HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-06-11, Page 9REVLON CREAMS - POWDERS NAIL POLISH HOUSE of BEAUTY KING STREET Phone HU 2-7065 CHARLES Mrs. J. Barton, Goderich, visit- ed Mrs, C, W. Brown one clay re- cently. Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Pollard, Lon- don, occupied their cottage for the weekend. Mr. And Mrs. Gordon Heard and small son, London, spent Sunday in the village, F/L and Mrs, D. A. White and three children are occupying Em- merson Heard's apartment, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Merrier and family, Detroit, were at their home on Colina St. for the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. James Fisher, Larry and Frank, Kitchener, oc- cupied their cottage for the week- end. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Larson and Karen, London, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, Larson. Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Brisson re- turned to Grasse Pointe, Michigan, on Tuesday after spending a coup- le of days at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. George Hopson were in London on Monday, Mr. Hopson was at Westminster Hos- pital far a medical check-up. Miss Grace Woolfenden, Detroit, is at her cottage on Howard St- reet. Her cousin, Miss Emily Ro- berts, Cleveland, is staying with her, Mrs, Wallace Perrin and Miss Helen Perrin, Kincardine, and TREAT YOUR CAR TO A MOTOR TUNE-UP BY OUR SPECIALISTS Our specialists are trained to find trouble and correct it quickly. We have the latest in test equipment to service all snakes of cars. Drive in and let us give your car an inexpensive, money- saving check-up. Ott IGINAL lye use only Original Factory PARTS NITRITE COMM 6ki 41)C4ail ts*Ii The Amazing New "SUPER CHIEF" Outboard Motor rULL 5 1-1,P. cLiNrroN gNGiNe Light and Dependable SEE IT AT — WELLS AUTO-ELECTRIC KING STREET OLIN tbl~f Warehouse Sale Every Satruday REFRIGERATORS — FREEZERS WASHING MACHINES and DRYERS VACUUM CLEANERS — TELEVISIONS Etc. SAVE MONEY ON BRAND NAME APPLIANCES Warehouse Open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. each Saturday T. A. DUTTON Appliances BRUCEFIELD Dial HU 2-3232 Everything for Your Gardening Needs GREEN CROSS BUG KILLER. It's time to Pro tett your garden plants from pests that live on your garden. For insect-free plants buy your Green Cross Bug Killer to-day, PROTECT YOUR HERD, protect your investment. Cows bothered by flies do not have as high a milk production as those in stables clear of flies, You can get your full supply of FLY SPRAY and FLOR BAIT here; for a fly-free farm — use HOWARD'S FLY BAITS WETTLAUFER'S FEED MILL CLINTON Phone HU 2.9792 4 IMPORTANT NOTICE re: GODERICH TOWNSHIP Any persons found dumping garbage or refuse on any of the Goderich Township roads will be prosecuted, and any resident who is aware of such violation is requested to inform the township officials. FURTHER, the Township has provided a place for all residents to dump garbage and refuse and this place is open at all times to residents. This Dump is Limited to Use of Goderich Township Residents ONLY. —R. E. THOMPSON, Clerk. 22-3-b Guides Enrol 22 New •fCi With about 23 members in the Clinton Girl Guide Company, Captain Mrs. H. A, "Bud" Graham, 80 East Street, welcomed 22 more Guides last week, when these girls were enrolled. From the left, front, Marie Fleming, Diane Hanley, Cathy Draper, Glenda Mero, Judith Wells; second row, Barbara Carter, Linda Murphy, Carol Thomp- son, Hilary Crockett, Betty Jo Deeves, Linda MacDonald, in Clinton Company Barbara Pegg; third row, Faye Carter, Shirley Fleet, Linda Nicholson, Susan Smith, Patricia Reynolds, Judy Watkins, Sheryl Rozell, Susan Bartliff, Sharon Switzer, Cheryl Edg-- son. Assisting with the Guides are three company lead- ers, Mary Jean Colquhoun (also secretary-treasurer), Linda Jervis and Diane Campbell. (News-Record Photo): News of Londesboro Correspondent — MRS. BERT ALLAN Phone Blyth 37 r ford Saundercock spent a week recently- at their cottage at Mat- achewan, Northern Ontario. A number of ladies from the, village' attended the trousseau tea last Saturday given by Mrs. Wil- liam Manning for her daughter June whose marriage takes place in the United- Church, June 13,. at 3 o'clock, salsaingmtueslaiMMemeamaileMININIMININte BLUEWATER