HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-05-21, Page 6We've got it! LOWEST PRICE EVER for a GOODkVEAR TIRE with trade-in 6.70 x 1$ tube-type blackwall fits most pre-1957 cars It's unequalled for its low price—miles ahead of other tires for its super-strength. Goodyear builds this tire with exclusive 3-T Nylon Cord ... triple-tem- pered for greatest blowout and puncture protection. Get all three Goodyear fea- tures—low price, nylon safety and guaranteed quality. See us NOW HAROLD'S White Rose Goodyear Tire Dealer CLINTON PHONE HU 2-9023 .C4NTQN VEVarE4RWORX), TaURSDAY„ MAY 4h 1$04 News of Bayfield By MISS L,UCIY B. WOODS PHONE It/3171E1,D 45 r 3 the idea when he went to an ant- ique sale in Clinton. They Will also sell home-grown fruits and vegetables in the sum- mer. Mrs. Sparks and her oldest daughter Kathryn will serve pat- rons. In talking to Mr. Sparks, he re- lated an interesting story of hav- ing obtained a broad axe belonging to his great grandfather, William Blair, the day of Wilmer Harris- on's sale. This is one of the items which is, not for sale, Williarri Blair, besides being one of the pion- eer fanners, was a Methodist loc- al preacher, And his great grand- son was ordained in the Methodist Church in the United States. He was obliged to give up his last pastoral charge in Florida owing to ill health, Mr. Sparks also has early Hur- on County items whiCh will be on view, but not for 'sale, The store was originally built in the early days by a man whose surname was Bateman, who con- ducted a general business with liv- ing quarters above. He was followed by Campbell and Co., and later Robert Morris- Mr, and Mrs. Harry Baker and Gwen, London, were at their cot- tage "Wheel-In" for the weekend. William Carson and family, Lon- don, occupied their cottage over the (long weekend. E. R. Weston, Goderich, spent Sunday with his wife at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Charles Toms. Miss Helen McLeod, London, was home over the weekend, Her guest on Monday was Ronald. Cole- man, London, Mr. and Mrs. John Pearson and Douglas, London, visited his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, J. Pearson Over the holiday weekend, Mrs, E, J. Bauer, Waterloo, Eu- gene Bauer and family, Kitch- ener, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Laud- enback, Toronto, were at the for- mer's cottage for the weekend. Mrs. G. Heidemann and Miss Is- abel Heidemann returned to. To- ronto on Monday after having been at their cottage in Bailey Park over the weekend. Donald Bell, Toronto, and Miss Joyce Bell, London, were home over the weekend, Janis Galbraith, Clinton, also visited her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Bell, from Friday to Monday. Mrs. C. L. Guest, Leaside, came on Friday to spend a week with her sister, Mrs. Malcolm Toms. Miss Ethel Blair, London, spent the long weekend with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. R. Blair, Mr,and Mrs. Keith Leonard, Ray, Sonya, Linda. Cheryl, Mavis and Kal, Willowdale,. were with Mrs. Leonard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Feathe'rston, from. Sat- urday until Tuesday morning. Mrs. L, M, Burt, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burt, Jo Anne, Karen, and Geoffrey, Miss Mary Lou Burt Reg. N., Ronald Burt and Otto Remnankampff, London, were at the former's home on Sarnia Rd., over the holiday weekend. -Corporal Lloyd Westlake, .OPP, Kitchener, Mrs. Westlake, Ricky and. Catherine Ann were with Mrs, Westlake's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Malcolm Toms from Saturday to Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. The Huron County Council will convene in the Court House, Goderich, on Monday, June 8th, 1959, at MOO a.m. D.S.T. for the June Session. All communications and accounts to be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Friday, Mciy 29th, 1959, JOHN G. BERRY, CLERK-TREASURER, COUNTY OF HURON, GODERICH, ONTARIO. 