HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-06-11, Page 12.C4NTON NEWS-RHCORD Clinton Horticultural Society Hears Talks By- District Director, .Convention Delegate PA. =NM ..-r \Akk\\\ FATHER'S DAY °DELI TY0PDAD DEL IGHTFULL Y AIR-CONDITIONED Summer Savings BATHING CAPS 590 to $2.90 Ear Plugs 29e; Nose Clips 690 SUNBURN CREAMS 600-$1.50 INSECT REPELLANT 690 FAMILY PACK NYLON COMBS 5 for 49c TUSSY ROLL-ON DEORORANT reg. 1.25 ., 85c SILVIKRIN SHAMPOO reg. 75c 2 far 98o DESERT FLOWER DEODORANT reg 1.25, 2/1.25 IPANA TOOTH PASTE ...... 63c, 2 for 99c NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM reg. 73c • 2 for 990 THERMOS BOTTLES and JUGS 9130 and up FIRST AID KITS .. 83c - $2.50 V"' 4. • • • GILLETTE RAZORS $1.29 & $1.95 PIPES $1.50 to $4,95 RAZOR BLADES .. 25g to $2.50 BILLFOLDS .... $3,50 to $10,00 SHAVING SETS, $1.50 to $5.50 CAMERAS - Still and Movie $6.95 to $69.50 CIGARETTES $3.29 carton (All Brands) CHOCOLATES .. $1.Q0 to $3.50 HAIR BRUSHES, 98c to $3.50 FATHER'S DAY CARDS 100 to 50o OR REGULAR CARAMEL ds vita,MIN V AND MINERAL REDUCING PLAN 1 MONTH'S SUPPLY $3.39 2 MONTH'S SUPPLY $5.98 NOW! 2 FLAVORS NEW CHOCOLATE FUDGE-TYPE KODAKS - Printing and Developing - FILMS NEWCOMBE Pharmacy j PHONE HU 2.- 95 1 1 CLINTON St. Andrew's Girls Present Gift To Miss Ann Radly The June meeting of the Girls' Club of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church was held on Tuesday ev- ening with several members pres- ent. Mrs. Robert Morgan read the 23rd Psalm. The members decided that the outing to Zurich previ- ously planned, be postponed until some future date. Miss Anne Rad- ney, the president, expressed her regret at leaving the Club. The vice-president, Mrs. Gordon Sut- cliffe, was not present so was not installed into her new office as president for the remainder of 1959. Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Morian, on behalf of the club presented Miss Radley with a corsage and gift and wished her much happi- ness in her coming marriage and new life in Toronto. The club is also very sorry to lose another member, Mrs. W. D. Munn, who is 'leaving Clinton shortly. After the meeting closed, a de- licious lunch of cake and ice- cream was enjoyed by all, ' o - Everyone Reads The Classifieds London Road Club Hold Bulbs Sale Mrs. Clare Magee, RR 5, Clin- ton was hostess for the London Road Club at which roll call was answered by each member pre- senting something for the sale of bulbs and flowers. Both the flower convener and the treasurer gave reports. Mrs, Collins had charge of the contests. The sale brought in $3 to the club treasury. A collection for the flower fund netted $1.30. Lunch was served by Mrs. Deane and Mrs. Rooth assisted by Mrs. Magee. The June meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Collins and a pot luck supper will be served. Roll call will be answered by telling an amusing incident of school days. TRY SHUR-GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS FOR CATTLE The Economical Way To Fill That Mineral Need The Clinton Hospital Auxiliary met in the nurses residence on Monday evening with Mrs. 33, Men- zies presiding. A letter of appre- ciation was received from 3. And- erson, London, one of those in charge of the recent blood clinic, and special thanks was given to LOBA to Attend Service in Goderich Huron Lodge 377 of the Ladies Orange Benevolent Association held its regular meeting on Tues- day, June 9 with 13 members pre- sent. Plans were made to attend the church parade in Goderich on June 14 to be held in the An- glican Church; Any member inter- ested IS to Itetir-At'the Orange Hall in Goderich at 10.45 a.m. It was decided to wear umbrel- las and sashes, rather than berets and jackets for the 12th of July in St. Marys on Saturday, July 11. Following the meeting the lodge treated each member at Bartliffs restaurant. Coal Coal Prices are at their lowest during June and July. Order your winter supply now to assure top quality coal at rock-bottom prices, Avoid last minute fall slow- up and bad weather. CEMENT FRESH CANADIAN CEMENT on hand at all times. Special Prices on Large Lots. MUSTARD LUMBER and COAL Co. BRUCEFIELD Phone HUnter 2-9922 Hensatt and Seaforth Subscribers Please Phone Collect 23-4-b News of Auburn Correspondent: MRS. ‘BRADNOCK Phone Auburn 51 r 14 710-01 From $15.95 MARVIN liedroons Cooler 1. Powerful 84nch fan Underwriters approved 3. Wire-mesh fan guards 4. White boked-trianief panel 5. Fits 24 fo 42 inch windows 6. Guaranteed one year J. W. CouNtett BUILDERS' SUPPLY ' i 0 TI-mAsDAY, ;Mat -109 WATCH WHAT JACK'S GOING TO DO ON SATURDAY, AMA 27 PEARSON MOTORS LTD. PONTIAC, BUICK, VAUXHALL CARS --- G.M.C. TRUCKS ZURICH - 'EXETER 4‘1•11-11RoN COUNTY'S 1.,ARDEST CAR PEALR" FINAL CLEARANCE COAT., SALE CIIILDREWS'COAT'SETS' Sizes 4 - 5 - 6 6x With Hats