W. Coates, W. O'Neil, Special prize, champion herd, any breed beef cattle, E. Schenk, W. E. Parker, W, Coates. (Additional Prize Winners In Next Week's Issue) 0 Only few Entries For Dairy'Princess There are three entries so far in the 1959 Dairy Princess con- test, Carl Hemingway, secretary fieldrnan of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture, reports that there is room for a good many more young milkmaids, and rules governing the contest are similar to , those of last year, Each county selects a dairy princess, and she competes at the Ontario contest at the Canadian National Exhibition this Septemb- er. The grand prize is a trip to England. :Huron's contest will be held at the twilight meeting of the Huron Soil and Crop Improvement As- sociation at the County Hoene V'arrii, Date for this has not yet been set, Entry forms can be Ob. tallied from the Federation off fee in Clinton. RIBBONS FOR TYPEWRI,LILTtS and adding Machines, $1.0(1 each, Clinton-News Record, 8-tfb Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY 8.00 p.m. Government Inspected Scalett Cattle Sold By Weleht 'TERMS: CASH JOE COAtY, Sales Manager EOB Mcl\tAllt, Auctioneer K. W. cougniouN, Clerk IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on 59 CHEVROLET A load of the popular models -h Biscayne, Bel Air, lust arrived. We need clean Chevrolet, Pontiac or rord cars to build up our used car stock and offer you the best deal anywhere. Try Us Before You Buy Lorne Brown Motors Ltd. Your Friendly CHEV.-OLDS. VAUXHALL soarer HUntur 2-9221 CLINTON Did You Know A CREDIT UNION IS A PIONEER IN BROTHERHOOD, IT BELIEVES THAN MAN IS TALLEST WHEN HE STOOPS TO GIVE A HELPING HAND. CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT ONION. LTD. BROWNIE'S ....,........,....._, ate ',Ft, Featuring the DRIVE ern LIMITED a fit_; Largest Wide ' CLINTON- 1 N Screen hi .,. 0Nr A RIO Huron County THURSDAY -:-- "SUBMARINE "PARATROOP and DOUBLE (ONE Richard John FRIDAY Gently CARTOON) Bakalyn SEA - FEATURE COMMAND" June _ HAWK" 11 and '12 • SATURDAY 2 - (COLOUR) and Van "GUNMAN'S Three Heflin (ONE MONDAY Stooge -June WALK" (CINEMASCOPE) -- Cathy Grant CARTOON) Comedies 13 and 116 TUESDAY "ROBBERY Peter & WEDNESDAY Finch -- (ONE (COLOUR) UNDER Maureen CARTOON) - June Swanson ARMS" '16 & 17 COMING: Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - June 20 - 22 - 23 - 24 nowomori . •,,,, • , ,J): - '?` : )'& Ot t TRE7th ' VoYAGE - KENN MANS "Iv FSINBArg KATHRYN rcrisea..4.6 A IIVIONOSIDE Nom" A MUM PICTIIIE .• 11X0 0" 4t. Two Shows Nightly - Rain or Clear First Show at Dusk CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE $18,000 Work on Streets Planned For This Summer B. M. Ross, engineer, Goderich, was given the job of planning and supervising the construction work on East Street, Maria Street, Kirk Council in Action (Continued from page One) Alma Grove, pens for pheasants, $500; Gerald Brown, Victoria St- reet, garage, $350. Grants were authorized to the Spring Show, $200; to the Lions Club Arena, $1,000, A pension plan for employees is under contemplation. Council is considering a ban on angle parking from the Orval St- anley Modern Meat Market on King Street, back to the point of the "Midway" block, where the taxi stand is located. Danger in backing away from the curb into the traffic is the reason. Councillor R. Macaulay report- ed on his investigations concerning a new fountain. Marble construe- tion would cost from $3,000 to $4,- 000, A fountain of cast iron would cost $800. Plans to lower the ceiling in the council chamber, and instal mod- ern lighting fixtures may be left until this winter,•and then be done if there is money in the budget. A special meeting of council was held last Thursday night, in order to clear off some of the detail facing the councillors this month. Street, Orange and Princess st- reets Which is being done this sum mer. The project calls for granu- lar base, and proper drainage this year, with the expectation