20.21-b --A11011111111111111110 -Old Store Opened Again in Bayfield, Recalls Buggies Lining 'Sidewalk low and. the business was carripd on under the name of V. A. Ed- wards. ge died September 1, 1.9.38,. And his widow carried on for a. few years, At its peak business was SO good, the row of hitching pasts in front could not accommodate all horses and buggy outfits and many were tied up to fences. on. The latter added living quart- ers at the side of the original store. He left to conduct a similar business in liensall. After .having". been closed for about two -years the building was . purchased by Henry F. Edwards, of Strathroy, in 1887, With his son Frank be operated a general store. The father died in December WMS Meets The May meeting of the Varna Woman's Missionary Society was held in the church on Tuesday ev- ening, May 8. Mrs. Percy Johns- ton conducted the devotional per- iod. Mother's Day music was play- ed by Mrs. Lee McConnell. Scrip- ture was by Mrs. Robert Stirling. Meditation, "Mother" was given by Mrs. P. Johnston. Poem read by Mrs. Ernest McClinchey and a reading by Mrs. T. J. Pitt. Mrs, Watson Webster, president, conducted the usual business. ,... Mrs. George Stephenson and Mrs. Watson Webster presented full and interesting reports on the Presbyterial meeting at Goderich after which Mrs. Lyle Hill gave a talk on the final chapter of the study book, Mrs. Pitt closed with prayer, then the ladies repaired to the basement where lunch was, served by the ladies 'of the Parr Line, C.G.I.T. (By Carol Hill) The Canadian. Girls in Training meeting was held on May 5 at the home of Mrs. Gordon Hill. The president, Joan McClymont, welcomed the mothers and also the guest speaker, Miss C. Clarke, to the special Mother's Day meet- ing. Mrs. T. 3. Pitt led in prayer and Carol Hill read an appropriate reading on "Our Mothers". It was decided to attend the C,G.I,T. Rally on May 9 at Ont- ario Street United Church, Clin- ton. Miss Clarke spoke on five mis- sionary men who went to teach the word of God to the natives and told of their many experiences, which ended in tragic death. A delicious lunch was served by the girls to their mothers. A hearty vote of thb.nks to the girls was expressed by Mrs. Orrin Dow- son on behalf of the mothers. 0 BAYFIELD Mr, and Mrs. R. W. Elliott went to Stratford on Friday morn- ing and on to Kitchener to visit their son, John. They accomp- anied him and his family to Niag- ara Falls on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott and their ch- ildren brought his parents home on Sunday, returning to Kitchen- er on Monday, VOTE R R Y INC Huron County Farming Report (By D. H. Miles Agricultural Representative for Huron County) Intermittent showers are pre- venting sowing of .intertilled crops. Grass is only making fair growth although meadows are looking good. Most of the cattle are out on pasture although those with plenty of hay are holding their cattle in as long as possible, o. VARNA Your Liberal Candidate in Huron • • A Liberal Government In Ontario will . —Extend the existing Hospital Insurance scheme to cover the care of chronically ill and convalescents in hospitals and nursing homes, and to cover out-pat. lent care. —Provide a system of direct cash grants of $300.00 annually to each qualified university student who must live away from home while pursuing his higher education, 811-UHAIN Gives Your Chicks the Advantagas of SUPER POWER —Provide provincial machinery to make possible -a portable pension scheme‘ This would allow for the transfer of o worker's pension from employer to employer. Harry Strang, as a municipal Clerk and successful farmer, is fully qualified to. press for a solution of the many problems facing municipalities to-day. He knows the problems of the farmer, of the.: businessman, VOTE LIBERAL—VOTE STRANG Vote LIBERAL backache! Oft -rest &MAW ARE ALL —Make possible a massive highways construction scheme that would pro- vide roads now designated as required, and do it uhder a new financing structure that would segregate the highways budget, —Undertake a complete reform of the Ontario Municipal Act which would have as one objective'the progressive removal of education taxation from real property. —Create a new Department of Market- ing primarily concerned with the dis- tribution of farm products. Look FORWARD and that's what is essential in those early stages. Grow them fast and evenly and build strong, healthy and lively chicks. You can plan on MORE of your chicks growing on less feed by following a SHUR-GAIN PROVEN feeding program through to maturity. .Koo, FED UP? When they are troubled by backache, that tired out feeling or disturbed rest, many, many women torn to Dodd's Kidney Pills. These conditions can be caused by excess acids and wastes in