Reg. $18.95 Now HALF PRICE GIRLS COATS Sizes 7 - 8 - 9 Only Beg. $18.95 Now HALF PRICE Martin's Dept. Store Clinton HU 2.3853 Canada Packers Limited Phone HU M815 TRY THE WANT ADS, THEY BRING RESULTS 6oderich Township CLINTON To 'Have New Trailer Camp The Clinton Citizens Ilortictil- Horticultural Association held in the King Edward-Sheraton Hotel on March 5 and 6, which she and her husband attended as delegates, and thanked the members for the opportunity of attending. Mr, Middleton spoke briefly also th- anking the Society, Mr. Lane ex-. pressed thanks for the report. Mr. McGee showed three colour AIMS -"Beatitifying the Farm", °Down Under", a very interesting film on the flora and fauna of Australia, that would bear mon, tion 'and also a rousing aetion pie, ture of "The Calgary .Stampede". Four door prizes were won by Mrs. Burton, Mrs. Blacker, Miss L. Walkinshaw and Mrs. McGee respectively. Mrs. W, Morlok and Mrs. A. 3. McMurray for their leadership in Clinton. There were 117 donating blood at the clinic, Mrs. Morlok reported that 160 had signed cards. and she thanked all who had worked to make the clinic a success. Mrs. Alex Haddy, reporting for the tag day, said that $171.33 had been realized. Convener of the penny sale, Mrs. Duff Thompson, reported plans well under way, and tickets al- ready available. The auxiliary decided to purch- ase two chaise longues for the nurses residence. There are now 437 paid up members in the aux- iliary, and more members will be welcomed, The fee is 25 cents. The next meeting of the aux- iliary will be held on September 8. J. K, Hunter was spokesman for a delegation from the Bluewater Beach requesting clarification re- garding roads, walks, etc. This was referred to the road super- intendent Roy Tyndall for inves- tigation. Stanley IVIalwain reques- ted some definite decision regard- ing the sideroad along his farm and down to the lake, A by-law to permit the collect- ing of dues for the Farm Union with the taxes was given three readings and passed. Final ap- proval was given the Goderich District Collegiate Institute 13oard for the addition (a total of $200,- 000) and to accept the township's share of that. It was decided to pay half of the installation costs of the st- reet lights in Holmesville and to allow the residents two years to pay for their half, Also the town- ship will pay half of the maint- enance costs per year and will assess the other half upon the villagers on the assessment bas- is, H. B. Whitely was appointed tax collector to succeed H. T. Sturdy. Mr. Whitely has been treasurer of the township and now will handle both jobs. Wages of G. Blake and J. Tyn- dall were reviewed, when each asked for an increase, Both were offered $1.20 per hour and guar- anteed minimum of $140 per mon- th during the winter. Jowett's Grove PICNIC GROUND and PAVILION tural Society met in the Council Chamber on Friday evening, May 29 with the president the Rev. D. J. Lane in the chair. Minutes of the annual meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Stewart Midd- leton and approved, It was decided to grant the Hos- pital Board's request to undertake the planting of annuals at the hos- pital entrance, where shrubs had been winter-killed. Mr. and Mrs. C, H. Epps, assisted by Mr. Lane volunteered to do this work, The annual bus trip was discus- sed and it was decided to visit the Midhurst and Eugenia Falls regions, with final details being left to the executive. Please watch the paper for date, etc., and, also re Flower Show. No one was present, on the fl- ower garden contest committee to report its plans or define its rules. C. H. Epps gave the treasurer's report and reported 128 members. (Since, the meeting date we are happy to report the membership has almost reached the 200 mark). Mr. Epps, District No, 8 Dir- ector announced that the zone meeting will be held in Goderich on July 8, Registration in McKay Hall at 1.15 p.m. Ladies are asked to bring sandwiches and cake or cookies, The president of the Ont- ario Horticultural Association, Mr. Gunnell, will be present, and also John F. Clark, retiring secretary of the O.H.A. District 8 is giving Mr. and Mrs. Clark an engraved clock as a personal gift. It was decided unanimously to contrib- ute to this gift. Mrs. Stewart Middleton gave a comprehensive report- of the an- nual convention of the Ontario SUMMER IS HERE Summer is here! Haying opera- tions have begun. Emmerson Rod- ges has been baling hay last week. Some farmers declare this may be one of the earliest dates known in these parts for this summer job of providing food ,for the ani- mals next winter. Doesn't seem long since snow left us. George}-Raithby visited last week in London with his brother Jam- es who is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snelling, Brumfield visited last Wednesday with