HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-05-21, Page 3ONEY ERVICE YOU CA TRU Yost can borrow with con to (knee from HFC. For UFO sPeOalizea in making ..04.11*+ day loans to all kinds of people for purposes they hick worthwhile, And .loans are made .withe4t bankable emir, ity or eudoreers. You always get prompt, friendly service at I-IFC *bother you need a little money or a lot. You'll like our Convenient office hours, too. Household Finance, of course! 'Canada's largest and most recommended consumer finance company HOUSEHOLD MAIO M. L Jenkins, Manager 35A West Street Telephone 1501 GODERICH Phone HU 2-9007 Dunlop Street Clinton, Ont it Invest° r 44000•••••""`"Invimumlb, OF CANADA, 1,11AiTED Nord Office: Winnipeg Offices In Principal Cities The church and Sunday School had a combined service in the Bap- tist Church on Christian Family Sunday, May 10, Scripture lesson was read by Bruce Lobb and M. Reg. cm_ ford, Matilda Street, told the st- ory, The Sunday School choir sang the anthem, "Lord, Speak to Ifs", and Jeannette Lobb sang, "We Thank Thee, God, For Mother". The offering was taken by Alan Cochrane and Hugh Lobb. On Thursday evening, May 14, the Sunday School held a Christ- ian Family Night, The program began with a song service, The children sang choruses, gave read- ings and instrumental music. The concluding number was a Bible play, "The Baby Moses" giv- en by Miss Berva Switzer's class. Helen Livermore introduced the play and the cast. Those taking part were: The Hebrew Mother, Rosemary Carter; her daughter Miriam, Lynda Steep; the Egypt- FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES Instalment Savings Plans— More than110,000 Canadians are planning to' save $500,000,000 with Investors Syndicate cer- tificates. Single Payment Certificates —with guaranteed investment values. A Balanced Mutual Fund— Investors Mutual, Canada's lar- gest mutual fund, emphasizes income, stability and capital gain potential. A Mutual Fund For GroWth —Inirestors Growth Fund em- phasizes long-terra capital gain. Tax-Deductible Registered Retirement Plans — Fixed- interest, equity and combined plans for individuals and groups: Harry J. McEwan Ian Princess, Kathy Howard; her maids, -Helen Corran and Jean- nette Lobb. After the benediction, lunch was served and a social time enjoyed, OBITUARY Mrs. Jane Knox Service was conducted in the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, last Wednes- day afternon, May 13, by the Rev. J. T. White, Londesboro, assisted by the Rev. Hicks, Toronto, for Mrs. Jane Knox, late of 234 Man- or Road East, Toronto, She pas- sed away there (the home of her daughter, Mrs, Lorne Marshall) on Sunday, May 10. 'Pallbearers were Norman Shep- herd, William Trewin, Edward Reid, George Watt, John Taylor and Jim Neilans. Flower-bearers were Jack. McEwan, Jim McEwan, Watson Reid and Bert Beacom. In- terment was in Burns Cemetery, Hullett Township. Born in Hullett Township on March 9, 1875, she was the former Jane McGregor, daughter of the late Elizabeth Ward and John Mc- Gregor. She married George Knox in 1898, and he passed away on January 2, 1917. She had lived all her life in the township and for many years far- med there with her son. For the past 17 years she has spent the winters with her daughter in Tor- onto. Death came as the result of a heart condition, after an illness of seven days. Surviving are two sons, Ernest and Ward; three daughters, Mrs, Graydon (Olive) Neal, Mrs. Thom- as (Evelyn) Appleby and Mrs. Lorne (Mary) Marshall; one sis- ter, Mrs. Charles (Maude) Sproule, Winnipeg, Man,; nine grandchild- ren and four great grandchildren. Persons attended the funeral from Winnipeg, Toronto, Harris- ton, Walkerton, Stratford and Wingha.m. Service was held in the chapel at the Murray Newbeggings fun- eral home, 733 Mount Pleasant, on Monday evening, May n, before Mrs. Knox was brought to the Ball andqVlutch home. Letter to the Editor Editor, Clinton News-Record, Clinton, Ontario, Dear Editor; I am making a comprehensive study of the Huguenots (French- Protestants) in Canada and find that a large number of persons in Ontario have Huguenot blood in their veins, Since I am the first to undertake such a study of the origin and contribution of Hugen- ots to Canada, there are no records available to discover