the system and Dodd's Kidney ?ills stimulate the kidneys and aid their norninl salon of removing these excess acids and 'wastes. Then life seems brighter, housework lighter!' Why don't you, too, try Dodd's? In.. Huron.. VOTE.. STRANG ..on ...tune 11th Canada Packers Limited Phone HU 2-9301 or HU 24816 Clinton, Ontario leummEnne FAST UNIFORM GROWTH GOOD FEATHERING! LOW MORTALITY! HURON. COUNTY COUNCIL JUNE SESSION "Ye Olde Country Store", That is the name under which one of Bayfield's oldest places .of business will re-operi on Friday, May :IA after having been closed far aver. 14 years. It was formerly known as Edward's General Stare for be- tween 50 and 60 years, NOW the Rev. and Mrs. Lorne A. Sparks will sell used furniture, antiques, including some oriental pieces, and handicrafts, They have been. collecting for this purpose Since last summer. Mr, Sparks got Gods Twp. South Correspondent; James R, Stirling Phone HU 2-9537 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Argyle and two children, London, spent the holiday with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cole and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Erlin Betties, To- ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas, Woodville, spent the holi- day with Mr. and Mrs. Allen I3ett- les. Mr. and Mrs, Art, Nicholson and daughter, Seaforth, were visitors with his cousin, Alex Weston, on Saturday. The heavy frost on Friday night almost ruined the early fruit crop in this district. The red clover got a bad set-back which was the best crop we have ever seen in these parts. Grafton Weston and Judy, London, were also their guests on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Jarnes Fisher, Lar- ry and Frank, Kitchener, were .at their cottage for the weekend. Mr, and. Mrs, J, Pounder, John- ny, Cathy and Mary Beth, London, spent the weekend with Mrs. Pounder's mother, Mrs. Lloyd Scotebiner. Miss Shirley Brandon who has completed her course at the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, is spending A vacation with her fath- er, H. N. Brandon. Also home for the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. W. Pitblado, Oakville; Mr. and Mrs, Keith. Brandon and family, Strat, ford. Baptisms The Rev, E. J. B, Harrison of- ficiated at the service of holy baptism in Trinity Church on Sun- day afternoon at two o'clock for Kelvin Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merton Merner, Bayfield, and Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, 3. Pounder, London, God parents for Mary Elizabeth were her uncle, Howard Scotch- tiler, and cousin, Mrs. Howard Burt, Following the service, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer enter- tained relatives and friends at their home. Trinity Guild The monthly meeting of Trinity Church Guild was held at the home of Mrs. E. A. Featherston on Tuesday evening, May 11. There were ten members present. Mrs. Percy Weston, president, conducted the opening exercises. The minutes were read by Mrs. Merton Merner, and the financial report by Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner. Following a - brief business 'dis- cussion, the Rev. E. J. B. Harris- on said the closing prayers. The hostess served refreshments dur- ing a social hour. Family Day Mother's Day and Christian Fa- mily Week services were observed in the United Church service on Sunday morning, May 10. The Sunday School under the leadership of the superintendent, Miss Clara Clark took part in the service. The choir of over 20 Sun- day School pupils sang several Sunday School choruses and the responsive reading was led by Ted Dunn, one of the teachers. Anoth- er teacher, Mrs. Westlake, read a story for the children and Jim McCurdy read the Scripture from Ephesians; also a duet was con- tributed by Mrs. Kingsbury and Mrs. Renner. Rev, C. E. Peacock's sermon had to do with a young man of the early church, a helper of the apostle Paul and one who was also a third generation ,Christian, Tim- othy. The sacrament of baptism was administered to two infants, Wil- liam Colin Mark Campbell, son of John and Yvonne Campbell and Linda Eleanor Campbell, daughter of Donald and Phyllis Campbell. This service was most impressive with its charge not only to the parents, but also to the congrega- tion. The church was beautified with masses of fragrant blossoms, wild plum and tulips.