Clinton News-Record, 1959-05-21, Page 1No, 20,-The Herne Paper With the News. CLINTON, ONTARIO, THLIRSDAY, MAY 21, 959 $3.00 Per Year ... 10 Cents Per Copy-16 Pages intork News- THE NEW ERA---93rd YEAR THE NEWS-RECORD---77th YEAR LONG AWAITED DAY House Numbers Corning Kin to Call at Your Home Majorettes Highlight Cadet Inspection Sparkling in their gleaming white uniforms and tassled boots, the Drum Major- ettes of the CDCI Cadet Band did a fine job of assisting at the Cadet Inspection held last Friday evening. From the left are Sandra Addison, Mary Macaulay, Christine Bridle and Connie Smith, (News-Record Photo) Approval of sketch' plans of the addition to Clinton District Colleg- iate Institute was received yester- day at the office,rof H,. C. Lawson, secretary of the board. Listed in the approval fro mthe Department of Education are five classrooms, one shop room, one laboratory, one Stratford Principal Now Huron Inspector Donald W. Scott, who has been principal of Stratford Collegiate Institute for the past ten years, has been named a secondary'school inspector in charge 'of a new in- spectorate which involves the counties itiflartice, Huron, Middle- sex and Elgin, former reeves: N. W. Trewartha, Clinton, 1919-1922; J. B. Rath- well, Bayfield, 1940-1944; George C. Ginn, RR 2, Clinton, 1945:1948; James R. Stirling, RR 2, Bay- field, 1949; Gordon A. Orr, RR 2, Goderich, 1950-1952; Edward N. Grigg, RR 3, Clinton, 1953-1954; John W. Deeves, RR 3, Clinton, 1955-1958 and the present reeve, Walter J. Forbes, RR 2, Clinton. Also attending were Roy Tyn- dall, RR 3, Clinton, road superin- tendent; Carman Tebbutt, RR 2, Clinton, assessor and Clerk Robin E. Thompson, RR 2, Clinton, who emceed the affair, and presented the history of the township, in connection with the work of the tax collector, and increases in money raised and spent in the township. Mr. and Mrs. Sturdy were pres- ented with a pair of rest rockers, upholstered in grey , and green, and a silver smoker. Mr. Thompson voiced the ap- preciation of the gathering for Mr. Zbe SirOt -COttintng= as/ vv, LET US HASTEN TO CORRECT any false impressions which our comment Tast week in this eelurrin may have left „ , it was with re- gard. to four motor accidents in this district, in which no Airmen were involved „ • We had not in- tended any slur upon the RCAF, , in fact were trying to make clear the fact that civilians are just as bad drivers . „ and can get in as much difficulty on the road as any RCAF man in the force . Too often when an accident occurs, we hear people say, "Oh, .another air- man", After 40 Years Service Howard Sturdy, who lives at RR 1, Clinton in the Township of Goderich, has the unique distinc- tion of being a man who over a period of years extracted a total of $1,731,122.99 from the people of the township in the form of taxes, and managed it in such a pleasant way, that few had great cause for complaint. Mr. Sturdy retired this month from the position of tax collector, which he has held since 1923. Ten years prior to his appoint- ment to this job, Mr. Sturdy first appeared in the books of the town- ship as a special constable, and the fee he received was $2.00. History of the tax collector, and of the township were reviewed last Friday night, at a social evening held in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Sturdy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. It Ben Whitely, RR 1, Gode- rich. Mr. Whitely is the township's treasurer. Gathered together were eight Cheerful Kinsmen will be ap- proaching your home in Clinton sometime on Saturday, provided with the number for your home. At left, Kin Donald Young dem- onstrates method. Master plans of the entire town have been prepared, and a numb- er has been assigned to every home and business. Cost of the project is about $2.00 per build- ing. The Kinsmen will also be pre- pared to accept your contribution toward the cost of this project, which will make Clinton as well numbered as any town in Ontario. The job is expected to be comp- leted on Saturday. clothing room (home economics) and one double gymnasium assem- bly room. The Board can now proceed to have final plans drawn and speci- fications given, and when they are approved, will be able to call for tenders. S. B. Coon and Son, Toronto, are the architects. This is the same firm which, planned the first building in 1927, and the addition which was completed in 1955. It is expected that work