HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-05-28, Page 9New Arrivals in MATERIAL for SUMMER SEWING Also Many New Patterns in Curtain Material and Made-Up Curtains We Have the Following In Stock Now! • Will O'Wisp • (A New Drip-Dry Fabric Similar to Krinkle Crepe) • Terrylene Pique • Viscose Linen • Terry Towelling (Plain White) • Nylon Sheer • Flocked Nylons • Jerseylaine Faille • Glazed Cotton Plaid Cotton Gingham Check Cotton Gingham Tissue Gingham China Cloth Corduroy Plain Colors Denims Plains -- Stripes Quilted Plastics Luren Stripe • Buckram -- Pellon • Criskay Plain Colors • Broadcloths -- Prints -- Etc. • White Broadcloth Drip Dry • White Organdie White Pique • White Poplin White Suiting • • • • • McCall and Simplicity Patterns in Stock DEPT. MARTINS STORE . s Phone . ,Modern TANLEY' DOWN HUnter Meat -TOWN 2-3834 Market . For the Best in Meat Value andBetter Known for their Select Red ceki" There is no'-.Fine it-quality BeeC Brand Beef Roasts of Slie , Swift's Premium SMALL SAUSAGE 3 1 LB. PKGS. — FOR ONLY $1.00 Golden Dew MARGARINE .0,4 1 LB. PKGS. — FOR. ONLY $1.00 Country Style SAUSAGE 4 1 LB. PKGS. — FOR ONLY $1.00 Fresh Ground . HAMBURG (extra nice) , 3 LB. PKGS. — ONLY $1.00 Home' Rendered LARD 3 LB. CARTON — ONLY 39c Select N. 1 BONELESS STEWING BEEF (Cut from Red Brand Beef Only) LB, 55c Our Own Sliced (CENTRE CUTS — Sliced Only) LB. 59c t BREAKFAST BACON ENDS — Good & Tasty — Only LB. 49c Choice Boneless — (Makes an Excellent Pot Roast) ROLLED POT ROAST (Cut from Red Brand Beef) ONLY, LB. 39c Cut Up For CH,ICKEN. Frying vitNeincgkss and Backs lb. 10c lb. 39c ..--, Legs and 'Breasts lb. 59c Fresh Sliced PORK LIVER . LB. 25c WE EXPECT TO HAVE Choice (A No. Treat 1 FRESH it Should SPRING Be! ) LAMB FOR THE WEEKEND .11=1••• WE HELP YOU STRETCH YOUR DOLLARS Our Superior Laundering Services are modestly priced to suit your budget . , . Save you money on costly replacements, too. ' Added bonus—FREE PICK-UPS AND DELIVERIES This Week the Lucky No. is 1012 Check your Calendar. If the number matches take the Calendar to our office and claim your $3.00 credit, sar Portable STEREO High Fidelity RECORD PLAYER MODEL KS 474 TWIN 5x7" SPEAKERS DUAL CHANNEL AMPLIFIERS HANDSOME CASE IN IVORY and GREY Full Stereo Sound At a Low Low Price of Only $59.95 Galbraith Radio Si TV CLINTON Phone HU 2-3841 R. C. A. VICTOR'S -\ Newest .. 11111)1 11%, I • rel MORTGAGE, TAXES, FEED BILL DUE, BUT WHERE'S THE LOAN TO SEE METHROUGH ? TAKE. MY TIP AND PLEASED YOU'LL 13E: DRIVE TO TOWN--, SEE T.C.C. TRUSTY WAS RIGHT- IT SURE WAS FAST THOSE PILED-UP BILLS ARE PAID AT LAST. THEMORAn PLAIN FOR AUTO SEE, 'WHEN YOU NEED CASH SEE T.C.C: TUNS CANADA CREDIT ((( vos r TRANS ;::ACiA CREDIT ,43 ••'' ,t4," • ' ii: .P , RiPg" tail —7-N.141k. TRANS CANADA CREDIT CORPORATION LIMITED 148 THE SQUARE, PHONE 797 GODEIVICH, ONT. Need Cash for Farm or Easiness ExpenteP If you: need inoney for farming, 'fishing, or eitnitar purposes, see Traria Canada Crodit. Loats over $1,500. may be arranged for seasonal, extended or Monthly repayment. $oialler loans arranged on monthly plebe over 20 and 80 oaonths. Call ut today. COMMITTEE ROOMS Clinton Progressive Conservative Association NOW OPEN Former Newcombe's. Crag $tore Friday, June 5 at 9 p.m. Meet CHARLES MacNAUGHTON Your Candidate EVERYBODY WELCOME Phone HU 2-9053 Ptiblished by Clinton Progressive Conservative Association 21-2-b LOBA Celebrate 38th Birthday Party Formal Banquet Lodge Session for Lecturer of South Huron County Lodge, and Senior Lecturer of the Black Knights; Brother Clayton Hodgins, second lecturer, South Huron County Lodge; Bro- ther Tom Deeves, Clinton, pre- ceptor, Black Knights; Worthy Mistress Sister Jacques, Sister Swan, St. Marys