such persons, In my study so far I have found many but they have no apprecia- tion of what wonderful people the Hugenots were and what contribu- tions they have made to Canada. I would therefore request that such persons advise me of their background and provide me with what facts they have concerning it, Only in this way will I be able to give credit where credit is due, Such information will be included in my forthcoming book THE TRAIL OF THE HUGENOT CROSS, Thanking you for your co-oper- ation in this matter. Yours truly. C. Elmore Reaman, Ph.D., University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, 0 The Bible Today (By Rev. W. H. Moore) "Before I could read, I was no better than a bench," said a woman in an Egyptian village. "Now I can sing, and I can read the words in my Bible, so I know the stories the Minister tells in his sermons, I am pat of this service, I am a person." The increase in literacy through- out the world challenges the peo- ple of the more literate countries to help to supply books worth rea- ding. Books are so precious to the new literates that the woman qu- oted above keeps- her Bible in the breadbox so that it will never rot away. Suggested Scripture readings for next week: Sunday, May 17 Corinthians 2: 1-16 Monday, May 18, 1 Kings 9: 15-28 Tuesday, May 19, 1 Kings 10: 1-22 Wed., May 20, 1 Kings 10: 23; 11: 8 Thursday, May 21, 1 Kings 11: 9-25 Friday, May 22, I Kings 11: 26-43 Saturday, May 23, 1 Kings 12: 1-15 Pepper and Mrs. C. Cliffton are pleased to know they are improv- ing after their illnesses. Mrs, Pep- per is in Clinton Public Hospital. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hill upon the arrival of a baby son. Mr. and Mrs. William V. Dinnin and Wilma visited on Sunday with Mr. •and Mrs, Ted Munn and fam- ily at Kitchener. Also at the Munn home were Mr. and Mrs, Robert Barr and family, and Mrs. P. Scott Barr, all of Burlington. Weekend Feature Orange Chiffon Ring — — 49c Clinton !GA Not bread alone . • For those in trouble,The Salvation Army keeps an open door. In its hostels, havens, homes and hospitals, workers who understand the human heart know that bread alone is not enough. While the body is cared for, the spirit is healed and uplifted by the message of hope. Men, women and children are "made whole", and shown the way to loving service of God and man. In this-work of mercy you can share. Your contribution Will bring the glow of happiness to your heart. The understanding heart and the human touch 6."&e, 6/49mi THE SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD APPEAL 9011 Officers of +he Goderich Branch, which includes the Clinton Area, will make a Canvass in Clinton.--Tuesday. Wednesday Thursday May 26 - 27.28 Protect your investment in good clothes by entrusting their dry cleaning to us. Our superio/r methods will main- tain their good looks. This Week the Lucky Number is '1009 Check your Calendar. if the number matches take the Calendar to our office and claim your $3.00 credit. We take particular' care to please very particular people. 4.. • worthy of your clothes at the corner of South Street and Elgin Avenue, Dave, James and Harold Remington, and Laurie SI- ade, Clinton, have stores in Kin- cardine, Ch.esley, Wingham. and Cl- inton, Look to us for the better kind of , NINE Clinton Baptists Hold Family Day With Special Evening 'Prograrnin Church Mrs. C. Ham is visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ham, Chatham. Mrs. Edna Manson, London, sp- ent Monday with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Thomson. Mrs. Glen Swan received word on Sunday that her young cousin, ag- ed seven, was run over by a truck and killed at Lucknow on Sunday. About 25 ladieS of the Bruce- field United Church Woman's As- sociation enjoyed a social after- noon at Turner's Church on Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Broad- foot, Tillsonburg, spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Broadfoot. Brucefield firemen answered a call to a fire at Donald Daymonds, Fortunately it was extinguished before much damage was done to the barn, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Knox spent the weekend up North fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott spent the weekend in Detroit. Ken was the fortunate winner