Clinton News-Record, 1959-05-28, Page 88. 1.95
.Although Studebaker Employees Are On Strike, We Have Made Arrangements
To Be. Able To Get Most Models Of The New Lark ,
past president, Mrs, Wesley Brad-
nock; president, Mrs, Otto Popp;
vice president, Miss Josephine
Woodcock; second vice-president,
Mrs. Donald Riehl; secretary,
treasurer, Mrs, Arthur Clark; fed-
erated representative, Mrs. W.
Bradnoek; alternate, Mrs. Durnin
Phillips; district delegate, Mrs. 0,
Popp; alternate, Mrs. L. ,Scrim-
ageour; auditors, Mrs. Wellington
Good and Mrs. L. Scrimageour.
Conveners of standing commit-
tees were re-elected,
Here's 01/2 feet of Pure pleasure. Parks proudly (and easily l) in the poshest places,
has a personality all its own. Livelier, lovelier, lower in cost—seats 6 in comfort
—gives marathon mileage on regular gas. Available in V8 or 6 cylinder models,.
Au exciting combination of sense and sophisticatton. Drive it and see
W. H. DALRYMPLE & SON Brucefield
Used Cars
1958 6 cyl. Studebaker, two-
door with overdrive. One
owner car, 13,000
1958 Studebaker 6 cyl. Station
Wagon, with overdrive.
1953 Meteor 2-door
1952 Ford 2-door
1950 Dodge 4-door,
& Son Brucefield
Phone HU 2-9211
• ZOW,ii:X-40..:A.
• • •
Built in Canada by Canadians
Arena Doors Open 7.30 p.m. — Games Start at 9.00 p,m.
15 REGULAR GAMES for $60.00 EACH
1 SPECIAL GAME for $500.00
General Admission-41.00
Extra and Special dards-25c Each, 5 for $1.00
And Get One Extra Chance Free For Each Adv.
Presented at Arena Door on One of the
Effective -- Monday,, May 25th
You must lower your headlights:
(1) when within 500 feet of an approaching
motor vehicle; and
(2) when following another motor vehicle
within 200 feet.
2 It is an offence to place signs on the windows
and to hang objects in the motor vehicle
which obstruct the driver's view.
It is an offence to load a truck or trailer in
such a way that any part of the load falls on
the • highway during transit and the penalty
for such offence has been increased up to a
maximum fine of ,$200 and in addition the
lidenee or permit may be suspended.
A Passing on the right is nowpermitted in. cities,
towns and villages including Metropolitan
- Toronto but only:
(1) when overtaking a motor vehicle making
or signalling a left hand turn;
(2) on streets having two or more lanes in
each direction; and
(8) on ene-way streets,
Hon. John Ysoornko, Q.C., 0. J. Collins,
Minister Deputy Minister-
'NIS interpretation of the above lows is published
for infOrmatiorr Only. Par accurate references,
Motorists shook! refer to the Provincial Statutes:
A I N; I I C
Charlie MacNaughton
Speaks For Huron
ome Good. Old, Everyday
'It seems to, me that it is time to pause and ask ourselves
whether gov't at any level should continue to respond to
what I regard as irresponsible requests-for almost every-
thing that crosses the mind' of the public or whether it is
not time to exercise some good old everyday horse sense.
Keep Charlie
Fighting for you
Keep Huron on
Support The Common Sense Program
Of The Frost Government Which
Has Given Ontario Its
'Dynamic Decade'.
MacHaughton, Charles S
Thursday, June 11
Published by Huron Progressive Conservative Association
Progressive Conservative
The West Huron District of the
Women's Institute met on Wed-
nesday, May 20, at St, Helen's Un-
ited Church.
The president, Mrs. Wes Brad-
flock, was in charge. Miss Josep-
hine Woodcock, Blyth, conducted
the Memorial Service for deceased
members, reading the names of
those who had passed to higher
service; Auburn, Mrs. Fred Ross,
Mrs. Archie Robinson; Dungannon,
Mrs, George Hodges; Goderich,
Mrs. James Adains, Mrs. A. Farr,
Mrs. Chris Johnston, Mrs, Ross
Tichborne, Mrs, Eva McPhail, A
two minute silence was observed
followed by prayer.
Minutes of the 1958 District An-
nual and the Executive meeting
were read by the secretary, Mrs.
Arthur Clark. A letter was sign-
ed by all the Branch Presidents to
go to the Provincial Board. in sup-
port of Mrs,. J, D. Hossack, Etn-
bro, who has been nominated the
new Provincial President.