DANCELAND PRESENTS' DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT MUSIC BY: Desiardine Orchestra MODERN — ROCK'N ROLL SQUARE DANCING 10.00 p.m. to 1.30 o.m. ADMISSION: 75c JOIN THE CROWDS BICYCLES? Rawleigh Boy's Juvenile $47.95 C.C.M. Cyco Standard $45.95 C.C.M. Ramblers All Models C.C.M. 20" Tricycle oser. moons C.C.M. 16" Tricycle C.C.M. Wagon — E USED BICYCLES 1 Men's Balloon Bicycle $24.50 I Men's Three-Speed Bicycle $35.00 1 Men's Standard Bicycle — $22.50 1 Lady's Standard Bicycle $17.50 1 Men's Standard with Parcel Carrier $23.50 1 Men's Standard Bicycle- $20.00 1 Used Tricycle - $ 9.95 1 Used Tricycle - - $11.95 spot/bit goeo ettiA.14, maw Ia. wami, and Sizes $39.95 $23.95 $22.95 $18.95 PAGE EIGHT MUTTON NEWS ECORD inallISDAY, JiUNE x1, 1,959s Honey Bees Evicted From Residences Mrs. Arkell Performs Task Neatly Miss Ruble Fisher, Kitchener, are spending a fortnight at The Little Inn, The Rev. C. E, Peacock and Al- bert Dunn, Sr., attended the Lon- don Conference of the United Ch- urch of Canada at Sarnia last week, The Rev. John Patrick, Godes rich, has been appointed to the charge of St. Andrew's Bayfield, Grace, Porter's Hill; Zion, Taylor's Corner United churches, Mrs. R, H. F. Gairdner returned home on Monday evening after having visited her sisters, Mrs. J. Wescott, Evanston, and Mrs, W. Morse, River Forest, Ill. Mrs, Norval Gemeinhardt, Carl and Lois, Saginaw, Mich., are at the Gerneinhardt-Knight home on Louisa Street. Norval returned to Saginaw after spending the week- end here. Mr. and Mrs, Dave Baird and Mrs. Walter Harvey, London, sp- ent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon. Mr. and Mrs, Dennis Bisback, Clinton, also were with her parents on Sunday. Mrs. Harry Knapp, Karen and Harry, also Mrs. Byron Johnson, Erica, Ruth, Mark and Stuart, Ashtabula, Ohio, came on Monday to spend a week with Mrs, John- son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ormond. The Rev, and Mrs. William G. Wigmore and small sons Michael and Mark, Christ Church rectory, London, accompanied by their friend Miss Clale, R.N., London, called on the Rev. E. 3. B. Har- rison, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Charles P, Blake, the latter's mother Mrs, Barnes, Sarnia, and their daughter, Mrs. George Spratt, Toronto, visited their cousin, the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison at the rectory on Tues- day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. M, Van Buren returned to Detroit after having been with her cousin, Mrs. Alf. Scotchmer and family over the 13X-4370 CAB 1.040 1101.14g0 IN ACOMENT AT DUNLOP Traffic accident on No. 25 County road east of Dunlop over the weekend brought injuries to Mrs. James Dickey, 18, Myth. She suffered severe brain injuries and facial lacerations, Her husb- and, James Dickey, 21, suffered serious facial and scalp injuries and an injured foot. Miss Doris Scott, 1.6, Exeter, Suf- fered facial lacerations and in- jured feet. Thomas Hamilton, God- erich, whose car collided with the Dickey vehicle had severe chest injuries and lacerated legs. weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Eric El- liott, Oshawa, were also with Mrs. Scotchmer on Saturday and Sun- day, owing to the death of their uncle Leslie L. O'Neil, Alex Sparks returned to his home • on the fourth concession, Goderich Township on Friday aft- er having visited his son and wife in Marion, Indiana for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Sparks were with their parents for the Dec- oration Day weekend and he ac- companied them on their return to Marion. Mrs and Mrs. Thomas Arkell and Mrs. Robert Heath, Sr„ Calgary, arrived on Wednesday of last week to spend ten days with re- latives in Ontario. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Arkell, who are with his brother, F. P. Arkell, spent a few day's in Walkerton this week. Mrs. Robert Heath, Sr„ visited her fa- ther, Alf. Scotchmer, Sr., and oth- er members of the family in this vicinity. Rev, and Mrs. C. E. Peacock entertained the Seaforth and Dist- rict Ministerial Association and their wives at the parsonage on Monday. The affair was a farewell for the Rev. J. H. James, rector of the St. Thomas Anglican Ch- urch, Seaforth, who'leaves shortly to take up new duties in London and the Rev. C. E. Peacock who goes to Haileybury at the end of the month. The YPU of St. Andrew's and Grace Church, Porter's Bill had a beach party on Saturday evening as the closing event of the sea- son. On Sunday evening they ga- thered at the parsonage in fare- well to the Rev. and Mrs, C. E. Peacock. During the evening Don- ald MacKenzie Jr., president, pre- sented Mr. Peacock with a book as a rememberance of his associ- ation with them. WA and MIS The United Church women met for the June meeting at the home of Mrs. Robert Greer, Bluewater Highway, Stanley Township on Thursday evening of last week. There was an excellent attendance and the meetings were conducted by the two presidents, Mrs. C. E. 'Peacock WMS and Mrs, Lindsay Smith, WA. The study book chapter on the work of the church in Mexico was read by Mrs. Gladwin Westlake A parcel of material for bandages and dressings has recently been sent to Korea at the request of one of the medical missionaries, Dr. Florence Murray, Arrange- ments were made for the annual Dominion Day dinner to be held in the church basement on Wed- nesday, July 1, Before the close of the meeting Miss A, M. Stirling remarked she had something to say to Mrs. Pea- cock. In a few well chosen words, she voiced deep appreciation of the help given the two organiza- tions since Mrs. Peacock came to St. Andrew's and sorrow over her intending departure. She then pre- sented a lovely 3-piece gift of jew- ellery, necklace, brooch and ear- rings as a remembrance. (By our hayfield Correspondent) On Sunday night after Mrs. Fred P. Arkelt had retired at their home on Colina Street, she heard a scratching sound on a window sc- reen. Upon investigation, she found honey bees swarming inside the screen on a bedroom window. She put on heavy gloves and scooping them off into her hands, made several trips downstairs before they were all put outside. She managed the operation "re- moval" without being stung. A few more appeared next day and they likewise were put out on Mrs. Harry Dalrymple was tak- en to hospital in London on Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Neale, London, were the guests of Mrs. Stackhouse and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Wilson over the weekend. Mrs. A. Paterson, Mrs. B. Shot- dice, Brinsley; Mrs, Ball, Clinton and Mrs. H. Berry attended the flower service in Wingham United Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Dinnin re- turned on June 3 from a week- long visit in Ottawa and Montreal with their son Arthur and family. They travelled ,by train, and on the return trip spent a day with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Munn and family at Blair. Visitors' Day Annual visitors' day for the Wo- man's Association was held on Friday, June 5, with the presi- dent Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot open- ing the meeting. Mrs. George Clift- Bayfield Obituary Leslie Lloyd O'Neill (By our Bayfield Correspondent) The funeral of Leslie Lloyd O'- Neil was held from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, Clinton, on Monday, June 8, 1959, at 2 o'clock. The Rev. E. 3. B. Harrison, rec- tor of Trinity Church, Bayfield, conducted the burial service. In- terment was made in Bayfield Cemetery. Pall bearers were: Kenneth Merrier, Brown Lindsay, Fred Thompson, James Hutchings, F. P. Arica and John Semple. Born in Windsor, September 29, 1889, he was the elder son of the late Elizabeth Vollans and John O'Neill, He was a farmer and, ex- cept for his service overseas with the Canadian Armed Forces in World War I, he lived all his life near Windsor until after his sist- er's death, Then he Came frequ- ently to visit his nephew and nieces, finally residing with Mrs, J. Claff and family until owing to failing health, he entered West- minster Hospital, London, three years ago. He died there on Fri- clay, June 5, at 10 ash'. as the re- Suit, of a paralytic stroke. The deceased man was a mem- ber of the Anglican Church. He is survived by his brother, Milton, Windsor, eight nieces and seven nephews. He was predeceas- ed by his four sisters, Mrs. Rob- ert (Maude) Chia, Bayfield Line, Goderich TOM/Ship; Mrs. Amy El- liott White, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla,; Miss Laura O'Neill, Detroit, and Miss Irene O'Neill at home (Win- dsor), Relatives front a distance who attended the