HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-06-11, Page 4In honor of all garden-clubbers, the Dairy Foods Service Bureau suggests holding a Garden Club Luncheon (and call it a Garden Lover's Luncheon if you don't be- long to a special club on behalf of gardens). Since gardening is dear to the hearts of most women, we know it will be an especially pleasant noon hour when you and, your friends meet to discuss gard- ening gimmicks and know-how. To follow through oxi this sug- gestion, the Bureau sends along 'three recipes, any of which would make ideal food features for this get-together----and the recipes are M bOnor ,Of june the Dairy Month no less,: Of course, there's a happy relationship here—the link betwe- en tIA month known for its roses, and the month that's outstantlin in itsabundance of dairy foods— so teaming up Canada's' fine dairy foods with some of June's gar., den pfferings is a superb, idea. Thinking of June and dairy foods, aid gardens reminds us that June's one of the wedding months too, so perhaps you'll Choose to feature them all, via one of these recipes, at a luncheon of the gar- den-shower variety — gifting the bride-to-be with garden gear, and sharing with her some of yeur own pet theories about keeping weeds at g.a. minitnum,' and blooms gorgeous enough to walk off with prizes. And now for the dishes them- selves—there's, a Nippy Cheese Dip to serve with assorted, crack- ers or chips and make a grand beginning as, all the,r!"Gardening Gals" arrive—or make Asparagus and Crabmeat Casserole your sp- ecial—so easy to get ready you'll bless us, so colorful; and.' goodto eat, your guests will bless you. And for the flower enthusiasts, we know you'll want to cater' to them with the unique Orange Ch- iffon Petal Tarts. Make petal- shaped pastry shells, fill 'ern with a light lemon-orange chiffon ,mix- ture, and carry out the flower theme with a garnish of almond- half posies, chocolate centered. Your group will have a great time deciding whether they're dai- sies or brown-eyed susans—enjoy- ing your culinary achievements while they. decide. Yes, a garden is a lovesome th- ing—and so, we believe, are gar- den luncheons. Here's to both of them! BACKACHE May be Warning Backache is often Caused bY lazy kidney action, When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, die- turbedye4 or that tired-out and heavy- h,eaded feeling may soon follow. That's the time to take 'Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better, Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 59 NOW THE NEW dank, Antal vwkivAgoof "S. VV., While touring Canada this sum- mer, Queen Elizabeth will be able to telephone her family or other -parts Of the world if necessary, At the same time, telephone equ- ipment will play a major role not providing the world with up-to- the-minute - coverage 01 her tour of Canada. • The telephone facilities, provid- ed by the Bell Telephone Comp- any of Canada and other members of the Trans-Canada Telephone System during her six weeks tour of the nation, will serve in a num- ber of ways, On the royal train, Her Majesty, other members, of the royalpar- ty, government officials and the press will have telephone service in their railway cars, On the roy-, al yatch, "Britannia," local and long distance service will be av-. enable whenever it is moored at .a Canadian dockside. The ship will be connected via special cable installations at 13 cities while train connections will be made at 16 centres; most of Friendship Club Has June Picnic Supper Thirty members of the Friend- ship Club attended a bounteous picnic supper on the lawn of the rectory Wednesday, Tune 3. A new member, Mrs. B. Grant was wel- comed into the Club, A business meeting was held, after having a speech on the St. Lawrence Sea- way by Barbara Inder, The president reminded memb- ers of the dedication service being held on Monday evening, June 22 and asked all members to attend and to help with serving lunch. Mrs. Herman reported that the carpet has been laid in the church. A short work meeting will be held on June 17 at 8.15. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. A. Croz- ier, Mrs. Agnes Dale 'and Mrs. T. beeves. Mrs. H. Johnston won the draw. Sale Summer animor 40e , Hou Just a Few Specials Now on Display A Dandy for Father's Day — June 14th . . . MAXWELL 18" - .2 h.p. ROTARY MOWERS Power Products Engine Only $39.95 . COLEMAN CAMP STOVES — Yours for $14.88 Regular Price — $21.95 18" PORTABLE BARBECUE — Only $7.95 • 6" Wheels, Wind-Up Heat Control. (Folds up to store) Outdoor • Gym Set r 2" Tubing, complete for Only $1995 2-Ring, 2 Valve WADING POOLS — $4,95 Regular '$5.95 Rigid WADING POOL - Metal Corner Seats, Repair Kit I and Drain - A Real Buy at $11.95 °!CHECK OUR SUPPLY BEFORE YOU' BUY" !A.A. — at Ball & Mitch I.H.A. Hardware 014/Y 45V9r1 OUILOING A NEW, NONE? 'WE CONGRATULATE!!! CALLUS NOW FOR TNE OIL -YOU'LL RAZEL., 211;11:340P-3. 0.10 oa You and your husband will both ap- preciate the results of the extra care we take in laundering his shirts, Fin- ished exactly to his taste, they com- plete the bandbox look you admire! THIS WEEK THE LUCKY NO. IS'1020 Check your Calendar. If the .num- ber matches take the Calendar to our office and olaitn your $3,00 credit. MY FAMILY TO THE LAKE 5HOULP Go, THEY ALL NEED, A VACATION 50 0 WAKE UP, DON'T DREAM T ' IT'S CLEAR TO ME YOU NEED SOME GASH FROM Atte, I ARRANGED MY LOAN 50 PLEA5ANTLY NO PU5.51 REP-TAPE- WITH TC.C, THE MORAL'S PLAIN FOR ALL TO SEE, "WI-IEN YOU NEED CAN 2EE TCA TRIVAIVtA • THURSDAY, NNE 959 CLiNTON litNIVS,I=ORD THURSDAY, NNE 959 CLiNTON litNIVS,I=ORD Queen flizabeth Will Have Ship-to-Shore Telephone Service While on takes Tour "Yeu can't forget a garden When, you have planted. a seed, When' you have watched the weather And know a rose's .need!" PHONE HU 2.-9505 MaiMOMMOKW lama NIJETY CHEESE 1Vtakes about g Cups) 1/2 pound Canadian blue-veined cheese 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard 1/2 teaspoon pepper' 1/2 pound cottage cheese 1 teaspoon paprika Cut blue cheese into small pieces. Place in bowl with remaining in- gredients. Beat until consistency of heavy whipped cream. Serve as a dip for potato chips or crack- ers. * * A Asparagus & Crabmeat Casserole (Makes 4 to 5 Servings) 1 14,„ cups fresh asparagus, cut in pieces 1 (6 Y2 ounce) can crabrneat 14 cup catsup 1 cup dairy sour cream 14. pound Canadian cheddar che- ese, grated 1/2 cup diced onion 1 teaspoon salt Ig teaspoon pepper ?/2 teaspoon nutmeg 2 teaspoons lemon juice Cook and drain asparagus. Cona- bine with remaining ingredients in buttered 1Y2 quart size casser- ole. Bake in a moderate oven (350°F) for 30 minutes, 3 3 Orange Chiffon Petal Tarts (Makes 1 dozen) Roll pastry out to about 2/2 inch thickness. Cut into 2 inch circles. • butter pie pastry Allow 5 circles for each tart; fit circles into deep tart tins over- lapping each one about 1/2 inch, Do not let pastry come over edge of tin. Press circles onto one an- other by lightly dampening over- lapping edges. Prick shells with fork. Bake in a, very hot oven (450°F) for ten minutes., Chill ,well and fill with Orange Chiffon Orange f.lhiffolx Ming 1 'tablespoon unflavore.d gelatin 1.4 cup cold water 2 egg yolks. '4 cup sugar 1 can frozen concentrated or- ange juice dash of . salt 1/2 cup whipping cream lel cup sugar blanched almonds chocolate bits - • Soften gelatin in cold water, Beat egg yolks slightly; and beat in cup sugar. Cook in top of double boiler for 5 minutes, Pour orange juice into measuring cup and add water to make 1 cup liquid. Add. to eggs with salt and cook 5 min, utes. Remove from heat, add soft- ened gelatin and stir until dissol- ved. Chill and allow to partially set. Whip cream until stiff, Beat in 3/4, cup sugar. Fold whipping cream into orange mixture, Pour into tart shells. Chill until serving time, Garnish with almond halves to form petals and a chocolate bit for centre. them in western Canada. When waterborne, the "Britannia" will use its own ship-to-shore radio facilities to connect with the reg- ular telephone system so the ivy- al party can