HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-05-14, Page 8Ye .0Ide Countrye Store MAIN :STREET, BAYFIELD Opening May15,..1959 - , Antiques, liondcrafts, Used Furnishings "We buy, sell, exchange `most any aid thine LORNE A*, SPARKS Phone Bayfield 480 It's Results that Count! H. F. WETTLAUFER CLINTON Phone HU 2,9792 Only Your Profits Grow Faster . . than your birds, when they're on MASTER GROWING FEEDS. Whether you use MASTER GROWING 'MUMS or PELLETS, MASTER CONFINEMENT GROWING KRUMS or MASTER COMPLETE GROWER KRUMS, your birds, are getting exactly what they need to grow strong frames and build healthy egg producing organs. Remember, let- ting your pullets shift for themselveson grain alone,,,_.can slow their development Cis much as 2 months, With MASTER GROWING FEEDS, your birds are making money for you sooner, See your MASTER FEEDS DEALER today, SALE THIS WEEK! BIG SAVING ON THIS POWERFUL—BRAND NEW ' btODE1, 805-11 Powerful% h.p. motor paper dust bag • light • quiet vinyl Swivel hose • ellp-ori toots guaranteed ,od ,.d glloot EASY 61,1O1 ROO NOZZLE Wits ROATINO IRON 414.11/14, ATTA4111.0411111 Ste Poe demonstratiote at owr -store, at twee or PHONE PORTO DAY HOME TRIAL Beattie Furniture ALBERT ST CLINTON PAGE: ,,GHT CLX:RTON NEWS,R=CIRD rni:ORSTAM; MAY 14, 1909 Dr, and Mrs„ Ai L, Chapman, Detreit, occupied their ,cottage on Louisa .Street, ever the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mauer and family, Waterloo, were at Mrs. E, J, Bauer's cottage from Wednes- day until Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker and Bonnie, Searboro, were with his mother, Mrs, 3, H, Parker, ov- er the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. William Parker and Charles, London, spent Moth- er's Day With his Parents, Mr, and Mrs. William E. Parker. The Reverend mid Mrs. Peter Renner, Teesvvater, visited their daughter, Mrs. Glenn Brandon and family on Tuesday, George Castle was able to re- turn home from Clinton hosiptal on Thursday. He is gradually im- proving to health. Mr, and Mrs. Bobby Brandon and baby son, Grand Bend, are staying with his father, H. N, Brandon this week. Mr. and Mrs, Lindsay Smith, Ronald and Margaret, visited the Rev, and Mrs, F, Jewell and fam- ily, London, on Sunday, James Higgins returned to Tor- onto, on Monday after having spent several days with his par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Higgins. Mrs. R, G, Hunter, Misses. Mary Alice and Sally Beth, and Mrs, Charles Rogers, Toronto, were at their home here over the week- end. The Rev, and Mrs, II. B. Scuda- more, returned to their cottage at Rays Beach on Saturday, after haying spent the winter in Part Hope, Mrs. A. W. Reid, Miss Kathleen Reid, accompanied by Mrs. F. W. Helps, Windsor, were at their cot- tage "Enfield" from Thursday to Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fraser re- turned home on Friday after hav- ing spent a week in Riverside, w- ing to the illness of their daugh- ter, Mrs. George Fellows. Miss Helen McLeod, London, was home over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Torn Colquhoun also spent Mother's Day with their mother, Mrs. W. J. McLeod, Mrs. M. E. Beaudoin, Windsor, is staying this week with her daughter, Mrs. R. A, Simons. She came on Saturday with her son Merrill Beaudoin and family. Miss Mae Ervine, Goderich, Mr, and Mrs, Earl. Strochan, Tara, and Mrs. Spencer Ervine's parents, Mr. and Mrs, a Rourke. Southamp- ton. were, her guests over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Miller, Winnipeg, who have been visiting her uncle James Stirling, Goderich Township, were the guests of Miss- es A. M. and E. J. Stirling one ev- News of Bayfieki By MISS if41701r Iii WOODS PHONE: RAYFIELD 45 r 3 Mr. and' Mrs, L, R. Bannister and Elizabeth, Stratford, spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Pugh, Debbie and Diane, Royal Oak, Mich., were at their cottage last week, Mrs. George Elliott and Nancy, Toronto, were with Mrs. F. W, McEwen, for the weekend. The Rev, and. Mrs. F, H, Listowel, visited Mrs, R. F, Gairdner, on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ball, London, are at their cottage on the Blue Water Highway, Goderich Town- ship. and Mrs. Walter Smith, Lon- don, who spent some time, in Flor- ida. are at their cottage at The Highlands. Donald McLeod and family, Port Stanley, moved into Mrs. Des, Jardine's- house on Celina Street, last week.