that paving may be installed next summer. Total cost of streets work plan- ned this summer is $18,000. The work on East Street will be delayed until the sewer system can be installed under local im- provement as now being prepared for, Also, Mr. Ross is engaged to do the engineering work required on the sewerage extensions being planned under local improvement. There are three petitions before council to date, which have not yet been formally accepted. They call for extensions on East Street, Queen Street and Townsend St- reet. (Continued from Page One) MARKET CATTLE Senior baby beef, Irvin Schenk, RR 2, Petersburg; H. L, Eedy, Dungannon (second and fourth), W. E. Parker and Son, Watford; junior baby beef, W. S. O'Neil, Denfield (first and third), Bud Yea, RR 2, Clinton (fourth and fifth), W. Turnbull and Son, Brus- sels, second. Youngest exhiibtor was Jean Falconer, four-year-old daughter of Frank Falconer, Brucefield, ex- hibiting in the swine class. ABERDEEN ANGUS: bull, born before Sept. 1, 1957, I. Schenk, Richard Doan; bull born between Turf Club Staging Races Here June 20 Clinton Turf Club officials have picked Saturday, June 20 as the date for their initial race day in 1959. Five events will take place throughout the early evening for a purse totalling $1,300. There will be two 2.30 classes going for a purse of $200 in each race. The 2.28 class and classified 2.22 will be in the $300 bracket. The free-for-all event will also net the winner $300. The twi-light meet is scheduled to start at 5.30 p.m. (E.D.S.T.). President of the Clinton Turf Club is Dr. G. S. Elliott and the secretary-treasurer is Arthur M. Knight. Menus Town League Softball Schedule -The schedule has been drawn up for the Men's Town Softball League, There will be four teams entered, Kinsmen, Hydro,. Legion and Canada Packers, not six teams as was reported last week. The schedule will start on Th- ursday, June 18, and continue through until July 30, the games will start at 7 p,m, with each team to supply one umpire, it is hoped the games can be played at the playing field on the collegiate gr- ounds. XAEArQUE SCHEDULE Juno--- 18-Kinsmen vs Canada Packers 23-Legion vs Hydro 25-Kinsmen vs Hydro 2-Canada Packers vs Legion 7-Kinsmen vs Legion 9-Hydro vs Canada Packers 14-Canada Packers vs Kinsmen 16-Hydro vs Legion 21-Hydra vs Kinsmen 23-Legion vs Canada Packers 28-Legion vs Kinsmen 30-Canada Packers vs Hydro BENMILLER VARIETY AUCTION SALE Benmiller United Church Wed., June 17 at 7 p.m. Including picnic table, lawn chairs, sewing machine, knick- knack shelves, electric radio, buf- fet, kitchen chairs, wash stands, baby bed, play pen, ferneries, bed- room chair, child's musical rock- ing chair, plant stand, side board, ice box, cook stove, medium size space heater, Quebec heater, Ch- ristmas tree stand, table lamps, panther TV Lamp, lamp shades, pressure cooker, other utensils, quilts, sealers, table of miscellen- eous dishes (one set of 12 and one set of 8), dressed fowl, live fowl, collie dog, Holstein heifer (registered), lady's bicycle, fish- ing rod, hip rubber boots, quantity of wood, potatoes, grain including oats, corn, wheat, buckwheat and pig starter, poultry concentrate 40 percent, hog concentrate 40 percent and 4 bags (24 lb.) of• pastry flour as well as some mach- inery including International mo- wer, 12' steel gate, cedar posts, walking scuffler and hay fork. _Large self feeder for pigs, electric heater. Many more articles. Other articles may be donated before time of sale. Harold Jackson, Seaforth, auc- tioneer. There will be a lunch counter in the church. 23-b Clearing Auction Sale Of Tractor, Farm Implements and Miscellaneous Heins, on the prem- ises, Lot 6, Con. 10, Hay Township, 3% miles south of Zurich; or 11/4 miles east of Dashwood and 11/4 miles north on FRIDAY, JUNE 12th Commencing at 1,30 p.m. sharp Tractor--Cockshutt 60 Rowcrop Tractor, on rubber, in A-1 condi- tion, Implements, etc.