Mrs. Hislop, Stratford, (prov-
incial board director for sub-div-
ision 19) ratified the district dir-
ectors. They were: Auburn, Mrs,
George Million; Blyth, Mrs. Ken-
neth Taylor; Belgrave, Mrs; Wal-
ter Scott; Clinton, Mrs. J. Sturdy;
Dungannon, Mrs, Harvey Alton;
Goderich, .Mrs, Donald Biel* Kin-
tail, Mrs. Jack CoWilson; St. Hel-
en's, Mrs, T. Gaunt; Tiger Dun-
lop, Mrs. Elmer Hunter; Wing-
ham, Mrs. H. Burrell.
The financial statement was giv-
en by the treasurer, Mrs. Arthur
Clark, who distributed printed
copies of the year's work. The
Auditor's report was given by Mrs,
'Wellington Good. .
The preside& congratulated the
branches on their accomplish-
ments, stating that the county pro-
ject and the Tweedsmuir Work-
shop had been very successful, She
spoke about the new stamp which
was issued to commemorate the
100th birthday of the founder and
organizer of the Women's Institu-
tes, Adelaide Hoodless. She , ex-
plained the stamp, with the wom-
an on her knees sowing the seeds
of progress and the circles r,epre-
sent the world, in honour of the
Associated Country Women of the
World (A.C.W,W,) She said five
delegates were being sent to Scot-
land-in August to attend the A.C-
Mr, Taylor of the National Film
Board, told the ladles of the ser-
vice that the film board makes
available to the Institutes for their
meeting, The collection was re-
ceived by the Kintail Branch. Roll
call was answered by 11 branches.
Mrs, Harvey Wales, chairman of
the London Area Convention, sent
her message which was read. A
humorous reading was given by
Mrs. 1, Kernighan, Goderich, and
Mrs, Clarence Wade sang a solo,
accompanied by Mrs. Lawrence
Bannon, both of Bedgrave.
The Departmental speaker was.
Mrs. Ian McAllister, RR 1, Zur-
ich. She spoke of the Extension
Service available to all Institute
members, and said , that the pro-
ject "New lamps for Old" will be
taken this fall for the County
Project, The Farm Home Survey
will take place in June and July
when farm women and non-mem,
hers of the WI will answer quest-
ions to the representatives of
Department of Agriculture, The
townships of West Wawanosh and
Colborne have been selected.
Mrs. George Million read a res-
olution re Daylight Saving Time
which was passed and will be for-
warded to the Area Convener.
The chairman of the nominating
committee, Mrs. N. Clairmont,
Goderich, brought in the new slate
of officers and. Mrs. Hislop presi-
ded for the election. The question
draWer was answered and Mrs.
Ed. Davies, Auburn, thanked St.
Helens ladies for their hosiptality.
Mrs. Bradnock thanked the bran-
ches for their loyalty and called
on the new president, Mrs, Otto
Popp, Dungannon to conduct the
new business.
Mrs, McAllister, Home Econom-
ist for Huron County, spoke of the
4H club of the county and intro-
duced Miss Betty Anne Lapp, of
Wingharn, who gave comments on
her exhibit, "The Cereal Shelf."
A musical selection was played by Mrs. Radford, Clinton,.
Conveners of the standing owl-
mittees gave their report: agricul,
ture and Canadian industries, Mrs,
Stanley Lyon, RR 1, Auburn; cit-
izenship. and education, Mrs, Lor-
ne Hasty, RR 1, RUngannon.:. his-
torical research and current ov,
eats, Mrs, Bert Alton, RR 7, Luck,
now; home economics and :health,
Mrs, hermeth Taylor, RR 3„
ton; resolutions, Mrs, George Mil-
lien, RR 3, Auburn; public vela
tions, Mrs, A. Wilkin, Goderieh;
junior activities, Mrs. M. Batkin,
Conference reports were given.
by The District Directors, who had
attended the Guelph .Conference;
Mrs. George Million, Mrs, H.
rell, and Mrs, • gluier hunter's re-
port WAS given by Mrs, S. Snyder,
Dinner was served by the hos-
tesses, and the address of welcome
was given by Miss W. D. Ruther-
ford. Mrs, Walter Scott gave the
The afternoon session opened
with the Convention Song, follow,
ed by the. informative address of
Mrs, HislOp, the federated Wom-
en's Institute board member of
Ontario, She stated that • there
are 1,475 branches with 38,549
members in Ontario and that the
new office at. Toronto is proving
very satisfactory. The new hand-
book which is being revised will
be ready after the November
Board meeting, and the by-law re
life memberships is in force now,
An invitation to held the 1960
District Annual in Londeshoro was
extended by Mrs. Edwin Woods.
It was decided to help with the.
blind club as a county project if
the other districts are willing.
Officers for the new year are:
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West Huron. WI Annual
Receives Reports for 1959.
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