HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-05-28, Page 1A nominating committee of
three men yesterday selected five
persons to serve on the Clinton
Housing Authority in charge of
the 12-unit rental housing project
to be built on John Street, near
the Clinton Public Hospital.
Making up the committee were
Frank W. Andrews, acting for
Howard Green, Minister of Public
Works at Ottawa; Charles Mac-
Naughton, acting for the Province
and Mayor Burton Stanley, acting
for the town, The five names have
gone to Toronto for approval of
the Department of Planning and
Development and to Ottawa for
approval of the Department of
Public Works.
In town yesterday were R. B.
Liberals Meeting At
SS 5 Goderich Township
About 2Q people attended a
meeting in SS 5 Goderich Town-
ship to hear the Liberal candidate
in' the Huron Riding, Harry St-
rang. The speaker was introduced
by E. Beecher Menzies, Clinton,
the president of the County Lib-
eral Association and he was in-
troduced by John Westbrook.
Other speakers were A. Y. Mc-
Lean, Seaforth, former MP for
Huron and Hugh Hawkins, Clint-
on, president of the Western Ont-
ario South Liberal Association. A-
mong those present were three wo-
men, one of whom was an observer
from the United States.
Election Day On
June 11 Runs By
Standard Time
Putting Up 31 At Lawson Office
George Thomas, the Kinsman on the ladder, is ready to affix Number 31 to the
office door of H. C. Lawson, in the Hotel Clinton building. Assisting are, from the
left, George Peters,' Andy Petersen and Jack McKnight. A total of more than one
thousand sets of numbers were placed on the homes in Clinton on Saturday to com-
plete ci numberina.ra'ect begun.several months ago by the Kinsmen Club of Clinton.
No. 21—The Home Paper Wth the News
$3,00 Per Year—,10 Cents Per Copy---12 Pages
irktott - News
Sports Champions at CDC!
-Champions at the Field Day held last Friday by the Clinton District Collegiate In-
stitute are, from the left, front, Clayton Groves, Senior; Budd Boyes, Junior; Gary Jew-
itt, Juvenile; back, Anita Higgins, Junior; Ruth Turner, Senior; Joan Johnston, Inter-
mediate; Paul Schoenhals, Intermediate. (News-Record Photo)
At 94 Greeted by Premier
Mrs. Govenlock, 94 years old, formerly of Egmond-
was greeted especially by Prernier Leslie Frost at
the Huron County Home last week, at the Progressive
Conservative leader mode a brief call while in the riding.
Mrs, Govenlock it the widow of a former Liberal member
io the Ontario Legislature, Charles MacNaughtori,
centre, is the local candidate, (News-Record Photo
es in the provincial electron
uled for June 11, will be held in
Huron Riding at Hensall to-day,
May 28, 'from 2 to 3 o'clock.
If both candidates nominated by
the Liberal and Progressive Con-
-iwRr-e-t-iv-eziarties qualify, and there
is no indica"ti'on= that this will not
be so, then dates for an Advance
Poll will be set for June 4, 5 and
6 in Goderich, Seaforth and Exet-
Times for voting on election day
are from 8 am, to 7 p.m. Stand-
ard Time, This means that on Day-
light Saving'Time, voters may cast
their ballots anytime between 9
a.m, and 8 p.m,
.Mbe $trot
(B)" %V. D. 10.4
being made toward establishing
a school for retarded children in
Clinton . With a grant frog),
the Ontario Department of Educa-,
tion, the Kinette Club of Clinton
is hoping to set up such ja school,
and hire a teacher . . Limit of
pupils per teacher is six . Any-
one interested in learning more
about this school (there are sim-
ilar ones at Wingham and at Gode-
rich) should contact any one of the
" * *
longer a preblern, in our town .
it is an accomplished fact
Kinsmen c'Ampleted the entire job
on Saturday . . . despite pouring
-rain , . and the difficUlties that
entailed . Late at night (well
after dark) the last of the shiny
black and silver numbers was in-
stalled . * * *
Cadet Band which was received
so well at the Inspection only two
weeks ago will not be playing at
the Clinton Spring Show . . There
will be a Cadet Band, but one im-
ported from Seaforth , . Why?
'do you suppose , . .
Cancer Group Collects
$1,287 - To Date •
Collections by the Clinton Br-
anch, Canadian Cancer Society, so
far amount to $1,287. There are
still .proceeds from Hullett, Stan-
ley, Hayfield and part of Clinton
to be. turned in to ,campaign ch-
airman 0. L. Engelstad.
PUC Grants Services
For Two New Homes
Authorization was given two
men on Tuesday night, for installa-
tion of water, sewerage and hydro
to their lots, Gerry Holmes, Ship-
ley Street, and G. Ross McEwan,
Raglan Street.