and Sister Smith, Seaforth, spoke briefly. A solo was sung by Sister Ruth Hodgins and Lodge closed in due form. Sis- ter Dora Heard gave a whistling selection. Sister Charlotte Free- man and Brother Tom Deeves played violin and mouth organ; a reading was given by Sister Con- nie Cololough. Draws were made on three prizes which were won by Mrs. Doris Riordan, St, Marys; Mrs. Wilma McMichael, and Mrs, Charlotte Freeman, Clinton. Sister Gladys VanEgmond accompanied on the piano. Following the program lunch was served, including a three-tier fruit cake marking the 38th birth- day of the lodge. One charter member, Sister Ethel Shobbrook attended. Weekend Feature "A New Treat" Lemon Chiffon Bar 29c Ham & Weiner Rolls 8/25c Clinton 16 A On TV CHARLIE MacNAUGHTON AND OTHERS FRIDAY MAY 29 — 7.55 P.M. CHANNEL 8 TUESDAY JUNE 2 — 7430 P.M. CHANNEL 10 Vote for Charlie MacNaughton PC CANDIDATE JUNE 11 Published by Huron PC Ass'n, THURSDAY, MAY 28; 1059 cLANtroN N.P1s-FmCOM PAGE grirg . MAUS IliVALTII WURSP M91:110WS WIMPY OAOUV The Mother's Study Group of Wesley-Willis United -.Church, .Met Tuesday, May 26- at the home of Mrs. William March with 18 pre- sent, Mrs, Kenneth Johnston and Mrs, Patrick 'Hardy were in charge of the meeting. Mrs, Kenneth McRae gave an in- teresting talk on the work of the .public health nurse and the Health Unit,. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Wilfred ,lervis and Mrs. Edwin Cooper.. Andrew's W,M.S, Mrs. J. K. Makins gave an ac- count of Presbyterian Missionary activity in .British Guiana at the meeting of the Women's Mission- ary Society of St. Andrew's Chur- ch, She stated that the church is becoming more solidly related to sister churches and work in the Caribbean area and is .establish- ing more friendly contacts with the 'Mother Church" in Canada. Progress has been made and the church is working tbwarcls respon- siblity for its own work, training its leaders and practising new ways of stewardship. Mrs. Alice Dunbar, hostess, read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. W. J. Cook led in prayer. The Members present were greatly pleased at borne White's Safe return to her in Gorier- loll/. after seven years as a mission- ary nurse in India. Miss White will take extra studies before re- turning to the Mil Field in India. A hymn and prayer by the pres- ident, Mrs. K. W. McKenzie, dos- ed. the meeting, Mrs. Norman 13a11 assisted the hostess in serving refreshments, Mrs Roy ',,Leppingtors funeral service WAS conducted in. the Ball and MUtch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, 011 Saturday, May 23, by. the Rev, .S, Davison, Brucefield, and the Rev, ,Lane, Huron Street, Clinton, for Mrs. Roy Leppington„ Bruce, field, who passed away early Thursday morning, May - Clinton Public Hospital,' after an, illness of several months, Pall-bearers were Glen Swan, Brucefield; Alex Murray, Varna; Alex Thompson, Brucefield; Geo- rge Anderson, Seaforth; Arthur Dutton, Brucefield and Kenneth Brucefield. Flower-hearers. were Ronald Paterson, Clinton; James Paterson, 38 Grover Street, London; William Burdge and Ro- bert Dalrymple, Brucefield. Born on September 20, 1924, lit Amsterdam, Holland, the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Johanos Nan Ende, she married Roy Franklin Leppington on January 9, 1,947, She had been a seamstress and clothing designer, and following her marriage, she continued this work in the village of Brucefield. She was 'a member of the Bruce- field United Church. Surviving besides her husband, Are two sons, Robert and Hans Lepington, pupils at SS 1.0, Stanley Township; one brother, Hans, in Texas, and two other brothers in Holland; one sister, Greta, Kit- chener, and other