call .anywhere in the world. Five green telephone sets will be on board the royal train, These telephones will be connected via. a cable with the local telephone company Where a special operator Will handle all calls manually., The train will be hooked up in this way at each point where it re-, mains for periods of one hour or more, Tuckersmith Council Deals With Problems Councillors Frank Falconer and Arthur Varley were named a corn- mittee to purchase tile , for the Nott Municipal Drains. A delegation from the Farmers' Union attended and requested council to pass a by-law authoriz- ing 'collection of Farmer Union dues through the tax roll. Council de- cided to take no action in this matter for 1959, Department of mines and Tech- nical Surveys was given 'authority to carry out proposed drill testing on roadsides at certain locations in the township, Hydro Electric Power Commis- sic wa.., re luested 1-N instal .id- ditional street lights in the Eg- mondville Street Lighting System. Elgin Thompson was appointed member from Tuckersmith to the Ausable Conservation Authority. 0 John Taylor Heads Agency's Farm Department Qut John M. Taylor has been ap- pointed head of the Farm Depart- ment of MacLaren Advertising Company's Montreal operation, it was announced this week by C, 3, Chandler, MacLaren vice-presi- dent. Mr. Taylor is a graduate of Clinton District Collegiate Instit- ute. Widely known in farming circles, Mr. Taylor will specialize in the Quebec farm market. He holds a B.S,A. degree from the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph, Ont, Mr. Taylor was also associated with the Extension Branch of the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture. Goderich Twp South I Correspondent; Attlee R, Stirling ' Phone HU g-9537 Mr, and lVfrs, Alvin Betties sp- ent one day with friends hi Mid- land last week, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stirling and You'll both applaud the results! Mark, Toronto, Mrs, Ted Harrist, on, Weston, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and MI'S, 3. R. Stilling. Farmers are taking advantage of the good weather the past week and nearly all the corn arid beans are planted. Why Not??? Luncheon in the Dairy Month of June HOME FREEZER Model C.S.-1258. From $289.56 • • The Revco Patin Freezer con- struction assures you of high- est quality materials and work- manship. • lievco's exclusive bonded faster freezing aluminum interior pro- vides superior freezing results. You can judge a freezer by the Speed of its freezing action. Faster freezing means the fla- vour & freshness of your foods aled in Th vco New Daughter Born in Germany Zweibrucken, Germany, June 2— A daughter, Mary Elizabeth, was born recently to Squadron Leader and Mrs. Ronal A. Hunt of Clin- ton, Ontario, at No. 3 RCAF Fighter Wing Hospital here. Mrs. Hunt is the former Mary MacKinnon of Clinton, Ontario. Mr. Hunt is :an aeronautical en- gineer officer, at No. 2 RCAF Fighter Wing, Grostenquin, Fran- ce, He joined the RCAF in 1937 and has been with the Air Force in Europe for the past two years. There are three other children in the family, Squadron Leader and Mrs, Hunt live in married quarters at St. Avoid, France, 69. ALBERT STREET cu NToN k. ISERVICE1 /LES J Here are four delightful fragrances In this refreshing cologne that gains More of a following each year. Be sure to got your share of this bargain treasure. • Lilac Time It Sweet Spice • June Bouquet $ Summer Song uNiQun. PHO FSERVICE • B. PENNEBAKER HUnter 2-6626 • DRUGGIST TRI-SODI UM PHOSPHATE 1 lb, — 19c EGG CREME SHAMPOO Reg. 75c — 59c A - S - A TABLETS 100 — 19c 300 — 49c LYSOL with Free Sponge 79c BRYLCREEM with Free Comb — 69c ' LIFEBUOY SHAVE CREAM with Hair Brush 63c VITALIS with Free Trig 69c GLEEM TOOTH PASTE with Lipstick — 89c NOXZEMA 2 x 65c — 99c SUNTAN OILS and LOTIONS • 55c to $2.50 BATHING CAPS 39c - 89c - 98c - $1.39 INSECT REPELLANTS 59c - 69c - 75c - 89c $1.25 I.D.A. Soecials June 8th --13th CALAMINE LOTION 4 oz. — 23c 8 oz. 39c 1.1.woremeiroomenepsftworme*Namierwisornmoremalf A •