her brother, Andrew and Mrs. Kirkconnell. Miss Winnie Thompson and Mrs. Gladys Wallis, Clinton, visited last Sunday with Mrs. Charles Strau- ghan. Rev. R. Meally, rector of St. Mark's Anglican Church conduct- ed his first communion last Sun- day since his recent ordination. Miss Barbara Sanderson return- ed on Sunday from Clinton Public Hospital where she had had her appendix removed last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wagner, Shirley, Donna and Louis, Masse- Ion, Ohio, spent a few days last weekend with his brothers and sisters here. Stewart King visited last week with his father Russel King and Mrs. King. He had just returned from a holiday spent in the Ha- waiian Islands. • Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnstone, Parksville, Vancouver Island, are guests 'of their brother-in-law, Dr. B. C. Weir and their niece, Mrs. Duncan MacKay, Mr. MacKay, Barbara and John. The Blyth Fire Brigade was called to the home of Lloyd Mc- Clinchey last week to put out a fire on a gas truck that was de- livering its products. However the flames were extinguished and the call was cancelled. Mrs. Ernmerson Rodger and son, Gary were Detroit visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Phyle, Guelph visited last Sunday with Hiram Lindsay and her mother, Mrs. Clark who is a patient in Goderich hospital. Mrs. Alice Brisbin and Mr. and Mrs, John Cox and daughter, Or- landa, Florida, and Mrs. M. H. Martin, Goderich visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, Bert Taylor. Mrs. Brisbane is a niece of Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Martin. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chamney included Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Herr, Inger- soll; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trow- hill and daughter Dawn, Wood- stock; Donald jardin and Miss Dorothy Chaniney, Wingham, arid Mr. and Mrs. KO McVittie, Blyth. Guests last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk= council were: Norman Miller, Col- umbus, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Youngblut, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hirkeonnell and Don- ald, Goderich; Mr, and Mrs. Louis Blake, Faye and Mary Anne, Brits- Ma and Mr. and MrS. john. beer, Auburn; Mr. and Mrs. Norman McClinchey and Cathy. Mission Band Bally The welcome and the devotional period was'. taken by the Hensel' children. C.O,C. groups were pres- ent from Goderich, Seaforth and Clinton and also Explorers group. Miss Barbara Woodruff, deacon- ess at Knox Presbyterian. Church, Goderich, was the guest Speaker and told the children a story of little Chinese children, their re- ligion and their customs. Over 125 children registered and there were visitors. Mrs. Frank Raithby and Mrs. Alvin Leatherland also at- tended this rally. c. AUBURN OBITUARY Victor W. Shouldice (By our Auburn Correspondent) Mrs. William T. Robison attend- ed the funeral service of her bro- ther, Victor W. Shouldice at the York chapel of Turner and Porter, Bloor Street West, Toronto, last week, with interment in the Glen- dale Memorial Gardens. He was in his 64th year and was a former member of the De- partment of Veteran's Affairs. Mr. Shouldice had been head of the x-ray and medical records dep- artment of Sunnybrook Hospital until his retirement a year ago. He served as a captain in the 161st Bruce battalion in World War I, and also as a flight lieut- enant with the RCAF in World War II and a member of Hum- bercrest United Church. Surviv- ing are his widow, the former Mabel L. Stockfish; a son, Will- ard V. Shouldice and a granddau- ghter, Karen; two sisters, Mrs. T. W, Hazelwood, Toronto and Mrs. W. T. Robison, Auburn and two brothers, William, Shallow Lake and Stewart, Shouldice. Clinton Hospital Auxiliary Thanked For Efforts in Recent Blood Donor Clink IF YOU WANT . . A GOOD PORTABLE RADIO ONE THAT WILL BRING IN ALL THE STATIONS With Long, Long, Battery Life , . . See The ... ROGERS/PHILIPS ALL TRANSISTOR Short Wave - Marine Band - Broadcast Band at Galbraith Radio & TV ALBERT STREET Phone HU 2-3841 P.S. We Are Clearing At Very Low Prices All RECORD PLAYERS from $29.95 up John Bosveld was given per- Mission to build and operate cabin trailer camp at Lot 8, Con- cession 1 in Goderich Township, by the council meeting in Holmes- ville on June 1. Accommodations for all kinds of picnics, good swim- ming, games and snack +ar. Make your reservation in ad- vance for private party, and reception, group picnics. CALL HU 2-7064 A. "RED" GARON, - Proprietor. Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson and Mrs. Donald Haines and members of the Knox Ida White Group of the C,O.C. attended their rally at Rensall Cannel Church last Saturday. Mrs. Wellington Good, 13lyth (the Children's work see- rotary) presided.