relatives, Persons attended the funeral from Toronto, Sarnia, London, Auburn, Listowel, Goderieh, Grand Bend, Walkerton, liensall, Kippen, Brucefield, Seaforth, Zurich, Seb- ringville, Wingham and Mitchell. Huron Lodge No. 377 of the Ladies Orange Benevolent Assoc- iation held their annual birthday party on Tuesday, May 26, The lovely banquet in St. And- rew's Presbyterian Church, was served to 70, by the Girls Club of the church. A toast to the Queen was given by Mrs. D. J. Lane. An inspiring talk was given by the speaker, the Rt. War. Sister Etta Hunter, Grand Mistress of Ontario West. A toast to the lodge was given by Past Mistress . Clara Harrison, responded to by Sister Wilhernina Jacques, Worthy Mistress, Wood- ham, Following the banquet the members retired to the lodge room, where a short meeting and pro- gram followed. Sister Etta Hunter was pre- sented with a beautiful picture from the sister lodges, Woodham, Mitchell, Seaforth, St. Marys and Clinton, Other speakers included Rt. Wor. Sir Knight Oliver Jacques, Grand Senior Lecturer of the Grand Black Chapter of Ontario West; Brother Jamieson, Woodham, Sen- Gordner—Taylor Rev. C. S. bitter officiated at a wedding in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton, on Saturday, when Miss Pauline Marie Taylor became the bride of Walter Frank- lyn Gordner, RR 3, Mitchell. The bride is -a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Taylor, Fulton St., Clinton, and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gordner, RR 3, Mitchell. ' The ceremony was performed in a setting of pink, white, and yel- low snapdragons, with candelabra. Mrs, Bert Boyes, Clinton, was at the organ and accompanied Bever- ley Boyes, Clinton, the soloist. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor-length gown of nylon, styled with pleated V- neckline, scalloped bodice and apron-effect bouffant skirt. A pill- box headdress held her fingertip silk illusion veil; and she carried a white satin Bible, which was crested with gardenias. Mrs. Don Jardine, St. Marys, the matron of honor, wore a bal- lerina-length gown of yellow chif- fon, styled with gathered bodice, full skirt, and a floating panel back. Miss Patricia Reynolds, Clinton, niece of the bride, and Miss Lu- anne Taylor, London, the brides- maids, were dressed in ballerina- length gowns, styled similarly to that of the matron of honour, in blue nylon chiffon and pink nylon chiffon ,respectively. The attend- ants each carried a bouquet of white chrysanthemums. Groomsman was Earl Gardner, Mitchell; and ;ushers were Ivan Feltz, Mitchell, and Murray Tay- lor, Clinton. At a reception in the parish hall, Mrs. Taylor received in a dawn-blue brocatelle ensemble. She was assisted by Mrs, Gordner, who wore pale blue brocaded ny- lon. For a trip through the United States, the bride donned a pastel green suit with cocoa accessories. Guests attended from Mitchell, Clinton, Whitby, Fort Erie,. Hamil- ton, London and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordner will re- side in Mitchell. • Miss Ella Kerr Injuries received in A. fall at her home in Brussels several weeks ago, caused the death in Victoria Hospital, London, Friday', May t, of Miss Bila Kerr, Reg,N., 74. She received a .fractur-Pd skull` And internal injuries and never re, covered consciousness. Born in Morris ,Township, she graduated as a nurse at Clinton public Hospital, and was on the staff here for some time, later returning to Brussels, Surviving are her mother, Mrs. George Kerr; two brothers, Wesley Kerr, Brussels, and James, Morris. Township. Service was from the Rann fun- eral home, Brussels, on Monday, May 18. Interment was in Brussels Cemetery, sudisiEsnoisoraniviolosiosaal•leasaisala