-2-furrow Fl- eury Bissel tractor plow; M-H bin- der, 6 ft. cut; Cockshutt 11-run fertilizer drill; horse drawn man- ure spreader on steel; 3-horse cul- tivator; M-H bean puller and scut- nor; single furrow sulky plow; 2 walking plows; 2 single scufflers; 3 'cutting boxes; rubber tire wagon; 16-ft. flat rack, like new; steel tire wagon; 4-section diamond harrows; double disc; dump rake; side delivery rake; Deering mower, 5-ft. cut; wooden roller; 01°0 house and shelters; stoneboat; Chev, motor and chassis; Model "T" motor and chassis; 1200-1b. scales; hay fork rope; root pulper; galvanized lined water trough; 3- H.P. gas engine; large quantity of cedar posts; fanning mill; hay loa- der; emery shaft; 6-doz. new chute bags; 15-gal, asphalt roof coating; gas pump; quantity of new pine, cherry and maple lumber; large apple peeler; iron kettle; honey extractor; 8, 65-1b, honey cans; window frames; 6 bushels clover seed; M-H 1% H.P. gasoline en- gine; circular saw; new 4-inch join- ter; electric fencer; rip saw with 4x2%-ft, table; rubber belt; wagon box; wagon box and stock racks; gravel box; hog chute; grindstone; brooder stove; 10%-inch grain grinder; single horse drawn anti- que Style McAdam rig; gasoline pump; antique butter churn; cut- ter, sleighs, chains, forks, barrels, woven wire fence stretcher, and many other miscellaneous items. Na reserve, as the farm is sold, Terms --.-.04S11 Proprietor, John Gackstetter Auctioneer, Alvin Walper 22-23.1) Boy Scout Troop Summer Activities Last Wednesday, June 3 ei camporee patrol meeting was held at Scoutmaster Bob Mitchell's house and the menu for the corn- lng eamPeree, at the Pinery, June 19 to 22, was prepared, A court of honour, or a meet- ing of the patrol leaders, was held the following Friday and top- ics were discussed, regarding the location of this summer's week camp, the organization of the meetings, an educational theme, and a new money-raising activity in the fall. On Saturday morning, the camporee patrol met once again, this time at the Scout Camp, They practiced erecting tents, making camp gadgets and learned what to expect while at the camp. No more Scout meetings will be held for the next two weeks, so as not to interfere with exams, Bell Operator Is Drowned Sunday Joan Marie Davidson, 17-year- 'old operator with the Bell Tele- phone Company here, drowned on Sunday when the boat in which she was riding capsized in the Maitland River near the Brussels dam. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, George Davidson, Brus- sels, and a former student at Wirigham District High School. Miss Davidson drowned in about ten feet of water about 50 feet from shore. She was with her bro- ther Jack, 15; Kenneth Gerber, 10, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ger- ber and James Fox, 12, son of Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Fox, all of Aub- urn. Two of the boys had been swim- ming, and in attempting to climb back into the boat overturned the small craft. Surviving are her parents; two brothers, Jack and Douglas, 12; two sisters, Joyce, 13 and Ann, six; her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. John. Rowland, all of Brussels. Auction Sale Of Property and Household Ef- fects of the Estate of the late Lorne Murch from his former res- idence, 39 Huron Street, Clinton, on SATURDAY, JUNE 13 At 1.30 P.M. the following: Household Effects: 3-pc. velour chesterfield suite; platform rock- er; Rogers combination radio and record player (mahogany); Hein- tzman piano and stool; portable fireplace and electric fire box; fireside rails and fire dogs; 2 fire- side cannisters; mirrors; 2 double beds, inner spring mattresses; sin- gle bed; inner spring -mattress; 3 bedroom dressers; oval dining room table; dining room chairs; kitchen table; kitchen chairs; kit- chen cupobard; rangette; 2 hot plates; Raymond drop head sewing Machine; Beatty washing mach- ine; 2 chests of drawers; small rug; scatter mats; Findlay stove; small wicker table; other small tables; 2 day