on the new wing will commence early this fall. Existing hallways will be ex- tended, toward the north, and the gyra-assembly will be at the west side of the adition. Sturdy's stories, jokes and .good service in municipal ,affairs for over 40 years. He said, "This gath- ering is symbolic of the hundreds of people in the township who would like to express their good wishes." Mr. Sturdy replied briefly, ex- pressing his appreciation for the kindness shown him, and remarked upon his pleasure in serving the township. Speakers following the presenta- tion included Nelson W. Trewar- ,tha, Clinton, former reeve, former warden and former MLA for Hu- ron, who told of the pioneer famil- ies the Fords, Holmes and Sturdy families, of which the Sturdy name is one of the most prominent in Township affairs. He recounted the history of John Sturdy, once hiS pupil, who now-is assistant to the premier of Saskatchewan. All of the ex-reeves spoke brief- ly, and Jim Stirling sang, "My Bonnie Wee Maggie Brown". Re- eve W. J. Forbes wished Mr. and Holmesville To Have first Twelve Streetlights Erected The Goderich wnship council plans to instal 1 streetlights in the village of Hilmesville. This decision rests upon agreement by the 27 ratepayers involved agree- ing to pay half the installation and maintenance cost. The 12 lights will cost an esti- mated $1,340 to install. Hospital Makes Use Of Blood Bank; Patients Discharged Twelve pints of blood provided by the Canadian Red Cross, and from the blood bank in London, have been used in the Clinton Pub- lic Hosiptal so far this month. There have been six pints used from the walking blood bank. The walking blobd bank is made possible through the co-operation of 50 men and women whose blood has been typed and grouped, and are on call at all times at the lo- cal hospital. These people are re- quested to keep their blood for the local hospital only. They may give only every three months, and will be called when required, Mrs. Ross Merrill and Fred Ed- wards were both discharged from the hospital on Monday, May 18. Mr. Armstead, who was driver of the car involved in a fatal ac- cident on the Bayfield road on May 8, is still a patient in the hospital, and his condition is re- ported as satisfactory. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Burl, Mit- chell, were treated on Sunday for abrasions received in a motor ac- cident near Londesboro that day. They were dischn;..ged after x-rays were taken. Mrs, Sturdy happiness in the re- tirement years which lay ahead. Lunch was served and social time enjoyed. Euchre played early in the evening determined prize winners as follows: ladies high, Mrs. Carman Tebbutt; low, Mrs. Ben Rathwell;s men's high, Gordon Orr; low, Carman Tebbutt. The clerk's research into the records of the municipality brought many interesting items to light: For instance in 1913 the clerk re- ceived $105 for the year's work; the treasurer, $85; the collector $80 and the assessor $60. By 1949 this had increased to: clerk, $250; treasurer, $200; assessor, $1,300 and collector, $150. In 1919 both the treasurer and tax collector refused to continue to serve at their present salaries of $85 and $80 per year. After adjourning decision for one month, council granted the raise request- ed ($5 per year). That same year George Gould and H. Sturdy were appointed auditors at $5. In 1958, auditing of the township books cost $240. Back in 1921, George Ginn was named assessor, and one of his special tasks was to take a census of all bulls in the township, reg- istered or grade, and he was to be paid 5 cents for each bull. Revenue from this turned out to be a little over $13.00. In 1923 Howard Sturdy was ap- pointed assessor, over three appli- cants, In September of that year, Adam Cantelon, (clerk since 1917) died, and R. G. Thompson moved from the job of collector to that Of clerk. Mr. Sturdy moved from assessor to collector. Then on Oct- ober 1, Reeve D, A. Lindsay drop- ped dead while on his way to a council meeting, and Herb Cox was appointed chairman pro tern. By October 26, George Ginn became Reeve, and D, Churchill was the new councillor. Councillors in 1924 received $2, and $25 as road commissioners, Tax collections by Mr. Sturdy in the township amounted to as much in the last ten years, as the total of the first 25 years he had the job. In 1928 the collector de- livered 570 tax notices; in 1038, 588 notices; by 1948, there were 658 and last year