HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-05-21, Page 13plt-Level Design Suits outh-Westerly Orientation REGULAR for a deep-set SPRINGIER curl CREAMY fora beautiful SOT flawing wave MODERNIZE .1741. NOW! PAY LATER Why take chances on the safety of your family—, and waste money at the same time—with a worn. out furnace. Let us help you select the right size and model. ANTHES furnace to suit your home heating needs. And we'll arrange PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET Call us today and arrange to install low-cost, carefree automatic heating comfort before next beating season. WISE PLUMBING and HEATING DEALER CLINTON Bayfield Road Phone- HU 2-7062 BUILDING and REMODELLING REFERENCE LIST AUTHORIZED "A Gas Water Heater saves you money.. gives you more Hot Water in less time says, E. J. Reynolds, Clinton Plumber Dealer. "You never run out of hot water when you have a Gas Water Heater. It heats water so fast (4 times faster than any other system) that you always have a constant supply of hot water. And it costs you less to buy ... less to operate." See modern Gas Water Healers at Clinton Plumbing and Heating, Maple Street S CogrAN, Y o f CgiADA.1441/14 iso or UNION FOLKS! IT'S TINE YOU TOOg 'THIS LITTLE TIP" TRY US FOR TIP-TOP WORMANSIIIP// /1 NO GREATER. •LEASURE DO W1 KNOW THAN KEEP ALL YOUR APPLIANC Ili ON Go ltt WE SERVICE WI/<4T WE SELL CLINTON BOTH PROMS ARE SELF NEUTRALIZING This award-winning new film is now available to help your community organize its own safety council Traffic accidents and fatalities in your community auk be reduced by the activities of a Safety Council. Many Ontario communities now have local councils. The facts prove they are serving effectively—asi easing jives. To show the "why" and "how" of safety council organization, the award-winning film "THE BROKEN DOLL" is now available to any civic-minded individual or organization in your community. Produced by the Attorney General of Ontario and recognized by the National Safety Council as the best film of its kind, it can help you organize your own local safety council. If you wish to obtain the film "TEB BROKEN DOLL" for showing in your community, write to HON. A. KELSO ROBERTS ATTORNEY GENERAL Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario '17YOUR MONEY CAN EARN on $100. or more invested for 3, 4 or 5 years in a British140AM% '61:tifie-ate. To invest—just send us your cheques British Mortgage looks after all cletails. BRITISH MORTGAGE & TRUST Founded In I.871 Head Office: STRATFORD For full information send in coupon. BRITISH MORTGAGE & TRUST CO1VIPANY, STRATFORD Please send me a folder, giving informs tion about your Guaranteed Certificates Na1110r. usr,...n...a ,da:,..,.a.,i.a......,.,r-,u.lioa:4..'Ai.WA I 1 *lir Yalu; i•V ttt tttttttttt tt • tt t ................................ 4 ... A juukAAAA AAAAAA.A.A.A.AAA. H. C. LAWSON Phone HU 2-0644 Local Representative Clinton, Ontario BROKEN DOLL (D6ie2ps The/ BROKEN DOLL tkcsiinia 74& BROKEN DOLL tisinzs /1:113URSPAX, MAX 21, 19'49 ClaTTON M.47WS,RgO013,l) For the FINEST BUILDING SUPPLIES at a FAIR PRICE look for this sign of quality Dealers in your town: J. W. COUNTER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Phone HU 2-9612 — Albert St. Clinton, Ont. Ontario 'Good Roads Association Sponsors Superintendent's Course: Modern methods for the im- provement of township roads throughout Ontario were the sub- ject of a two-day course for town.- ship„ town and village road super- intendents given at the University. of Toronto last week. -The course was sponsored by the Ontario Good Roads 4.ssociation with the co- operatlon of the Department of Memos and the University and had an attendance of over 250, Speakers included Hon. Fred M, Cass, Q.C., Minister of Highways; W. J. Fulton, Deputy Minister of Highways; and N. L. Powell, presi- dent of the Ontario Good Roads Association. Subjects in the course covered proper drainage practices, ice and snow eontrol, 'township road plan- ning, good maintenance practices, highway safety requirements, This design by architect K. R. D. Pratt, of St. Vital, Mani- toba ' would be best oriented with the living room window facing in a south--westerly direc, don. The sloping ceiling in the living room combined with the large fireplace with tile hearth help create a spacious and cheer. ful atmosphere. The well- arranged U-shaped. kitchen has good access to the service entrance leading to the carport. Six steps separate the living area of the house from the two bed. rooms and bathroom. The total floor area is 1,020 square feet, excluding carport, and the exterior dimensions are 34 feet by 30 feet. Working drawings for this house, known as Design 700, ire available front Central Mortgage and' Housing °Operation at Minimum coo, Ontario Street To Hold Anniversary For Sunday School The Sunday School teachers of Ontario Street United Church met Thursday evening, May 7, in the parlour with the superintendent Robert Elliott presiding. Rev. G. Mills gave the chapter from the study book entitled, "Worship and Social Passion;" The minutes of the last meeting were read by Olive Johnson and the treasurer's report given by Helen Potter, Plans were completed for the SS Anniversary to be held, June 7, at 11 a.m., with the Rev. Lloyd Brown coming from