beds; bridge lamp; curtains; garden hose; lawn mow- er; garden tools; step ladder; quilts and bedding; dishes; cooking utensils and numerous other art- icles. Property: At 3 p.m. the property will be offered for sale with front- age of 49 feet and depth of 123 feet. On the property is situated a 2 storey brick house, complete with basement, a nearly new oil furnace, a 3-pc. bath and sun por- ch. Also on this property is a one car garage. This is an excellently located property one-half a block from the main intersection on No. 8 Highway. Terms on Household Effects, Cash Terms on Property-10% down on date of sale and balance in 30 days. Property sold subject to a reserve bid. Huron Murch, Administrator of the Estate Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 22-3-b -0-414-0-044-0-4WW-e•-•-•-•-•-4-4-•-•••• Rubber Stamps and Marking Devices of every description Also Stamp Pads Sold by Clinton News-Record ÷4-40-•••••+-0-4,4,-.-0-04-410-+ Baseball Bantams Lose First To New Hamburg Clinton Fish and Game Club Bantam baseball team lost their first start of the season in New Hamburg, Tuesday evening by a 9-1 score, Donnie Colquhoun pitched for Clinton and other than for two innings when he ran into trouble pitched very goer' ball, allowing nine hits. - The six hits the Clinton team collected were evenly distributed among six players, Bob Livermore, Don Lockwood, Don Colquhoun, Bruce Cooper, Doug 11/1air and Don Freeman, Bruce Cooper scored the lone run for Clinton, a homer in the third, Clinton's next game will be to- night (Thursday, June 11) when they play host to Mitchell, COMING EVENTS Goderich ravnion-This smur_ day only music by "The Esquires", Lions Bingo, every Wednesday night. 20-tfh Thurs., ,Tune 11.--Bingo• in Leg- ion Memorial Hall,. Kirk Street, at 8,30 p.m. 15 regular games at $5; Jackpot $57. in 57 numbers;. 3 door Prizes,. 459 each. ,Admis.• sion 50c. 20-tfb Sat,, June: Zableeld 3rd ballet, recital. in. Legion Hall, Clinton, aft 8 p.m. Adults 50c; ch- ildren 12 and under 25c. 23p Wednesday, June 17-Tea, Bake Sale, Bazaar, home of Miss M. Sloman, 1.29 James Street. Spone sor: Baptist Church WA. 23-b Wed., June 24-Strawberry sup- per, auspices Hohnesville W.A. from 6 to 8 p.m, Adults $1,00, pub- lic school children and under 40c, 23.24+b PAGE .Tymsra MUITOZI: ZsTVWS-AVC"QAP. WMASPAY, j:MIX 10$9' Results of Judging Live Stock At Spring Show Held Here Yesterday Afternoon Clinton Girls Play In Women's Fastball With Goderich Team The schedule for the 1/VOAA Ladies' Festball League has been set with six entries, Goderieh, Hanover, Harriston and Walker- ton, all "A" teams and Lucknow and Brussels, 13" teams set to compete. All games except those to be played at Harriston will be st- arted at 8.30. Games in, Harriston will start at 7,00, Doug Thornlike, Clinton, is the group convener, June - 12-Walkerton at Lucknow 13-Goderich at Brussels 15-Walkerton at Brussels 16-Hanover at Harriston 17-Lucknovv at Walkerton 19-Lucknow at Hanover 20-Harriston at Goderich 23-Hanover at Goderich 24-Brussels at Harriston 25-Lucknow at Goderich 27-Hanover at Brussels Lucknow at Harriston 29-Harriston at Brussels 30-Goderich at Walkerton 3-Harriston at Lucknow Walkerton at Hanover 4-Brussels at Goderich 6-Lucknow at Brussels 8-Goderich at Hanover Brussels at Walkerton 10-Harriston at Lucknow 13-Hanover at Lucknow 14-Walkerton at Goderich 15-Brussels at Lucknow 16-Hanover at Walkerton Goderich at Harriston -o Clinton Juveniles Tie Zurich In Ball Opener Playing their first game of the season, the Clinton Legion Juvenile baseball team came from behind to tie the Zurich Juveniles last Thursday evening by a 11-11 score. Charlies Bartliff was on the mound for Clinton and gave up a total of 15 hits and 11 runs, Clin- ton scored three in the first, three in the fourth, one in the fifth, two in the sixth and their two big runs in the bottom of the seventh that enabled them to tie the game. Clinton banged out eight hits. DISTRICT AUCTION SALES