funeral were: Mr, and Mrs, Dale O'Neill, Weldon 'O'Neill, Windsor; Mr, and Mrs. M. Van Buren, Detroit Mr. and Mrs, Harold Simpson and Jackie, Lon- don; Mr. and Mrs. William Bar- ber and family, St. Thomas. Milt- on O'Neill, 'Windsor, tat present visiting bin daughter Mrs. G. G. Scotehmer, Mae Water Highway), their own in the great outdoors. Mrs. Arkell cannot account for their being inside unless there is a colony located in the insulation in the attic. Several times she has noticed a sticky streak down a window an the east side of the house which made her suspicious. But the full-length window screen on which they were congregated is on a bedroom on the west side, It was occupied that night by her sister Mrs. Robert Heath, Sr., who might have had more than a warm welcome had they not been dis- covered at night, and so deftly handled by Mrs. Arkell. on and Mrs. Harvey Taylor took the devotional, with Mrs. Taylor reading the Scripture from Luke, and Mrs. Clifton the topic. Roll call was answered by mem- bers. Mrs. D. Triebner gave the secretary's report and Mrs. H. Berry read the thank-you notes from the Wilbur Keys family, Mrs. Stewart Broadfoot, Mrs. Clifton and Mrs. Douglas. There was a large number of ladies from Goshen, Varna and Bayfield. Mrs. W. Broadfoot and Mrs, George Armstrong welcomed the guests at the door. A musical number was contributed by Mrs. Alton Johnston, Seaforth; Mrs. Mac Wilson and Mrs. J. W. Mc- Beath. Mrs. C. E. Peacock, Bayfield read a poem entitled "Unnumber- ed Blessings" and "Ten Little Ch- ristians". Mrs. Alex McBeath gave a read- ing, "Our Biggest Fish". Mrs. William Taylor and Mrs. Clare McBride favoured with a cornet and saxaphone duet accompanied by Mrs. Bruce Keys. The closing number was a quar- tette sung by Mrs. Fred McGregor, Mrs. M, Wilson, Mrs. W. McBeath, Mrs. Gordon Richardson, accomp- anied by Mrs. John R. Murdoch, Mrs, Lorne Wilson introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Scott, Sea- forth, who spoke on "Be of Good Cheer, and the Joy of The Lord is Your Strength". She was than- ked by Mrs, John Broadfoot and presented with a gift. Dainty lunch was served in the school room of the church, VARNA Good congregations attended the United Church last Sunday. At the morning service a reception for new members was held when six young people united with the church and in the evening a young people's anniversary service was held with Rev. E. McLagan, Blyth, as guest speaker. A young people's choir led the singing, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barker and family, King City, are visit- ing relatives here. The annual Webster picnic is being held in Jowett's Grove, say- field on Saturday, June 20 at 2,30 Pam The annual church service of L,O,L, 1035 is being held in the United Church on Sunday, June 28 at 7,30 p.m. with the pastor Rev. T. J. Pitt in charge. News of Bayfield By MISS LUCY. Its. WOODS PHONE: 33AYFTELD 45 r 3 k News of Brumfield — — Rubber .Stamps and Marking Devices of every description tamp Pads Sold by Clinton Hew ..Record 4.4.-+.44-4-44444-4 *4,4-4-4444 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hunking spent a pleasant weekend with their friends Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haldane, Hamilton. Also they vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fisher at Anstead. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Armstr- ong, Stratford, spent a few days with his parents last week, Master Jack Hodgert spent Sat- urday and Sunday with his gr- andparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Howatt. Rev. A. W. Gardiner, Alvinston, will have the services in Burns Church, Hullett on July 14 for the centennial at 11 o'clock and 7.30 p.m. MrS. Charlie Vodden is spending a few days with her daughter Mrs. Jack Pipe in Brussels. She had the misfortune to step on a nail and infection set in in her toe. Mr. and Mrs, William Govier spent the latter end of last week with their daughter in London. Mrs. Govier who has not had good health of late consulted a spec- ialist for a check up. A few ladies from the village called on Mrs. Melville at the County Home last Sunday. Mrs. Melville is enjoying comparatively good health, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mien ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Clif-