HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-06-11, Page 10ee Your Neighbourhood Cities 3ervice 0 s • CITIES SERVICE Dealer Before You Go! "WES" 1-101.a.,AM "DORY" RUTLEIDGE I,-et us inspect your car thoroughly for possible trouble spots, engine, fan belt, tires, tubes, etc., before you go on your vacation. 'Ho obligation, drop in anytime. South End Cities Service "Wes' "Holland — "Dory". Rutledge Phane'llt1 2-7055 :THURSDAY. 'JUNE 1.1, TRY THE WANT ADS, THEY BRING, RESULTS r.4 itierneolettePa!' etter Buy BULK FEEDS NUM Best Buy Shur-Gain SAW LABOUR • SAVE TIME • SAVE MONEY SAVE! BUY SHLIR-GAIN FEEDS IN BULK Canada Packers .Limits d Phone HU2A3815 nten News of Auburn •Perreeeentleet; MRS. W, Phone Auburn 51 .r 14 HARRY WILLIAMS FUEL OIL GASOL E MOTOR OIL ,z,,e; LUBRICANTS R,R.?, cif POOH .40/00, Phone HU 2-6632 AT NEEDED TIMES WE WILL APPEAR TO KEEP YOURTANK FILLED ALLTHE YEAR HAVE A FUEL OIL CONTRACT 'WITH' US Higher interest not DEBENTURES 514 0 NOW at Huron & Erie--Canada Trust your investment in Debene 'hires coma a higher return. Authorized be law as trustee hives tineets, Debentures are avail- able in amounts of $100 Of inOre end may be cashed et par is the event of the death of the holder» o step6very with • • el eV Bring-your long-range plans closer 'MY BANK' W."Il CAPAOUX You can SEE , if growl Airthiley Party The animal birthday party, of the Woman's Missionary Society of Knox United Church was held in the Sunday School room of the church with a large attendance, Mrs, Qliver Anderson presided.. Miss Margaret A. Jackson was at the piano. Next month's meeting roll call will be answered by a verse containing the word 'Taith". The financial statement was giv- en by the treasurer, Mrs. Harold Webster, and the thank-you notes were read by Miss Margaret R, Jackson. It was decided to hold the next meeting the Tuesday follow- ing the Bible School on July 21., Mrs, Kenneth McDougall was in charge of the devotional period. Scripture from Acts 10 was read by Mrs. Harold Webster and med- itation was given by Mrs. John Durnin, followed by prayer by Mrs. McDougal,. Lovely duet was sung by Miss Sadie Carter and Mrs. Gordon Mc- Clinchey, Mrs. Sweeney gage a very interesting and informative talk on the work of the church, in the Maritime Provinces, especially Nova Scotia where Rev. and Mrs. Sweeney were posted for four years before coming to this' ch- urch. Miss M, R, Jackson favoured with a piano instrumental entitled "Minuet". Mrs. Fred Toll read a report of the morning session of the WMS Presbyterial held at North Street United Church, Gode-` rich on March 19 and the after- noon report prepared by Mrs. Jam- es Craig. The offering was receiv- ed by Miss Viola Thompson and Mrs, Harold Webster. Veil Plans Eor June Edgar Leatherland presided for the Young People's meeting in the Sabbath School room of the Pres- byterian Church with a good at- tendance. The meeting was opened with the hymn "Unto the Hills" CiTiWTON*111 WS-TMCORD To Gocierich Courtroom Judge Brings Juryman Spring work on the farm is not enough excuse to avoid jury duty, as one fanner in Huron County discovered en June 2. Judge Fr- ank Fingland had a, warrant pre- followed by the Lord's- Prayer, pared, and a• police officer went to and Psalm, -67 was ,read alternate= the farm, and brought 019, .juryman in to court. He was severely repri-.•!y. Minutes of the previous meet- ing were read. 