- Mr, and Mrs. Percy Renner and David, visited his parents, Rev, and Mrs, Peter Renner, Teeswater, on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Baker and Gwen, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Long, London, were at "Wheelin" over the weekend,- Scon Sjities.ag ANAL- Dear Readers: I arrived home from my 'Spring Vacation" in Victoria Hospital on Sunday evening. I'm still trying to get myself sorted out, So I hope that you'll bear with me if the news is not related in such an interesting manner as Mrs, R, F. Gairdner presented it during my seven week's absence. Tm deeply grateful for her help, appreciated receiving the ton News-Record, cards, aetters„ visits, flowers, gifts, and the pray, ers offered on my behalf, They all helped make life enjoyable, I hope that you'll continue to help me give the news to those away from home. It is like a let, ter to those away from the village, and naturally as I did, they like to read all the homey little- doings or stories of the district. Maybe next week, after • I've . written up all the personals and interesting doings you've given me • (phone •Bayifeld 45 r3) I'll tell you .something of my "Spring Voce,* tion" in Room 61.7, West, Victoria Hospital, - Your Bayfield Correspondent, Lucy Woods electronically analyzes troubles that cause missing — stalling -- hard starting—low gas mileage. • electronically pinpoints ignition defects -- In-stantly Shows faulty plugs, points, rotor cap —other defects. • gives the most accurate tune-up analysis ever offered anywhere. DRIVE IN NOW have your car tuned for top PerforO2-&UN the modern Anal-ID-Scope way, AUTO WELLS ELECTRIC Clinton U. Phone H2.3851 ening last Week. Mrs. Robert Heath and little Timothy, who have been here ow- ing to the illness of her father, George Castle, left on Wednesday for Mahon Airport, on their re- turn to Calgary, Mrs. R, Roy Fitzsimons enter- tained for her daughter, Karen, on her 8th birthday, on Tuesday af- ternoon. Her classmates of Grade two and -their teacher, Mrs. Will, lam Parker and other small firends enjoyed a party on the lawn, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hayman, Mr. and Mrs, W. 0, Heine, Lon- don, were at the former's cottage for the weekend, Mr, and Mrs, James Hayman and Liza, London, also spent Sunday with his par. ents, Mr. and Mrs, John Fraser were in London on Sunday, with their son, Jack Fraser and family. They attended the Mother's Day service at King Street United Church where their granddaughter, Eliz- abeth was baptised, Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Makins and Mrs, Reg Francis motored to Toronto on Tuesday. On their re- turn that evening they were ac: companied by Reg Francis, who went to Toronto for surgery on April 6. He is recuperating nicely, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLaren and Miss Christine, Port Elgin, were with Mrs. IVIcLaren's sisters, Miss- es A, M. and E. 3. Stirling, over Sunday en route to visit at the home of their daughter, Mrs, H. Mason, London, and also over Wednesday night on their return. Mrs. Beth Hall of the Public Re- lations Staff of the Stratford Shakespearean Festival spent the weekend with Miss Irene Worth at "The Little Inn," Miss Worth who is starring in this seasons Shakespearean production was a guest at "The Little Inn" for a fortnight, J, Lauder Buchan. visited his niece, Mrs. R. H. Middleton, Hen- sail, from Friday to Sunday night. He accompanied Mr. and Mrs, R. H. Middleton and Bobby to Dun- nville on Saturday for the funeral of his brother, William F. Buch- an, who died suddenly at his home there on April 6. Mr. and Mrs. Hulls and family resided there before moving to their cottage at the Bayfield-Clin- ton Golf Course, late in Decem- ber, They returned here early Saturday morning as many play- er are already enjoying the cour- se. On Sunday they were again in Port Elgin to attend the Hulls re-union. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hulls and family, were in Port Elgin on. Friday night. for a communty par- ty given in their honor, in White's School. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Hulls were presented. with two lounge chairs, and their children Kenneth, Diane, Joanne and Billy each received a pen and pencil set, St. Andrew's WA The Woman's Association of St. Andrew's United church met at the home of Mrs. John MacKen- zie. on May 7. at 8 p.m. 22 mem- bers were present. Mrs. Lindsay Smith, president, opened the meeting. Mrs. Charles Bell read the minutes of the last meeting, and Miss J. Stirling pre- sented the treasurer's report. The president also read the les- son on humility: "Jesus washing the Disciples feet." Miss Maude Stirling read the Scripture from St. John, Chapter 13, verses 1-15. Mrs. Peacock was asked to ex- plain the joining of the different groups in the United Church as explained at Presbytery meeting, held last week at Montcrief, Mrs L Smith also made clear how the United Church provides homes for Older people, and told how much ileaSSISWIerla HEAR ONTARIO'S PRIME MINISTER. LESLIE M. FROST Box Office Opens 8 p.m. First Show at Dusk Children under 12 in cars Free Playground — — Refreshments —S For The Finest TOP TAN MEAT QUALITY MODERN in L RED BRAND E MARKET .° Y', BEEF • Maple WEINERS Leaf Cello Wrapped Reg. Price 55c—Save 10c Only 45c lb, SP. COTTAGE ROLL SAVE 10c LB. our Special CureLean 49 c lb. Our Own BREAKFAST Sliced BACON SAVE 10c LB. All Centre Cuts 59c lb Country SAUSAGE Style- - 4 lb. for $1.00 Our BACON Own Sliced ENDS - Good t. Tasty—Only 49c lb, . Fresh PORK Youn g LIVER Sliced 25c lb. Home LARD, Rendered Carton 3 lbs. For 39c ALWAYS HAMBURG SWEET and JU1CY—Ground from our Red Brand Beef 3 lb, for $1.00 FAST UNIFORM'GROW111 I GOOD FEATHERING! LOW MORTALITY! SIONAIN Gives Your ehiekg the Advantages of .SUPER CROWN POWER and that's what is essential in those early stages. Grow them fast and evenly and build strong, healthy and lively chicks. You can plan on MORE of your chicks growing on less feed by following a SHUR-GAIN PROVEN feeding program through to maturity. Canada Packers Limited Phone HU 2.9301 or HU 2.381S Clinton, Ontorio NOW the sweetesto surest tune-up ever with our amazing new 'Community Club A t SSA Plans Auction The SS No. 4 .Goderich Township Community Club met at the home of Mrs. Jack Tehbutt With la Members present, The president, Mrs, Jack Merrill presided. Thank. you notes were read and the roll call was responded to by " a house- bold hint," It was decided that An auction sale of mixed articles, value 50 cents, be held at the next meeting. The lvlizpah benediction closed the meting, The remainder. of the. afternoon was spent in quilting. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Harry Oakes and Mrs. Harold Howard, The next meeting Will be at the home of Mrs. Harold. Howard, with Mrs,. James Lobb and. Mrs, Lorne Tyndall, assisting the hostess, they enjoy these homes, An invitation extended to the WA to Brucefield Church on June 2, was accepted. The meeting closed with pray: er by the president, after which a social hour followed with the ladies in charge for May providing refreshments, A vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. J, MacKen- for her hespitality, I SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE 1 1/4 Miles East of Goderich On No, 8 Highway THURSDAY — FRIDAY MAY 14 and 15 "CAPTAIN KIDD" Randolph Scott, Charles Laughton PLUS "The March of the Wooden Soldiers" Stan Laurel Oliver Hardy SATURDAY — MONDAY MAY 16 and 18 "The RAWHIDE TRAIL" Rex Reason -- Nancy Gates PLUS "SPOOK CHASERS" BOWERY BOYS SUNDAY MIDNITE ONLY MAY 17th "SHE DEMON" Box Office Opens 12.01 Irish McCalla - Todd -Griffin PLUS "Giant From The Unknown" Sally Fraser -- Todd Griffin TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY MAY 19 and 20 "The BROTHERS RICO" Richard Conte -- Dianne Fraser PLUS "Escape From San Quentin" Johnny Desmond - Merry Anders Tuesday Evenin g MAY 19 8.15 p.m. WINGHAM Town Hall On behalf of CHARLIE MacNAUGHTON and JOHN HANNA WO Any Government Deficiency Pay- ment will apply only on properly graded wools. Secure the utmost by. patronizing the organization that made this possible. SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Obtain sacks and twine without charge from Russel Manson, Zurich, Ont. or by writing to Canadian Co-Operative Wool Growers Limited 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada GARDEN NEEDS We have the following in stock: VIGORO—Complete Plant Food in 5, 10, 25, and 50 lb. bags SHEEP MANURE—in 25 and 50 lb. bags NATIONAL PLANT FOOD-442-10 in 40 lb. bags "BONE MEAL, PEAT MOSS R EN N I E'S SEEDS—in packages Wettlauferi s Feed Mill Phone 'HU 2-9792 Mary St., Clinton 1•11.14.01 PZ. • 0,1 •••Y