he delivered 985 notices, Twenty years ago there were six tax items on the list: county, township, general school, school, dogs and phones. Last year there Were about 16. CLINTON COLLEGIATE Clear weather, but -cold, greeted the cadet inspection program held on the fresh green lawn of the CDCI campus last Friday evening, Several hundred parents and fr- iends turned out to see the display. A preview on Thursday after- noon was given when the eight platoons, colour party and band of the Collegiate Cadets, carried out a route march down Princess St- reet to Albert, and back uP Ont- ario Street to the school. Cadet Major Barry Pipe was company commander, and his sec- ond-in-command was Cadet Capt- ain Judy Cluff. Company Serg- eant-Major was Cadet Sergeant Major Kenneth VanRiesen. Flag Party was made up of two colour bearers, Cadet Lieutenant Peter Hoodspith and Cadet Lieut- enant W. Howsson, with guards, Kenneth Engelstad, Murray Mc- Ewan and Murray Cutler. Taking the salute was Major McMillan, General Staff, 'H.Q., London and Captain R. J. Brom- ley, Area Cadet Officer, H.Q., Western Ontario Area, London, Also on the reviewing stand were Irvine Tebbutt, RR 2, Clin- ton, Chairman of CDCI Board; George Falconer, Brucefield, ch- airman of the cadet committee and Burton Stanley, mayor of the Town of Clinton; Cameron Proct- or, president of Clinton Branch 140, Canadian Legion and E. A, Fines, Principal of CDCI, Liberal Party Leader John Wintermeyer, in Clinton May 28 John Wintermeyer, leader of the Liberal Party in Ontario, will visit Huron riding on May 28. He is scheduled to arrive in the morn- ing at Goderich, for a reception and luncheon there at ten o'clock. Arriving in Clinton about 2.30, the 42-year-old Kitchener lawyer, expects to tour the various indust- ries of the town, as well as the hoSpital and the county home, A reception has been planned at the: Clinton Legion Hall from 3 to 5 pan., and the people of town and country will have' art op- portunity to meet the party lead- er, and the Huron. riding condi- date, harry Strang, Hensall, at that time. Mr. Wintermyer, who has been leader of the opposition since Ap- ril, 1958, will go on to a televi- sion broadcast from CKNX Wing- ham at 5.40 p.m. The Ruran Liberal Association president, E. Ile clier 'Menzies has expressed the wish that as many persons as possible will take ad- vantage of this opportunity to Meet Mr. Winterineyer. Captain Garnet W. McGee, CD., Chief Instructor, C.A.C.I. Cadet Corps directed the evening's pro- gram. W. Brock Olde, Princess Street East, was Emcee, announcing over the loudspeaker the various events. After the general salute and in- spection of ranks, a march past was carried out and then the four girls platoons were dismissed, ow- ing to the chilly . weather, The boys carried out a demonstration (Continued on Page Eight) SIZE REMAINS AS PLANNED Premier Frost yesterday con- firmed again the plans for build- ing a 1,200 bed hospital on the shores of Lake Huron near the county town of Goderich. Appear- ing in the riding on behalf of Premier Frost Spent Wednesday Night in Parker House Motel Premier Leslie Frost made brief visits in several parts of Huron Riding on Tuesday and Wednesday, in behalf of Charles S. MacNaugh- ton progressive conservative cand- idate in the coming June 11 el- ection. Following a Tuesday evening speaking engagement at Wingharn, he and his party of five, motored here, where they Spent the night in the Parker House Motel at AR 5, Clinton. Wednesday morning Mr. Frost and Mrs. MacNaughton called at the .Huron County Home, just Opposite the motel, and shook hands with the residents as they gathered in the common room to meet them. Mr. Frost addressed the gath- ering, noting his pleasure that these poeple who had contributed toward the progress of the area in their younger years, should now be appreciated by their fellows, and by the province which shared the cost of the building and main- aining the home. The premier said that is his ten years as Premier of Ontario he had travelled "throughout the length and breadth of this great land of ours constantly". He re-' referred to the problems of visi-t ing a congregation of 'the size of Ontario and mentioned the "past- oral visits" he made from time to time in the province. Citizen In Action, Lays Charge Which Results in Fine Donald Lee, 20, Rattenbury Street, was fined $10 and costs in Clititon, Courthere on Tuesday morning, by Magistrate