in Ex- eter a week ago, of a $1,000 prize offered at bingo, The many friends of Mrs. W. H. Ta:asE Ontario St. Hearthside Club Enjoys Views Of Abbes In England The Hearthside Club of Ontario Street United Church, met Thurs., day evening, May 14, Devotions were taken by the Rev. Grant Mills, who also introduced the guest speaker, F/L the Rev. C. L. McLaren, RCAF Station Clinton, who showed slides on the churchs and abbies in England and Scotland. The Theme of his talks was "The Church." Group 2 was in charge of lunch. ..:,..:$s*. cis,,,, m•A. o lago,,,..., . OR tri Competitive ' Prices Plus STORES* Personal Service 40;/1/4)P7:;:ears SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS THIS WEEK _ Money-Saving Specials! . " I.D.A. Brand reg. 39c, 89c 100's, 300's MILK of MAGNESIA Tablets 29c 59c I.D.A. Brand 300's reg. 89c IDASAL TABLETS 59c I.D.A. Brand 4 oz. and 16 oz. reg. 95c and $2,45 STOMACH POWDER 79c $1.89 WOODBURY HALO SHAMPOO SHAMPOO $1,25 value Reg. 65c 79c 2 for 98c . ROUT DEODORANT - Reg. 98c— 89c ADORN VITALIS with Styling Booklet—plus ' 69c Size 35c Plastic Styling Comb Plus Trial Size TRIG DEODORANT 2.10 value $1.75 Both For 69c WHITE RAIN CRYSTAL CLEAR 125e 98c Siz Richard Hudnut Colgate LIGHT and BRIGHT DENTAL CREAM $1.25 Size — Plus 89c Size 2 oz, CREME RINSE Plus—BOTTLE OPENER Both for • $1.25 89c Hair Preparations IDA. COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO 49c HUDNUT QUICK $1.25, $2.00 I ENDEN LANOLIN DISCOVERY $1,50, $1.95 98c 1.69 SEBORIN $1.00, $3.95 SUAVE for Men -60c, $1,00; Ladies-60c, $1.00, $2.25 NEW TONI $2,00 - ... REVLON SATIN SET $1,50, $2.00? RESDAN NESTLE COLORTINT 49c $1.50 SHULTON SHAMPOO for Men .... $1.50 .........„,. uNigul, Rucau F SERVICE F. B. B PENNEBAKER H U niter 2-6626 DRUGGIST THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1.959 CLINTON NEWS-RECORD• OK For New Store The Remingtons received ap- proval for a building permit to erect an IGA store in Goderich News of Brumfield MIDDLETON Corporal Sidney Caswell, RCAF,. formerly of the Barfield Line has received notice of his posting to the RCAF station at Cold Lake, 150 miles north of Edmonton, On Saturday night he and Mrs. Cas- well entertained at a buffet sup- per at their home in Goderich; among the 26. persons present were Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Middleton and W/O and Mrs, Norman Terr- is and family, formerly of Gode- rich Township. Summerhill Club Hears Report on Hall Renovation Summerhill ladies club :net at the home of Mrs. Norman Ball, with 24 members and two visitors present, Mrs, Neville Forbes op- ened the meeting by reading "Can- adians are litter bugs", followed by singing, The hall board committee repor- ted that the painting of the inter- ior of the hall was completed. Mrs. Percy Gibbings gave a report on the Hospital Auxiliary meeting. Thank you's were received from Mrs. John Murch and Mrs. Will- ian Murch. Mrs. Chester Farquhar thanked the club for a rose sent to her mother. Mrs. William Lovett moved that the slate of officers remain for an- other year, this was seconded by Mrs. Wilfred Penfound. The pro- gram consisted of three contests and a reading by Mrs. Neville ?or- bes, "When Mom is sick." The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Cummings on June 10. Those on the program OM- nlittee are Mrs. Keith Tyndall, Mrs. Fred Vociclen, Mrs, Peter Wesµ terhout and Mrs. George Wright, Those on the lunch committee are Mrs, Ezra Ellis, Mrs. Peter Wes- terhont, Mrs. Clark Ball, Mrs, Geo- rge Wright. PERSONAL LOANS NOTE HOW LITTLE YOU PAY IN INTEREST AT THE ROYAL BANK The cost is usually less often substantially less than elsewhere. For example: WHEN YOU BORROW FOR EACH MONTH YOU REPAY., THE INTEREST YOU PAY TOTALS $120 6 months 12 months $20.00 $10.00 .$ 2,07 $ 3,78 6 months $40.00 $ 4.13 $240 12 months 16 months $20,00 $15.00 $ 7,56 $ 9.79 24 months $10.00 $14.13 12 months $50,00 $18.89 15 months $40.00 $23.08 $600 20 months $30.00 $29.93 2.4 months $25.00 $35.30 36 months $16.67 $50.80 Ask Por This Booklet — t,LoANS l"OP. PERSONAL PURPOSES" at any branch for answers to all your questions. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Clinton t3ranch ...... „.„ ... .. - .... 0. L. Engeistad, Manager Godorich Branch ....„ ............ .... H, G. Spring, Manager