'by the secretary, Menden by Judge Fingland, Helen yonnebnit. Roll call was Answered. by naming a missionary woman, HOLMESVILLE The offering Was received by Clarence Govier. A business pee-, kid followed and Rev. D, J, Lane Mrs v. W1004110411, read a letter concerning the fall Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yeo and Mar- rally of the PreehYterial -YPS and ilyn spent the weekend in Dun- gave the ,.riles and regulations dalk, the guests of Mr, and Mrs. about the -orgenleatoin, J, A. Murray, There will be an executive meet- Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Steepe and ing of ,the PYPS of the presby- family were in Gorrie on Sunday, tery on June 23, A, bowling party the guests of the Rev. and Mrs, is being planned for June 19, Attwell at the rectory, Scripture lesson, Revelations 9, -Mrs, A. F. McCullough, Regina, was read by Marilyn Daer, Edgar Sask., is visiting at the homes of Leatherland gave an 'interesting Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finlay and Miss account of the work of Anna Gau- Del Finlay, and renewing acquain-din, a missionary in Northern tances in this district, Manitoba and her interesting Mrs.. Harry Williams, Miss San-work among the Canadian. Indians. dra Williams, Mrs. Gordon Steepe A study was made of the Shorter and Mrs, Robert Jervis, Clinton, Cathechisfris and the benediction were in Byron on Saturday and was pronounced by Rev, D. J. attended the instituting of a new Lane, chapter of the Order of the East- 0 ern Star. Mr, and Mrs, Frank McCullough, Miss Frances McCullough and Bruce Lobb were in Kitchener on Saturday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs, H. M. Bezeau. While there they attended a party honoring Miss Mary Edith Bezeau, whose marriage to William Schrnieden- dorf takes place on Atm 20 in St, Marks Lutheran Church, Kitchen- er, Mission Band The Wilhehnine Mission Band of Heilmesville United Church, met in the scho'ol for their June meet- ing, with Bob Norman in charge of the program, The meeting open- ed with a hymn and repeating the Mission Band Purpose in unison, Linda McClinchey read the Scrip- ture lesson and Donald Yeo gave the prayer. Fred Tyndall read a poem on temperance, and Diane Elliott gave a poem on June. Lucille Bond played a piano solo. Eric Gah- weiler gave a peace reading. Fred Tyndall, the first vice-pres- ident, conducted the business and Bonnie Tyndall took up the col- lection. .A, game was enjoyed, and the Readers Mrs, Lloyd Bond and Mrs. William Norman reviewed the study book chapters. The meet- ing closed with a sing song and the Mizpah benediction. 0 PORTER'S HILL Sunday School Anniversary ser- vice will be held in Grace United Chtirch on Sunday, June 14 at 10.30 a.m. The guest speaker will be Miss Sybil Courtice, returned missionary from Japan. Special music will be supplied by a Sunday School choir. The Woman's Association of Grace United Church will meet on Thursday afternoon, June 18, at the home of Mrs. Donald Har- ris. The Grace-Andrews YPU held a beach party at Bayfield on Sat- urday evening, June 5. After re- creation the lunch committee pro- vided hot dogs, marshmallows and soft drinks. The Grace-Andrews YPU held their last meeting of the season on Sunday evening, June 6, at the parsonage, Bayfield. The meeting opened with a sing-song followed by a short worship service. Rev, Peacock read a passage of Scripture and led a lengthy discussion on it, A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. PeacOck. 0 Microwave Network Ready by June 18 The $9,000,000 microwave net- work out of Newfoundland will be completed in time to broadcast live, the televised record of Queen ElizabetWs arrival in Canada on June 18. Special efforts have made this possible, and the result will be that viewers across Canada will be able to watch the Royal couple arrive. f',1,4Qg ARMERS We are shIpping Patine every Monday tor Itholted Po-operative et Ontario and 8040 your patronage. We will plek them up. at your farm. PIoane- i".001sM ,0014..noT. not later dish Saturday nights. Seaford: Farmers o.operative S. Hunt, Slipper Phone 773 Fast-acting AEROPR,ILLS* helps get your animals on pasture—the cheapest form of feed— tip to 3 weeks ahead of schedule. Like anything