D. E. Hol- mes, on a charge of careless driv- ing. Crown Attorney Glen Hays com- mented on the fact that this charge came as a result of a cit- izen doing his duty. A Flying Of- ficer from RCAF Station Clinton had noticed the boy driving er- ratically, cutting in and out, and jockeying for position at the sig- nal lights. Mr. Lee plead guilty to the charge, the Huron Progressive Conserva- tive candidate, Charles MacNaugh- ton, Exeter, Mr. Frost stated that active construction could be ex- pected to begin this summer. He told an audience at the Hur- on County Home, made up mainly of staff and residents there, that plans for such a large building took time, and when it was com- pleted it would be a great credit to the province, and to the riding. "The cornerstone of this new hospital," said Premier Frost, "will be laid by Mrs. Mary Pryde, Exeter. I stated that she would be asked to do this task, when I spoke on the day of Tom's funeral. I intend to see that this is carried out, as a tribute to my very great friend and adviser, Thomas Pryde, who paSsed away just a little over a year ago." This confirmation by the Prem- ier again establishes the fact of the hospital, which has been com- mented upon for more than 12 months, with sometimes strong ru- mours predicting that the size would be cut by more than a half. The water system of the town of Goderich, and sewerage system, are being worked out together with that of this proposed big hos- pital, to the advantage of both the town and the province. _..o Construction Begun On New PUC Building Work on the foundation for the new Public Utilities building was begun this week, Cale Doucette, Ontario Street, is the contractor for the structure with an estima« ted cost at completion of $32,000. August IS the date set for com- pletion of the 50 by 90 foot one storey concrete block building which will house the offices, store- room and garage needed by the PUC, a, 4' WE READ OF THE DIFFICUL- ties in which Radio Station CKSL and the London Free Press were involved with regard to music at the time of the royal visit in the city . „ Apparently there is an or- ganization agreement that if the Music Performance Trust Fund which provides payment for some of the bands, is not mentioned in all publicity . . then the bands • do not play . . . This puts the onus upon the newspapers and radios, who are also providing free pub- licity . . to provide space for a lengthy credit to the Fund . . We have run into this same matter here in Clinton , . . with regard to certain bands playing for the en- tertainment of the County Home residents . . , Rather than deprive the elderly folk out there of the music . . we have complied with the request of the union, but un- der protest , . Why should the newspapers and radio be asked to provide free space to advertise a performance, of which nothing else is free? The band, which gets the credit is paid by the Fund . • The Fund, which demands credit, is for- med of contributions •by the Union paying band members . . . Nothing seems to be free but the space and time required to advertise and give "credit"..._ q' FOLLOWING THE LEADE does not always bring credit to the one who follows . . . Several times Canada has followed the lead of the United States only to find that all was not as good as estimated . Take for instance the farmer in Michigan who was fined $5,000 for growing too much wheat . . , This was a result of government regulations which limited the am- ount any one Man was permitted to 'put into wheat acreage ,:-.-. The- (Contlinued on Page Nine) CDC! Receives Approval Final Plans To Bel Drawn Up Goderich Township Reeves at Presentation Present at the special evening prepared to honour retiring tax collector Howard Sturdy, RR 1, Goderich, an May 15, were ail the ex-reeves of Goderich Township. From the left, Nelson W. Trewartha, Clinton, 1919-1922; J. Ben Rathwell, Bayfield, 1940-44; George C. Ginn, RR 2, Clinton, 1045-1948; James R. Stirling, RR 2, Bay- field, 1949; Gordon A. Orr, RR 2, Goderich, 19501952; Edward N. Grigg, RR 3, an- ton, 1953-54; John W. Peeves, RR 3, Clinton, 1955-1958, and the present reeve, Wolter Forbes, RR 2, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs, Sturdy ore pictured in front seated in the choirs presented to them. (News-Record Photo) Honour Goderich Township Tax Collector Cadets Inspected on Friday March Past. Lid by Band Hospital Will Serve 1,200 Confirms Premier L. Frost