Permission to pay themselves
$5 per meeting, with a yearly limit
of $60 was received by the com-
missioners from Town Council, and
they will proceed to get permission
for this from the Ontario Hydro.
Tenders for truckg were receiv-
ed froin Murphy Bros., 1,td,, $2,-
Ltd., for V975, With such al slight
difference: the PUC decided to find
out what trade-in would be allow-
ed by each firm on the truck they
The VVeeles -Weathei
1959 - 1958
High Low High Low
May 21 79 65 60 41
22 72 50 54 32
23 55 45 69 35
24 68 43 64 47
25 73 44 61 29
26 75 55 75 41
27 82 65 67 45
Rain: 1.53 ins. Rain: .41 ins.
Bradley and M.' Giles, both of the
Ontario Department of Planning
land Development. They report
that contracts will probably be let
by July 1 for these 6 semi-detach-
ed homes, and deadline for com-
pletion will probably be October 1.
Stanley Clerk-Treasurer
has been appointed clerk-treas-
urer of the township of .Stanley.
The wife of Harold Elliott, she
lives on a farm near the village.
Mrs. Elliott's application was
one. of eight received by the
council, for the position made
available through the resignation
' rikision to -
liott was reached Friday even-
ing, May 22, at a meeting of •
council headed by Reeve Harvey
Coleman. The appointment is ef-
fective June 1. (Photo by Phillips)
Street Signs Will Be
Up By Mid-June
With house numbers now instal-
led some people are wondering
what good they will be without
names on the streets.
According to Mayor Burton St-
anley, the street signs are order-
ed, and will be erected at all cor-
ners before the end of June.
John J. Wintermeyer
Here This Afternoon
John Wintermeyer, QC., leader
of the Ontario Liberal Party, will
be in Clinton, this afternoon at 2,30
pan, After a tour of the indust-.
ries and the County Home, the
Kitchener lawyer will be given a
reception in the ,Clinton Legion
Hall from abeUt three o'clock on.
The Huron riding candidate, Har-
ry Strang, Hensall., also will be
The Hon, Walter E, Harris, .Q.C.,
former Finance Minister of Can-
ada, will be the special speaker at
a meeting in Zurich on Monday ev-
ening, June -1.
Spring Show . Here
On June 10 To
Have New Contests
The best display of agricultural
animals in Western Ontario will
make up the Clinton Spring Show
this year, according to veteran
secretary of the fair, Adam J. Mc-
Murray. The date is Wednesday,
June 10.
Special classes have been added
to the prize list, which should
prove very attractive to -youngst-
ers of public school age. One class
is open only to pony exhibitors
in Clinton and within an eight
mile radius. There are prizes for
brood mare, stallion, foal and har-
ness ponies.
Another prize of $5 will be a-
warded to the largest family at-
tending the fair.
In the bacon hog and cattle
divisions, there are special compe-
titions open only to public school
children from the townships of
Hullett, Goderich, Tuckersmith
and Stanley, who are riot members
of 4-11 Clubs.
Still another prize is for the
youngest exhibitor at the fair; $5
in merchandise at one of the clo-
thing stores in. town.
Classes for ponies, palominos,
riding horses, harness horses, all
beef_and_idairy_breeds of cattle,
SWine, and. sheep `"?•9
117 Blood Donors
At Clinton's First
Red Cross Clinic
There were 117 donors at the
Red Cross Blood Clinic held on
Tuesday afternoon and evening in
Ontario Street United Church. The
Clinton Hospital Auxiliary was the
local organization in charge and
Mrs. W. L. Morlok was convener
of the project.
Helpers included Mrs. A. J. Mc-
Murray, Mrs, Ruby Reddy, Mrs.
F. -G. Thompson, Mrs. H. C. Law-
son, Mrs. Edith McIntyre, Mrs.
Douglas Ball, Mrs. E. W. Manag-
han, Mrs. Garnet Harland, Miss
Kay Snyder, Mrs. C. M, Shearing,
Mrs. George Rumball, WIrs. Bern-
ice Henry and Mrs, Ron McCann.
It is expected that another clin-
ic will be held in Clinton in the
future and any persons unable to
attend this one will be welcomed
at that time.
Blood given at this clinic is stor-
ed in London, for use there, or in
our own hospital, or whenever it
is needed.