you grow, pasture needs fertilization to grow thick and high in protein. Sound reason for top dressing with Aeropxillsl Applied at the rate of 100-2Q0 pounds per acre, Aeroprills gives grass an early growth boost... helps get your Stock on pasture from 2 to 3 weeks earlier than usual, For pasture that's lush longer, 2 to 3 extra weeks of profitable grazing time, top dress now with Aeroprills. See your fertilizer dealer. xjp. OVANAIV1113 OR OANADA LIMITED 441.101firi. 1st with a B ofM [couTt, rylphrivement Loan, Got a long-range plan for installing a modern water system? Thinking of large-scale remodel- ling on your farm-house? Figuring how much new heavy machinery could increase your yield? .. Then talk to the Bank of Montreal. There's no need to put off those farm imProve- ments you really want to make. You can move those long-range plans right up to the present by seeing your nearest branch of the B of M about a Vann. Improvement Loan. The manager will be glad to talk it over with you .. . and you'll be surprised at the low cost of a B of M 13ANK. OF MONTREAL e444414 ate4 Clinton titan& WILLIAM MOR OIC, Menaget Lonclesboroueh (Sub,Ageney): Open Mon. & Thote, V/1114 teelAnIANS IR EVERY WADI or LIFE SINCE WY -AUBURN OBITUARY Matthias Scarlett (By our Auburn Correspondent) Miss Margaret R. Jackson, Mrs, Harold Sprung, Clarence Cox and Melbourne Cox, Goderich, attended the funeral service last week in Toronto for M.1Scarlett who pass- ed away after a very short ill- ness, He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Scarlett, Leadbury. He served in the First World War with the Canadian Corps of Sig- nallers .and was employed by Im- perial Oil Ltd. His wife, the form- er Jessie Cunningham, Brussels, survives him and three brothers: Fred, Seaforth; Albert, Beadle, Sask., and Samuel, Vancouver, He was a member of St. Olaves Ang- lican Church, Toronten. Rev. Verschoyle conducted ,the funeral service at the Yorke than- el of, the Turner and Porter fun- eral home with burial in Park Lawn Cemetery, Toronto. Friends were present from Seaforth, Gode- rich, Brantford, Oshawa, Kitchener and Auburn. BAYFIELD (Intended for Last Week) Mrs, Bruce Menerey spent June 1 with her niece, Miss Marie Elliott, Brucefield. They attended the funeral of their cousin, Fred Rathwell. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Hunter, Mary Ellis and Sally Beth and Mrs. Ch- arles. F. Rogers, Toronto, were at their home in the village for the May 30 weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rehn, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan, came on May 31 to spend the week with her mother, Mrs. P. Dewar, at 'their borne in the vill- age. At The Poplars Mr. and Mrs. William Bell, Dearborn, Michigan, were at their cottage from Thursday to Mon- day, opening it for the season. With them over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs, Chester Velett end Greg and Kirk, Grand Blanc, Mi- chigan. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cook, Nancy and Donald, Stratford, oc- cupied their cottage May 30, 31, Mrs. J. Radford, Clinton, and Miss Wilma Radford, London, sp- ent the May 30 weekend at their cottage. Mr, and Mrs, Stan Blowes, St- ratford, at their cottage for the weekend, entertained friends on Sunday, May 30. At their cottage on May 30 and 31, were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peter, Douglas and Mary, Strat- ford. Mr. and Mrs. George Peter, St- ratford, are 'at "Peterkin Rest" May 31 to June 6. ' Mr, and Mrs.- L. A. Stephens, Jane, 'Marlerandr Mira, "Toronto, spent, a recent weekend at "Loch same" cottage. Mr. , and Mrs, J. Cree Cook, Clinton, are at "Wee Loch Hame" for the summer. HARRY WILLIAMS 944: 9-1.4514— 'Huron t4; Erie aa Canada Trost Head. Office — London, Ontario, District Representative H; Co 1.014eson,