Brussels. The Junior choir will provide special music. Following the business a delicious lunch was served by the committee in charge. Mrs, W. A. Oakes, Installed Officers Of London Group Mrs, Walter A, Oakes, Victoria Street, Clinton, officiated at in, stallation, ceremonies at Glen Al. len Restaurant, London, laSt Thursday, The officers installed Are the first of the newly ,organ, ized London Branch of the Wo., men's auxiliary to the, Ontario Medical Association, In installing these leaders of the Doctors Wives „Association (as the London Branch will be known). Mrs. Oakes informed members that the chief aim of the auxiliary is public relations and co-opera- tion with the medical profession. President is Mrs, K. E. Gay; secretary, Mrs. P. G. Gettas and treasurer, Mrs. W. R. Fry, NOW! Your choice of 2 PROM HOME PERMANENTS One just right for the hair style you want! SCREENS AND STORM WINDOWS MUST BE PROPERLY STORED AWAY • ROOFING Earl Doucette Built-up Asphalt Roofing Coating—Patching—Shingling Roof Repairs of All Types PHONE HU 2-9741 — CLINTON • PAINTING and DECORATING 0. A. Kay and Son FLOORS SANDED • VENETIAN BLINDS PAINTS and WALLPAPERS Clinton — Phone HU 2-9549 GRANT RATH PAINTER and DECORATOR Huron Street — Phone HU 2-7040 Clinton BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Ball-Macaulay Ltd. Phone 1-1Linter 2-9514 Pull Range of Builders' Supplies COAL -- LIME -. CEMENT King Street -- Clinton J. W. Counter Builders' Supply "Everything for the Builder" *LINTON — Phone HU 2-9612 Fred J. Hudie Builders' Supply and Sawmill ,Where your building dollar goes farther CLINTON — HU 2-6655 • GENERAL CONTRACTING EARL DOUCETTE 'BUILDING CONTRACTOR Asphalt Roofing {.CLINTON — Phone HU 2-9741 M. McADAM Clinton — Phone HU 2-7070 GENERAL CONTRACTING Industrial -- Commercial Cement Work CALE DOUCETTE BUILDING CONTRACTOR Clinton Phone HU 2-9562 • HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Irwin's Ladies Wear Draperies Curtains — Blinds Curtain Rods -- Drapery Track — Estimates free -- CLINTON PhOnO HU 24623 McEWAN'S CURTAIN RODS WINDOW SHADES VENETIAN BLINDS 'CLINTON Phone HO 2-9766 • HEAT, LIGHT and PLUMBING Cities Service Oil Co. Ltd. ,^ Jack Scruton, Distributor HEATING FUELS Clinton -- Phone HU 2-9653 Clinton Electric Shop For ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES and WIRING • Clinton — Phone HU 2-6646 GINGERICH'S Sales and Service SEAFORTH ZURICH Phone Zurich 34 Phone 644W1 Electric and Gas Appliances Gas and Oil Heating, Plumbing Electric Installation and Repairs Motor Rewinding A. G. Grigg & Son Clinton — Dial HU 2-9411 COAL -- FUEL OIL CEMENT See GAS RANGES at Hawkins Hardware Victoria St. — HU 2-9433 HARDWARE PLUMB.ING and HEATING H uron Gas Equipment Dial HU 2-9600 CLINTON "If it burns Gas-,-We have it" A. F. Scotchmer ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Domestic -- Commercial industrial BAYFIELD — Phone 16 For Top Quality GAS APPLIANCES — See Sutter-Perdue Ltd • HARDWARE Clinton — Phone HU 2-7023 Harry Williams . HEATING FUELS White Rose Petroleum PrCducts R.R. 2, CLINTON Dial HU 2-6633 wicp ;PLUMBING and HEATING Narold Wise, Prop. CLINTON -- Dial HU 2.7023 Plumbing -- Heating and Electrical Services • CONCRETE HENRY YOUNG CONTRACTOR General Generate Construction CLINTON Phone HU 2-0496 Proper care of wooden storm windows and screens will increase their life and ensure a snug and easy fit season after season. Warp- ing and ill-fitting joints can devel- op from improper storage or con- tinued exposure to the elements without repainting or waterproof- ing. When not in use storm windows and screens should be stacked so that the weight is evenly distribut- ed. If they are stood on edge a pair of wooden rails should be placed beneath them to keep the underside off the floor. To pro- vide proper air circulation when stacked on their face side, the sash at the bottom of the pile should not come in contact with a moist surface. If rails are used in this case, they should be suf- ficient in number to prevent sag- ging at, the centre of the pile. The same precaution should be fol- lowed when storage racks sus- pended from the ceiling are used. When storing screens or storm windows on their flat side at least three, and preferably four, rails should be installed for full length sashes to prevent sagging and warping. However, one rail at each end will be sufficient if a board is laid across the rails. Storm sash and screens should be repainted occasionally. If ex- posed to frequent weather varia- tions, it is advisable to apply a Council Authorized Over $60,000 Building Permits.AtMay,Meeting Building permits were authoriz- ed for Peter Kuiper, Queen Street,' house, $7,000; Donald Lord, house, $7,000; W. C. Newcombe, sun- porch, $700; Fred Elliott, altera- tions, $2,000; 3. Amsing, addition, $2,500; Fred Pepper, sunporch, $400; 'PUC, office and service building, $30,000; Charles Wise, sunporch, $300; E. J. Reynolds, garage, $800; Gerald Holmes, hou- se, John Street, $10,000. protective coat every season. , Any broken or cracked panes in storm sash should be replaced be- fore storing. This will allow time for the putty to harden properly before the windows are used again. To allow sufficient time for drying, painting should also be done at least a few days before hanging screens or storm windows.