Municipal Officers
From Huron Centres
Meet At Varna
Close to 150 representatives of
the municipalities in Huron Coun-
ty attended the annual meeting of
the Huron County Municipal Of-
ficers Association, held in Varna,
on Tuesday afternoon,
After the dinner, which was ser-
ved by the ladies of the Varna Un-
ited Church, Constable Bob Lewis
showed the group films on civil de-
An election of officers for the
corning year term resulted as fol-
President, J. .IIarold Pollock„
Gorrie; first vice-president, Alex,
Alexander, Goderich; second vice-
president, James B. McQuaid, RR
5, Seaforth; executive Members,
one year, Mrs. C. 4'. Cardiff, Brus-
sels, two years, E. P. Chesney, RR,
8, Seaforth; three years, John Liv-
er-More, Clinton,
Treasurer of the organization IS
S. H. Blake, Goderich, While 3, G.
Berry, Goderich, is secretary.
Eye Glass Collection
Here This Saturday
The collection of eye glasses for
shipment to India, did not take
place on Saturday as planned, ow.
ing to the bad weatliek; The Clin-
ton Lions Club and the Cubs will
be undertaking the project this
Sattrrday,_: 80.
Visitor From South
At Credit Union
Distinguished visitors at the
Clinton Community Credit Union
Ltd., 70 Ontario Street on Tues-
day morning, were Rodger Sch-
wass, editor-manager of the Na-
tional Farm Radio Forum, Toron-
to and A. L. Ayuso, program or-
ganizer, British Honduras Broad-
casting Service, Belize, British
Mr. Ayuso was touring south-
western Ontario to observe meth-
ods and new ideas used in rural
areas. The local credit union was
the one chosen as a good example
of a rural credit union, and was
the only one visited in this area.
There are 34 rural credit unions
in British Honduras.
At the local office, they were
received by W. Victor Roy, man-
ager. Mr. Schwass is well known
in this district from his work at
CKNX as a farm broadcaster.
At a lively business meeting aft-
er their sports banquet last Thurs-
day evening, the Kinsmen Club
voted $500 to the Clinton Com-
munity Swimming Pool Fund.
The members were unanimous
in their decision to get the pool
work completed early this summ-
er. The 'pool committee estimated
that at least $2,500 was needed
before the pool could be turned
over to the town.
President Mait Edgar was in
charge of the meeting at which
final plans were made for the hou-
se numbering project last Satur-
day, and for the $2,000 Kin bingo
tomorrow (Friday) night,
The local Kinsmen realized $49.-
44 profit from the sale of London
Kinsmen home bingo cards for the
game just completed, These cards
are available at l'inger's Restaur-
ant and 1.1na Lunch.
The.next Kin meeting is a joint
initiation meeting at Seaforth on
Kinsmen Bingo Here
'Friday Night,
Bingo Friday night is being held
in the Clinton Lions Arena, by tile
Kinsmen Club of Clinton, Top prize
of $500 is being offered, along
with share the wealth, regular
gainer of $60 each and door prizes.
Proceeds raised by the Kinsmen
at this affair will go toward their
projects, sponsoring junior sport,
etc. The Kiir deserve your support,
The regular meeting of the Cl-
inton Hospital Auxiliary will be
held in the Nurses' lesfdeiice on
Tuesday, Tune 2 at 8 p.m.
Committee Names Group
To Supervise Housing
June 1, when both clubs will be
bringing in new members. The
Clinton club will officiate at the
The project of house numbering
in Clinton was completed as sched-
uled on Saturday, by a crew of a-
bout 18 members of the Kinsmen
Club of Clinton. Despite pouring
rain that morning, the energetic
young service men donned yellow
raincoats loaned by Ontario Hydro,
and went to work as if it were a
sunny day,
The last numbers were installed
on Saturday night, well after dark.
The Kinsmen have expressed sin-
cere appreciation for the wonder-
ful way in which they were accept-
ed by the public. Due to the bad
weather, some residents could not
be reached for their contribution
to the project.
If anyone was not approached,
Numbers on Ali Buildings
Installed Last Saturday
and would like to give their share
of the expense involved, they may
leave their money at the office of
K. W. Colquhoun, 14 King Street
(HU 2-9747); the News-Record of-
fice, 63 Albert Street (HU 2-3443);
the Hotel Clinton, 33 Victoria St-
reet (HU 2-7011; or the Clinton
Community Credit Union Ltd, 70
Ontario Street (HU 2-9462). If
preferred, phone one of these of-
fices and leave word for a Kins-
men to call on you.
There has been some misunder-
standing, about the way in wiheh
the numbering was done. As we
(Continued on Page 12)
Over 80 Birthday Club
Mrs. Margaret Johnston cele-
brated her 92nd birthday at the
Earnshaw Nursinc, Home, Goder-
ich, on May 24. Mrs. Farnshaw
gave a delightful tea in her honor.
Guests were there from Hamilton,
Lucknow, Clinton, Goderich, Mrs.
Johnston enjoys very good health,
but can't get around any more. She
thanks all those who sent gifts,
flowers or cards.
Kinsmen Club Donates Another $500
To Community Swimming Pool Fund